Raw File
Tip revision: 9371ec75561e47b76caf4db54158441e72c1742e authored by sanjeevm0 on 12 October 2016, 18:13:49 UTC
Merge branch 'sanjeevm/test-branch' into sanjeevm/test_branch
Tip revision: 9371ec7
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.

#include "TrainingNodes.h"

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleNodeBase<ElemType>::CopyTo(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeP, const std::wstring& newName, const CopyNodeFlags flags) const
    Base::CopyTo(nodeP, newName, flags);
    if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue)
        auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast<RandomSampleNodeBase<ElemType>>(nodeP);
        node->m_allowDuplicates           = m_allowDuplicates;
        node->m_sizeOfSampledSet          = m_sizeOfSampledSet;
        node->m_randomSeed                = m_randomSeed;

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleNodeBase<ElemType>::Save(File& fstream) const
    fstream << m_allowDuplicates;
    fstream << m_sizeOfSampledSet;

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleNodeBase<ElemType>::Load(File& fstream, size_t modelVersion)
    Base::Load(fstream, modelVersion);
    fstream >> m_allowDuplicates;
    fstream >> m_sizeOfSampledSet;

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleNodeBase<ElemType>::UpdateWeightsPrefixSum()
    const Matrix<ElemType>& samplingWeights = Input(0)->ValueAsMatrix();
    double runningWeightsSum = 0;
    for (int iClass = 0; iClass < samplingWeights.GetNumRows(); iClass++)
        ElemType currentWeight = samplingWeights.GetValue(iClass, 0);
        runningWeightsSum += currentWeight;

// Runs the sampling returning a vector with the id's of the samples. The parameter nTries is used to return the number of draws that was needed
// to get the expected number of samples.
template<class ElemType>
const std::vector<size_t> RandomSampleNodeBase<ElemType>::RunSampling(long& nTries)
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> r(0, m_samplingWeightsPrefixSum.back());
    std::unordered_set<int> alreadySampled;
    std::vector<size_t> samples;
    CPURNGHandle* cpuRNGHandle = dynamic_cast<CPURNGHandle*>(&GetRNGHandle(CPUDEVICE)); 
    // find random samples using the specified weight

    if (m_allowDuplicates)
        nTries = m_sizeOfSampledSet;
        nTries = 0; // just initialize and count how many tries we need.

    while (samples.size() < m_sizeOfSampledSet)
        double randomValue = r(cpuRNGHandle->Generator());
        // Find the first index where value[idx] >= randomValue.
        auto lower = std::lower_bound(m_samplingWeightsPrefixSum.begin(), m_samplingWeightsPrefixSum.end(), randomValue);
        int idx = (int)(lower - m_samplingWeightsPrefixSum.begin());

        if (m_allowDuplicates)
            // Sampling without replacement: each value can be sampled at most once. 
            // The implementation below using rejection sampling is problematic.
            // E.g if first class has probability p = 0.999 we typically will have to sample 1000 times or more to hit another class.
            // BUGBUG Alternative implementions, e.g:
            // * Weighted Random Sampling with Reservoir:
            // * Binary tree with classes as leafes and branch probs on non-leafes.
            // * As in numpy:
            if (alreadySampled.find(idx) != alreadySampled.end()) continue;
    return samples;

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleNode<ElemType>::ForwardPropNonLooping()
    Matrix<ElemType>& valueMatrix = ValueAsMatrix();
    valueMatrix.TransferToDeviceIfNotThere(CPUDEVICE, /*ismoved =*/ true/*means: BOTH state not ok */, /*emptyTransfer =*/ true, /*updatePreferredDevice =*/ false);

    //BUGBUG: matrix type should be configured during validation
    valueMatrix.SwitchToMatrixType(SPARSE, matrixFormatSparseCSC, false);

    // Get vector with indices of randomly sampled classes
    const std::vector<size_t> samples = GetWeightedSamples();

