Raw File
Tip revision: 404dac588e195418d1fa3d4da5186915a399a3aa authored by Steven Johnson on 20 March 2018, 23:24:38 UTC
Tip revision: 404dac5
#include <map>

#include "CSE.h"
#include "IRMutator.h"
#include "IREquality.h"
#include "IROperator.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "Simplify.h"

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::pair;

namespace {

// Some expressions are not worth lifting out into lets, even if they
// occur redundantly many times. They may also be illegal to lift out
// (e.g. calls with side-effects).
// This list should at least avoid lifting the same cases as that of the
// simplifier for lets, otherwise CSE and the simplifier will fight each
// other pointlessly.
bool should_extract(const Expr &e, bool lift_all) {
    if (is_const(e)) {
        return false;

    if (<Variable>()) {
        return false;

    if (const Call *a =<Call>()) {
        if (!a->is_pure() && (a->call_type != Call::Halide)) {
            // Impure calls may have side-effects, thus may not be re-ordered
            // or reduced in number.
            // Call to Halide function may give different value depending on
            // where it is evaluated; however, the value is constant within
            // an expr. Thus, it is okay to lift out.
            return false;

    if (lift_all) {
        return true;

    if (const Broadcast *a =<Broadcast>()) {
        return should_extract(a->value, false);

    if (const Cast *a =<Cast>()) {
        return should_extract(a->value, false);

    if (const Add *a =<Add>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Sub *a =<Sub>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Mul *a =<Mul>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Div *a =<Div>()) {
        return !(is_const(a->a) || is_const(a->b));

    if (const Ramp *a =<Ramp>()) {
        return !is_const(a->stride);

    return true;

// A global-value-numbering of expressions. Returns canonical form of
// the Expr and writes out a global value numbering as a side-effect.
class GVN : public IRMutator2 {
    struct Entry {
        Expr expr;
        int use_count;
    vector<Entry> entries;

    typedef map<ExprWithCompareCache, int> CacheType;
    CacheType numbering;

    map<Expr, int, ExprCompare> shallow_numbering;

    Scope<int> let_substitutions;
    int number;

    IRCompareCache cache;

    GVN() : number(0), cache(8) {}

    Stmt mutate(const Stmt &s) override {
        internal_error << "Can't call GVN on a Stmt: " << s << "\n";
        return Stmt();

    ExprWithCompareCache with_cache(Expr e) {
        return ExprWithCompareCache(e, &cache);

    Expr mutate(const Expr &e) override {
        // Early out if we've already seen this exact Expr.
            map<Expr, int, ExprCompare>::iterator iter = shallow_numbering.find(e);
            if (iter != shallow_numbering.end()) {
                number = iter->second;
                internal_assert(entries[number].expr.type() == e.type());
                return entries[number].expr;

        // If e is a var, check if it has been redirected to an existing numbering.
        if (const Variable *var =<Variable>()) {
            if (let_substitutions.contains(var->name)) {
                number = let_substitutions.get(var->name);
                internal_assert(entries[number].expr.type() == e.type());
                return entries[number].expr;

        // If e already has an entry, return that.
        CacheType::iterator iter = numbering.find(with_cache(e));
        if (iter != numbering.end()) {
            number = iter->second;
            shallow_numbering[e] = number;
            internal_assert(entries[number].expr.type() == e.type());
            return entries[number].expr;

        // Rebuild using things already in the numbering.
        Expr old_e = e;
        Expr new_e = IRMutator2::mutate(e);

        // See if it's there in another form after being rebuilt
        // (e.g. because it was a let variable).
        iter = numbering.find(with_cache(new_e));
        if (iter != numbering.end()) {
            number = iter->second;
            shallow_numbering[old_e] = number;
            internal_assert(entries[number].expr.type() == old_e.type());
            return entries[number].expr;

        // Add it to the numbering.
        Entry entry = {new_e, 0};
        number = (int)entries.size();
        numbering[with_cache(new_e)] = number;
        shallow_numbering[new_e] = number;
        internal_assert(new_e.type() == old_e.type());
        return new_e;

    using IRMutator2::visit;

