Raw File
Tip revision: b5e8217dfbe905ef1f30f7bd584a83dfb9e2260e authored by Steven Johnson on 19 January 2023, 19:40:52 UTC
Remove the watchdog timer from generator_main(). It was intended to kill pathologically slow builds, but in the environment it was added for (Google build servers), it ended up being redundant to existing mechanisms, and removing it allows us to remove a dependency on threading libraries in libHalide.
Tip revision: b5e8217
// This header declares the Hexagon DMA API, without depending on the Hexagon SDK.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef unsigned long addr_t;

typedef unsigned int qurt_size_t;
typedef unsigned int qurt_mem_pool_t;
#define HALIDE_HEXAGON_ENUM enum __attribute__((aligned(4)))

__inline static int align(int x, int a) {
    return ((x + a - 1) & (~(a - 1)));


 * Power Corner vote
#define PW_MIN_SVS 0
#define PW_SVS2 1
#define PW_SVS 2
#define PW_SVS_L1 3
#define PW_NORMAL 4
#define PW_NORMAL_L1 5
#define PW_TURBO 6

 * Format IDs
} t_eDmaFmt;

 * DMA status
 * Currently not use, for future development
typedef void *t_stDmaWrapperDmaStats;

 * Transfer type
typedef HALIDE_HEXAGON_ENUM eDmaWrapper_TransationType{
    /// DDR to L2 transfer
    /// L2 to DDR transfer
} t_eDmaWrapper_TransationType;

 * Roi Properties
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_Roi {
    /// ROI x position in pixels
    uint16 u16X;
    /// ROI y position in pixels
    uint16 u16Y;
    /// ROI width in pixels
    uint16 u16W;
    /// ROI height in pixels
    uint16 u16H;
} t_StDmaWrapper_Roi;

 * Frame Properties
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_FrameProp {
    /// Starting physical address to buffer
    addr_t aAddr;
    /// Frame height in pixels
    uint16 u16H;
    /// Frame width in pixels
    uint16 u16W;
    /// Frame stride in pixels
    uint16 u16Stride;
} t_StDmaWrapper_FrameProp;

 * Roi alignment
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo {
    /// ROI width in pixels
    uint16 u16W;
    /// ROI height in pixels
    uint16 u16H;
} t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo;

 * DmaTransferSetup Properties
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup {
    /// Frame Width in pixels
    uint16 u16FrameW;
    /// Frame height in pixels
    uint16 u16FrameH;
    /// Frame stride in pixels
    uint16 u16FrameStride;
    /// ROI x position in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiX;
    /// ROI y position in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiY;
    /// ROI width in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiW;
    /// ROI height in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiH;
    /// ROI stride in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiStride;
    /// Virtual address of the HW descriptor buffer (must be locked in the L2$).
    void *pDescBuf;
    /// Virtual address of the TCM pixeldata buffer (must be locked in the L2$).
    void *pTcmDataBuf;
    /// Virtual address of the DDR Frame buffer .
    void *pFrameBuf;
    // UBWC Format
    uint16 bIsFmtUbwc;
    /// Should the intermediate buffer be padded. This only apply for 8bit format sucha NV12, NV12-4R
    uint16 bUse16BitPaddingInL2;
    /// Format
    t_eDmaFmt eFmt;
    /// TransferType: eDmaWrapper_DdrToL2 (Read from DDR), eDmaWrapper_L2ToDDR (Write to DDR);
    t_eDmaWrapper_TransationType eTransferType;
} t_StDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup;

 * Abstraction for allocation of memory in cache and lock
 * @brief  API for Cache Allocation
 * @return NULL or Memory
void *HAP_cache_lock(unsigned int size, void **paddr_ptr);

 * Abstraction for deallocation of memory and unlock cache
 * @brief  API for Free
 * @return void
int HAP_cache_unlock(void *vaddr_ptr);

 * Handle for wrapper DMA engine
typedef void *t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle;

 * Allocates a DMA Engine to be used by using the default wait type (polling).
 * @brief       Allocates a DMA Engine to be used
 * @return      Success: Engine's DMA Handle
 * @n           Failure: NULL
extern t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaWrapper_AllocDma(void);

