Raw File
Tip revision: 3d7d4742b69327570633be08e91d243dc983c9ee authored by Adiv Paradise on 25 February 2019, 04:25:56 UTC
Overhauled solar angle calculation to allow general orbital parameters. You can now produce synchronous rotation for example by setting sidereal_day and sidereal_year equal to each other. For true synchronicity, however, best to continue to use NFIXED and FIXEDLON, since numerical error in orbital calculations causes the substellar point to drift otherwise.
Tip revision: 3d7d474
\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\
Symbol         & Definition                       & Value   & Unit \\
\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\
$a$       & earth radius                          & $\rm 6371\e{3}$ & $\rm
m$ \\
$A$       & $=D+\vec{V} \cdot \nabla \ln p_s $         &         & $\rm -$ \\
${\cal A}$      &  absorptivity/emissivity                                           &                     & $\rm -$ \\
${\cal A}_S$  & surface emissivity                                              &         &$\rm -$ \\
$B(T)$            & Planck function                    &    &$\rm Wm^{-2}$ \\
$cc$      & cloud cover                 &    & $\rm -$\\
$C_{char}$     & Charnock constant                     & 0.018   & $\rm -$ \\
$C_h$          & transfer coefficient for heat         &         & $\rm -$ \\
$C_m$          & drag coefficient for momentum         &         & $\rm -$ \\
$c_p$          & specific heat of moist air at constant pressure      &         & $\rm J\,
kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\  
$c_{pd}$  & specific heat of dry air at constant pressure   & 1005.46      & $\rm J\,
kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$c_{pv}$  & specific heat of water vapor at constant pressure    & 1869.46      & $\rm J\,
kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$c_{p_i}$      & specific heat of sea ice              & 2070         & $\rm W\,
s\, kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$c_{p_s}$      & specific heat of snow            & 2090         & $\rm W\,
s\, kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$c_{p_w}$      & specific heat of sea water            & 4180         & $\rm W\,
s\, kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$c_w$          & coefficient for the deep ocean heat flux   & 4       & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$C_w$          & wetness factor                   &         & $\rm -$ \\

$D$       & scaled divergence                          &         & $\rm -$ \\

$E$       & evaporation                      &         & $\rm m\,
s^{-1}$ \\
$E_0$          & extrateristical solar flux density         &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}$ \\

$f$       & Coriolis parameter $=:2\Omega\sin\varphi$  &         & $\rm
s^{-1}$ \\
$F_p$          & tendency of the first moment$=:\frac{d R_{1}}{d t}$  &    &
$\rm K\, m^2\, s^{-1}$ \\
$F_q$          & tendency of the zeroth moment$=:\frac{d R_{0}}{d t}$ &    &
$\rm K\, m\, s^{-1}$ \\
$F_q$          & surface moisture flux            &         & $\rm kg\,
m^{-2}\, s^{-1}$ \\
$F_T$          & surface sensible heat flux            &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}$ \\
$F_u$          & surface zonal wind stress             &         & $\rm Pa$
$F_v$          & surface meridional wind stress        &         & $\rm Pa$
$F^{LW}$  & long wave radiation flux density      &    &$\rm  W m^{-2}$ \\
$F^{SW}$  & short wave radiation flux density     &    &$\rm  W m^{-2}$ \\
$g$       & gravitational acceleration            & 9.81         & $\rm
m^{-2}$ \\

$h_{mix}$      & mixed layer depth                     &         & $\rm m$ \\
$h_{mix_c}$    & climatological mixed layer depth           &         & $\rm m$ \\
$H_q$          & effective mixed layer depth $=:\frac{R_{0}}{T_{mix}-T_{ref}}$ &
& $\rm m$ \\
$H_p$          & reduced center of gravity $=:\frac{R_{1}}{R_0}$ &         &
$\rm m$ \\ 


\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\
Symbol         & Definition                       & Value   & Unit \\
\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\

$J_q$          & vertical turbulent moisture flux           &         & $\rm kg\, m^{-2}\,
s^{-1}$ \\
$J_T$          & vertical turbulent temperature flux        &         & $\rm K\,
m^{-2}\, s^{-1}$ \\
$J_u$          & vertical turbulent flux of zonal momentum  &         & $\rm Pa$
$J_v$          & vertical turbulent flux of meridional momentum &          & $\rm Pa$