    Expr visit(const Let *let) override {
        // Visit the value and add it to the numbering.
        Expr value = mutate(let->value);

        // Make references to the variable point to the value instead.
        let_substitutions.push(let->name, number);

        // Visit the body and add it to the numbering.
        Expr body = mutate(let->body);


        // Just return the body. We've removed the Let.
        return body;

    Expr visit(const Load *op) override {
        Expr predicate = op->predicate;
        // If the predicate is trivially true, there is no point to lift it out
        if (!is_one(predicate)) {
            predicate = mutate(op->predicate);
        Expr index = mutate(op->index);
        if (predicate.same_as(op->predicate) && index.same_as(op->index)) {
            return op;
        return Load::make(op->type, op->name, index, op->image, op->param, predicate);

    Stmt visit(const Store *op) override {
        Expr predicate = op->predicate;
        // If the predicate is trivially true, there is no point to lift it out
        if (!is_one(predicate)) {
            predicate = mutate(op->predicate);
        Expr value = mutate(op->value);
        Expr index = mutate(op->index);
        if (predicate.same_as(op->predicate) && value.same_as(op->value) && index.same_as(op->index)) {
            return op;
        } else {
            return Store::make(op->name, value, index, op->param, predicate);

/** Fill in the use counts in a global value numbering. */
class ComputeUseCounts : public IRGraphVisitor {
    GVN &gvn;
    bool lift_all;
    ComputeUseCounts(GVN &g, bool l) : gvn(g), lift_all(l) {}

    using IRGraphVisitor::include;
    using IRGraphVisitor::visit;

    void include(const Expr &e) {
        // If it's not the sort of thing we want to extract as a let,
        // just use the generic visitor to increment use counts for
        // the children.
        debug(4) << "Include: " << e << "; should extract: " << should_extract(e, lift_all) << "\n";
        if (!should_extract(e, lift_all)) {

        // Find this thing's number.
        map<Expr, int, ExprCompare>::iterator iter = gvn.shallow_numbering.find(e);
        if (iter != gvn.shallow_numbering.end()) {
            GVN::Entry &entry = gvn.entries[iter->second];

        // Visit the children if we haven't been here before.

/** Rebuild an expression using a map of replacements. Works on graphs without exploding. */
class Replacer : public IRMutator2 {
    map<Expr, Expr, ExprCompare> replacements;
    Replacer(const map<Expr, Expr, ExprCompare> &r) : replacements(r) {}

    using IRMutator2::mutate;

    Expr mutate(const Expr &e) {
        map<Expr, Expr, ExprCompare>::iterator iter = replacements.find(e);

        if (iter != replacements.end()) {
            return iter->second;

        // Rebuild it, replacing children.
        Expr new_e = IRMutator2::mutate(e);

        // In case we encounter this expr again.
        replacements[e] = new_e;

        return new_e;

class CSEEveryExprInStmt : public IRMutator2 {
    bool lift_all;

    using IRMutator2::mutate;

    Expr mutate(const Expr &e) override {
        return common_subexpression_elimination(e, lift_all);

    CSEEveryExprInStmt(bool l) : lift_all(l) {}

} // namespace

Expr common_subexpression_elimination(const Expr &e_in, bool lift_all) {
    Expr e = e_in;

    // Early-out for trivial cases.
    if (is_const(e) ||<Variable>()) return e;

    debug(4) << "\n\n\nInput to letify " << e << "\n";

    GVN gvn;
    e = gvn.mutate(e);

    ComputeUseCounts count_uses(gvn, lift_all);

    debug(4) << "Canonical form without lets " << e << "\n";

    // Figure out which ones we'll pull out as lets and variables.
    vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets;
    vector<Expr> new_version(gvn.entries.size());
    map<Expr, Expr, ExprCompare> replacements;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < gvn.entries.size(); i++) {
        const GVN::Entry &e = gvn.entries[i];
        Expr old = e.expr;
        if (e.use_count > 1) {
            string name = unique_name('t');
            lets.push_back({ name, e.expr });
            // Point references to this expr to the variable instead.
            replacements[e.expr] = Variable::make(e.expr.type(), name);
        debug(4) << i << ": " << e.expr << ", " << e.use_count << "\n";

