Raw File
Tip revision: f1f4521ae36d8dd147feb48387c8561e0a940216 authored by Andrew Adams on 18 May 2021, 18:42:02 UTC
Get filter rewrite rules into a more useful state
Tip revision: f1f4521
#include "LoopNest.h"

using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
using std::vector;

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {
namespace Autoscheduler {

// How small should an innermost loop cluster be before you just
// entirely unroll the thing. Sized for an architecture with 16 vector
// registers.
const int kUnrollLimit = 12;

// Get the HL_NO_SUBTILING environment variable. Purpose described above.
bool get_may_subtile() {
    string no_subtiling_str = get_env_variable("HL_NO_SUBTILING");
    if (no_subtiling_str == "1") {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
bool may_subtile() {
    static bool b = get_may_subtile();
    return b;

// Given a multi-dimensional box of dimensionality d, generate a list
// of candidate tile sizes for it, logarithmically spacing the sizes
// using the given factor. If 'allow_splits' is false, every dimension
// must either be one, or the full extent of the box. This function is
// used to generate candidate tilings when tiling for
// producer-consumer fusion, or tiling for parallelism.
vector<vector<int64_t>> generate_tilings(const vector<int64_t> &s, int d, int factor, bool allow_splits) {
    vector<vector<int64_t>> result;
    if (d == -1) {
    } else {
        vector<vector<int64_t>> v = generate_tilings(s, d - 1, factor, allow_splits);
        // If we're already generated too many tiling configurations
        // for the inner loops, search the outer loops with coarser
        // granularity.
        while (v.size() > (size_t)factor * 100) {
            factor *= 2;

        for (auto &t : v) {
            bool is_full = false, is_const_one = false;
            // Skip trivial tilings
            if ((size_t)d == s.size() - 1) {
                is_const_one = is_full = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
                    is_const_one &= (t[i] == 1);
                    is_full &= (t[i] == s[i]);
            if (!allow_splits) {
                if (!is_const_one) {
                    t.back() = 1;
                if (s[d] != 1 && !is_full) {
                    t.back() = s[d];
            } else {
                int max_inner = 0;
                for (int inner = 1; inner < s[d]; inner *= factor) {
                    int outer = (s[d] + inner - 1) / inner;
                    if (is_const_one && outer == 1) {
                    if (is_full && outer == s[d]) {
                    // Stop when we hit inner sizes that would do too much recompute
                    if (inner > 1 && inner * outer * 7 > s[d] * 8) {
                    max_inner = inner;
                    t.back() = outer;
                for (int outer = 1; outer <= s[d]; outer *= factor) {
                    int inner = (s[d] + outer - 1) / outer;
                    if (is_const_one && outer == 1) {
                    if (is_full && outer == s[d]) {
                    // Stop when we get into the regime covered by the loop above.
                    if (outer > 1 && inner < max_inner * 2) {
                    // Or when the wasted compute gets too bad.
                    if (inner * outer * 7 > s[d] * 8) {
                    t.back() = outer;

                // The sequence above (in terms of the inner loop)
                // goes 1 2 4 8 16 ...  but 3 is an important inner
                // tiling factor for matrix multiply/gemm-type loops
                // which try to use 12 vector registers.
                int inner3 = 3;
                int outer3 = (s[d] + inner3 - 1) / inner3;
                if (factor == 2 && inner3 < s[d] && outer3 < s[d] && outer3 > 1) {
                    if (inner3 * outer3 * 7 <= s[d] * 8) {
                        t.back() = outer3;
    return result;

void LoopNest::copy_from(const LoopNest &n) {
    size = n.size;
    children = n.children;
    inlined = n.inlined;
    store_at = n.store_at;
    bounds = n.bounds;
    node = n.node;
    stage = n.stage;
    innermost = n.innermost;
    tileable = n.tileable;
    parallel = n.parallel;
    vector_dim = n.vector_dim;
    vectorized_loop_index = n.vectorized_loop_index;

// Hash the loop structure and sizes up to a fixed depth. This is
// used as the hash function for the coarse-to-fine beam search in
// the paper.
void LoopNest::structural_hash(uint64_t &h, int depth) const {
    if (depth < 0) {

    // Which Funcs are store_at this level?
    for (const auto *n : store_at) {
        hash_combine(h, n->id);

    hash_combine(h, -1);

    // Which Funcs are compute_at this level?
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        hash_combine(h, c->stage->id);

    // Add a barrier to ensure that moving something from the last
    // compute_at to the first inlined doesn't result in the same
    // hash.
    hash_combine(h, -1);

    // Which Funcs are inlined at this level?
    for (auto it = inlined.begin(); it != inlined.end(); it++) {
        hash_combine(h, it.key()->id);

    hash_combine(h, -1);

    if (depth > 0) {
        // What are the loop sizes of the children?
        for (const auto &c : children) {
            for (int64_t s : c->size) {
                if (depth == 1) {
                    // Just take the most significant bit: is it one or not?
                    s = (s > 1) ? 1 : 0;
                hash_combine(h, s);

        // Which dimension are we vectorized over?
        hash_combine(h, vectorized_loop_index);

    if (depth > 1) {
        // Descend into children
        for (const auto &c : children) {
            c->structural_hash(h, depth - 2);

// Compute all the sites of interest for each pipeline stage
void LoopNest::get_sites(StageMap<Sites> &sites,
                         const LoopNest *task,
                         const LoopNest *parent) const {
    if (!task && !is_root()) {
        task = this;
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        c->get_sites(sites, task, this);
    if (parent && node != parent->node) {
        auto &s = sites.get_or_create(stage);
        s.compute = parent;
        s.produce = this;
        s.task = task;
    for (const auto *f : store_at) {
        for (const auto &s : f->stages) {
            sites.get_or_create(&s).store = this;
    for (auto it = inlined.begin(); it != inlined.end(); it++) {
        auto &s = sites.get_or_create(&(it.key()->stages[0]));
        s.inlined = true;
        s.compute = = s.produce = s.innermost = this;
        s.task = task;
    if (innermost) {
        sites.get_or_create(stage).innermost = this;

// Do a recursive walk over the loop nest computing features to feed the cost model.
void LoopNest::compute_features(const FunctionDAG &dag,
                                const MachineParams &params,
                                const StageMap<Sites> &sites,
                                int64_t instances,
                                int64_t parallelism,
                                const LoopNest *parent,
                                const LoopNest *grandparent,
                                const LoopNest &root,
                                int64_t *working_set,
                                StageMap<ScheduleFeatures> *features) const {
    int64_t working_set_here = 0;

    int64_t loop_instances = 1, parallel_tasks = 1;
    bool in_impure = false;
    for (int idx = (int)size.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
        size_t i = size[idx];
        loop_instances *= i;
        if (stage->loop[idx].pure && !in_impure) {
            if (params.parallelism > 1 &&
                (parallel || (parent->is_root() && parallel_tasks < params.parallelism))) {
                // Either we've picked our parallel tiling, or
                // it's not yet determined. Assume we'll not split
                // any loops and just stop after we hit the
                // required number of cores
                parallel_tasks *= i;
                // If we haven't picked out parallel tiling yet,
                // assume that we'll target 8*cores when we do,
                // which is a common rule of thumb.
                if (!parallel && parallel_tasks > params.parallelism * 8) {
                    // We would split this loop
                    parallel_tasks = params.parallelism * 8;
        } else if (i != 1) {
            in_impure = true;

    int64_t subinstances = instances * loop_instances;

