Raw File
Tip revision: b5e8217dfbe905ef1f30f7bd584a83dfb9e2260e authored by Steven Johnson on 19 January 2023, 19:40:52 UTC
Remove the watchdog timer from generator_main(). It was intended to kill pathologically slow builds, but in the environment it was added for (Google build servers), it ended up being redundant to existing mechanisms, and removing it allows us to remove a dependency on threading libraries in libHalide.
Tip revision: b5e8217
#include <map>

#include "CSE.h"
#include "IREquality.h"
#include "IRMutator.h"
#include "IROperator.h"
#include "IRVisitor.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "Simplify.h"

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

namespace {

// Some expressions are not worth lifting out into lets, even if they
// occur redundantly many times. They may also be illegal to lift out
// (e.g. calls with side-effects).
// This list should at least avoid lifting the same cases as that of the
// simplifier for lets, otherwise CSE and the simplifier will fight each
// other pointlessly.
bool should_extract(const Expr &e, bool lift_all) {
    if (is_const(e)) {
        return false;

    if (<Variable>()) {
        return false;

    if (lift_all) {
        return true;

    if (const Broadcast *a =<Broadcast>()) {
        return should_extract(a->value, false);

    if (const Cast *a =<Cast>()) {
        return should_extract(a->value, false);

    if (const Add *a =<Add>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Sub *a =<Sub>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Mul *a =<Mul>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Div *a =<Div>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Ramp *a =<Ramp>()) {
        return !is_const(a->stride);

    return true;

// A global-value-numbering of expressions. Returns canonical form of
// the Expr and writes out a global value numbering as a side-effect.
class GVN : public IRMutator {
    struct Entry {
        Expr expr;
        int use_count = 0;
        // All consumer Exprs for which this is the last child Expr.
        map<ExprWithCompareCache, int> uses;
        Entry(const Expr &e)
            : expr(e) {
    vector<std::unique_ptr<Entry>> entries;

    map<Expr, int, ExprCompare> shallow_numbering, output_numbering;
    map<ExprWithCompareCache, int> leaves;

    int number = -1;

    IRCompareCache cache;

        : number(0), cache(8) {

    Stmt mutate(const Stmt &s) override {
        internal_error << "Can't call GVN on a Stmt: " << s << "\n";
        return Stmt();

    ExprWithCompareCache with_cache(const Expr &e) {
        return ExprWithCompareCache(e, &cache);

    Expr mutate(const Expr &e) override {
        // Early out if we've already seen this exact Expr.
            auto iter = shallow_numbering.find(e);
            if (iter != shallow_numbering.end()) {
                number = iter->second;
                return entries[number]->expr;

        // We haven't seen this exact Expr before. Rebuild it using
        // things already in the numbering.
        number = -1;
        Expr new_e = IRMutator::mutate(e);

        // 'number' is now set to the numbering for the last child of
        // this Expr (or -1 if there are no children). Next we see if
        // that child has an identical parent to this one.

        auto &use_map = number == -1 ? leaves : entries[number]->uses;
        auto p = use_map.emplace(with_cache(new_e), (int)entries.size());
        auto iter = p.first;
        bool novel = p.second;
        if (novel) {
            // This is a never-before-seen Expr
            number = (int)entries.size();
            iter->second = number;
            entries.emplace_back(new Entry(new_e));
        } else {
            // This child already has a syntactically-equal parent
            number = iter->second;
            new_e = entries[number]->expr;

        // Memorize this numbering for the old and new forms of this Expr
        shallow_numbering[e] = number;
        output_numbering[new_e] = number;
        return new_e;

/** Fill in the use counts in a global value numbering. */
class ComputeUseCounts : public IRGraphVisitor {
    GVN &gvn;
    bool lift_all;

    ComputeUseCounts(GVN &g, bool l)
        : gvn(g), lift_all(l) {

    using IRGraphVisitor::include;
    using IRGraphVisitor::visit;

    void include(const Expr &e) override {
        // If it's not the sort of thing we want to extract as a let,
        // just use the generic visitor to increment use counts for
        // the children.
        debug(4) << "Include: " << e
                 << "; should extract: " << should_extract(e, lift_all) << "\n";
        if (!should_extract(e, lift_all)) {

        // Find this thing's number.
        auto iter = gvn.output_numbering.find(e);
        if (iter != gvn.output_numbering.end()) {
        } else {
            internal_error << "Expr not in shallow numbering: " << e << "\n";

        // Visit the children if we haven't been here before.

/** Rebuild an expression using a map of replacements. Works on graphs without exploding. */
class Replacer : public IRGraphMutator {
    Replacer() = default;
    Replacer(const map<Expr, Expr, ExprCompare> &r)
        : IRGraphMutator() {
        expr_replacements = r;

    void erase(const Expr &e) {

class RemoveLets : public IRGraphMutator {
    using IRGraphMutator::visit;

    Scope<Expr> scope;

    Expr visit(const Variable *op) override {
        if (scope.contains(op->name)) {
            return scope.get(op->name);
        } else {
            return op;

    Expr visit(const Let *op) override {
        Expr new_value = mutate(op->value);
        // When we enter a let, we invalidate all cached mutations
        // with values that reference this var due to shadowing. When
        // we leave a let, we similarly invalidate any cached
        // mutations we learned on the inside that reference the var.

