Raw File
Tip revision: d2287a05527324f94677431caf518696c7dd5974 authored by Mark Hillebrand on 18 January 2016, 08:37:45 UTC
License change
Tip revision: d2287a0
// <copyright file="" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

#pragma once

#include "BestGpu.h"

#ifndef CPUONLY

#pragma push_macro("TENSOR_OPS_DECL")
#define TENSOR_OPS_DECL __device__ __host__
#include "CommonMatrix.h"
#include "GPUMatrix.h"
#include "TensorOps.h"  // for exp_() etc.
#include "device_functions.h"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#pragma pop_macro("TENSOR_OPS_DECL")

// REVIEW alexeyk: disable warnings properly for GCC/clang
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4100)
#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
#pragma warning (disable: 4201)
#pragma warning (disable: 4515)
#include <cub/cub.cuh>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (pop)

// We would like to use 64-bit integer to support large matrices. However, CUDA seems to support only 32-bit integer
// For now, use int32_t to ensure that both Linux and Windows see this as 32 bit integer type.

#ifndef CUDA_LONG
#define CUDA_LONG int32_t

#define IDX2C(i,j,ld) (((j)*(ld))+(i)) // 0 based indexing

// CUDA atomicAdd() only exists for 'float'. This is the 'double' version.
static __inline__ __device__ double atomicAdd(double* address, double val)
    unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address;
    unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed;
    do {
        assumed = old;
        old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(val + __longlong_as_double(assumed)));
    } while (assumed != old);
    return __longlong_as_double(old);

// TODO: replace this with TensorOps.h LogAdd(). It differs in using ElemType throughout, while this one seems to use 'double' versions of exp() and log().
// The 'k' in the name is to avoid naming conflicts with various versions of logadd() that are defined throughout the codebase.
template<class ElemType>
static inline __device__ __host__ ElemType logaddk(ElemType x, ElemType y)
    ElemType temp, diff, z;

    if (x < y)
        temp = x; x = y; y = temp;
    diff = y - x;
    if (diff < MINLOGEXP)
        return (x < LSMALL) ? LZERO : x;
        z = exp(diff);
        return x + log(1.0 + z);

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GridDim -- helper to choose the CUDA grid dimensions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

template<class INT, class INT2>
static INT CeilDiv(INT a, INT2 b)   // ceil(a/b)
    return (INT)(((size_t)a + (size_t)b - 1) / (size_t)b);  // these size_t casts are necessary since b may be INT_MAX (for maxGridSize[])

struct GridDim
    static const CUDA_LONG maxThreadsPerBlock = 512;    // use this many threads per block
    static const CUDA_LONG maxWarpsPerBlock = 16;       // use this many warps per block

    // use these for launching
    //   GridDim grid(NN);
    //   kernel<<<grid.m_blocksPerGrid, grid.m_threadsPerBlock, ...>>>(...)
    int m_blocksPerGrid, m_threadsPerBlock;             // (these may in the future be extended to multi-dimensional ones)
    CUDA_LONG m_N;

    GridDim(CUDA_LONG N)    // linear grid
        m_N = N;
        if (N == 0)                     // CUDA will fail to launch with 0 blocks
            N = 1;

        // get device information
        const auto & props = GetDeviceProps();
        CUDA_LONG numProcs = props.multiProcessorCount;
        CUDA_LONG warpSize = props.warpSize;

        // distribute warps evenly over processors
        CUDA_LONG warpsPerProc = CeilDiv(N, numProcs * warpSize);

        // if too many warps per block then reduce #warps
        if (warpsPerProc > maxWarpsPerBlock)
            CUDA_LONG overBy = CeilDiv(warpsPerProc, maxWarpsPerBlock); // we are over by this factor
            warpsPerProc = CeilDiv(warpsPerProc, overBy);

        // put it back together
        m_threadsPerBlock = warpsPerProc * warpSize;
        m_blocksPerGrid = CeilDiv(N, m_threadsPerBlock);
        if (m_blocksPerGrid == 1)
            m_threadsPerBlock = N;  // don't launch more than necessary  --TODO: Does this make a difference at all?
        assert(m_blocksPerGrid * m_threadsPerBlock >= N);

    static std::vector<cudaDeviceProp> CacheDeviceProps()
        int numDevices;
        std::vector<cudaDeviceProp> props(numDevices);
        for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
            CUDA_CALL(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props[i], i));
#if 1   // on Linux, maxGridSize[0] gets reported as 0
        for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
            fprintf(stderr, "%d procs  %d warps  %d %d %d max grid  on  %s\n", (int)props[i].multiProcessorCount, (int)props[i].warpSize, (int)props[i].maxGridSize[0], (int)props[i].maxGridSize[1], (int)props[i].maxGridSize[2], props[i].name);
        return props;