    for (const auto *node : store_at) {
        // Figure out the features at the store_at level
        const auto &bounds = get_bounds(node);

        for (size_t s = 0; s < node->stages.size(); s++) {
            // TODO: Lift invariants from this loop. Most of it's the same for every stage.
            ScheduleFeatures &feat = features->get_or_create(&(node->stages[s]));

            feat.num_realizations = subinstances;

            feat.points_computed_per_realization = 1;
            feat.num_scalars = feat.num_vectors = subinstances;
            bool vectorized = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)node->stages[s].loop.size(); i++) {
                const auto &p = bounds->loops(s, i);
                int64_t extent = p.extent();
                feat.points_computed_per_realization *= extent;
                if (i == sites.get(&(node->stages[s])).produce->vectorized_loop_index) {
                    // Assumes that we're not going to split
                    // things such that non-native-width
                    // vectorization is a problem, except for the
                    // tail.
                    feat.num_vectors *= extent / node->stages[s].vector_size;
                    feat.num_scalars *= extent % node->stages[s].vector_size;
                    vectorized = true;
                } else {
                    feat.num_vectors *= extent;
                    feat.num_scalars *= extent;
            if (!vectorized) {
                feat.num_vectors = 0;
            feat.points_computed_total = feat.points_computed_per_realization * feat.num_realizations;

            feat.bytes_at_realization = node->bytes_per_point;
            for (int i = 0; i < node->dimensions; i++) {
                const auto &p = bounds->region_computed(i);
                feat.bytes_at_realization *= p.extent();
            int64_t innermost_storage_extent = 1;
            int v = sites.get(&(node->stages[s])).produce->vector_dim;
            if (v >= 0 && node->dimensions > 0) {
                innermost_storage_extent = bounds->region_computed(v).extent();
            feat.innermost_bytes_at_realization = node->bytes_per_point * innermost_storage_extent;

            if (!is_root()) {
                feat.bytes_at_task = feat.bytes_at_realization;
                feat.innermost_bytes_at_task = feat.innermost_bytes_at_realization;

    if (is_root()) {
        // TODO: This block of code is repeated below. Refactor
        for (const auto &c : children) {
            c->compute_features(dag, params, sites, subinstances, parallelism, this, parent, root, &working_set_here, features);

        for (const auto *node : store_at) {
            auto &feat = features->get(&(node->stages[0]));
            working_set_here += feat.bytes_at_production;
        for (const auto *node : store_at) {
            for (const auto &s : node->stages) {
                auto &feat = features->get(&s);
                feat.working_set_at_realization = working_set_here;
        for (const auto &c : children) {
            if (c->node != node) {
                auto &feat = features->get(c->stage);
                feat.working_set_at_production = working_set_here;

        // Figure out the root-level features for every Func
        for (auto it = features->begin(); it != features->end(); it++) {
            const auto *stage = it.key();
            const auto *node = stage->node;
            auto &feat = it.value();
            const auto &root_bounds = root.get_bounds(node);

            feat.bytes_at_root = node->bytes_per_point;
            for (int i = 0; i < node->dimensions; i++) {
                const auto &p = root_bounds->region_computed(i);
                feat.bytes_at_root *= p.extent();

            feat.working_set_at_root = working_set_here;

            const auto *p = sites.get(stage).produce;
            if (p) {
                // Extent of the innermost dimension in the storage layout
                int64_t innermost_storage_extent = 1;
                int v = p->vector_dim;
                if (v >= 0 && v < node->dimensions) {
                    innermost_storage_extent = root_bounds->region_computed(v).extent();
                feat.innermost_bytes_at_root = node->bytes_per_point * innermost_storage_extent;
            } else {
                feat.innermost_bytes_at_root = 0;

            feat.points_computed_minimum = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)stage->loop.size(); i++) {
                const auto &p = root_bounds->loops(stage->index, i);
                feat.points_computed_minimum *= p.extent();

            if (node->stages.size() == 1 && !node->is_output) {
                int64_t points_computed_minimum_if_inlined = 0;
                for (auto *e : node->outgoing_edges) {
                    points_computed_minimum_if_inlined += features->get(e->consumer).points_computed_minimum * e->calls;
                feat.points_computed_minimum = std::min(feat.points_computed_minimum, (double)points_computed_minimum_if_inlined);

    int64_t subparallelism = parallel_tasks * parallelism;

    // Figure out the features at the compute_at level
    ScheduleFeatures &feat = features->get_or_create(stage);

    if (innermost) {
        if (vectorized_loop_index >= 0 && vectorized_loop_index < (int)size.size()) {
            feat.vector_size = size[vectorized_loop_index];
        } else {
            feat.vector_size = 1;
        if (feat.vector_size == 1) {
            // They're all scalars
            feat.num_scalars += feat.num_vectors;
            feat.num_vectors = 0;
    } else {
        // We want these features just outside the innermost loop,
        // so just set them at every level and let them get
        // progressively overwritten as we descend the loop nest
        // tree.
        size_t idx = 0;
        feat.innermost_loop_extent = 1;
        feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent = 1;
        for (const auto &l : stage->loop) {
            feat.innermost_loop_extent *= size[idx];
            if (!l.rvar) {
                feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent *= size[idx];

    const bool at_task = parent->is_root();
    const bool at_production = parent->node != node;
    const bool at_pure_production = at_production && stage->index == 0;

    if (at_task) {
        if (parallel) {
            const auto &bounds = get_bounds(node);
            feat.bytes_at_task = node->bytes_per_point;
            int64_t innermost_storage_extent = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < node->dimensions; i++) {
                int64_t outer = 1;
                for (size_t l = 0; l < stage->loop.size(); l++) {
                    if (stage->loop[l].var == node->func.args()[i]) {
                        outer = size[l];
                const auto &p = bounds->region_computed(i);
                int64_t extent = p.extent();
                extent /= outer;
                feat.bytes_at_task *= extent;
                if (i == vector_dim) {
                    innermost_storage_extent = extent;
            feat.innermost_bytes_at_task = node->bytes_per_point * innermost_storage_extent;
        } else {
            // How this loop will be parallelized is not yet
            // determined. Use optimistic values for the features.
            feat.bytes_at_task = (feat.bytes_at_realization + params.parallelism - 1) / params.parallelism;
            feat.innermost_bytes_at_task = std::min(feat.bytes_at_task, feat.innermost_bytes_at_realization);

        feat.unique_bytes_read_per_task = 0;
        feat.unique_lines_read_per_task = 0;

        // We're at a parallel for loop. Check all the accesses
        // done by Funcs inside this loop to values computed
        // outside of it to figure out how much data we'll be
        // streaming onto the core.
        vector<const FunctionDAG::Edge *> pending;
        set<const FunctionDAG::Node *> done;
        for (const auto *e : stage->incoming_edges) {
        while (!pending.empty()) {
            const auto *e = pending.back();
            if (done.count(e->producer)) {
            const auto &site = sites.get(&(e->producer->stages[0]));
            if (>is_root()) {
                const auto &b = get_bounds(e->producer);
                int64_t bytes = e->producer->bytes_per_point, lines = 1;
                int64_t max_extent = 1;
                // clang-format off
                int vector_dim = (e->producer->is_input   ? 0 :
                                  site.produce != nullptr ? site.produce->vector_dim :
                // clang-format on
                for (int i = 0; i < e->producer->dimensions; i++) {
                    int64_t extent = b->region_required(i).extent();
                    max_extent = std::max(extent, max_extent);
                    bytes *= extent;
                    if (i != vector_dim) {
                        lines *= extent;
                if (!e->producer->is_input && site.produce == nullptr) {
                    // We haven't scheduled the producer so we
                    // don't know the memory layout yet. Assume
                    // the best case.
                    lines /= max_extent;
                feat.unique_bytes_read_per_task += bytes;
                feat.unique_lines_read_per_task += lines;