        // A blunt way to handle this is to temporarily invalidate
        // *all* mutations, so we never see the same Expr node
        // on the inside and outside of a Let.
        decltype(expr_replacements) tmp;
        ScopedBinding<Expr> bind(scope, op->name, new_value);
        auto result = mutate(op->body);
        return result;

class CSEEveryExprInStmt : public IRMutator {
    bool lift_all;
    using IRMutator::visit;

    Stmt visit(const Store *op) override {
        // It's important to do CSE jointly on the index and value in
        // a store to stop:
        // f[x] = f[x] + y
        // from turning into
        // f[x] = f[z] + y
        // due to the two equal x's indices being CSE'd differently due to the presence of y.
        Expr dummy = Call::make(Int(32), Call::bundle, {op->value, op->index}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
        dummy = common_subexpression_elimination(dummy, lift_all);
        vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets;
        while (const Let *let =<Let>()) {
            lets.emplace_back(let->name, let->value);
            dummy = let->body;
        const Call *bundle = Call::as_intrinsic(dummy, {Call::bundle});
        internal_assert(bundle && bundle->args.size() == 2);
        Stmt s = Store::make(op->name, bundle->args[0], bundle->args[1],
                             op->param, mutate(op->predicate), op->alignment);
        for (auto it = lets.rbegin(); it != lets.rend(); it++) {
            s = LetStmt::make(it->first, it->second, s);
        return s;

    using IRMutator::mutate;

    Expr mutate(const Expr &e) override {
        return common_subexpression_elimination(e, lift_all);

    CSEEveryExprInStmt(bool l)
        : lift_all(l) {

}  // namespace

Expr common_subexpression_elimination(const Expr &e_in, bool lift_all) {
    Expr e = e_in;

    // Early-out for trivial cases.
    if (is_const(e) ||<Variable>()) {
        return e;

    debug(4) << "\n\n\nInput to CSE " << e << "\n";

    e = RemoveLets().mutate(e);

    debug(4) << "After removing lets: " << e << "\n";

    GVN gvn;
    e = gvn.mutate(e);

    ComputeUseCounts count_uses(gvn, lift_all);

    debug(4) << "Canonical form without lets " << e << "\n";

    // Figure out which ones we'll pull out as lets and variables.
    vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets;
    vector<Expr> new_version(gvn.entries.size());
    map<Expr, Expr, ExprCompare> replacements;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < gvn.entries.size(); i++) {
        const auto &e = gvn.entries[i];
        if (e->use_count > 1) {
            string name = unique_name('t');
            lets.emplace_back(name, e->expr);
            // Point references to this expr to the variable instead.
            replacements[e->expr] = Variable::make(e->expr.type(), name);
        debug(4) << i << ": " << e->expr << ", " << e->use_count << "\n";

    // Rebuild the expr to include references to the variables:
    Replacer replacer(replacements);
    e = replacer.mutate(e);

    debug(4) << "With variables " << e << "\n";

    // Wrap the final expr in the lets.
    for (size_t i = lets.size(); i > 0; i--) {
        Expr value = lets[i - 1].second;
        // Drop this variable as an acceptable replacement for this expr.
        // Use containing lets in the value.
        value = replacer.mutate(lets[i - 1].second);
        e = Let::make(lets[i - 1].first, value, e);

    debug(4) << "With lets: " << e << "\n";

    return e;

Stmt common_subexpression_elimination(const Stmt &s, bool lift_all) {
    return CSEEveryExprInStmt(lift_all).mutate(s);

// Testing code.

namespace {

// Normalize all names in an expr so that expr compares can be done
// without worrying about mere name differences.
class NormalizeVarNames : public IRMutator {
    int counter = 0;

    map<string, string> new_names;

    using IRMutator::visit;

    Expr visit(const Variable *var) override {
        map<string, string>::iterator iter = new_names.find(var->name);
        if (iter == new_names.end()) {
            return var;
        } else {
            return Variable::make(var->type, iter->second);

    Expr visit(const Let *let) override {
        string new_name = "t" + std::to_string(counter++);
        new_names[let->name] = new_name;
        Expr value = mutate(let->value);
        Expr body = mutate(let->body);
        return Let::make(new_name, value, body);

    NormalizeVarNames() = default;

void check(const Expr &in, const Expr &correct) {
    Expr result = common_subexpression_elimination(in);
    NormalizeVarNames n;
    result = n.mutate(result);
    internal_assert(equal(result, correct))
        << "Incorrect CSE:\n"
        << in
        << "\nbecame:\n"
        << result
        << "\ninstead of:\n"
        << correct << "\n";

