Raw File
Tip revision: b5e8217dfbe905ef1f30f7bd584a83dfb9e2260e authored by Steven Johnson on 19 January 2023, 19:40:52 UTC
Remove the watchdog timer from generator_main(). It was intended to kill pathologically slow builds, but in the environment it was added for (Google build servers), it ended up being redundant to existing mechanisms, and removing it allows us to remove a dependency on threading libraries in libHalide.
Tip revision: b5e8217
#include "PrintLoopNest.h"
#include "AllocationBoundsInference.h"
#include "Bounds.h"
#include "BoundsInference.h"
#include "FindCalls.h"
#include "Func.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "IRPrinter.h"
#include "RealizationOrder.h"
#include "RemoveExternLoops.h"
#include "RemoveUndef.h"
#include "ScheduleFunctions.h"
#include "Simplify.h"
#include "SimplifyCorrelatedDifferences.h"
#include "SimplifySpecializations.h"
#include "SlidingWindow.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "UniquifyVariableNames.h"
#include "WrapCalls.h"

#include <tuple>

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

namespace {

class PrintLoopNest : public IRVisitor {
    PrintLoopNest(std::ostream &output, const map<string, Function> &e)
        : out(output), env(e), indent(0) {

    std::ostream &out;
    const map<string, Function> &env;
    int indent;

    Scope<Expr> constants;

    using IRVisitor::visit;

    Indentation get_indent() const {
        return Indentation{indent};

    string simplify_var_name(const string &s) {
        return simplify_name(s, false);

    string simplify_func_name(const string &s) {
        return simplify_name(s, true);

    string simplify_name(const string &s, bool is_func) {
        // Trim the function name and stage number from the for loop,
        // as well as any uniqueness $n suffixes on variables.
        std::ostringstream trimmed_name;

        bool keep = is_func;
        int dot_count = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
            if (s[i] == '.') {
                if (dot_count >= 2) {
                    if (dot_count == 2) {
                    keep = true;
            if (s[i] == '$') {
                keep = false;
            if (keep) {
                trimmed_name << s[i];

        return trimmed_name.str();

    void visit(const For *op) override {
        string simplified_loop_var_name = simplify_var_name(op->name);

        out << get_indent() << op->for_type << " " << simplified_loop_var_name;

        // If the min or extent are constants, print them. At this
        // stage they're all variables.
        Expr min_val = op->min, extent_val = op->extent;
        const Variable *min_var =<Variable>();
        const Variable *extent_var =<Variable>();
        if (min_var && constants.contains(min_var->name)) {
            min_val = constants.get(min_var->name);

        if (extent_var && constants.contains(extent_var->name)) {
            extent_val = constants.get(extent_var->name);

        if (extent_val.defined() && is_const(extent_val) &&
            min_val.defined() && is_const(min_val)) {
            Expr max_val = simplify(min_val + extent_val - 1);
            out << " in [" << min_val << ", " << max_val << "]";

        out << op->device_api;

        out << ":\n";
        indent += 2;
        indent -= 2;

    void visit(const Realize *op) override {
        // If the storage and compute levels for this function are
        // distinct, print the store level too.
        auto it = env.find(op->name);
        if (it != env.end() &&
            !(it->second.schedule().store_level() ==
              it->second.schedule().compute_level())) {
            out << get_indent();
            out << "store " << simplify_func_name(op->name) << ":\n";
            indent += 2;
            indent -= 2;
        } else {

    void visit(const ProducerConsumer *op) override {
        out << get_indent();
        if (op->is_producer) {
            out << "produce " << simplify_func_name(op->name) << ":\n";
        } else {
            out << "consume " << simplify_func_name(op->name) << ":\n";
        indent += 2;
        indent -= 2;

    void visit(const Provide *op) override {
        out << get_indent() << simplify_func_name(op->name) << "(...) = ...\n";

    void visit(const LetStmt *op) override {
        if (is_const(op->value)) {
            constants.push(op->name, op->value);
        } else {

}  // namespace

string print_loop_nest(const vector<Function> &output_funcs) {
    // Do the first part of lowering:

    // Create a deep-copy of the entire graph of Funcs.
    auto [outputs, env] = deep_copy(output_funcs, build_environment(output_funcs));

    // Output functions should all be computed and stored at root.
    for (const Function &f : outputs) {

    // Finalize all the LoopLevels
    for (auto &iter : env) {

    // Substitute in wrapper Funcs
    env = wrap_func_calls(env);

    // Compute a realization order and determine group of functions which loops
    // are to be fused together
    auto [order, fused_groups] = realization_order(outputs, env);

    // Try to simplify the RHS/LHS of a function definition by propagating its
    // specializations' conditions

    // For the purposes of printing the loop nest, we don't want to
    // worry about which features are and aren't enabled.
    Target target = get_host_target();
    for (DeviceAPI api : all_device_apis) {

    bool any_memoized = false;
    // Schedule the functions.
    Stmt s = schedule_functions(outputs, fused_groups, env, target, any_memoized);

    // Compute the maximum and minimum possible value of each
    // function. Used in later bounds inference passes.
    FuncValueBounds func_bounds = compute_function_value_bounds(order, env);

    // This pass injects nested definitions of variable names, so we
    // can't simplify statements from here until we fix them up. (We
    // can still simplify Exprs).
    s = bounds_inference(s, outputs, order, fused_groups, env, func_bounds, target);
    s = remove_extern_loops(s);
    s = sliding_window(s, env);
    s = simplify_correlated_differences(s);
    s = allocation_bounds_inference(s, env, func_bounds);
    s = remove_undef(s);
    s = uniquify_variable_names(s);
    s = simplify(s, false);

    // Now convert that to pseudocode
    std::ostringstream sstr;
    PrintLoopNest pln(sstr, env);
    return sstr.str();

}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide
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