    // Set columns of (sparse) result matrix as indicator vectors
    for (size_t i = 0; i < Base::m_sizeOfSampledSet; i++)
        int sample = samples[i];
        valueMatrix.SetValue(sample, i, 1);

template<class ElemType>
const std::vector<size_t> RandomSampleNode<ElemType>::GetWeightedSamples()
    long dummy;
    // Here we are not interested in the number of sampling tries needed, which is returned in the parameter.
    return Base::RunSampling(dummy);

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleNode<ElemType>::Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass)
    m_pMBLayout = nullptr;

    let& shape = Input(0)->GetSampleLayout();
    let dims = shape.GetDims();
    size_t nClasses = dims[0];

    // Output: a (sparse) matrix containing m_sizeOfSampledSet columns of 1-hot vectors specifiying the sampled classes.
    SetDims(TensorShape(nClasses, Base::m_sizeOfSampledSet), false);

template<class ElemType>
bool RandomSampleNode<ElemType>::IsOutOfDateWrtInputs() const
    // If we are in the mode to generate random samples (i.e. m_estimateInSampleFrequency == false) 
    // we need to recompute the result for each mini-batch even if the weight vector didn't change.
    return true;

template<class ElemType>
double RandomSampleInclusionFrequencyNode<ElemType>::EstimateNumberOfTries()
    // We estimate the average numver of tries by repeating a fixed number of experiments
    const size_t numExperiments = 10; // We choose 10 without any deep justification.
    long totalTries = 0;
    for (int iExperiment = 0; iExperiment < numExperiments; iExperiment++)
        long nTries;
        totalTries += nTries;
    return totalTries / (double)numExperiments;

// Estimates the expected number of occurences of each class in the sampled set.
// For sampling without replacement we use estimate using average number of tries. (Inspired by TensorFlow)
// BUGBUG: Consider to reimplement using a less biased estimate as proposed by Nikos.
template<class ElemType>
double RandomSampleInclusionFrequencyNode<ElemType>::EstimateInSampleFrequency(double p, double estimatedNumTries) const
    if (Base::m_allowDuplicates)
        return p * Base::m_sizeOfSampledSet;
    else /* No duplicates allowed. Estimated count is same as probability of inclusion. */
        return -expm1(estimatedNumTries * log1p(-p));

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleInclusionFrequencyNode<ElemType>::ForwardPropNonLooping()
    Matrix<ElemType>& valueMatrix = ValueAsMatrix();
    valueMatrix.TransferToDeviceIfNotThere(CPUDEVICE, /*ismoved =*/ true/*means: BOTH state not ok */, /*emptyTransfer =*/ true, /*updatePreferredDevice =*/ false);

    //BUGBUG: matrix type should be configured during validation
    valueMatrix.SwitchToMatrixType(DENSE, matrixFormatDense, false);
    double sumOfWeights = Base::m_samplingWeightsPrefixSum.back();
    const Matrix<ElemType>& samplingWeights = Input(0)->ValueAsMatrix();

    double estimatedNumTries = EstimateNumberOfTries();

    for (int i = 0; i < Base::m_samplingWeightsPrefixSum.size(); i++)
        // Get the sampling probablility for from the weights for i-th class.
        double samplingProb = samplingWeights.GetValue(i, 0) / sumOfWeights;
        double estimatedCount = EstimateInSampleFrequency(samplingProb, estimatedNumTries);
        valueMatrix.SetValue(i, 0, (ElemType)estimatedCount);

template<class ElemType>
void RandomSampleInclusionFrequencyNode<ElemType>::Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass)
    m_pMBLayout = nullptr;

    let& shape = Input(0)->GetSampleLayout();
    let dims = shape.GetDims();
    size_t nClasses = dims[0];

    // Output: one vector containing the estimated in sample frequency for each class.
    SetDims(TensorShape(nClasses, 1), false);

template class RandomSampleNode<float>;
template class RandomSampleNode<double>;
template class RandomSampleInclusionFrequencyNode<float>;
template class RandomSampleInclusionFrequencyNode<double>;
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