Raw File
Tip revision: eba9473fa3f6bf42dd3d21ef9c5abdc9cae64164 authored by Rui Zhao (SPEECH) on 12 May 2020, 21:52:37 UTC
prob out consistent
Tip revision: eba9473
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MLFUtils.h"
#include "ReaderUtil.h"

// Disabling some deprecation warnings in boost.
// Classes that we use are not deprecated.
#pragma warning(disable : 4348 4459 4100 4819)
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#pragma warning(default : 4348 4459 4100 4819)

using namespace std;

namespace CNTK

inline void EraseEmptyLines(vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>>& lines)
    auto end = std::remove_if(lines.begin(), lines.end(), [](const boost::iterator_range<char*>& r) { return r.empty(); });
    lines.erase(end, lines.end());

void StateTable::ReadStateList(const wstring& stateListPath)
    vector<char> buffer; // buffer owns the characters -- don't release until done
    vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>> lines = ReadNonEmptyLines(stateListPath, buffer);
    size_t index = 0;

    for (index = 0; index < lines.size(); index++)
        string line(lines[index].begin(), lines[index].end());

        if (m_stateTable.find(line) != m_stateTable.end())
            RuntimeError("Deduplicate two states with the same name '%s' from the state table '%ls'.", line.c_str(), stateListPath.c_str());

        m_stateTable[line] = index;

    assert(index == m_stateTable.size());
    fprintf(stderr, "Total (%zu) state names in state list '%ls'\n", m_stateTable.size(), stateListPath.c_str());

    if (m_stateTable.empty())
        RuntimeError("State list table '%ls' is not allowed to be empty.", stateListPath.c_str());

vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>> StateTable::ReadNonEmptyLines(const wstring& path, vector<char>& buffer)
    // load it into RAM in one huge chunk, not more than a couple
    // thousand states.
    auto_file_ptr f(fopenOrDie(path, L"rb"));
    size_t len = filesize(f);
    buffer.reserve(len + 1);
    freadOrDie(buffer, len, f);
    buffer.push_back(0); // this makes it a proper C string

    vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>> lines;
    const static std::vector<bool> delim = DelimiterHash({'\r', '\n'});
    Split(, + buffer.size(), delim, lines);

    return lines;

const double MLFFrameRange::s_htkTimeToFrame = 100000.0;

void MLFFrameRange::Build(const vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>>& tokens, const unordered_map<string, size_t>& stateTable, size_t byteOffset)
    auto range = ParseFrameRange(tokens, byteOffset);
    size_t uid;
    bool wordbegin = false;
    if (!stateTable.empty()) // state table is given, check the state against the table.
        auto stateName = string(tokens[2].begin(), tokens[2].end());
        auto index = stateTable.find(stateName);
        if (index == stateTable.end())
            RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': frame range state '%s' is not found in the statelist", byteOffset, stateName.c_str());
        if (stateName[0] == '_')
            wordbegin = true;
        uid = index->second; // get state index
        // This is too simplistic for parsing more complex MLF formats. Fix when needed,
        // add support so that it can handle conditions where time instead of frame number is used.
        if (tokens.size() != 4)
            RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': CNTK supports 4-column format frame range or state list table.", byteOffset);

        if (!boost::spirit::qi::parse(tokens[3].begin(), tokens[3].end(), boost::spirit::qi::int_, uid))
            RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': cannot parse class id of the frame range", byteOffset);

    VerifyAndSaveRange(range, uid, byteOffset, wordbegin);

void MLFFrameRange::VerifyAndSaveRange(const pair<size_t, size_t>& frameRange, size_t uid, size_t byteOffset, bool wordbegin)
    if (frameRange.second < frameRange.first)
        RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': frame range end time is earlier than start time.", byteOffset);

    m_firstFrame = (unsigned int) frameRange.first;
    m_numFrames = (unsigned int) (frameRange.second - frameRange.first);
    m_classId = (ClassIdType) uid;
    m_wordbegin = wordbegin;