    // get device properties of current device
    static const cudaDeviceProp & GetDeviceProps()
        static std::vector<cudaDeviceProp> props = CacheDeviceProps();   // thread-safe according to C++ standard
        int deviceId;
        return props[deviceId];

    // compute our location on the grid
    static __device__ CUDA_LONG GetLinearThreadId()
        return blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

#define CALCULATE_ELEMENTWISE_INDEX_OR_EXIT(id,N) CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId(); if (id>=N) return;

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define UNUSED_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__ ((unused))

// ===========================================================================
// CUDA kernels follow, lots of them
// ===========================================================================

// _elementWise*() kernels
// Designed to operate on contiguous blocks of memory, where the output is a simple function of the inputs.
// The first parameters of every function are inputs, and the last two arguments to each function are always
// (ElemenType *res, CUDA_LONG N), a pointer and length of the output block. Each thread computes a function
// of the inputs for one value in the output.

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWisePowerOnCuda(
    const ElemType alpha,     
    const ElemType *a, 
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    if (alpha==0)
    else if (alpha==1)
    else if (alpha==2)
    else if (alpha==3)
        if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(double))

// Note that this code is inefficient on CUDA due to diverging code paths.
// Use Sigmoid() in TensorOps.h instead, which solves this problem.
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseSigmoidOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
#if 0   // this computes the same thing but is twice as fast on CUDA
    res[id] = Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::Sigmoid(a[id]);
    if (a[id] >= 0)
        ElemType e = exp_(-a[id]);
        res[id] = 1 / (1 + e);
        ElemType e = exp_(a[id]);
        res[id] = e / (1 + e);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignSigmoidOf(
    const ElemType* a,
    ElemType* res,
    const CUDA_LONG N)

    // This function computes 1 / (1 + e^(-x)) which yields 1 / (1 + e^|x|) if x is negative,
    // and e^x / (1 + e^x) if x is positive.
    // BUGBUG: This does not invert the calculation when the exp argument becomes large, potentially causing overflows.
    //         There is a second version of this function that does. That should be used.
#if 0   // this has the same speed now, although not identical accuracy
    res[id] = Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::Sigmoid(a[id]);
    ElemType negElem = -a[id];
    ElemType e = exp_(negElem);

    res[id] = 1 / (e + 1);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseLinRectDerivativeOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = (a[id] <= 0) ? 0 : 1;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseSigmoidDerivativeOnCuda( 
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = a[id] * (1-a[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseTanhOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = tanh_(a[id]);

//to prevent negative values caused by floating operations, we force inputs to be >=0
//this may, however, hide problems in the caller.
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseSqrtOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = sqrt_(max((ElemType)0, a[id]));

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseExpOnCuda(  
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = exp_(a[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseLogOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = (a[id] < EPS_IN_LOG) ? LOG_OF_EPS_IN_LOG : log_(a[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseAbsOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = fabs_(a[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseCosineOnCuda(
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = cos_(a[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elementWiseNegativeSineOnCuda(    
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType *res,    
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    res[id] = -sin_(a[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _setValue(    
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType v,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _setValue(    
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* d_v,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _copyColumnsStrided(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, CUDA_LONG N, CUDA_LONG numRows, CUDA_LONG destNumColsStride, CUDA_LONG srcNumColsStride)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG denseColIdx = id / numRows;
    CUDA_LONG rowIdx = id - (denseColIdx * numRows);

    dest[(denseColIdx*destNumColsStride*numRows) + rowIdx] = src[(denseColIdx*srcNumColsStride*numRows) + rowIdx];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignToRowSliceValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG startIndex, const CUDA_LONG destRows, const CUDA_LONG srcRows)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / srcRows;
    CUDA_LONG row = id - (col * srcRows);

    dest[col*destRows + row + startIndex] = src[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignRowSliceValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG startIndex, const CUDA_LONG destRows, const CUDA_LONG srcRows)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / destRows;
    CUDA_LONG row = id - (col * destRows);

    //dest[id] = src[col*srcRows + row + startIndex];
    dest[id] = src[IDX2C(row + startIndex, col, srcRows)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addToRowSliceValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG startIndex, const CUDA_LONG destRows, const CUDA_LONG srcRows)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / srcRows;  //src is the full matrix, rowslice is taken from the dest
    CUDA_LONG row = id - (col * srcRows);