            } else if (site.produce != nullptr) {
                // Computation must be nested inside this task or inlined into it.
                for (const auto &s : e->producer->stages) {
                    for (const auto *e2 : s.incoming_edges) {

    if (at_production) {
        feat.num_productions = instances;
        feat.inner_parallelism = parallel_tasks;
        feat.outer_parallelism = parallelism;
        feat.native_vector_size = stage->vector_size;

        const auto &bounds = parent->get_bounds(node);

        feat.bytes_at_production = node->bytes_per_point;
        for (int i = 0; i < node->dimensions; i++) {
            const auto &p = bounds->region_computed(i);
            feat.bytes_at_production *= p.extent();
        int64_t innermost_storage_extent = 1;
        if (vector_dim >= 0 && node->dimensions > 0) {
            innermost_storage_extent = bounds->region_computed(vector_dim).extent();
        feat.innermost_bytes_at_production = node->bytes_per_point * innermost_storage_extent;

    // Recurse inwards
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        c->compute_features(dag, params, sites, subinstances, subparallelism, this, parent, root, &working_set_here, features);
    for (const auto *node : store_at) {
        auto &feat = features->get(&(node->stages[0]));
        working_set_here += feat.bytes_at_production;
    for (const auto *node : store_at) {
        for (const auto &s : node->stages) {
            auto &feat = features->get(&s);
            feat.working_set_at_realization = working_set_here;
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        if (c->node != node) {
            auto &feat = features->get(c->stage);
            feat.working_set_at_production = working_set_here;

    if (at_task) {
        set_working_set_at_task_feature(working_set_here, features);

    if (at_production) {
        feat.working_set = working_set_here;

    if (innermost) {
        bool parent_unrolled =
            (feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent <= kUnrollLimit &&
             parent->node == node);

        if (parent_unrolled) {
            const auto &grandparent_bounds = grandparent->get_bounds(node);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < parent->size.size(); i++) {
                if (!stage->loop[i].rvar) {
                    const auto &l = grandparent_bounds->loops(parent->stage->index, i);
                    parent_unrolled &= l.constant_extent();

        if (parent_unrolled) {
            feat.unrolled_loop_extent = feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent;
        } else {
            feat.unrolled_loop_extent = 1;

    *working_set += working_set_here;

    // Analyze all memory dependencies of this stage, looking
    // through any Funcs inlined into it. This is where we track
    // things like vector gathers.
    int64_t bytes_loaded = 0, lines_loaded = 0, allocation_bytes_loaded = 0;
    double num_dense_loads = 0, num_broadcasts = 0,
           num_gathers = 0, num_stride_2_loads = 0,
           num_stride_3_loads = 0, num_stride_4_loads = 0,
           num_loads = 0;
    if (innermost || at_production) {  // These are the sites at which we compute load footprints
        // Pick the site at which we will compute the footprint relationship
        const auto &consumer_site = sites.get(stage);

        // The store_at location of the consumer
        const auto *consumer_store_site = innermost ? parent :;

        // The parallel loop of the consumer
        const auto *consumer_task_site = consumer_site.task;

        int64_t consumer_instances = innermost ? instances : feat.num_realizations;
        internal_assert(consumer_instances != 0);

        vector<const FunctionDAG::Node::Stage *> pending;
        vector<pair<LoadJacobian, FunctionDAG::Node *>> jacobians;
        set<const FunctionDAG::Node *> done;
        while (!pending.empty()) {
            const auto *p = pending.back();
            const auto &next_edges = p->incoming_edges;
            for (const auto *e : next_edges) {
                    << "No site found for " << e->producer-> << "\n";

                const auto &site = sites.get(&(e->producer->stages[0]));

                bool producer_has_been_scheduled = e->producer->is_input || (site.produce != nullptr);

                if (innermost) {
                    if (e->consumer == stage) {
                        for (const auto &j : e->load_jacobians) {
                            jacobians.emplace_back(j, e->producer);
                    } else {
                        // Consumer was inlined. Multiply the Jacobians to look through it.
                        decltype(jacobians) new_jacobians;
                        for (auto &j1 : jacobians) {
                            if (e->consumer->node == j1.second) {
                                for (const auto &j2 : e->load_jacobians) {
                                    LoadJacobian j = j2 * j1.first;
                                    new_jacobians.emplace_back(j, e->producer);
                            } else {

                if (site.inlined) {
                    // Recursively examine the inputs

                // The producer's compute_at site
                const auto *producer_compute_site = site.compute;

                // The producer's store_at site
                const auto *producer_store_site =;

                // The region required of the producer at various sites.
                const auto &bounds = consumer_store_site->get_bounds(e->producer);
                const auto &task_bounds = consumer_task_site->get_bounds(e->producer);
                const auto &producer_compute_bounds = producer_compute_site->get_bounds(e->producer);
                const auto &producer_store_bounds = producer_store_site->get_bounds(e->producer);

                // Compute memory footprints in terms of the
                // number of contiguous lines, and the number of
                // bytes.
                int64_t footprint = e->producer->bytes_per_point;
                int64_t compute_footprint = footprint;
                int64_t store_footprint = footprint;
                int64_t task_footprint = footprint;
                int64_t line_footprint = 1;
                int64_t compute_line_footprint = 1;
                int64_t store_line_footprint = 1;
                int64_t task_line_footprint = 1;

                if (e->producer->is_input) {
                    // This node represents an input. Its sites
                    // should be at the root level.

                if (innermost) {

                    // Grab the Jacobians that describe the memory dependence
                    for (const auto &jac : jacobians) {
                        if (jac.second != e->producer) {
                        double n = jac.first.count();

                        // Classify them to figure out what's going on in the vector dimension.
                        bool vector_broadcast = true;
                        bool dense_vector_load = true;
                        bool stride_2_vector_load = true;
                        bool stride_3_vector_load = true;
                        bool stride_4_vector_load = true;
                        int producer_innermost_dim =
                            (e->producer->is_input ? 0 :  // Assume default storage layout for inputs
                                 !producer_has_been_scheduled ? -1 :
                        if (vectorized_loop_index >= 0) {
                            if (!producer_has_been_scheduled) {
                                // Operate optimistically and just
                                // see if *any* dimension of the
                                // producer would make for a good
                                // load.
                                int count[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
                                for (int i = 0; i < e->producer->dimensions; i++) {
                                    auto stride = jac.first(i, vectorized_loop_index);
                                    // stride is a rational. Check to see if it's a small integer.
                                    if (stride == 0) {
                                    } else if (stride == 1) {
                                    } else if (stride == 2) {
                                    } else if (stride == 3) {
                                    } else if (stride == 4) {
                                vector_broadcast = (count[0] == e->producer->dimensions);
                                dense_vector_load = (count[0] == e->producer->dimensions - 1 && count[1] == 1);
                                stride_2_vector_load = (count[0] == e->producer->dimensions - 1 && count[2] == 1);
                                stride_3_vector_load = (count[0] == e->producer->dimensions - 1 && count[3] == 1);
                                stride_4_vector_load = (count[0] == e->producer->dimensions - 1 && count[4] == 1);
                            } else {
                                for (int i = 0; i < e->producer->dimensions; i++) {
                                    auto stride = jac.first(i, vectorized_loop_index);
                                    vector_broadcast &= stride == 0;
                                    if (i == producer_innermost_dim) {
                                        dense_vector_load &= stride == 1;
                                        stride_2_vector_load &= stride == 2;
                                        stride_3_vector_load &= stride == 3;
                                        stride_4_vector_load &= stride == 4;
                                    } else {
                                        dense_vector_load &= stride == 0;
                                        stride_2_vector_load &= stride == 0;
                                        stride_3_vector_load &= stride == 0;
                                        stride_4_vector_load &= stride == 0;
                                        // TODO: Check for strided
                                        // loads across non-innermost
                                        // dims, and use to count the
                                        // number of pages, cache
                                        // lines, cache conflict misses, etc.