 * Frees a DMA Engine that was previously allocated by AllocDma().
 * @brief       Frees a DMA Engine
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_FreeDma(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * Starts a transfer on the provided DMA engine. The transfer is based
 * on descriptors constructed in earlier nDmaWrapper_Prepare() and
 * nDmaWrapper_Update() calls.
 * @brief       Starts a transfer request on the DMA engine
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_Move(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * Blocks until all outstanding transfers on the DMA are complete.
 * The wait type is based on the type specified when allocating the
 * engine.
 * @brief       Waits for all outstanding transfers on the DMA to complete
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_Wait(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * This call flushes the DMA buffers. Blocks until the flush of the DMA is complete.
 * @brief       Cleans up all transfers and flushes DMA buffers
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_FinishFrame(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * Get the recommended walk ROI width and height that should
 * be used if walking the entire frame. The ROI returned is always
 * in terms of frame dimensions. This function is different from
 * nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedRoi() as coordinates are not used.
 * @brief         Get the recommended walk ROI width and height
 * @param[in]     eFmtId - Format ID
 * @param[in]     bIsUbwc - Is the format UBWC (TRUE/FALSE)
 * @param[in,out] pStWalkSize - Initial walk size, will be overwritten with
 *                              the recommended walk size to align with DMA
 *                              requirements
 * @return        Success: OK
 * @n             Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedWalkSize(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, bool bIsUbwc,
                                                t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStWalkSize);

 * Calculates the HW descriptor buffer size based on the formats
 * that will be used with the engine.
 * @brief       Get the HW descriptor buffer size per DMA engine
 * @param[in]   aeFmtId - Array of format IDs, such as eDmaFmt_NV12, eDmaFmt_NV12_Y,
 *                        eDmaFmt_NV12_UV etc..
 * @param[in]   nsize - Number of format IDs provided
 * @return      Descriptor buffer size in bytes
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetDescbuffsize(t_eDmaFmt *aeFmtId, uint16 nsize);

 * Get the recommended (minimum) intermediate buffer stride for the
 * L2 Cache that is used transfer data from/to DDR. The stride is
 * greater than or equal to the width and must be a multiple of 256.
 * @brief       Get the recommended intermediate buffer stride.
 * @param[in]   eFmtId - Format ID
 * @param[in]   pStRoiSize - The ROI that will be used (should be aligned with
 *                           the DMA requirements for the format)
 * @param[in]   bIsUbwc - Is the format UBWC (TRUE/FALSE)
 * @return      Success: The intermediate buffer stride in pixels
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufStride(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId,
                                                       t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStRoiSize,
                                                       bool bIsUbwc);

 * Get the recommended intermediate buffer size for the L2 cache
 * that is used to transfer data to/from DDR.
 * @brief       Get the recommended intermediate buffer size
 * @param[in]   eFmtId - Format ID
 * @param[in]   bUse16BitPaddingInL2 - Is padding to 16 bits done in the L2 (TRUE/FALSE)
 * @param[in]   pStRoiSize - The ROI that will be used (should be aligned with
 *                           DMA requirements for the format). The Chroma ROI must
 *                           follow the standing convention that the provided
 *                           width and height must be specified in terms of the
 *                           Luma plane also such that when the width is divided
 *                           by 2 it specifies the number of interleaved Chroma
 *                           pixels.
 * @param[in]   bIsUbwc - Is the format UBWC (TRUE/FALSE), note that this should
 *                        be set to TRUE if either the DDR input or output will
 *                        be UBWC
 * @param[in]   u16IntermBufStride - The stride (in pixels) to use, the minimum
 *                                   stride may be obtained by calling
 *                                   nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufStride
 * @return      Success: The intermediate buffer size in bytes
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufSize(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, bool bUse16BitPaddingInL2,
                                                     t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStRoiSize,
                                                     bool bIsUbwc, uint16 u16IntermBufStride);

 * Setup Dma transfer parameters required to be ready to make DMA transfer.
 * call this API multiple to create a descriptor link list
 * @brief       Dma transfer parameters per HW descriptor
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Wrapper's DMA Handle. Represents t_StDmaWrapper_DmaEngine.
 * @param[in]   stpDmaTransferParm - Dma Transfer parameters. Each element describes
 *                                   complete Frame/ROI details for this Dma transfer
 * @return      Success: OK
 *              Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle, t_StDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup *stpDmaTransferParm);

 * DMA power voting based on Cornercase
 * @brief       DMA power voting based on Cornercase
 * @param[in]   cornercase:
 *              \code{.cpp}
 *              #define PW_MIN_SVS 0
 *              #define PW_SVS2 1
 *              #define PW_SVS 2
 *              #define PW_SVS_L1 3
 *              #define PW_NORMAL 4
 *              #define PW_NORMAL_L1 5
 *              #define PW_TURBO 6
 *              \endcode
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_PowerVoting(uint32 cornercase);

#ifdef __cplusplus

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