    //dest[col*destRows + row + startIndex] += src[id];
    dest[IDX2C(row + startIndex, col, destRows)] += src[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addWithRowSliceValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG startIndex, const CUDA_LONG destRows, const CUDA_LONG srcRows)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / destRows;  //dest is the full matrix, rowslice is taken from the src
    CUDA_LONG row = id - (col * destRows);

    dest[id] += src[IDX2C(row + startIndex, col, srcRows)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignToDiagonalValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG srcCols)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / srcCols;
    CUDA_LONG row = id - (col * srcCols);

    if (row == col)
        dest[row] = src[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignRowStackValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType ** srces, size_t* startRowIndeces, const CUDA_LONG numSrces, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG destRows, const CUDA_LONG destCols)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / destRows;  //dest is the full matrix, rowslice is taken from the src
    CUDA_LONG row = id - (col * destRows);

    //can we replace the for loop with something better?
    int srcId = 0;
    for (; srcId < numSrces; srcId++)
        if (startRowIndeces[srcId + 1]>row)

    dest[id] = srces[srcId][IDX2C(row - startRowIndeces[srcId], col, startRowIndeces[srcId+1] - startRowIndeces[srcId])];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignRepeatOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG srcRows, const CUDA_LONG srcCols, const CUDA_LONG destRows)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG destCol = id / destRows;
    CUDA_LONG destRow = id - (destCol * destRows);

    CUDA_LONG srcRow = destRow % srcRows;
    CUDA_LONG srcCol = destCol % srcCols;

    dest[id] = src[IDX2C(srcRow,srcCol,srcRows)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addToRowRepeatValuesOf(ElemType * dest, ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG srcRows, const CUDA_LONG srcCols, const CUDA_LONG destRows)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG col = id / srcRows;
    CUDA_LONG row = (id - (col * srcRows)) % destRows;

    //dest[col*destRows + row + startIndex] += src[id];
    dest[IDX2C(row, col, destRows)] += src[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(ElemType * dest, const ElemType * src, const CUDA_LONG N, const CUDA_LONG srcRows, const CUDA_LONG srcCols, const CUDA_LONG destRows, const CUDA_LONG posNumber, const CUDA_LONG shiftNumber)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    CUDA_LONG destCol = id / destRows;
    CUDA_LONG destRow = id - (destCol * destRows);

    CUDA_LONG sampleInDestCol = destRow / srcRows;
    CUDA_LONG srcRow = destRow - srcRows * sampleInDestCol;
    CUDA_LONG srcCol = sampleInDestCol < posNumber ? destCol : (destCol + shiftNumber + sampleInDestCol - posNumber) % srcCols;

    dest[id] = src[IDX2C(srcRow, srcCol, srcRows)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addFoldedPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(ElemType * folded, const ElemType * unfolded, const CUDA_LONG unfoldedN, const CUDA_LONG unfoldedRows, const CUDA_LONG unfoldedCols, const CUDA_LONG foldedRows, const CUDA_LONG posNumber, const CUDA_LONG shiftNumber)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= unfoldedN)

    CUDA_LONG unfoldedCol = id / unfoldedRows;
    CUDA_LONG unfoldedRow = id - (unfoldedCol * unfoldedRows);

    CUDA_LONG sampleInUnfoldedCol = unfoldedRow / foldedRows;
    CUDA_LONG foldedRow = unfoldedRow - foldedRows * sampleInUnfoldedCol;
    CUDA_LONG foldedCol = sampleInUnfoldedCol < posNumber ? unfoldedCol : (unfoldedCol + shiftNumber + sampleInUnfoldedCol - posNumber) % unfoldedCols;

    atomicAdd(&folded[IDX2C(foldedRow, foldedCol, foldedRows)], unfolded[id]);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignDifferenceOf1(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignDifferenceOf2(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

///a is a scalar
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _scaleAndAddScalar(
    ElemType* c,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType *a,
    const ElemType *b
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    c[id] = alpha*a[0] + b[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _multiply1x1AndWeightedAdd(
    ElemType alpha, const ElemType* a, const ElemType* b, ElemType beta, ElemType* c, CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)
    ElemType f = alpha * *a;    // scalar matrix
    if (beta == 0)              // don't even read the memory if beta is 0
        c[id] = b[id] * f;
        c[id] = b[id] * f + c[id] * beta;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addValue(    
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType v,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addValue(    
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* d_v,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elemMul(    
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignElementProductOf(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignKhatriRaoProductOf(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG rowsA, 
    const CUDA_LONG rowsB, 
    const CUDA_LONG cols)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    const CUDA_LONG rows = rowsA * rowsB;
    const CUDA_LONG col = id / rows;
    if (col >= cols) 

    const CUDA_LONG row = id % rows;
    const CUDA_LONG rowB = row / rowsA; 
    const CUDA_LONG rowA = row % rowsA;