    // Rebuild the expr to include references to the variables:
    Replacer replacer(replacements);
    e = replacer.mutate(e);

    debug(4) << "With variables " << e << "\n";

    // Wrap the final expr in the lets.
    for (size_t i = lets.size(); i > 0; i--) {
        Expr value = lets[i-1].second;
        // Drop this variable as an acceptible replacement for this expr.
        // Use containing lets in the value.
        value = replacer.mutate(lets[i-1].second);
        e = Let::make(lets[i-1].first, value, e);

    debug(4) << "With lets: " << e << "\n";

    return e;

Stmt common_subexpression_elimination(const Stmt &s, bool lift_all) {
    return CSEEveryExprInStmt(lift_all).mutate(s);

// Testing code.

namespace {

// Normalize all names in an expr so that expr compares can be done
// without worrying about mere name differences.
class NormalizeVarNames : public IRMutator2 {
    int counter;

    map<string, string> new_names;

    using IRMutator2::visit;

    Expr visit(const Variable *var) override {
        map<string, string>::iterator iter = new_names.find(var->name);
        if (iter == new_names.end()) {
            return var;
        } else {
            return Variable::make(var->type, iter->second);

    Expr visit(const Let *let) override {
        string new_name = "t" + std::to_string(counter++);
        new_names[let->name] = new_name;
        Expr value = mutate(let->value);
        Expr body = mutate(let->body);
        return Let::make(new_name, value, body);

    NormalizeVarNames() : counter(0) {}

void check(Expr in, Expr correct) {
    Expr result = common_subexpression_elimination(in);
    NormalizeVarNames n;
    result = n.mutate(result);
    internal_assert(equal(result, correct))
        << "Incorrect CSE:\n" << in
        << "\nbecame:\n" << result
        << "\ninstead of:\n" << correct << "\n";

// Construct a nested block of lets. Variables of the form "tn" refer
// to expr n in the vector.
Expr ssa_block(vector<Expr> exprs) {
    Expr e = exprs.back();
    for (size_t i = exprs.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        string name = "t" + std::to_string(i-1);
        e = Let::make(name, exprs[i-1], e);
    return e;

} // namespace

void cse_test() {
    Expr x = Variable::make(Int(32), "x");
    Expr y = Variable::make(Int(32), "y");

    Expr t[32], tf[32];
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        t[i] = Variable::make(Int(32), "t" + std::to_string(i));
        tf[i] = Variable::make(Float(32), "t" + std::to_string(i));
    Expr e, correct;

    // This is fine as-is.
    e = ssa_block({sin(x), tf[0]*tf[0]});
    check(e, e);

    // Test a simple case.
    e = ((x*x + x)*(x*x + x)) + x*x;
    e += e;
    correct = ssa_block({x*x,                  // x*x
                         t[0] + x,             // x*x + x
                         t[1] * t[1] + t[0],   // (x*x + x)*(x*x + x) + x*x
                         t[2] + t[2]});
    check(e, correct);

    // Check for idempotence (also checks a case with lets)
    check(correct, correct);

    // Check a case with redundant lets
    e = ssa_block({x*x,
                   t[0] / t[1],
                   t[1] / t[1],
                   t[2] % t[3],
                   (t[4] + x*x) + x*x});
    correct = ssa_block({x*x,
                         t[0] / t[0],
                         (t[1] % t[1] + t[0]) + t[0]});
    check(e, correct);

