Raw File
Tip revision: b5e8217dfbe905ef1f30f7bd584a83dfb9e2260e authored by Steven Johnson on 19 January 2023, 19:40:52 UTC
Remove the watchdog timer from generator_main(). It was intended to kill pathologically slow builds, but in the environment it was added for (Google build servers), it ended up being redundant to existing mechanisms, and removing it allows us to remove a dependency on threading libraries in libHalide.
Tip revision: b5e8217
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int64_t r(int64_t min, int64_t max) {
    int64_t n1 = rand();
    int64_t n2 = rand();
    int64_t n3 = rand();
    n1 = n1 ^ (n2 << 16) ^ (n3 << 16);
    n1 = n1 % (max - min);
    n1 = n1 + min;
    return n1;

int64_t sdiv(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
    return (a - ((a % b) + b) % b) / b;

int64_t srzdiv(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
    return a / b;

bool u_method_0(int den, int sh_post, int bits) {
    uint64_t max = (1L << bits) - 1;
    for (int64_t num = 0; num <= max; num++) {
        uint64_t result = num;
        result >>= sh_post;
        if (num / den != result) return false;
    return true;

bool u_method_1(int den, int64_t mul, int sh_post, int bits) {
    uint64_t max = (1L << bits) - 1;
    if (mul > max) return false;
    for (uint64_t num = 0; num <= max; num++) {
        uint64_t result = num;
        result *= mul;
        result >>= bits;
        if (result > max) return false;
        result >>= sh_post;
        if (num / den != result) return false;
    return true;

bool u_method_2(int den, int64_t mul, int sh_post, int bits) {
    uint64_t max = (1UL << bits) - 1;
    if (mul > max) return false;
    for (uint64_t num = 0; num <= max; num++) {
        uint64_t result = num;
        result *= mul;
        result >>= bits;
        if (result > max) return false;
        result = (result + num) >> 1;
        if (result > max) return false;
        result >>= sh_post;
        if (num / den != result) return false;
    return true;

bool u_method_3(int den, int64_t mul, int sh_post, int bits) {
    uint64_t max = (1UL << bits) - 1;
    if (mul > max) return false;
    for (uint64_t num = 0; num <= max; num++) {
        uint64_t result = num;
        result *= mul;
        result >>= bits;
        if (result > max) return false;
        result = (result + num + 1) >> 1;
        if (result > max) return false;
        result >>= sh_post;
        if (num / den != result) return false;
    return true;

bool s_method_0(int den, int sh_post, int bits) {
    int64_t min = -(1L << (bits - 1)), max = (1L << (bits - 1)) - 1;
    for (int64_t num = min; num <= max; num++) {
        int64_t result = num;
        result >>= sh_post;
        if (sdiv(num, den) != result) return false;
    return true;

bool s_method_1(int den, int64_t mul, int sh_post, int bits) {
    int64_t min = -(1 << (bits - 1)), max = (1 << (bits - 1)) - 1;

    for (int64_t num = min; num <= max; num++) {
        int64_t result = num;
        uint64_t xsign = result >> (bits - 1);
        uint64_t q0 = (mul * (xsign ^ result)) >> bits;
        result = xsign ^ (q0 >> sh_post);
        if (sdiv(num, den) != result) return false;
    return true;

bool srz_method_0(int den, int sh_post, int bits) {
    int64_t min = -(1L << (bits - 1)), max = (1L << (bits - 1)) - 1;
    for (int64_t num = min; num <= max; num++) {
        int64_t result = num;
        result += (result >> (bits - 1)) & (den - 1);
        result >>= sh_post;
        if (srzdiv(num, den) != result) return false;
    return true;

bool srz_method_1(int den, int64_t mul, int sh_post, int bits) {
    int64_t min = -(1 << (bits - 1)), max = (1 << (bits - 1)) - 1;

    for (int64_t num = min; num <= max; num++) {
        int64_t result = num;
        uint64_t xsign = result >> (bits - 1);
        uint64_t q0 = (mul * result) >> bits;
        result = (q0 >> sh_post);
        uint64_t mask = (1ULL << bits) - 1;
        result -= (xsign & mask);
        // Fix-up the sign bits
        result <<= (64 - bits);
        result >>= (64 - bits);
        if (srzdiv(num, den) != result) {
            return false;
    return true;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* This program computes a table to help us do cheap integer
        division by a constant. It is based on the paper "Division by
        Invariant Integers using Multiplication" by Granlund and

    FILE *c_out = fopen("IntegerDivisionTable.cpp", "w");
    FILE *h_out = fopen("IntegerDivisionTable.h", "w");

    fprintf(h_out, "%s",
            "#ifndef HALIDE_INTEGER_DIVISION_TABLE_H\n"
            "#define HALIDE_INTEGER_DIVISION_TABLE_H\n"
            "#include <cstdint>\n"
            "/** \\file\n"
            " * Tables telling us how to do integer division via fixed-point\n"
            " * multiplication for various small constants. This file is \n"
            " * automatically generated by find_inverse.cpp.\n"
            " */\n"
            "namespace Halide {\n"
            "namespace Internal {\n"
            "namespace IntegerDivision {\n");

    fprintf(c_out, "%s",
            "/** \\file\n"
            " * Tables telling us how to do integer division\n"
            " * via fixed-point multiplication for various small\n"
            " * constants. This file is automatically generated\n"
            " * by find_inverse.cpp. There are two sets of tables.\n"
            " * The first set is for compile-time-constant divisors\n"
            " * from 2 to 256. The second is for runtime divisors\n"
            " * from 1 to 255. The second set always uses the most\n"
            " * expensive method, while the compile-time set uses\n"
            " * the cheapest method for the given divisor.\n"
            " */\n"
            "#include \"IntegerDivisionTable.h\"\n"
            "namespace Halide {\n"
            "namespace Internal {\n"
            "namespace IntegerDivision {\n\n");