$k$       & von Karman constant                   & 0.4          & $\rm -$ \\
$K_h$          & exchange coefficient for heat         &         & $\rm -$ \\
$K_m$          & exchange coefficient for momentum          &         &$\rm -$ \\
$L$       & latent heat                      &         & $\rm J\, kg^{-1}$\\

$L_f$          & latent heat of fusion = $L_s - L_v$        & $\rm 3.28\e{5}$   &
$\rm J\, kg^{-1}$ \\
$l_h$          & mixing length for heat                &         & $\rm m$ \\
$l_m$          & mixing length for momentum            &         &
$\rm m$ \\
$L_s$          & latent heat of sublimation            & $\rm 2.8345\e{6}$ & $\rm J\,
kg^{-1}$ \\
$L_v$          & latent heat of vapourization               & $\rm 2.5008\e{6}$
     & $\rm J\, kg^{-1}$ \\
$P_c$     & convective precipitation    &    &$\rm  m s^{-1}$ \\
$P_l$     & large scale precipitation   &    &$\rm  m s^{-1}$ \\
$P^m_n(\mu)$   & associated Legendre function of the first kind &          & $\rm -$ \\
$p$       & pressure  \hspace*{\fill}             &         & $\rm Pa$ \\
$p_S$          & surface pressure                 &         & $\rm Pa$
$p_s$          & scaled surface pressure               &         & $\rm -$ \\

$q$       & specific humidity                     &         & $\rm kg\,
kg^{-1}$ \\
$Q$       & total heat flux through sea ice       &         & $\rm W\, m^{-2}$
$\tilde{Q}$    & flux correction heat flux through sea ice  &         & $\rm W\, m^{-2}$
$Q_a$          & total atmospheric heat flux                &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}$ \\
$Q_c$          & conductive heat flux through sea ice       &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}$ \\
$Q_f$          & heat flux available for freezing sea ice   &         & $\rm W\, m^{-2}$
$Q_g$     & heat flux into the soil     &    & $\rm W m^{-2}$ \\
$Q_m$     & snow melt heat flux    &    & $\rm W m^{-2}$ \\
$Q_o$          & oceanic heat flux                     &         & $\rm W\, m^{-2}$
$q_S$          & surface specific humidity             &         & $\rm kg\,
kg^{-1}$ \\
$q_{sat}$      & saturation specific humidity               &         & $\rm kg\,
kg^{-1}$ \\
${\cal R}$     & refexivity/albedo      &    &$\rm -$ \\
${\cal R}_S$   & surface albedo    &    & $\rm -$ \\
$R_d$          & gas constant for dry air              & 287.05  & $\rm J\,
kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$R_l$          & surface long wave radiation           &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}$ \\
$R_s$          & surface short wave radiation               &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-2}$ \\
$R_v$          & gas constant for water vapor               & 461.51  &
$\rm J\, kg^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$R_{0}$   & zeroth moment of the temperature distribution   &         & $\rm K\,
m$ \\
$R_{1}$   & first moment of the temperature distribution    &         & $\rm K\,
m^2$ \\
$Ri$           & Richardson number                     &         & $\rm -$ \\ 
$S_w$          & salinity of sea water                 & 34.7    
     & $\rm psu$ \\


\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\
Symbol         & Definition                       & Value   & Unit \\
\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\

$t$       & time                             &         & $\rm s$ \\
$t$       & scaled time step                      &         & $\rm -$ \\
${\cal T}$     & transmissivity    &    &$\rm  -$ \\
$T$       & temperature                      &         & $\rm K$
$T'$           & temperature anomaly $=:T-T_0$              &         & $\rm -$ \\
$T_d$          & deep ocean temperature (at 400m)      &         & $\rm K$
$T_i$          & sea ice surface temperature           &         & $\rm K$ \\
$T_f$          & freezing temperature                  & 271.25  & $\rm K$
$T_s$          & surface temperature                   &         & $\rm K$
$T_{sea}$ & sea surface temperature     &    & $\rm K$ \\
$T_{melt}$     & melting point                    & 273.16  & $\rm K$ \\
$T_{mix}$      & mixed layer temperature               &         & $\rm K$ \\
$T_{mix_c}$    & climatological mixed layer temperature     &         & $\rm K$
$T_{ref}$      & asymptotic reference temperature           &         & $\rm K$ \\
$T_w$          & oceanic temperature profile                &         &
$\rm K$ \\
$T_0$          & reference temperature profile         &  250.0  & $\rm K$