    us[id] = a[rowA + col * rowsA] * b[rowB + col * rowsB];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addColumnReshapeProductOf(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG rowsB, 
    const CUDA_LONG rowsC, 
    const CUDA_LONG cols,
    const bool transposeAColumn)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    const CUDA_LONG col = id / rowsC;
    if (col >= cols) 

    const CUDA_LONG row = id % rowsC;
    CUDA_LONG bBase = col * rowsB;
    CUDA_LONG aBase = bBase * rowsC;
    ElemType v = 0;

    if (transposeAColumn)
        aBase += row * rowsB;
        for (CUDA_LONG i=0; i<rowsB; i++)
            v += a[aBase++] * b[bBase++];
        aBase += row;
        for (CUDA_LONG i=0; i<rowsB; i++)
            v += a[aBase] * b[bBase++];
            aBase += rowsC;
    us[row + col * rowsC] += v;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignElementDivisionOf(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    ElemType smallValue = EPS_IN_INVERSE;

    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    ElemType v = b[id];

    if (v <0 && v > -smallValue)
        us[id] = a[id]/(-smallValue);
    else if (v >=0 && v < smallValue)
        us[id] = a[id]/smallValue;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _elemInverse(
    ElemType* us,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    ElemType smallValue = EPS_IN_INVERSE;

    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    if (us[id] <0 && us[id] > -smallValue)
        us[id] = 1/-smallValue;
    else if (us[id] >=0 && us[id] < smallValue)
        us[id] = 1/smallValue;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _logSoftMaxColWise(
    ElemType *a,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numCols,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numRows) //ld
    int col_id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (col_id >= m_numCols)

    __shared__ ElemType maxV[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    __shared__ ElemType Sum[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    maxV[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(0, col_id, m_numRows)];
    Sum[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    for (CUDA_LONG i = 0; i<m_numRows; ++i)
        if (a[IDX2C(i, col_id, m_numRows)]>maxV[threadIdx.x])
            maxV[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(i, col_id, m_numRows)];

    for (CUDA_LONG i = 0; i<m_numRows; ++i)
        ElemType tmp = a[IDX2C(i, col_id, m_numRows)] - maxV[threadIdx.x];
        Sum[threadIdx.x] += (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float) ? expf(tmp) : exp(tmp));
    Sum[threadIdx.x] = maxV[threadIdx.x] + (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float) ? logf(Sum[threadIdx.x]) : log(Sum[threadIdx.x]));
    for (CUDA_LONG i = 0; i<m_numRows; ++i)
        a[IDX2C(i, col_id, m_numRows)] -= Sum[threadIdx.x];

//template<class ElemType>
//__global__ void _assignColumnwiseSoftmaxOf(
//    const ElemType *a,
//    ElemType* us,
//    const CUDA_LONG m_numCols,
//    const CUDA_LONG m_numRows) //thead per column
//    int col_id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
//    if (col_id>=m_numCols)
//        return;
//    __shared__ ElemType maxV[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
//    __shared__ ElemType Sum[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
//    maxV[threadIdx.x]=a[IDX2C(0,col_id,m_numRows)];
//    Sum[threadIdx.x]=0;
//    for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<m_numRows;++i)
//    {
//        if (a[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)]>maxV[threadIdx.x])
//        {
//            maxV[threadIdx.x]=a[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)];
//        }
//    }
//    for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<m_numRows;++i)
//    {
//        if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
//        {
//            us[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)] = expf(a[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)]-maxV[threadIdx.x]);
//        }
//        else
//        {
//            us[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)] = exp(a[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)]-maxV[threadIdx.x]);
//        }
//        Sum[threadIdx.x] +=  us[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)];
//    }
//    for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<m_numRows;++i)
//    {
//        us[IDX2C(i,col_id,m_numRows)] /= Sum[threadIdx.x] ;
//    }

// each block processes one column. There must be 512 threads in a block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignColumnwiseLogSoftmaxOf(
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType* us,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numCols,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numRows)
    // We first find max per column
    __shared__ ElemType colMax[1];
    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    colMax[0] = -10000000;
    partials[threadIdx.x] = -10000000;

    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < m_numRows; i += 512)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x], a[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 256)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 256], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 128)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 128], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 64)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 64], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 32)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 32], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 16)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 16], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 8)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 8], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x < 4)
        partials[threadIdx.x] = max(partials[threadIdx.x + 4], partials[threadIdx.x]);

    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        colMax[0] = max(max(partials[0], partials[1]), max(partials[2], partials[3]));
    partials[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f;

