Raw File
Tip revision: b5e8217dfbe905ef1f30f7bd584a83dfb9e2260e authored by Steven Johnson on 19 January 2023, 19:40:52 UTC
Remove the watchdog timer from generator_main(). It was intended to kill pathologically slow builds, but in the environment it was added for (Google build servers), it ended up being redundant to existing mechanisms, and removing it allows us to remove a dependency on threading libraries in libHalide.
Tip revision: b5e8217

/** \file
 * Defines method that returns a list of let stmts, substitutions, and
 * predicates to be added given a split schedule.

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "Expr.h"
#include "Schedule.h"

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

struct ApplySplitResult {
    // If type is "Substitution", then this represents a substitution of
    // variable "name" to value. ProvideValueSubstitution and
    // ProvideArgSubstitution are similar, but only apply to instances
    // found on the LHS or RHS of a call or provide. respectively. If
    // type is "LetStmt", we should insert a new let stmt defining
    // "name" with value "value". If type is "Predicate", we should
    // ignore "name" and the predicate is "value".

    std::string name;
    Expr value;

    enum Type { Substitution = 0,
                Predicate };
    Type type;

    ApplySplitResult(const std::string &n, Expr val, Type t)
        : name(n), value(std::move(val)), type(t) {
    ApplySplitResult(Expr val, Type t = Predicate)
        : name(""), value(std::move(val)), type(t) {

    bool is_substitution() const {
        return (type == Substitution);
    bool is_substitution_in_calls() const {
        return (type == SubstitutionInCalls);
    bool is_substitution_in_provides() const {
        return (type == SubstitutionInProvides);
    bool is_let() const {
        return (type == LetStmt);
    bool is_predicate() const {
        return (type == Predicate);
    bool is_predicate_calls() const {
        return (type == PredicateCalls);
    bool is_predicate_provides() const {
        return (type == PredicateProvides);

/** Given a Split schedule on a definition (init or update), return a list of
 * of predicates on the definition, substitutions that needs to be applied to
 * the definition (in ascending order of application), and let stmts which
 * defined the values of variables referred by the predicates and substitutions
 * (ordered from innermost to outermost let). */
std::vector<ApplySplitResult> apply_split(
    const Split &split, bool is_update, const std::string &prefix,
    std::map<std::string, Expr> &dim_extent_alignment);

/** Compute the loop bounds of the new dimensions resulting from applying the
 * split schedules using the loop bounds of the old dimensions. */
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Expr>> compute_loop_bounds_after_split(
    const Split &split, const std::string &prefix);

}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide

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