    // Check a case with nested lets with shared subexpressions
    // between the lets, and repeated names.
    Expr e1 = ssa_block({x*x,                  // a = x*x
                         t[0] + x,             // b = a + x
                         t[1] * t[1] * t[0]}); // c = b * b * a
    Expr e2 = ssa_block({x*x,                  // a again
                         t[0] - x,             // d = a - x
                         t[1] * t[1] * t[0]}); // e = d * d * a
    e = ssa_block({e1 + x*x,                   // f = c + a
                   e1 + e2,                    // g = c + e
                   t[0] + t[0] * t[1]});       // h = f + f * g

    correct = ssa_block({x*x,                // t0 = a = x*x
                         t[0] + x,           // t1 = b = a + x     = t0 + x
                         t[1] * t[1] * t[0], // t2 = c = b * b * a = t1 * t1 * t0
                         t[2] + t[0],        // t3 = f = c + a     = t2 + t0
                         t[0] - x,           // t4 = d = a - x     = t0 - x
                         t[3] + t[3] * (t[2] + t[4] * t[4] * t[0])}); // h (with g substituted in)
    check(e, correct);

    // Test it scales OK.
    e = x;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        e = e*e + e + i;
        e = e*e - e * i;
    Expr result = common_subexpression_elimination(e);

        Expr pred = x*x + y*y > 0;
        Expr index = select(x*x + y*y > 0, x*x + y*y + 2, x*x + y*y + 10);
        Expr load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true());
        Expr pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), pred);
        e = select(x*y > 10, x*y + 2, x*y + 3 + load) + pred_load;

        Expr t2 = Variable::make(Bool(), "t2");
        Expr cse_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", t[3], Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true());
        Expr cse_pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", t[3], Buffer<>(), Parameter(), t2);
        correct = ssa_block({x*y,
                             x*x + y*y,
                             t[1] > 0,
                             select(t2, t[1] + 2, t[1] + 10),
                             select(t[0] > 10, t[0] + 2, t[0] + 3 + cse_load) + cse_pred_load});

        check(e, correct);

        Expr pred = x*x + y*y > 0;
        Expr index = select(x*x + y*y > 0, x*x + y*y + 2, x*x + y*y + 10);
        Expr load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true());
        Expr pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", index, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), pred);
        e = select(x*y > 10, x*y + 2, x*y + 3 + pred_load) + pred_load;

        Expr t2 = Variable::make(Bool(), "t2");
        Expr cse_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", select(t2, t[1] + 2, t[1] + 10), Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true());
        Expr cse_pred_load = Load::make(Int(32), "buf", select(t2, t[1] + 2, t[1] + 10), Buffer<>(), Parameter(), t2);
        correct = ssa_block({x*y,
                             x*x + y*y,
                             t[1] > 0,
                             select(t[0] > 10, t[0] + 2, t[0] + 3 + t[3]) + t[3]});

        check(e, correct);

        Expr handle_a = reinterpret(type_of<int *>(), make_zero(UInt(64)));
        Expr handle_b = reinterpret(type_of<float *>(), make_zero(UInt(64)));
        Expr handle_c = reinterpret(type_of<float *>(), make_zero(UInt(64)));
        e = Call::make(Int(32), "dummy", {handle_a, handle_b, handle_c}, Call::Extern);

        Expr t0 = Variable::make(handle_b.type(), "t0");
        correct = Let::make("t0", handle_b,
                            Call::make(Int(32), "dummy", {handle_a, t0, t0}, Call::Extern));
        check(e, correct);


        Expr nonpure_call_1 = Call::make(Int(32), "dummy1", {1}, Call::Intrinsic);
        Expr nonpure_call_2 = Call::make(Int(32), "dummy2", {1}, Call::Extern);
        e = nonpure_call_1 + nonpure_call_2 + nonpure_call_1 + nonpure_call_2;
        correct = e; // Impure calls shouldn't get CSE'd
        check(e, correct);

        Expr halide_func = Call::make(Int(32), "dummy", {0}, Call::Halide);
        e = halide_func * halide_func;
        Expr t0 = Variable::make(halide_func.type(), "t0");
        // It's okay to CSE Halide call within an expr
        correct = Let::make("t0", halide_func, t0 * t0);
        check(e, correct);

    debug(0) << "common_subexpression_elimination test passed\n";

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