                        // Is this load loop-invariant over an
                        // unrolled block? If so, we amortize the
                        // number of loads to account for
                        // LICM. This is the key performance
                        // optimization you get from unrolling the
                        // inner loop of a gemm or conv, so it's
                        // important to capture it in the
                        // featurization.
                        int64_t amortization = 1;
                        if (feat.unrolled_loop_extent > 1) {
                            for (size_t idx = 0; idx < stage->loop.size(); idx++) {
                                if (!stage->loop[idx].rvar) {
                                    bool loop_invariant = true;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < e->producer->dimensions; i++) {
                                        if (!(jac.first(i, idx) == 0)) {
                                            loop_invariant = false;
                                    if (loop_invariant) {
                                        amortization *= parent->size[idx];
                        n /= amortization;

                        num_loads += n;
                        if (vector_broadcast) {
                            num_broadcasts += n;
                        } else if (dense_vector_load) {
                            num_dense_loads += n;
                        } else if (stride_2_vector_load) {
                            num_stride_2_loads += n;
                        } else if (stride_3_vector_load) {
                            num_stride_3_loads += n;
                        } else if (stride_4_vector_load) {
                            num_stride_4_loads += n;
                        } else {
                            num_gathers += n;

                // Already dealt with the footprints for this producer via some other path
                if (done.find(e->producer) != done.end()) {


                // Now look at the shapes of the regions read from
                // the producer at various sites.
                int64_t max_extent = 1, max_compute_extent = 1, max_store_extent = 1, max_task_extent = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < e->producer->dimensions; i++) {
                    auto p = bounds->region_required(i);
                    auto compute_p = producer_compute_bounds->region_computed(i);
                    auto store_p = producer_store_bounds->region_required(i);
                    auto task_p = task_bounds->region_required(i);

                    // Check some invariants
                    internal_assert(store_p.min() <= store_p.max()) << store_p.min() << " " << store_p.max() << "\n";
                    internal_assert(compute_p.min() <= compute_p.max()) << compute_p.min() << " " << compute_p.max() << "\n";
                    internal_assert(task_p.min() <= task_p.max()) << task_p.min() << " " << task_p.max() << "\n";

                    int64_t extent = p.extent();
                    int64_t compute_extent = compute_p.extent();
                    int64_t store_extent = store_p.extent();
                    int64_t task_extent = task_p.extent();

                    max_extent = std::max(extent, max_extent);
                    max_compute_extent = std::max(compute_extent, max_compute_extent);
                    max_store_extent = std::max(store_extent, max_store_extent);
                    max_task_extent = std::max(task_extent, max_task_extent);

                    footprint *= extent;
                    compute_footprint *= compute_extent;
                    store_footprint *= store_extent;
                    task_footprint *= task_extent;

                    bool dense = ((e->producer->is_input && i == 0) ||
                                  (site.produce != nullptr && i == site.produce->vector_dim));
                    if (!dense) {
                        line_footprint *= extent;
                        compute_line_footprint *= compute_extent;
                        store_line_footprint *= store_extent;
                        task_line_footprint *= task_extent;

                if (!producer_has_been_scheduled) {
                    // Optimistically assume it gets vectorized
                    // along whatever dimension makes these
                    // numbers the smallest.
                    line_footprint /= max_extent;
                    compute_line_footprint /= max_compute_extent;
                    store_line_footprint /= max_store_extent;
                    task_line_footprint /= max_task_extent;

                int64_t store_instances_per_consumption = 1;

                if (producer_has_been_scheduled && !e->producer->is_input) {
                    const auto &producer_feat = features->get_or_create(&(e->producer->stages[0]));

                    if (producer_feat.num_realizations) {
                        // The producer's realization is nested inside this Func's realization
                        const int64_t producer_store_instances = producer_feat.num_realizations;
                        if (producer_store_instances > consumer_instances) {
                            store_instances_per_consumption = producer_store_instances / consumer_instances;

                allocation_bytes_loaded += compute_footprint;

                if (store_instances_per_consumption > 1) {
                    // The producer is nested inside the consumer
                    bytes_loaded += store_footprint;
                    // Due to folding, the actual buffer size is smaller than the bounds at the store level
                    lines_loaded += store_line_footprint;
                } else {
                    // The consumer is consuming some portion of a larger producer computed earlier
                    bytes_loaded += footprint;
                    lines_loaded += line_footprint;

                // We compute (but never use) these; computing them is cheap,
                // so let's leave in for future reference, but mark as 'ignore me'
                // to avoid clang-tidy warnings.

    if (at_production) {
        // Properties of the realization, but the values are
        // computable at the production site because that's where
        // the consumers are.
        internal_assert(bytes_loaded >= 0) << "Negative bytes loaded: " << bytes_loaded << "\n";
        feat.allocation_bytes_read_per_realization = allocation_bytes_loaded;
        feat.unique_bytes_read_per_realization = bytes_loaded;
        feat.unique_lines_read_per_realization = lines_loaded;

        if (!at_pure_production) {
            // Also pessimistically assume this update definition relies on the entirety of the produced region so far.
            // TODO: This overbills scatters, or writes to a sub-window.
            internal_assert(bytes_loaded >= 0) << "Negative bytes at production: " << feat.bytes_at_production << "\n";
            feat.unique_bytes_read_per_realization += feat.bytes_at_production;
            feat.unique_lines_read_per_realization += feat.bytes_at_production / feat.innermost_bytes_at_production;
            feat.allocation_bytes_read_per_realization += feat.bytes_at_production;

    if (innermost) {
        feat.points_computed_per_production = subinstances / feat.num_productions;
        // Halide codegens strided loads for small strides as a
        // large dense vector load and a cheap swizzle. ARM even
        // has instructions that do this for free on load
        // (e.g. vld4).
        feat.vector_loads_per_vector = (num_dense_loads +
                                        2 * num_stride_2_loads +
                                        3 * num_stride_3_loads +
                                        4 * num_stride_4_loads);
        feat.scalar_loads_per_vector = num_broadcasts + feat.vector_size * num_gathers;
        feat.scalar_loads_per_scalar = num_loads;
        if (stage->index > 0) {
            // Assume at update definitions we do a self-load
        feat.unique_bytes_read_per_vector = bytes_loaded;
        feat.unique_lines_read_per_vector = lines_loaded;

    // Track features for inlined Funcs
    for (auto it = inlined.begin(); it != inlined.end(); it++) {
        const auto *f = it.key();
        auto &inlined_feat = features->get_or_create(&(f->stages[0]));
        inlined_feat.inlined_calls += it.value() * subinstances;
        inlined_feat.num_vectors += it.value() * feat.num_vectors;
        inlined_feat.num_scalars += it.value() * feat.num_scalars;
        inlined_feat.native_vector_size = stage->vector_size;
        if (inlined_feat.vector_size > 0) {
            inlined_feat.vector_size = std::min(inlined_feat.vector_size, (double)stage->vector_size);
        } else {
            inlined_feat.vector_size = feat.vector_size;
        if (inlined_feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent > 0) {
            inlined_feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent =
        } else {
            inlined_feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent = feat.innermost_pure_loop_extent;
        inlined_feat.inner_parallelism = 1;
        inlined_feat.outer_parallelism = parallelism;