    // Now start finding sums
    __shared__ ElemType colSum[1];
    colSum[0] = 0.0f;
    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < m_numRows; i += 512)
        ElemType tmp = a[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)] - colMax[0];
        us[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)] = tmp;
        partials[threadIdx.x] += (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) ? expf(tmp) : exp(tmp);

    if (threadIdx.x < 256)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 256];

    if (threadIdx.x < 128)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 128];

    if (threadIdx.x < 64)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 64];

    if (threadIdx.x < 32)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 32];

    if (threadIdx.x < 16)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 16];

    if (threadIdx.x < 8)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 8];

    if (threadIdx.x < 4)
        partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + 4];

    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        colSum[0] = partials[0] + partials[1] + partials[2] + partials[3];
        colSum[0] = (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) ? logf(colSum[0]) : log(colSum[0]);

    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < m_numRows; i += 512)
        us[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)] -= colSum[0];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _logSoftMaxRowWise(
    ElemType *a,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numCols,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numRows) //ld
    int row_id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (row_id >= m_numRows)

    __shared__ ElemType maxV[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    __shared__ ElemType Sum[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    maxV[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(row_id, 0, m_numRows)];
    Sum[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    for (CUDA_LONG j = 0; j<m_numCols; ++j)
        if (a[IDX2C(row_id, j, m_numRows)]>maxV[threadIdx.x])
            maxV[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(row_id, j, m_numRows)];

    for (CUDA_LONG j = 0; j<m_numCols; ++j)
        ElemType tmp = a[IDX2C(row_id, j, m_numRows)] - maxV[threadIdx.x];
        Sum[threadIdx.x] += sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float) ? expf(tmp) : exp(tmp);
    Sum[threadIdx.x] = maxV[threadIdx.x] + (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float) ? logf(Sum[threadIdx.x]) : log(Sum[threadIdx.x]));
    for (CUDA_LONG j = 0; j<m_numCols; ++j)
        a[IDX2C(row_id, j, m_numRows)] -= Sum[threadIdx.x];

// each block processes one column. There must be 512 threads in a block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignColumnwiseHardmaxOf(
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType* us,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numCols,
    const CUDA_LONG m_numRows) 
    // We first find max per column
    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    __shared__ int colMaxI[512];
    int row = threadIdx.x % m_numRows;
    colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = row;
    partials[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(row, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)];

    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < m_numRows; i += 512)
        if (partials[threadIdx.x] < a[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)])
            partials[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)];
            colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = i;

    if (m_numRows > 256)
        if (threadIdx.x < 256)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 256;
            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (m_numRows > 128)
        if (threadIdx.x < 128)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 128;

            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (m_numRows > 64)
        if (threadIdx.x < 64)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 64;
            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (m_numRows > 32)
        if (threadIdx.x < 32)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 32;
            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (m_numRows > 16)
        if (threadIdx.x < 16)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 16;
            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (m_numRows > 8)
        if (threadIdx.x < 8)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 8;
            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (m_numRows > 4)
        if (threadIdx.x < 4)
            int other = threadIdx.x + 4;
            if (partials[threadIdx.x] < partials[other])
                partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[other];
                colMaxI[threadIdx.x] = colMaxI[other];

    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        for (int i = 1; i < 4 && i < m_numRows; i++)
            if (partials[0] < partials[i])
                partials[0] = partials[i];
                colMaxI[0] = colMaxI[i];

    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < m_numRows; i += 512)
        us[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, m_numRows)] = (i == colMaxI[0]) ? 1 : 0;

#if 0
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _inplaceTruncateBottom(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    if (a[id]<threshold)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignTruncateBottom(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    us[id] = a[id] < threshold ? threshold : a[id];

#if 0
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _inplaceTruncateTop(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    if (a[id]>threshold)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignTruncateTop(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    us[id] = a[id] > threshold ? threshold : a[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _setToZeroIfAbsLessThan(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
        if (fabsf(a[id])<threshold)
        if (fabs(a[id])<threshold)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _areEqual(
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    const ElemType threshold,
    long *d_res)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
        if (fabsf(a[id]-b[id]) > threshold) 
        if (fabs(1.0*a[id]-1.0*b[id]) > threshold) 

// see Matrix<ElemType>::TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd() for comments
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _tensorShuffleScaleAndAdd(
    ElemType keepWeight, const ElemType* pa, size_t D, size_t S, size_t M, size_t K, size_t T, ElemType scaleFactor, const ElemType* pb, ElemType* pc)
    size_t N = D * S * M * K * T;
    CUDA_LONG na = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;   // input tensor of dimension (D x S x M x K x T)
    if (na >= N)
    // recover the 5 indices from the loop counter
    size_t d =  na                  % D;
    size_t s = (na / D            ) % S;
    size_t m = (na / D / S        ) % M;
    size_t k = (na / D / S / M    ) % K;
    size_t t = (na / D / S / M / K) % T;
    // compute index for the a and b/c tensors
    size_t nb = (((t * S + s) * M + m) * K + k) * D + d;    // output tensor of dimension (D x K x M x S x T): k/K and s/S swapped
    // perform the computation
    ElemType cval = keepWeight ? keepWeight * pb[nb] : 0;   // if weight is 0 then don't bother to read memory (efficiency) or to multiply (NaN-safe)
    cval += scaleFactor * pa[na];
    pc[nb] = cval;

