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Tip revision: cb62824794724ed443c8e7d493d95a60c12ae94d authored by Rafael Fourquet on 23 June 2017, 14:43:58 UTC
add doc for iteratoraccess
Tip revision: cb62824
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

    Generator(f, iter)

Given a function `f` and an iterator `iter`, construct an iterator that yields
the values of `f` applied to the elements of `iter`.
The syntax `f(x) for x in iter [if cond(x)::Bool]` is syntax for constructing an instance of this
type. The `[if cond(x)::Bool]` expression is optional and acts as a "guard", effectively
filtering out values where the condition is false.

julia> g = (abs2(x) for x in 1:5 if x != 3);

julia> for x in g

julia> collect(g)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
struct Generator{I,F}

Generator(f, I1, I2, Is...) = Generator(a->f(a...), zip(I1, I2, Is...))

Generator(::Type{T}, iter::I) where {T,I} = Generator{I,Type{T}}(T, iter)

start(g::Generator) = (@_inline_meta; start(g.iter))
done(g::Generator, s) = (@_inline_meta; done(g.iter, s))
function next(g::Generator, s)
    v, s2 = next(g.iter, s)
    g.f(v), s2

## iterator traits

abstract type IteratorSize end
struct SizeUnknown <: IteratorSize end
struct HasLength <: IteratorSize end
struct HasShape <: IteratorSize end
struct IsInfinite <: IteratorSize end

    iteratorsize(itertype::Type) -> IteratorSize

Given the type of an iterator, returns one of the following values:

* `SizeUnknown()` if the length (number of elements) cannot be determined in advance.
* `HasLength()` if there is a fixed, finite length.
* `HasShape()` if there is a known length plus a notion of multidimensional shape (as for an array).
   In this case the [`size`](@ref) function is valid for the iterator.
* `IsInfinite()` if the iterator yields values forever.

The default value (for iterators that do not define this function) is `HasLength()`.
This means that most iterators are assumed to implement [`length`](@ref).

This trait is generally used to select between algorithms that pre-allocate space for their
result, and algorithms that resize their result incrementally.

julia> Base.iteratorsize(1:5)

julia> Base.iteratorsize((2,3))
iteratorsize(x) = iteratorsize(typeof(x))
iteratorsize(::Type) = HasLength()  # HasLength is the default

abstract type IteratorEltype end
struct EltypeUnknown <: IteratorEltype end
struct HasEltype <: IteratorEltype end

    iteratoreltype(itertype::Type) -> IteratorEltype

Given the type of an iterator, returns one of the following values:

* `EltypeUnknown()` if the type of elements yielded by the iterator is not known in advance.
* `HasEltype()` if the element type is known, and [`eltype`](@ref) would return a meaningful value.

`HasEltype()` is the default, since iterators are assumed to implement [`eltype`](@ref).

This trait is generally used to select between algorithms that pre-allocate a specific
type of result, and algorithms that pick a result type based on the types of yielded

julia> Base.iteratoreltype(1:5)
iteratoreltype(x) = iteratoreltype(typeof(x))
iteratoreltype(::Type) = HasEltype()  # HasEltype is the default

abstract type IteratorAccess end
struct ForwardAccess <: IteratorAccess end
struct RandomAccess <: IteratorAccess end
struct WritableRandomAccess <: IteratorAccess end

    iteratoraccess(itertype::Type) -> IteratorAccess

Given the type of an iterator, returns one of the following values:

* `ForwardAccess()` if the iterator can be iterated over.
* `RandomAccess()` if the iterator supports read-only indexing.
* `WritableRandomAccess()` if the iterator supports read-write indexing.

The default value (for iterators that do not define this function) is `ForwardAccess()`.

julia> Base.iteratoraccess(1:5)

julia> Base.iteratoraccess([1, 2, 3])

julia> Base.iteratoraccess(drop([1, 2, 3], 1))
iteratoraccess(x) = iteratoraccess(typeof(x))
iteratoraccess(::Type) = ForwardAccess() # ForwardAccess is the default

removewritable(::ForwardAccess) = ForwardAccess()
removewritable(::Union{RandomAccess,WritableRandomAccess}) = RandomAccess()

iteratorsize(::Type{<:AbstractArray}) = HasShape()
iteratorsize(::Type{Generator{I,F}}) where {I,F} = iteratorsize(I)

iteratoraccess(::Type{<:AbstractArray}) = RandomAccess()
iteratoraccess(::Type{<:Array}) = WritableRandomAccess()
iteratoraccess(::Type{Generator{I,F}}) where{I,F} = removewritable(iteratoraccess(I))

length(g::Generator) = length(g.iter)
size(g::Generator) = size(g.iter)
indices(g::Generator) = indices(g.iter)
ndims(g::Generator) = ndims(g.iter)
getindex(g::Generator, key...) = map(g.f, g.iter[key...])

iteratoreltype(::Type{Generator{I,T}}) where {I,T} = EltypeUnknown()
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