    for (int runtime = 0; runtime < 2; runtime++) {
        for (int bits = 8; bits <= 32; bits *= 2) {
            printf("Generating table%s_u%d...\n", runtime ? "_runtime" : "", bits);
            if (runtime) {
                fprintf(h_out, "extern const int64_t table_runtime_u%d[256][4];\n", bits);
                fprintf(c_out, "const int64_t table_runtime_u%d[256][4] = {\n", bits);
            } else {
                fprintf(h_out, "extern const int64_t table_u%d[256][4];\n", bits);
                fprintf(c_out, "const int64_t table_u%d[256][4] = {\n", bits);
            for (int d = 0; d < 256; d++) {
                if (runtime && d < 2) {
                    fprintf(c_out, "    {0, 0, 0, 0}, // unused\n");

                int den = d;
                if (den == 0) den = 256;
                if (!runtime) {
                    for (int shift = 0; shift < 16; shift++) {
                        if (u_method_0(den, shift, bits)) {
                            fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 0, 0, %d},\n", den, shift);
                            goto next_unsigned;

                    for (int shift = 0; shift < 8; shift++) {
                        int64_t mul = (1L << (bits + shift)) / den + 1;
                        if (u_method_1(den, mul, shift, bits)) {
                            fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 1, %lldULL, %d},\n", den, (long long)mul, shift);
                            goto next_unsigned;

                    for (int shift = 0; shift < 8; shift++) {
                        int64_t mul = (1L << (bits + shift + 1)) / den - (1L << bits);
                        mul &= (1L << bits) - 1;
                        if (u_method_3(den, mul, shift, bits)) {
                            fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 3, %lldULL, %d},\n", den, (long long)mul, shift);
                            goto next_unsigned;
                } else if (d == 1) {
                    // Runtime division by one is handled by a select
                    fprintf(c_out, "    {1, 0, 0ULL, 0},\n");
                    goto next_unsigned;

                    int shift = 31 - __builtin_clz(den - 1);
                    int64_t mul = (1L << (bits + shift + 1)) / den - (1L << bits) + 1;
                    mul &= (1L << bits) - 1;
                    if (u_method_2(den, mul, shift, bits)) {
                        fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 2, %lldULL, %d},\n", den, (long long)mul, shift);
                        goto next_unsigned;

                fprintf(c_out, "ERROR! No solution found for unsigned %d\n", den);
            fprintf(c_out, "};\n");
            printf("Generating table%s_s%d...\n", runtime ? "_runtime" : "", bits);
            if (runtime) {
                fprintf(h_out, "extern const int64_t table_runtime_s%d[256][4];\n", bits);
                fprintf(c_out, "const int64_t table_runtime_s%d[256][4] = {\n", bits);
            } else {
                fprintf(h_out, "extern const int64_t table_s%d[256][4];\n", bits);
                fprintf(c_out, "const int64_t table_s%d[256][4] = {\n", bits);
            for (int d = 0; d < 256; d++) {
                if (runtime && d < 2) {
                    fprintf(c_out, "    {0, 0, 0, 0}, // unused\n");
                int den = d;
                if (den == 0) den = 256;
                if (!runtime) {
                    for (int shift = 0; shift < 8; shift++) {
                        if (s_method_0(den, shift, bits)) {
                            fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 0, 0, %d},\n", den, shift);
                            goto next_signed;

                    int shift = 31 - __builtin_clz(den - 1);
                    int64_t mul = (1L << (shift + bits)) / den + 1;
                    if (s_method_1(den, mul, shift, bits)) {
                        fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 1, %lldLL, %d},\n", den, (long long)mul, shift);
                        goto next_signed;
                fprintf(c_out, "ERROR! No solution found for signed %d\n", den);
            fprintf(c_out, "};\n");
            printf("Generating table%s_srz%d...\n", runtime ? "_runtime" : "", bits);
            if (runtime) {
                fprintf(h_out, "extern const int64_t table_runtime_srz%d[256][4];\n", bits);
                fprintf(c_out, "const int64_t table_runtime_srz%d[256][4] = {\n", bits);
            } else {
                fprintf(h_out, "extern const int64_t table_srz%d[256][4];\n", bits);
                fprintf(c_out, "const int64_t table_srz%d[256][4] = {\n", bits);
            for (int d = 0; d < 256; d++) {
                if (runtime && d < 2) {
                    fprintf(c_out, "    {0, 0, 0, 0}, // unused\n");
                int den = d;
                if (den == 0) den = 256;
                if (!runtime) {
                    for (int shift = 0; shift < 8; shift++) {
                        if (srz_method_0(den, shift, bits)) {
                            fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 0, 0, %d},\n", den, shift);
                            goto next_signedrz;

                    int shift = 31 - __builtin_clz(den - 1);
                    int64_t mul = (1L << (shift + bits)) / den + 1;
                    if (srz_method_1(den, mul, shift, bits)) {
                        fprintf(c_out, "    {%d, 1, %lldLL, %d},\n", den, (long long)mul, shift);
                        goto next_signedrz;
                fprintf(c_out, "ERROR! No solution found for signed %d\n", den);
            fprintf(c_out, "};\n");

    fprintf(h_out, "}\n}\n}\n\n#endif\n");
    fprintf(c_out, "}\n}\n}\n");


    return 0;
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