// see Matrix<ElemType>::TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd() for comments
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _tensorShuffleScaleAndAddRowSparse(
    const ElemType* anzValues,  //source nz values
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* aRowIndex,
    ElemType* cnzValues,  //target nz values
    size_t D, size_t S, size_t M, size_t K, size_t T,
    size_t nz)
    CUDA_LONG N = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;   // input tensor of dimension (D x S x M x K x T)
    if (N >= nz || N < aColCSCIndex[0])

    size_t col;
    for (col = 0; col < T; col++)
        if (aColCSCIndex[col + 1] > N)

    size_t na = aRowIndex[N];
    int start = aColCSCIndex[col];
    int end = aColCSCIndex[col + 1];

    // recover the 5 indices from the loop counter
    size_t d = (na                  ) % D;
    size_t s = (na / D              ) % S;
    size_t m = (na / D / S          ) % M;
    size_t k = (na / D / S / M      ) % K;

    // compute index for the a and b/c tensors
    size_t nc = ((s * M + m) * K + k) * D + d;    // output tensor of dimension (D x K x M x S): k/K and s/S swapped

    int rowIdx = start;
    for (size_t na_i = start; na_i < end; na_i++)
        // recover the 5 indices from the loop counter
        size_t d_i = (na_i              ) % D;
        size_t s_i = (na_i / D          ) % S;
        size_t m_i = (na_i / D / S      ) % M;
        size_t k_i = (na_i / D / S / M  ) % K;

        // compute index for the a and b/c tensors
        size_t nc_i = ((s_i * M + m_i) * K + k_i) * D + d_i;    // output tensor of dimension (D x K x M x S): k/K and s/S swapped
        if (nc_i < nc)

    cnzValues[rowIdx] = anzValues[N];
    cRowIndex[rowIdx] = nc;

    if (N == nz - 1)
        for (int i = 0; i <= T; i++)
            cColCSCIndex[i] = aColCSCIndex[i];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _hasElement(
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    ElemType *d_res  /// [2x1] vector. The first is the value to be compared and the second is the 0/1 to return
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    if (a[id] == d_res[0])
        d_res[1] = 1;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _setDiagonalValue(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType v,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    const CUDA_LONG ld)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _setDiagonalValueFromVector(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _adagrad(
    ElemType* a,
    ElemType* d_v,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    ElemType* multipliers)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    const ElemType floor = 1e-16f;

    a[id] += d_v[id] * d_v[id];
    ElemType temp = sqrt(a[id]+floor);
    d_v[id] /= temp;

    if (multipliers != nullptr)
        multipliers[id] = 1/temp;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _adagrad4BlockSparse(
    ElemType* a,  //dense
    const size_t numRows, //number of rows in a and in d_v
    ElemType* d_v, //block sparse
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* blockId2ColOrRow,
    ElemType* multipliers,
    const bool colMajor,
    const size_t len, //major dim, numRows in colMajor and numcols in rowMajor
    const CUDA_LONG N) //total number of non-zero values
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    const ElemType floor = 1e-16f;
    CUDA_LONG blockid = id / len;  
    CUDA_LONG row = colMajor ? id - blockid*len : blockId2ColOrRow[blockid];
    CUDA_LONG col = colMajor ? blockId2ColOrRow[blockid] : id - blockid*len;

    size_t indexInA = row + col*numRows;
    a[indexInA] += d_v[id] * d_v[id];
    ElemType temp = sqrt(a[indexInA] + floor);
    d_v[id] /= temp;

    if (multipliers != nullptr)
        multipliers[id] = 1 / temp;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _fsadagrad(CUDA_LONG size, ElemType* grad, ElemType* smoothAda, ElemType* smoothMom, ElemType* val,
    ElemType lr, ElemType mom, ElemType adaWeight, ElemType adaMul)
    CUDA_LONG idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
    for (; idx < size; idx += stride)
        ElemType g = grad[idx];
        ElemType adaSqr = adaWeight * smoothAda[idx] + (1.0f - adaWeight) * g * g;
        smoothAda[idx] = adaSqr;
        if (adaSqr != 0.0f)
            ElemType w;
            if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(double))
                w = adaMul * rsqrt(adaSqr);
                w = adaMul * rsqrtf(adaSqr);

            if (w > 10.0f)
                w = 10.0f;
            g *= w;

        if (mom > 0.0f)
            g = mom * smoothMom[idx] + (1.0f - mom) * g;
            smoothMom[idx] = g;

        g *= lr;
        val[idx] -= g;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rmsprop_init(
    ElemType* avars, ElemType* signs, ElemType* steps,
    ElemType* curr_grad,
    const CUDA_LONG N
    CUDA_LONG i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i >= N)

