Raw File
Tip revision: d38063f781dd51b9ce712fb32f49777b655f4eac authored by snyk-bot on 14 November 2022, 21:19:43 UTC
fix: requirements/dev.txt to reduce vulnerabilities
Tip revision: d38063f
# Set the default behavior, in case people don't have core.autocrlf set.
* text=auto

# Documents
*.bibtex   text diff=bibtex
*.doc	        diff=astextplain
*.DOC	        diff=astextplain
*.docx          diff=astextplain
*.DOCX          diff=astextplain
*.dot           diff=astextplain
*.DOT           diff=astextplain
*.pdf           diff=astextplain
*.PDF           diff=astextplain
*.rtf           diff=astextplain
*.RTF	        diff=astextplain
*.md       text
*.tex      text diff=tex
*.adoc     text
*.textile  text
*.mustache text
*.csv      text
*.tab      text
*.tsv      text
*.txt      text
*.sql      text

# Source code
*.bash            text eol=lf
*.bat             text eol=crlf
*.cmd             text eol=crlf
*.coffee          text
*.css             text
*.htm             text diff=html
*.html            text diff=html
*.inc             text
*.ini             text
*.js              text
*.json            text
*.jsx             text
*.less            text
*.ls              text
*.map             text -diff
*.od              text
*.onlydata        text
*.php             text diff=php
*.pl              text
*.ps1             text eol=crlf
*.py              text diff=python
*.rb              text diff=ruby
*.sass            text
*.scm             text
*.scss            text diff=css
*.sh              text eol=lf
*.sql             text
*.styl            text
*.tag             text
*.ts              text
*.tsx             text
*.xml             text
*.xhtml           text diff=html

# Documentation
*.ipynb           text
*.markdown        text
*.md              text
*.mdwn            text
*.mdown           text
*.mkd             text
*.mkdn            text
*.mdtxt           text
*.mdtext          text
*.txt             text
AUTHORS           text
CHANGELOG         text
CHANGES           text
COPYING           text
copyright         text
*COPYRIGHT*       text
INSTALL           text
license           text
LICENSE           text
NEWS              text
readme            text
*README*          text
TODO              text

# Configs
*.bowerrc         text
*.cnf             text
*.conf            text
*.config          text
.babelrc          text
.browserslistrc   text
.editorconfig     text
.env              text
.gitattributes    text
.gitconfig        text
.htaccess         text
.mocharc          text
.nycrc            text
.prettierrc       text
.prettierignore   text
*.lock            text -diff
package-lock.json text -diff
*.npmignore       text
*.toml            text
*.yaml            text
*.yml             text
browserslist      text
Makefile          text
makefile          text

# Graphics
*.png      binary
*.jpg      binary
*.jpeg     binary
*.gif      binary
*.tif      binary
*.tiff     binary
*.ico      binary
*.svg      text
*.eps      binary

# Scripts
*.bash     text eol=lf
*.fish     text eol=lf
*.sh       text eol=lf
*.bat      text eol=crlf
*.cmd      text eol=crlf
*.ps1      text eol=crlf

# Serialisation
*.json     text
*.toml     text
*.xml      text
*.yaml     text
*.yml      text

# Archives
*.7z       binary
*.gz       binary
*.tar      binary
*.tgz      binary
*.zip      binary

# Text files where line endings should be preserved
*.patch    -text

# Exclude files from exporting
.gitattributes export-ignore
.gitignore     export-ignore

# Executables
*.exe             binary
*.pyc             binary
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