// Get the region required of a Func at this site, from which we
// know what region would be computed if it were scheduled here,
// and what its loop nest would be.
const Bound &LoopNest::get_bounds(const FunctionDAG::Node *f) const {
    if (bounds.contains(f)) {
        const Bound &b = bounds.get(f);
        // Expensive validation for debugging
        // b->validate();
        return b;
    auto *bound = f->make_bound();

    // Compute the region required
    if (f->is_output && is_root()) {
        internal_assert(f->outgoing_edges.empty()) << "Outputs that access other outputs not yet supported\n";
        // It's an output. Use the bounds estimate.
        for (int i = 0; i < f->dimensions; i++) {
            bound->region_required(i) = f->estimated_region_required[i];
    } else {
            << "No consumers of " << f->
            << " at loop over " << (is_root() ? "root" : node-> << "\n";
        auto init = Span::empty_span();
        for (int i = 0; i < f->dimensions; i++) {
            bound->region_required(i) = init;

        for (const auto *e : f->outgoing_edges) {
            // Ignore consumers outside of this loop nest
            if (!is_root() &&
                (stage != e->consumer) &&
                !stage->downstream_of(*(e->consumer->node))) {
            const auto &c_bounds = get_bounds(e->consumer->node);

            // Get the concrete sizes of the consuming loop
            const auto *consumer_loop = &(c_bounds->loops(e->consumer->index, 0));

            // Use the bounds relationship between the nodes to
            // map from the consumer's loop to the required region
            // of the producer.
            e->expand_footprint(consumer_loop, &(bound->region_required(0)));

    // Given a required region of this producer, use the bounds
    // analysis to figure out what region actually gets
    // computed. For most funcs, these are the same. Some things,
    // like histograms or scans, you can only really compute all
    // of at once.
    f->required_to_computed(&(bound->region_required(0)), &(bound->region_computed(0)));

    // Finally, figure out what loop nests will be used to compute
    // this region.
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)f->stages.size(); i++) {
        f->loop_nest_for_region(i, &(bound->region_computed(0)), &(bound->loops(i, 0)));

    const Bound &b = set_bounds(f, bound);
    // Validation is expensive, turn if off by default.
    // b->validate();
    return b;

// Recursively print a loop nest representation to stderr
void LoopNest::dump(string prefix, const LoopNest *parent) const {
    if (!is_root()) {
        // Non-root nodes always have parents.
        internal_assert(parent != nullptr);

        aslog(0) << prefix << node->;
        prefix += " ";

        for (size_t i = 0; i < size.size(); i++) {
            aslog(0) << " " << size[i];
            // The vectorized loop gets a 'v' suffix
            if (innermost && i == (size_t)vectorized_loop_index) {
                aslog(0) << "v";
            // Loops that have a known constant size get a
            // 'c'. Useful for knowing what we can unroll.
            if (parent->get_bounds(node)->loops(stage->index, i).constant_extent()) {
                aslog(0) << "c";

        // Uncomment when debugging the representative loop bounds selected.
            const auto &bounds = get_bounds(node);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < size.size(); i++) {
                const auto &p = bounds->loops(stage->index, i);
                aslog(0) << " [" << p.first << ", " << p.second << "]";

        aslog(0) << " (" << vectorized_loop_index << ", " << vector_dim << ")";

    if (tileable) {
        aslog(0) << " t";
    if (innermost) {
        aslog(0) << " *\n";
    } else if (parallel) {
        aslog(0) << " p\n";
    } else {
        aslog(0) << "\n";
    for (const auto *p : store_at) {
        aslog(0) << prefix << "realize: " << p-> << "\n";
    for (size_t i = children.size(); i > 0; i--) {
        children[i - 1]->dump(prefix, this);
    for (auto it = inlined.begin(); it != inlined.end(); it++) {
        aslog(0) << prefix << "inlined: " << it.key()-> << " " << it.value() << "\n";

// Does this loop nest access the given Func
bool LoopNest::calls(const FunctionDAG::Node *f) const {
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        if (c->calls(f)) {
            return true;
    for (const auto *e : f->outgoing_edges) {
        if (e->consumer == stage) {
            return true;
        if (inlined.contains(e->consumer->node)) {
            return true;
    return false;

// What is the maximum number of inlined calls to a Func that
// occur within this loop. Used to prune states that would
// generate too much code.
int64_t LoopNest::max_inlined_calls() const {
    int64_t result = 0;
    for (auto it = inlined.begin(); it != inlined.end(); it++) {
        result = std::max(result, it.value());
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        result = std::max(result, c->max_inlined_calls());
    return result;

// Does this loop nest access an input buffer? Used to select
// trail strategies when splitting loops. We don't want to read
// out of bounds on inputs, even if we don't intend to use the
// values read. It could create annoying assertion failures for
// the user. It's OK to read out of range of the values computed
// on internal Funcs though. Allocation bounds inference just pads
// out the bounds so that it won't fault.
bool LoopNest::accesses_input_buffer() const {
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        if (c->accesses_input_buffer()) {
            return true;
    if (is_root()) {
        return false;

    auto check = [&](const FunctionDAG::Node::Stage *s) {
        for (const auto *e : s->incoming_edges) {
            if (e->producer->is_input) {
                return true;

        for (int t = 0; t < (int)PipelineFeatures::ScalarType::NumScalarTypes; t++) {
            if (s->features.op_histogram[(int)PipelineFeatures::OpType::ImageCall][t] > 0) {
                return true;
        return false;

    if (check(stage)) {
        return true;
    for (auto it = inlined.begin(); it != inlined.end(); it++) {
        if (check(&(it.key()->stages[0]))) {
            return true;
    return false;

// Does this loop nest contain a computation of the given Func.
bool LoopNest::computes(const FunctionDAG::Node *f) const {
    if (f == node) {
        return true;
    if (inlined.contains(f)) {
        return true;
    for (const auto &c : children) {
        if (c->computes(f)) {
            return true;
    return false;

// Above here most methods query the loop nest. Below we have
// methods that mutate the loop nest.