    ElemType tmp = curr_grad[i];
    avars[i] = tmp * tmp;
    signs[i] = ElemType(0.0);
    steps[i] = ElemType(0.02);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rmsprop(
    ElemType* avars, ElemType* signs, ElemType* steps,
    ElemType* curr_grad,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    ElemType floor,
    ElemType *upd_gpu,
    ElemType* multipliers
    CUDA_LONG i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i >= N)

    avars[i] = RMS_GAMMA * avars[i] + (ElemType(1.0)-RMS_GAMMA)* (curr_grad[i] * curr_grad[i]);

    //// grad sign base 3: 0->neg, 1->zero, 2->pos
    //const int grad_sign = 1 + (ElemType(0) < curr_grad[i]) - (curr_grad[i] < ElemType(0));

    //// signs[i] contains three consecutive grad_sign
    //signs[i]  = 3*(int(signs[i]) % 9) + grad_sign;

    //// update according to the following table:
    //// (!pos,!pos,!pos) or (!neg,!neg,!neg): RMS_WGT_INC
    //// (!neg,!neg,neg) or (!pos,!pos,pos): RMS_WGT_DEC
    //// otherwise: no action

    //case 0:
    //    steps[i] = max(steps[i] * RMS_WGT_DEC, RMS_WGT_MIN);
    //    break;
    //case 2:
    //    steps[i] = min(steps[i] * RMS_WGT_INC, RMS_WGT_MAX);
    //    break;
    //curr_grad[i] *= steps[i] / sqrt(avars[i] + floor);

    const int grad_sign = (ElemType(0) < curr_grad[i]) - (curr_grad[i] < ElemType(0));

    if( signs[i] * grad_sign > 0 )
        steps[i] = min(steps[i] * RMS_WGT_INC, RMS_WGT_MAX);
        steps[i] = max(steps[i] * RMS_WGT_DEC, RMS_WGT_MIN);

    ElemType temp = steps[i] / sqrt(avars[i] + floor);
    curr_grad[i] *= temp;
    signs[i] = grad_sign;

    if (multipliers != nullptr)
        multipliers[i] = temp;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rescaleToRange(
    ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    const ElemType low,
    const ElemType high)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _setMaskAndScale(
    ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    const ElemType maskRate,
    const ElemType scaleValue)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    a[id]=a[id]<=maskRate? 0 : scaleValue;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _vectorSum(
    ElemType* c, //output
    const ElemType* a, //input
    const CUDA_LONG n, //a.numRows
    const CUDA_LONG m, //a.numCols
    const bool isColWise)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if ((isColWise && id >= m) || (!isColWise && id >= n))

    ElemType sum = 0;

    if (isColWise)
        for (CUDA_LONG i = 0; i<n; ++i)
            sum += a[IDX2C(i, id, n)];
        for (CUDA_LONG j = 0; j<m; ++j)
            sum += a[IDX2C(id, j, n)];
    c[id] = sum;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _vectorNorm1(
    ElemType* c, //output
    const ElemType* a, //input
    const CUDA_LONG n, //a.numRows
    const CUDA_LONG m, //a.numCols
    const bool isColWise)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if ((isColWise && id>=m)||(!isColWise && id>=n))

    ElemType sum = 0;

    if (isColWise)
        for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<n;++i)
            if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
        for (CUDA_LONG j=0;j<m;++j)
            if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))

//one column per thread
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _vectorNorm2(
    ElemType* c,  //output
    const ElemType* a, //input
    const CUDA_LONG N, //a.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M, //a.GetNumCols();
    const bool isColWise) 
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if ((isColWise && id>=M) || (!isColWise && id>=N))

    ElemType sum = 0;
    if (isColWise)
        for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<N;++i)
            ElemType v = a[IDX2C(i,id,N)];
            sum += v * v;
        for (CUDA_LONG j=0;j<M;++j)
            ElemType v = a[IDX2C(id,j,N)];
            sum += v * v;

    if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
        c[id] = sqrtf(sum);
        c[id] = sqrt(sum);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _convertInd2ValsAdjustInd(
    ElemType* inds,
    const ElemType* M,
    ElemType* vals,    
    const CUDA_LONG n, //number of cols
    const CUDA_LONG m, //number of rows
    const bool isColWise)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if ((isColWise && id>=n)||(!isColWise && id>=m))
    if (isColWise)

