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Tip revision: aa2369008fd8b3b3ce6980269dcd0e111920ad6b authored by Project Philly on 19 February 2016, 14:39:55 UTC
Integrate eldak/refCountingPrototype into master
Tip revision: aa23690
# CNTK example: MNIST 

## Overview

|Data:     |The MNIST database ( of handwritten digits.
|Purpose   |This example demonstrates usage of the NDL (Network Description Language) to define networks.
|Network   |NDLNetworkBuilder, simple feed forward and convolutional networks, cross entropy with softmax.
|Training  |Stochastic gradient descent both with and without momentum.
|Comments  |There are two config files, details are provided below.

## Running the example

### Getting the data

The MNIST dataset is not included in the CNTK distribution but can be easily 
downloaded and converted by running the following command from the 'AdditionalFiles' folder:


The script will download all required files and convert them to CNTK-supported format. 
The resulting files (Train-28x28.txt and Test-28x28.txt) will be stored in the 'Data' folder. 
In case you don't have Python installed, there are 2 options:

1. Download and install latest version of Python 2.7 from: 
Then install the numpy package by following instruction from:

2. Alternatively install the Python Anaconda distribution which contains most of the 
popular Python packages including numpy:

### Setup

Compile the sources to generate the cntk executable (not required if you downloaded the binaries).

__Windows:__ Add the folder of the cntk executable to your path 
(e.g. `set PATH=%PATH%;c:/src/cntk/x64/Debug/;`) 
or prefix the call to the cntk executable with the corresponding folder. 

__Linux:__ Add the folder of the cntk executable to your path 
(e.g. `export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/src/cntk/build/debug/bin/`) 
or prefix the call to the cntk executable with the corresponding folder. 

### Run

Run the example from the Image/MNIST/Data folder using:

`cntk configFile=../Config/01_OneHidden.cntk`

or run from any folder and specify the Data folder as the `currentDirectory`, 
e.g. running from the Image/MNIST folder using:

`cntk configFile=Config/01_OneHidden.cntk currentDirectory=Data`

The output folder will be created inside Image/MNIST/.

## Details

### Config files

There are three config files and corresponding network description files in the 'Config' folder:

1. 01_OneHidden.ndl is a simple, one hidden layer network that produces 2.3% of error.
To run the sample, navigate to the Data folder and run the following command:  
`cntk configFile=../Config/01_OneHidden.cntk`

2. 02_Convolution.ndl is more interesting, convolutional network which has 2 convolutional and 2 max pooling layers. 
The network produces 0.87% of error after training for about 2 minutes on GPU.
To run the sample, navigate to the Data folder and run the following command:  
`cntk configFile=../Config/02_Convolution.cntk`

3. 03_ConvBatchNorm.ndl is almost identical to 02_Convolution.ndl 
except that it uses batch normalization for the convolutional and fully connected layers.
As a result, it achieves around 0.92% of error after training for just 2 epochs (and less than 30 seconds).
To run the sample, navigate to the Data folder and run the following command:  
`cntk configFile=../Config/03_ConvBatchNorm.cntk`

For more details, refer to .ndl and corresponding .cntk files.

### Additional files

The 'AdditionalFiles' folder contains the python script to download and convert the data. 
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