// Construct a nested block of lets. Variables of the form "tn" refer
// to expr n in the vector.
Expr ssa_block(vector<Expr> exprs) {
    Expr e = exprs.back();
    for (size_t i = exprs.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        string name = "t" + std::to_string(i - 1);
        e = Let::make(name, exprs[i - 1], e);
    return e;

}  // namespace

void cse_test() {
    Expr x = Variable::make(Int(32), "x");
    Expr y = Variable::make(Int(32), "y");

    Expr t[32], tf[32];
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        t[i] = Variable::make(Int(32), "t" + std::to_string(i));
        tf[i] = Variable::make(Float(32), "t" + std::to_string(i));
    Expr e, correct;

    // This is fine as-is.
    e = ssa_block({sin(x), tf[0] * tf[0]});
    check(e, e);

    // Test a simple case.
    e = ((x * x + x) * (x * x + x)) + x * x;
    e += e;
    correct = ssa_block({x * x,               // x*x
                         t[0] + x,            // x*x + x
                         t[1] * t[1] + t[0],  // (x*x + x)*(x*x + x) + x*x
                         t[2] + t[2]});
    check(e, correct);

    // Check for idempotence (also checks a case with lets)
    check(correct, correct);

    // Check a case with redundant lets
    e = ssa_block({x * x,
                   x * x,
                   t[0] / t[1],
                   t[1] / t[1],
                   t[2] % t[3],
                   (t[4] + x * x) + x * x});
    correct = ssa_block({x * x,
                         t[0] / t[0],
                         (t[1] % t[1] + t[0]) + t[0]});
    check(e, correct);

    // Check a case with nested lets with shared subexpressions
    // between the lets, and repeated names.
    Expr e1 = ssa_block({x * x,                 // a = x*x
                         t[0] + x,              // b = a + x
                         t[1] * t[1] * t[0]});  // c = b * b * a
    Expr e2 = ssa_block({x * x,                 // a again
                         t[0] - x,              // d = a - x
                         t[1] * t[1] * t[0]});  // e = d * d * a
    e = ssa_block({e1 + x * x,                  // f = c + a
                   e1 + e2,                     // g = c + e
                   t[0] + t[0] * t[1]});        // h = f + f * g

    correct = ssa_block({x * x,                                        // t0 = a = x*x
                         t[0] + x,                                     // t1 = b = a + x     = t0 + x
                         t[1] * t[1] * t[0],                           // t2 = c = b * b * a = t1 * t1 * t0
                         t[2] + t[0],                                  // t3 = f = c + a     = t2 + t0
                         t[0] - x,                                     // t4 = d = a - x     = t0 - x
                         t[3] + t[3] * (t[2] + t[4] * t[4] * t[0])});  // h (with g substituted in)
    check(e, correct);

    // Test it scales OK.
    e = x;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        e = e * e + e + i;
        e = e * e - e * i;
    Expr result = common_subexpression_elimination(e);

        Expr pred = x * x + y * y > 0;
        Expr index = select(x * x + y * y > 0, x * x + y * y + 2, x * x + y * y + 10);
        Expr load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true(), ModulusRemainder());
        Expr pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), pred, ModulusRemainder());
        e = select(x * y > 10, x * y + 2, x * y + 3 + load) + pred_load;

        Expr t2 = Variable::make(Bool(), "t2");
        Expr cse_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", t[3], Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true(), ModulusRemainder());
        Expr cse_pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", t[3], Buffer<>(), Parameter(), t2, ModulusRemainder());
        correct = ssa_block({x * y,
                             x * x + y * y,
                             t[1] > 0,
                             select(t2, t[1] + 2, t[1] + 10),
                             select(t[0] > 10, t[0] + 2, t[0] + 3 + cse_load) + cse_pred_load});

        check(e, correct);

        Expr pred = x * x + y * y > 0;
        Expr index = select(x * x + y * y > 0, x * x + y * y + 2, x * x + y * y + 10);
        Expr load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true(), ModulusRemainder());
        Expr pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), pred, ModulusRemainder());
        e = select(x * y > 10, x * y + 2, x * y + 3 + pred_load) + pred_load;

        Expr t2 = Variable::make(Bool(), "t2");
        Expr cse_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", select(t2, t[1] + 2, t[1] + 10), Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true(), ModulusRemainder());
        Expr cse_pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", select(t2, t[1] + 2, t[1] + 10), Buffer<>(), Parameter(), t2, ModulusRemainder());
        correct = ssa_block({x * y,
                             x * x + y * y,
                             t[1] > 0,
                             select(t[0] > 10, t[0] + 2, t[0] + 3 + t[3]) + t[3]});

        check(e, correct);

        Expr halide_func = Call::make(Int(32), "dummy", {0}, Call::Halide);
        e = halide_func * halide_func;
        Expr t0 = Variable::make(halide_func.type(), "t0");
        // It's okay to CSE Halide call within an expr
        correct = Let::make("t0", halide_func, t0 * t0);
        check(e, correct);

    debug(0) << "common_subexpression_elimination test passed\n";

}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide
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