    // check for numeric overflow
    if (m_firstFrame != frameRange.first || m_firstFrame + m_numFrames != frameRange.second)
        RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': not enough bits for one of the frame range values.", byteOffset);

    if (m_classId != uid)
        RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': not enough bits to represent a class id '%zu'.", byteOffset, uid);

void MLFFrameRange::Save(unsigned int firstFrame, unsigned int numFrames, size_t uid)
    m_firstFrame = firstFrame;
    m_numFrames = numFrames;
    m_classId = (ClassIdType) uid;

pair<size_t, size_t> MLFFrameRange::ParseFrameRange(const vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>>& tokens, size_t byteOffset)
    if (tokens.size() < 2)
        RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': do not support frame range format with less than two columns.", byteOffset);

    double rts = 0;
    if (!boost::spirit::qi::parse(tokens[0].begin(), tokens[0].end(), boost::spirit::qi::double_, rts))
        RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': cannot parse start frame of range.", byteOffset);

    double rte = 0;
    if (!boost::spirit::qi::parse(tokens[1].begin(), tokens[1].end(), boost::spirit::qi::double_, rte))
        RuntimeError("Offset '%zu': cannot parse end frame of range.", byteOffset);

    // Simulating the old reader behavior.
    // If the difference between two frames is more than s_htkTimeToFrame, we expect conversion to time
    if (rte - rts >= s_htkTimeToFrame - 1) // convert time to frame
        return make_pair(
            (size_t)(rts / s_htkTimeToFrame + 0.5),
            (size_t)(rte / s_htkTimeToFrame + 0.5));
        return make_pair((size_t)(rts), (size_t)(rte));

// Parses the data into a vector of MLFFrameRanges.
bool MLFUtteranceParser::Parse(const boost::iterator_range<char*>& sequenceData, vector<MLFFrameRange>& utterance, size_t sequenceOffset)
    // Split to lines.
    vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>> lines;

    const static std::vector<bool> delim = DelimiterHash({'\r', '\n'});
    Split(sequenceData.begin(), sequenceData.end(), delim, lines);

    // Start parsing of actual entry
    size_t idx = 0;
    string sequenceKey = string(lines[idx].begin(), lines[idx].end());

    // Check that mlf entry has a correct sequence key.
    if (sequenceKey.length() < 3 || sequenceKey[0] != '"' || sequenceKey[sequenceKey.length() - 1] != '"')
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: skipping sequence entry '%s' due to it being too short or not quoted\n", sequenceKey.c_str());
        return false;

    // strip quotes
    sequenceKey = sequenceKey.substr(1, sequenceKey.length() - 2);

    if (sequenceKey.size() > 2 && sequenceKey[0] == '*' && sequenceKey[1] == '/')
        sequenceKey = sequenceKey.substr(2);

    // Remove extension if specified.
    sequenceKey = sequenceKey.substr(0, sequenceKey.find_last_of("."));

    // determine content line range [s,e)
    size_t s = idx;
    size_t e = lines.size() - 1;

    if (s >= e)
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: sequence entry (%s) is empty\n", sequenceKey.c_str());
        return false;

    utterance.resize(e - s);
    vector<boost::iterator_range<char*>> tokens;
    unordered_map<string, size_t> empty;
    for (size_t i = s; i < e; i++)

        const static std::vector<bool> spaceDelim = DelimiterHash({' '});
        Split(lines[i].begin(), lines[i].end(), spaceDelim, tokens);

        auto& current = utterance[i - s];
        current.Build(tokens, m_states ? m_states->States() : empty, sequenceOffset + std::distance(sequenceData.begin(), lines[i].begin()));

        // Check that frames are sequential.
        /*if (i > s)
            const auto& previous = utterance[i - s - 1];
            if (previous.FirstFrame() + previous.NumFrames() != current.FirstFrame())
                fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Labels are not in the consecutive order MLF in label set for utterance '%s'", sequenceKey.c_str());
                return false;

    /*if (utterance.front().FirstFrame() != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid first frame in utterance '%s'", sequenceKey.c_str());
        return false;

    if (utterance.size() == 1)
        return false;
    return true;

} // namespace CNTK
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