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Tip revision: ae7a5bdcf354cfa9a23b7a185252807370a5e1bf authored by Nathaniel Brough on 13 May 2023, 00:16:01 UTC
Adds documentation on fuzz testing
Tip revision: ae7a5bd
// This header declares the Hexagon DMA API, without depending on the Hexagon SDK.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef unsigned long addr_t;

typedef unsigned int qurt_size_t;
typedef unsigned int qurt_mem_pool_t;
#define HALIDE_HEXAGON_ENUM enum __attribute__((aligned(4)))

__inline static int align(int x, int a) {
    return ((x + a - 1) & (~(a - 1)));


 * Power Corner vote
#define PW_MIN_SVS 0
#define PW_SVS2 1
#define PW_SVS 2
#define PW_SVS_L1 3
#define PW_NORMAL 4
#define PW_NORMAL_L1 5
#define PW_TURBO 6

 * Format IDs
} t_eDmaFmt;

 * DMA status
 * Currently not use, for future development
typedef void *t_stDmaWrapperDmaStats;

 * Transfer type
typedef HALIDE_HEXAGON_ENUM eDmaWrapper_TransationType{
    /// DDR to L2 transfer
    /// L2 to DDR transfer
} t_eDmaWrapper_TransationType;

 * Roi Properties
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_Roi {
    /// ROI x position in pixels
    uint16 u16X;
    /// ROI y position in pixels
    uint16 u16Y;
    /// ROI width in pixels
    uint16 u16W;
    /// ROI height in pixels
    uint16 u16H;
} t_StDmaWrapper_Roi;

 * Frame Properties
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_FrameProp {
    /// Starting physical address to buffer
    addr_t aAddr;
    /// Frame height in pixels
    uint16 u16H;
    /// Frame width in pixels
    uint16 u16W;
    /// Frame stride in pixels
    uint16 u16Stride;
} t_StDmaWrapper_FrameProp;

 * Roi alignment
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo {
    /// ROI width in pixels
    uint16 u16W;
    /// ROI height in pixels
    uint16 u16H;
} t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo;

 * DmaTransferSetup Properties
typedef struct stDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup {
    /// Frame Width in pixels
    uint16 u16FrameW;
    /// Frame height in pixels
    uint16 u16FrameH;
    /// Frame stride in pixels
    uint16 u16FrameStride;
    /// ROI x position in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiX;
    /// ROI y position in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiY;
    /// ROI width in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiW;
    /// ROI height in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiH;
    /// ROI stride in pixels
    uint16 u16RoiStride;
    /// Virtual address of the HW descriptor buffer (must be locked in the L2$).
    void *pDescBuf;
    /// Virtual address of the TCM pixeldata buffer (must be locked in the L2$).
    void *pTcmDataBuf;
    /// Virtual address of the DDR Frame buffer .
    void *pFrameBuf;
    // UBWC Format
    uint16 bIsFmtUbwc;
    /// Should the intermediate buffer be padded. This only apply for 8bit format sucha NV12, NV12-4R
    uint16 bUse16BitPaddingInL2;
    /// Format
    t_eDmaFmt eFmt;
    /// TransferType: eDmaWrapper_DdrToL2 (Read from DDR), eDmaWrapper_L2ToDDR (Write to DDR);
    t_eDmaWrapper_TransationType eTransferType;
} t_StDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup;

 * Abstraction for allocation of memory in cache and lock
 * @brief  API for Cache Allocation
 * @return NULL or Memory
void *HAP_cache_lock(unsigned int size, void **paddr_ptr);

 * Abstraction for deallocation of memory and unlock cache
 * @brief  API for Free
 * @return void
int HAP_cache_unlock(void *vaddr_ptr);

 * Handle for wrapper DMA engine
typedef void *t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle;

 * Allocates a DMA Engine to be used by using the default wait type (polling).
 * @brief       Allocates a DMA Engine to be used
 * @return      Success: Engine's DMA Handle
 * @n           Failure: NULL
extern t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaWrapper_AllocDma(void);

 * Frees a DMA Engine that was previously allocated by AllocDma().
 * @brief       Frees a DMA Engine
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_FreeDma(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * Starts a transfer on the provided DMA engine. The transfer is based
 * on descriptors constructed in earlier nDmaWrapper_Prepare() and
 * nDmaWrapper_Update() calls.
 * @brief       Starts a transfer request on the DMA engine
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_Move(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * Blocks until all outstanding transfers on the DMA are complete.
 * The wait type is based on the type specified when allocating the
 * engine.
 * @brief       Waits for all outstanding transfers on the DMA to complete
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_Wait(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * This call flushes the DMA buffers. Blocks until the flush of the DMA is complete.
 * @brief       Cleans up all transfers and flushes DMA buffers
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Engine's DMA Handle
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_FinishFrame(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle);