// Inline a Func into all consumers within this loop.
void LoopNest::inline_func(const FunctionDAG::Node *f) {
    // Inline it into the children
    for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
        if (children[i]->calls(f)) {
            std::unique_ptr<LoopNest> new_child{new LoopNest};
            children[i] = new_child.release();

    // Inline it here if there are any direct calls
    if (innermost) {
        int64_t calls = 0;
        for (const auto *e : f->outgoing_edges) {
            if (inlined.contains(e->consumer->node)) {
                calls += inlined.get(e->consumer->node) * e->calls;
            if (e->consumer == stage) {
                calls += e->calls;
        if (calls) {
            inlined.insert(f, calls);

// Compute a Func at this site.
void LoopNest::compute_here(const FunctionDAG::Node *f, bool tileable, int v) {
    const auto &bounds = get_bounds(f);

    if (!may_subtile()) {
        // If we are restricting ourselves to the Mullapudi et al
        // scheduling space, then once something is computed here
        // we may not subtile this loop.
        this->tileable = false;

    for (int s = (int)f->stages.size() - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
        LoopNest *node = new LoopNest;
        node->node = f;
        node->stage = &f->stages[s];
        node->innermost = true;
        node->vectorized_loop_index = -1;
        node->tileable = tileable && (is_root() || may_subtile());
        // Set up a bound for the inside of the
        // loop. computed/required is still the full region, but
        // the loop nest will be a single representative point.
        auto *single_point = bounds->make_copy();
        size_t loop_dim = f->stages[s].loop.size();

        int64_t total_extent = 1;
        int64_t vector_size = 1;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_dim; i++) {
            const auto &l = bounds->loops(s, i);
            // Initialize the loop nest
            node->size[i] = l.extent();
            total_extent *= node->size[i];

            // Use the first loop iteration to represent the inner
            // loop. We'll shift it to a later one once we decide
            // on vectorization.
            single_point->loops(s, i) = Span(l.min(), l.min(), true);

            internal_assert(l.max() >= l.min()) << i << " " << l.max() << " " << l.min() << "\n";

            if (f->dimensions &&
                node->size[i] >= 1 &&
                f->stages[s].loop[i].var == f->func.args()[v]) {
                node->vectorized_loop_index = (int)i;
                vector_size = (int64_t)(node->stage->vector_size);
                single_point->loops(s, i).set_extent(vector_size);
                node->size[i] += vector_size - 1;
                node->size[i] /= vector_size;

                // Shift the loops along by some multiple of the
                // vector size, to pick a more representative vector
                // than the first. We use the middle-most.
                int64_t shift = vector_size * (node->size[i] / 2);
                single_point->loops(s, i).translate(shift);
            } else {
                int64_t shift = node->size[i] / 2;
                single_point->loops(s, i).translate(shift);

        // Leave region required blank inside the computation of a Func
        node->set_bounds(f, single_point);
        node->vector_dim = v;

        if (node->vectorized_loop_index >= 0) {
            // Split off the single vector as an inner loop nest.
            node->innermost = false;

            LoopNest *one_vector = new LoopNest;
            one_vector->node = node->node;
            one_vector->stage = node->stage;
            one_vector->tileable = false;
            one_vector->vectorized_loop_index = node->vectorized_loop_index;
            one_vector->vector_dim = v;
            one_vector->size.resize(loop_dim, 1);
            one_vector->innermost = true;
            auto *b = node->get_bounds(f)->make_copy();
            // Set the region computed inside this node to be the first vector lane
            b->loops(s, node->vectorized_loop_index).set_extent(1);
            one_vector->set_bounds(f, b);
            one_vector->size[node->vectorized_loop_index] = vector_size;


// Parallelize this loop according to the given tiling.
IntrusivePtr<const LoopNest> LoopNest::parallelize_in_tiles(const MachineParams &params,
                                                            const vector<int64_t> &tiling,
                                                            const LoopNest *parent) const {

    // Split this loop and move factors to the inner loop
    LoopNest *inner = new LoopNest, *outer = new LoopNest;
    inner->node = outer->node = node;
    inner->stage = outer->stage = stage;
    inner->tileable = outer->tileable = tileable && may_subtile();
    inner->vector_dim = outer->vector_dim = vector_dim;
    inner->vectorized_loop_index = outer->vectorized_loop_index = vectorized_loop_index;
    outer->size = size;
    outer->innermost = false;
    outer->parallel = true;
    outer->tileable = may_subtile();

    // First make an inner loop representing a 1x1x1... tile
    inner->size.resize(size.size(), 1);
    inner->innermost = innermost;
    inner->children = children;
    inner->inlined = inlined;
    inner->bounds = bounds;
    inner->store_at = store_at;

    auto *b = inner->get_bounds(node)->make_copy();

    // Then move factors from the outer loop to the inner loop
    const auto &parent_bounds = parent->get_bounds(node);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < stage->loop.size(); i++) {
        int l = stage->loop[i].pure_dim;

        int64_t outer_extent;
        if (l >= 0) {
            internal_assert(l < (int)tiling.size()) << l << " " << tiling.size() << "\n";
            outer_extent = tiling[l];
        } else {
            // RVars are moved inwards
            outer_extent = 1;

        inner->size[i] = (outer->size[i] + outer_extent - 1) / outer_extent;

        // Recompute the outer size given the selected inner size
        outer_extent = (outer->size[i] + inner->size[i] - 1) / inner->size[i];

        outer->size[i] = outer_extent;
        const auto &p = parent_bounds->loops(stage->index, i);
        int64_t min = p.min();
        int64_t extent = p.extent();
        extent = (extent + outer_extent - 1) / outer_extent;

        // Pick a better representative loop iteration for the
        // inner loops.
        min += (outer_extent / 2) * extent;
        bool compile_time_constant_bounds = p.constant_extent() || ((outer_extent > 1) && stage->loop[i].pure);
        b->loops(stage->index, i) = Span(min, min + extent - 1, compile_time_constant_bounds);
    outer->set_bounds(node, b);

    return outer;

// Return all possible ways to compute f in tiles somewhere within
// this loop nest.
vector<IntrusivePtr<const LoopNest>> LoopNest::compute_in_tiles(const FunctionDAG::Node *f,
                                                                const LoopNest *parent,
                                                                const MachineParams &params,
                                                                int v,
                                                                bool in_realization) const {

    vector<IntrusivePtr<const LoopNest>> result;

    // Some pruning to not waste time on terrible states
    if (parent) {
        const auto &bounds_here = get_bounds(f);
        const auto &bounds_at_parent = parent->get_bounds(f);

        // Don't descend into loops that break our ability to
        // vectorize if we could have vectorized one level up.
        const auto &p = bounds_here->region_computed(v);
        const auto &p_parent = bounds_at_parent->region_computed(v);
        int64_t e = p.extent();
        int64_t ep = p_parent.extent();
        if (ep >= f->vector_size && e < f->vector_size) {
            return result;

        // Don't descend into loops if the bounds required don't
        // shrink.
        int64_t total_here = 1, total_at_parent = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < f->dimensions; i++) {
            const auto &range_here = bounds_here->region_computed(i);
            const auto &range_at_parent = bounds_at_parent->region_computed(i);
            total_here *= range_here.extent();
            total_at_parent *= range_at_parent.extent();
        if (total_here >= total_at_parent) {
            return result;

    // Figure out which child we can fuse this into
    int child = -1;
    bool called_by_multiple_children = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)children.size(); i++) {
        if (children[i]->calls(f)) {
            if (child != -1) {
                called_by_multiple_children = true;
            child = i;

    // Place the computation directly inside this loop (provided it's not a SIMD loop)
    if (!innermost &&
        (!in_realization ||
         size.empty() ||
         vector_dim == -1 ||
         size[vector_dim] == 1)) {

        std::unique_ptr<LoopNest> r{new LoopNest};
        r->compute_here(f, true, v);
        if (!in_realization) {
        } else {
            r->tileable = false;

    if (f->is_output) {
        // Outputs must be compute_root, so we're done.
        return result;

    if (tileable) {
        // The root node is not tileable, so all tileable nodes have parents.
        internal_assert(parent != nullptr);

        // Generate a list of tile sizes to try
        auto tilings = generate_tilings(size, (int)(size.size() - 1), 2, !in_realization);

        if (tilings.size() > 10000) {
            aslog(0) << "Warning: lots of tilings: " << tilings.size() << "\n";

        for (auto t : tilings) {
            if (parallel) {
                const auto &l = stage->loop;
                // More pruning. Skip root-level tilings that
                // would leave too many cores idle, and root-level
                // tilings that would force serialization of
                // dimensions we have decided to parallelize over
                // in an earlier pass.
                int total = 1;
                size_t idx = 0;
                for (auto s : t) {
                    if (l[idx].pure) {
                        total *= s;

                const double tasks_per_core = (double)total / params.parallelism;
                const double idle_cores = std::ceil(tasks_per_core) / tasks_per_core;
                if (idle_cores > 1.1) {

