Raw File
Tip revision: c9c211b1fcdc41a0ff764c9c8c07e48203266e9b authored by Z Stern on 17 July 2019, 20:42:26 UTC
Fix strict float to not duplicate strict_float wrappings.
Tip revision: c9c211b
declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @sqrt_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @sqrt_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.sin.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.sin.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @sin_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.sin.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @sin_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.sin.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.cos.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.cos.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @cos_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.cos.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @cos_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.cos.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.exp.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.exp.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @exp_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.exp.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @exp_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.exp.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.log.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.log.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @log_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.log.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @log_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.log.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.fabs.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @abs_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @abs_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.fabs.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.floor.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.floor.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @floor_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @floor_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.floor.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

; These are llvm 3.3 only
; declare float @llvm.ceil.f32(float) nounwind readnone
; declare double @llvm.ceil.f64(double) nounwind readnone
declare float @ceilf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @ceil(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @ceil_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @ceilf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @ceil_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @ceil(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.nearbyint.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @round_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @round_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.nearbyint.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.trunc.f32(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.trunc.f64(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @trunc_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @llvm.trunc.f32(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @trunc_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @llvm.trunc.f64(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @llvm.pow.f32(float, float) nounwind readnone
declare double @llvm.pow.f64(double, double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @pow_f32(float %x, float %y) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %z = tail call float @llvm.pow.f32(float %x, float %y) nounwind readnone
       ret float %z

define weak_odr double @pow_f64(double %x, double %y) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %z = tail call double @llvm.pow.f64(double %x, double %y) nounwind readnone
       ret double %z

declare float @asinf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @asin(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @asin_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @asinf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @asin_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @asin(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @acosf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @acos(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @acos_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @acosf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @acos_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @acos(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @tanf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @tan(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @tan_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @tanf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @tan_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @tan(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @atanf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @atan(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @atan_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @atanf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @atan_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @atan(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @atan2f(float, float) nounwind readnone
declare double @atan2(double, double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @atan2_f32(float %y, float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %z = tail call float @atan2f(float %y, float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %z

define weak_odr double @atan2_f64(double %y, double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %z = tail call double @atan2(double %y, double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %z

declare float @sinhf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @sinh(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @sinh_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @sinhf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @sinh_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @sinh(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @asinhf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @asinh(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @asinh_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @asinhf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @asinh_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @asinh(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @coshf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @cosh(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @cosh_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @coshf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @cosh_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @cosh(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @acoshf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @acosh(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @acosh_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @acoshf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @acosh_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @acosh(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @tanhf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @tanh(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @tanh_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @tanhf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @tanh_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @tanh(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

declare float @atanhf(float) nounwind readnone
declare double @atanh(double) nounwind readnone

define weak_odr float @atanh_f32(float %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call float @atanhf(float %x) nounwind readnone
       ret float %y

define weak_odr double @atanh_f64(double %x) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       %y = tail call double @atanh(double %x) nounwind readnone
       ret double %y

define weak_odr float @inf_f32() nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       ret float 0x7FF0000000000000

define weak_odr float @neg_inf_f32() nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       ret float 0xFFF0000000000000

define weak_odr float @nan_f32() nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       ret float 0x7FF8000000000000

define weak_odr double @inf_f64() nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       ret double 0x7FF0000000000000

define weak_odr double @neg_inf_f64() nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       ret double 0xFFF0000000000000

define weak_odr double @nan_f64() nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
       ret double 0x7FF8000000000000
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