$U$       & scaled zonal wind $=:u\cdot\cos\varphi$    &         & $\rm -$ \\
$u$       & zonal wind                       &         & $\rm m\, s^{-1}$
$u_*$          & friction velocity                          &         & $\rm m\, s^{-1}$ \\

$V$       & scaled meridional wind $=:v\cdot\cos\varphi$    &         & $\rm -$ \\
$v$       & meridional wind                  &         & $\rm m\, s^{-1}$
$\vec{v}$      & horizontal wind vector                &         & $\rm m\, s^{-1}$
$W_L$     & cloud liquid water path     &    & $\rm g m^2$ \\
$W_{snow}$ & mass of snow water    &    & $\rm kg $\\
$W_{soil}$     & soil water             &    & $\rm  m $\\
$z$       & height                      &    & $\rm m$ \\
$z_0$          & roughness length            &    & $\rm m$ \\
$\Delta t $    & time increment              &    & $\rm s$ \\
 $\Delta z $   & height increment            &    &$\rm  m$ \\
$\alpha$  & thermal expansion coefficient $\frac{1}{\rho} \frac{d\rho}{dT}$ & $\rm
2.41\e{-4}$ & $\rm K^{-1}$ \\
$\beta$   & back scattering coefficient &         &$\rm - $\\
$\beta_d$      & diffusivity factor          & 1.66    &$\rm - $ \\
$\zeta$   & scaled vorticity                      &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\theta$  & potential temperature            &         & $\rm K$ \\
$\kappa$  & $R_d/C_{pd}$                               &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\bar{\kappa}$      & mean heat conductivity in ice and snow     &         & $\rm W\,
m^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\
$\kappa_i$     & heat conductivity in ice              &  2.03   & $\rm W\, m^{-1}\,
K^{-1}$ \\
$\kappa_s$     & heat conductivity in snow             &  0.31   & $\rm W\,
m^{-1}\, K^{-1}$ \\

$\lambda_h$    & asymptotic mixing length for heat     &    &$\rm m $\\
$\lambda_m$    & asymptotic mixing length for momentum      &    &$\rm m $\\

$\lambda$      & longitude                                  &         & $\rm -$ \\

$\mu$          & $\sin\varphi$                              &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\mu_0$   & cosine of the solar zenith angle           &         & $\rm -$ \\ 

$\rho$         & density of air                   &         & $\rm kg\,
m^{-3}$ \\
$\rho_i$  & density of sea ice                    & 920          & $\rm kg\, m^{-3}$
$\rho_s$  & density of snow                       & 330          & $\rm kg\, m^{-3}$
$\rho_w$  & density of sea water                  & 1030         & $\rm kg\,
m^{-3}$ \\
$\rho_o$  & density of fresh water                & 1000    & $\rm kg\, m^{-3}$


\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\
Symbol         & Definition                       & Value   & Unit \\
\vspace{-3mm} & & & \\
$\sigma$  & normalized pressure coordinate $=: p/p_s$       &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\dot{\sigma}$  & vertical velocity in $\sigma$ system           &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\sigma_{SB}$ & Stefan-Bolzmann constant & $ 5.67 \e{-8}$ &$\rm W m^{-2}K^{-4}$ \\
$\tau_N$  & cloud optical depth    &    &$\rm  -$\\
$\tau_{F}$     & time scale for RF                     &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\tau_{R}$     & time scale for NC                     &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\tau_{T}$     & time scale for temperature flux correction      &         & $\rm s$ \\
$\tau_{h}$     & time scale for depth flux correction            &         & $\rm s$ \\

$\phi$         & geopotential height $:=g\cdot{z}$          &         & $\rm m^2\,
s^{-2}$ \\
$\phi$         & scaled geopotential height            &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\varphi$      & latitude                                   &         & $\rm -$ \\

$\chi$    & scaled velocity potential                  &         & $\rm -$ \\

$\psi$         & scaled streamfunction                      &         & $\rm -$ \\
$\Omega$  & angular velocity of the earth              & $\rm 7.292\e{-5}$ & $\rm
s^{-1}$ \\
$\tilde{\omega_0}$ & single scattering albedo     &    &$\rm- $\\


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