            // Tile this loop and place the computation at some coarser granularity
            LoopNest *inner = new LoopNest, *outer = new LoopNest;
            inner->node = outer->node = node;
            inner->stage = outer->stage = stage;
            inner->tileable = outer->tileable = tileable && may_subtile();
            inner->vector_dim = outer->vector_dim = vector_dim;
            inner->vectorized_loop_index = outer->vectorized_loop_index = vectorized_loop_index;
            outer->size = size;
            outer->innermost = false;
            outer->parallel = parallel;
            inner->parallel = false;

            // First make an inner loop representing a 1x1x1... tile
            inner->size.resize(size.size(), 1);
            inner->innermost = innermost;
            inner->children = children;
            inner->inlined = inlined;
            inner->bounds = bounds;
            inner->store_at = store_at;

                auto *b = inner->get_bounds(node)->make_copy();

                // Then move factors from the outer loop to the inner loop
                const auto &parent_bounds = parent->get_bounds(node);

                for (size_t i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
                    int64_t outer_extent = t[i];
                    inner->size[i] = (outer->size[i] + outer_extent - 1) / outer_extent;
                    outer->size[i] = outer_extent;
                    const auto &p = parent_bounds->loops(stage->index, i);
                    int64_t min = p.min();
                    int64_t original_extent = p.extent();
                    int64_t inner_extent = (original_extent + outer_extent - 1) / outer_extent;
                    // Pick a more representative loop iteration
                    min += (outer_extent / 2) * inner_extent;
                    bool compile_time_constant_extent =
                        (p.constant_extent() || outer_extent > 1) &&
                        (inner_extent == 1 || outer_extent == 1 || stage->index == 0);
                    b->loops(stage->index, i) = Span(min, min + inner_extent - 1, compile_time_constant_extent);

                // Region_{computed/required} on outer is now
                // wrong, but it doesn't matter because consumers
                // only look at the loops in get_bounds. Still,
                // this is weird.
                outer->set_bounds(node, b);

            if (!in_realization) {

            // HACK
            // bool may_slide = false;
            bool may_slide = (!in_realization &&
                              f->stages.size() == 1);
            if (may_slide) {
                // Store here, but compute further in. Currently
                // don't have to worry about the constraints this
                // places on parallelism, as we forced all the
                // parallelism to the outer loop.
                auto opts = inner->compute_in_tiles(f, outer, params, v, true);
                for (IntrusivePtr<const LoopNest> &n : opts) {
                    LoopNest *store_at_outer_compute_further_in = new LoopNest;

            // Site the computation inside the outer loop
            outer->compute_here(f, true, v);
            outer->tileable &= !in_realization;

    if (child >= 0 && !called_by_multiple_children && !in_realization &&
        (may_subtile() || is_root())) {
        // Push the Func further inwards in the loop nest

        // See if it's appropriate to slide over this loop Can't
        // slide at the root level if we intend to parallelize it.
        bool may_slide = (params.parallelism == 1) || !is_root();

        const auto &c = children[child];
        int num_ones = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < c->size.size(); i++) {
            int64_t s = c->size[i];
            num_ones += (s == 1) ? 1 : 0;

        // Some pruning:

        // Only slide over single-dimensional loops
        may_slide &= num_ones == ((int)c->size.size() - 1);

        // Don't slide funcs with update stages
        may_slide &= f->stages.size() == 1;

        // Don't slide over the vector dimension
        may_slide &= (c->vectorized_loop_index == -1 ||
                      c->size[c->vectorized_loop_index] == 1);

        for (int store_here = 0; store_here < 2; store_here++) {
            if (store_here && !may_slide) {
                // We place all our parallel loops at the root
                // level, so this would constrain parallelism.
            if (is_root() && num_ones == (int)c->size.size() && params.parallelism > 1) {
                // Don't fuse into serial loops, or we could never parallelize this Func.
            auto opts = children[child]->compute_in_tiles(f, this, params, v, store_here);
            for (IntrusivePtr<const LoopNest> &n : opts) {
                // (Only valid if one child calls f) Push the
                // computation into the child. Possibly leaving
                // the storage out here.
                LoopNest *r = new LoopNest;
                if (store_here) {
                r->children[child] = n;

    return result;

// Apply the schedule represented by this loop nest to a Halide pipeline.
void LoopNest::apply(LoopLevel here,
                     StageMap<std::unique_ptr<StageScheduleState>> &state_map,
                     double num_cores,
                     int depth,
                     const LoopNest *parent,
                     const LoopNest *compute_site) const {
    if (is_root()) {
        for (const auto &c : children) {
            c->apply(LoopLevel::root(), state_map, num_cores, 1, this, c.get());
            if (c->stage->index == 0) {
                auto &state = state_map.get(c->stage);
                state->schedule_source << "\n    .compute_root()";
                // TODO: Omitting logic for printing store_root() assumes everything store_root is also compute root
    } else {
        // Non-root nodes always have parents.
        internal_assert(parent != nullptr);

        if (parent->node != node) {
            compute_site = this;

        const auto &symbolic_loop = stage->loop;
        const auto &parent_bounds = parent->get_bounds(node);
        if (!state_map.contains(stage)) {
            StageScheduleState *state = new StageScheduleState;
            state->num_cores = num_cores;
            state->vector_dim = vector_dim;
            state->vectorized_loop_index = vectorized_loop_index;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < symbolic_loop.size(); i++) {
                StageScheduleState::FuncVar fv;
                const auto &l = symbolic_loop[i];
                fv.var = VarOrRVar(l.var, !l.pure);
                fv.orig = fv.var;
                fv.accessor = l.accessor;
                const auto &p = parent_bounds->loops(stage->index, i);
                fv.extent = p.extent();
                fv.constant_extent = p.constant_extent();
                fv.outermost = true;
                fv.parallel = l.pure && parallel;
                fv.exists = true;
                fv.pure = l.pure;
                fv.index = i;
                fv.innermost_pure_dim = (i == (size_t)vectorized_loop_index);
            // Bubble the innermost pure dimension to the front of the pure dimensions
            for (int i = vectorized_loop_index - 1;
                 i >= 0 && state->vars[i].pure; i--) {
                std::swap(state->vars[i], state->vars[i + 1]);
            state_map.emplace(stage, std::unique_ptr<StageScheduleState>(state));
        auto &state = *(state_map.get(stage));

        // The getter for grabbing Func handles is reverse topological order
        Stage s = Func(node->func);
        if (stage->index > 0) {
            s = Func(node->func).update(stage->index - 1);

        if (stage->index == 0 && parent->node != node) {
            // Pick a memory type
            double bytes = node->bytes_per_point;
            for (int i = 0; i < node->dimensions; i++) {
                const auto &p = parent_bounds->region_computed(i);
                bytes *= p.extent();
            if (bytes < 64000 && depth > 2) {
                // If it's probably a small allocation, and it's
                // made more than once, use stack-scoped
                // storage. Otherwise let the compiler pick heap
                // or stack as it likes.
                state.schedule_source << "\n    .store_in(MemoryType::Stack)";