 * Get the recommended walk ROI width and height that should
 * be used if walking the entire frame. The ROI returned is always
 * in terms of frame dimensions. This function is different from
 * nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedRoi() as coordinates are not used.
 * @brief         Get the recommended walk ROI width and height
 * @param[in]     eFmtId - Format ID
 * @param[in]     bIsUbwc - Is the format UBWC (TRUE/FALSE)
 * @param[in,out] pStWalkSize - Initial walk size, will be overwritten with
 *                              the recommended walk size to align with DMA
 *                              requirements
 * @return        Success: OK
 * @n             Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedWalkSize(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, bool bIsUbwc,
                                                t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStWalkSize);

 * Calculates the HW descriptor buffer size based on the formats
 * that will be used with the engine.
 * @brief       Get the HW descriptor buffer size per DMA engine
 * @param[in]   aeFmtId - Array of format IDs, such as eDmaFmt_NV12, eDmaFmt_NV12_Y,
 *                        eDmaFmt_NV12_UV etc..
 * @param[in]   nsize - Number of format IDs provided
 * @return      Descriptor buffer size in bytes
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetDescbuffsize(t_eDmaFmt *aeFmtId, uint16 nsize);

 * Get the recommended (minimum) intermediate buffer stride for the
 * L2 Cache that is used transfer data from/to DDR. The stride is
 * greater than or equal to the width and must be a multiple of 256.
 * @brief       Get the recommended intermediate buffer stride.
 * @param[in]   eFmtId - Format ID
 * @param[in]   pStRoiSize - The ROI that will be used (should be aligned with
 *                           the DMA requirements for the format)
 * @param[in]   bIsUbwc - Is the format UBWC (TRUE/FALSE)
 * @return      Success: The intermediate buffer stride in pixels
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufStride(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId,
                                                       t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStRoiSize,
                                                       bool bIsUbwc);

 * Get the recommended intermediate buffer size for the L2 cache
 * that is used to transfer data to/from DDR.
 * @brief       Get the recommended intermediate buffer size
 * @param[in]   eFmtId - Format ID
 * @param[in]   bUse16BitPaddingInL2 - Is padding to 16 bits done in the L2 (TRUE/FALSE)
 * @param[in]   pStRoiSize - The ROI that will be used (should be aligned with
 *                           DMA requirements for the format). The Chroma ROI must
 *                           follow the standing convention that the provided
 *                           width and height must be specified in terms of the
 *                           Luma plane also such that when the width is divided
 *                           by 2 it specifies the number of interleaved Chroma
 *                           pixels.
 * @param[in]   bIsUbwc - Is the format UBWC (TRUE/FALSE), note that this should
 *                        be set to TRUE if either the DDR input or output will
 *                        be UBWC
 * @param[in]   u16IntermBufStride - The stride (in pixels) to use, the minimum
 *                                   stride may be obtained by calling
 *                                   nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufStride
 * @return      Success: The intermediate buffer size in bytes
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufSize(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, bool bUse16BitPaddingInL2,
                                                     t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStRoiSize,
                                                     bool bIsUbwc, uint16 u16IntermBufStride);

 * Setup Dma transfer parameters required to be ready to make DMA transfer.
 * call this API multiple to create a descriptor link list
 * @brief       Dma transfer parameters per HW descriptor
 * @param[in]   hDmaHandle - Wrapper's DMA Handle. Represents t_StDmaWrapper_DmaEngine.
 * @param[in]   stpDmaTransferParm - Dma Transfer parameters. Each element describes
 *                                   complete Frame/ROI details for this Dma transfer
 * @return      Success: OK
 *              Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle, t_StDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup *stpDmaTransferParm);

 * DMA power voting based on Cornercase
 * @brief       DMA power voting based on Cornercase
 * @param[in]   cornercase:
 *              \code{.cpp}
 *              #define PW_MIN_SVS 0
 *              #define PW_SVS2 1
 *              #define PW_SVS 2
 *              #define PW_SVS_L1 3
 *              #define PW_NORMAL 4
 *              #define PW_NORMAL_L1 5
 *              #define PW_TURBO 6
 *              \endcode
 * @return      Success: OK
 * @n           Failure: ERR
extern int32 nDmaWrapper_PowerVoting(uint32 cornercase);

#ifdef __cplusplus

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