        // Pick a tail strategy for any splits of pure vars. RVars always use guardwithif
        auto pure_var_tail_strategy = TailStrategy::Auto;
        if (!compute_site->accesses_input_buffer() && !node->is_output) {
            // Roundup is lowest overhead, provided it doesn't
            // expand the bounds read on the input or written on
            // the output. However, you can only really use it on
            // pure stages that don't access the input anywhere in
            // their loop nest.
            pure_var_tail_strategy = TailStrategy::RoundUp;
        } else if (stage->index == 0) {
            // Pure stages that access the input use shiftinwards
            pure_var_tail_strategy = TailStrategy::ShiftInwards;
        } else {
            // For pure vars in update stages that access the
            // input, it's not safe to round up or redundantly
            // recompute
            pure_var_tail_strategy = TailStrategy::GuardWithIf;

        if (!size.empty()) {
            if (innermost) {
                if (vectorized_loop_index >= 0) {
                    size_t i = 0;
                    while (!state.vars[i].innermost_pure_dim) {
                    auto &v = state.vars[i];
                    internal_assert(v.innermost_pure_dim && v.exists) << << "\n";
                    // Is the result of a split
                        << "\n    .vectorize(" << << ")";
            } else {
                // Grab the innermost loop for this node
                const LoopNest *innermost_loop = this, *child = nullptr;
                while (!innermost_loop->innermost) {
                    for (const auto &c : innermost_loop->children) {
                        if (c->node == node) {
                            if (!child) {
                                child = c.get();
                            innermost_loop = c.get();

                // Do the implied splits
                vector<StageScheduleState::FuncVar> new_inner;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < symbolic_loop.size(); i++) {
                    StageScheduleState::FuncVar v;
                    StageScheduleState::FuncVar &parent = state.vars[i];

                    int64_t factor = (parent.extent + size[parent.index] - 1) / size[parent.index];
                    int64_t innermost_size = innermost_loop->size[parent.index];

                    if (child && parent.innermost_pure_dim) {
                        // Ensure the split is a multiple of the
                        // vector size. With all these rounded
                        // divs going on it can drift.
                        factor = ((factor + innermost_size - 1) / innermost_size) * innermost_size;

                    if (child && innermost_size > factor) {
                        factor = innermost_size;

                    if (!parent.exists || factor == 1) {
                        v.exists = false;
                        v.extent = 1;
                    } else if (size[parent.index] == 1 && !(child &&
                                                            child->innermost &&
                                                            parent.innermost_pure_dim &&
                                                   == {
                        // Not split in this dimension
                        v = parent;
                        v.parallel = false;
                        parent.exists = false;
                        parent.extent = 1;
                    } else {
                        VarOrRVar inner(Var( + "i"));
                        if (parent.var.is_rvar) {
                            inner = RVar( + "i");

                        auto tail_strategy = pure_var_tail_strategy;
                        // If it's an RVar, or not the outermost split and we're in an update, we need a guard with if instead.
                        if (parent.var.is_rvar || (stage->index != 0 && !parent.outermost)) {
                            tail_strategy = TailStrategy::GuardWithIf;

                        if (factor > parent.extent && tail_strategy == TailStrategy::ShiftInwards) {
                            // Don't shift all the way off the image.
                            tail_strategy = TailStrategy::GuardWithIf;

                        s.split(parent.var, parent.var, inner, (int)factor, tail_strategy);
                            << "\n    .split("
                            << << ", "
                            << << ", "
                            << << ", "
                            << factor << ", "
                            << "TailStrategy::" << tail_strategy << ")";
                        v = parent;
                        parent.extent = size[parent.index];
                        v.constant_extent = (tail_strategy != TailStrategy::GuardWithIf);
                        v.var = inner;
                        v.extent = factor;
                        v.parallel = false;
                        v.outermost = false;

                if (child->innermost) {
                    // Maybe do some unrolling

                    int64_t product_of_pure_loops = 1;
                    bool all_pure_loops_constant_size = true;
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < symbolic_loop.size(); i++) {
                        if (state.vars[i].pure) {
                            product_of_pure_loops *= state.vars[i].extent;
                            all_pure_loops_constant_size &= state.vars[i].constant_extent;

                    if (product_of_pure_loops <= kUnrollLimit && all_pure_loops_constant_size) {
                        // There's a hope we can fit anything compute-at this level into registers if we fully unroll
                        // TODO: 16 should be the number of vector registers in the architecture
                        std::stable_sort(state.vars.begin(), state.vars.begin() + symbolic_loop.size(),
                                         [](const StageScheduleState::FuncVar &a, const StageScheduleState::FuncVar &b) {
                                             return a.pure && !b.pure;

                        for (size_t i = 0; i < symbolic_loop.size(); i++) {
                            if (state.vars[i].pure && state.vars[i].exists && state.vars[i].extent > 1) {
                                state.schedule_source << "\n    .unroll(" << state.vars[i] << ")";

                bool found = false;
                for (const auto &v : state.vars) {
                    if (!v.exists) {
                    here = LoopLevel(node->func, v.var);
                    found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    here = LoopLevel(node->func, Var::outermost());
                // internal_assert(found) << "Could not find appropriate compute_at location for children of " << node-> << "\n";
                state.vars.insert(state.vars.begin(), new_inner.begin(), new_inner.end());
        if (innermost) {

        for (const auto *f : store_at) {
        for (auto s : size) {
            num_cores /= s;
        string loop_level;
        if (here.is_root()) {
            loop_level = "_root()";
        } else {
            loop_level = "_at(" + here.func() + ", " + here.var().name() + ")";
        for (const auto &c : children) {
            if (c->node != node) {
            c->apply(here, state_map, num_cores, depth + 1, this, compute_site);
            if (c->node != node && c->stage->index == 0) {
                auto &state = *(state_map.get(c->stage));
                state.schedule_source << "\n    .compute" << loop_level;
        for (const auto *f : store_at) {
            bool computed_here = false;
            for (const auto &c : children) {
                if (c->node == f) {
                    computed_here = true;
            if (!computed_here) {
                auto &state = *(state_map.get(&(f->stages[0])));
                state.schedule_source << "\n    .store" << loop_level;

const LoopNest *deepest_common_ancestor(const map<const LoopNest *, pair<const LoopNest *, int>> &parents,
                                        const LoopNest *a, const LoopNest *b) {
    if (a->is_root()) {
        return a;
    if (b->is_root()) {
        return b;
    if (a == b) {
        return a;

    // Walk the deeper one up until they're at the same depth
    auto it_a = parents.find(a);
    auto it_b = parents.find(b);
    internal_assert(it_a != parents.end() && it_b != parents.end());
    while (it_a->second.second > it_b->second.second) {
        a = it_a->second.first;
        it_a = parents.find(a);
    while (it_b->second.second > it_a->second.second) {
        b = it_b->second.first;
        it_b = parents.find(b);

    while (true) {
        // Walk each up one
        a = it_a->second.first;
        b = it_b->second.first;
        if (a == b) {
            return a;
        it_a = parents.find(a);
        it_b = parents.find(b);
        internal_assert(it_a != parents.end() && it_b != parents.end());

    // unreachable
    return nullptr;

// Compute the parent and depth of every loop nest node
void compute_loop_nest_parents(map<const LoopNest *, pair<const LoopNest *, int>> &parents,
                               const LoopNest *here, int depth) {
    for (const auto &c : here->children) {
        parents.emplace(c.get(), pair<const LoopNest *, int>{here, depth});
        compute_loop_nest_parents(parents, c.get(), depth + 1);

}  // namespace Autoscheduler
}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide
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