    //assume each column is an input sample. Each sample is stored in [channel, row, col]  (r00, g00, b00, r01, g01, b01, r10, g10, b10, r11, g11, b11)
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignPackedConvolutionInput(ElemType * packedMatrix, const ElemType * inputSubBatch, const CUDA_LONG batchSize,
                                                 const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight, const CUDA_LONG inputChannels,
                                                 const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputChannels,
                                                 const CUDA_LONG kernelWidth, const CUDA_LONG kernelHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample, const bool zeroPadding)
    const CUDA_LONG inputHeightTimesChannel = inputHeight * inputChannels; 
    const size_t inputDim = inputWidth*inputHeightTimesChannel;

    const CUDA_LONG idall = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = idall / inputDim;
    if (sample >= batchSize) 

    const CUDA_LONG id = idall % inputDim;
    const CUDA_LONG y = id / inputHeightTimesChannel; //inputCol

    const size_t packedInputRows = kernelWidth * kernelHeight * inputChannels;
    const size_t packedInputColsPerSample = outputWidth * outputHeight;  //output size per channel

    // IN_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, row, col) = (channel + (row + col * inputHeight) * inputChannels)
    // IN_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    const CUDA_LONG nXC = id % inputHeightTimesChannel; //channel + inputRow*inputChannels
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / inputChannels; //inputRow
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % inputChannels; //channel

    ElemType currentInputValue = inputSubBatch[id + sample*inputDim]; 

    CUDA_LONG x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
    if (zeroPadding)
        const CUDA_LONG halfKernelWidth = kernelWidth/2; 
        const CUDA_LONG halfKernelHeight = kernelHeight/2; 

        x0 = max(0.0f, ceil((x-(ElemType)kernelHeight+1.0f+halfKernelHeight)/ (ElemType)verticalSubsample));  //row : first wrow in which x is in
        x1 = x+halfKernelHeight-x0*verticalSubsample;    //first posxInKernel
        y0 = max(0.0f, ceil((y-(ElemType)kernelWidth+1.0f+halfKernelWidth)/(ElemType)horizontalSubsample));  //col : first wcol in which y is in
        y1 = y+halfKernelWidth-y0*horizontalSubsample;  //first posyInKernel
        x0 = max(0.0f, ceil((x-(ElemType)kernelHeight+1)/ (ElemType)verticalSubsample));  //row : first wrow in which x is in
        x1 = x-x0*verticalSubsample;    //first posxInKernel
        y0 = max(0.0f, ceil((y-(ElemType)kernelWidth+1)/(ElemType)horizontalSubsample));  //col : first wcol in which y is in
        y1 = y-y0*horizontalSubsample;  //first posyInKernel

    // PACK_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, posxInKernel, posyInKernel) = (channel * kernelWidth * kernelHeight + posxInKernel + posyInKernel * kernelHeight)
    // PACK_ELEM_COLPOS(sample, wrow, wcol) = (sample*packedInputColsPerSample + outputHeight*wcol + wrow

    CUDA_LONG packColBase = sample*packedInputColsPerSample + y0*outputHeight; 
    for (CUDA_LONG wcol = y0, posyInKernel = y1; wcol < outputWidth && posyInKernel>=0; wcol++, posyInKernel -= horizontalSubsample) 
        CUDA_LONG packRowBase = c * kernelWidth * kernelHeight + posyInKernel * kernelHeight;
        for (CUDA_LONG wrow = x0, posxInKernel = x1; wrow < outputHeight && posxInKernel>=0; wrow++, posxInKernel -= verticalSubsample) 
            const CUDA_LONG packRow = packRowBase + posxInKernel; 
            const CUDA_LONG packCol = packColBase + wrow; 
            packedMatrix[packRow + packCol*packedInputRows] = currentInputValue; 
        packColBase += outputHeight; 

    //assume each column is an input sample. Each sample is stored in [channel, row, col]  (r00, g00, b00, r01, g01, b01, r10, g10, b10, r11, g11, b11)
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _unpackConvolutionInput(const ElemType * packedMatrix, ElemType * inputSubBatch, const CUDA_LONG batchSize,
                                                 const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight, const CUDA_LONG inputChannels,
                                                 const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputChannels,
                                                 const CUDA_LONG kernelWidth, const CUDA_LONG kernelHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample, const bool zeroPadding)
    const CUDA_LONG inputHeightTimesChannel = inputHeight * inputChannels; 
    const size_t inputDim = inputWidth*inputHeightTimesChannel;

    const CUDA_LONG idall = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = idall / inputDim;
    if (sample >= batchSize) 

    const CUDA_LONG id = idall % inputDim;
    const CUDA_LONG y = id / inputHeightTimesChannel; //inputCol

    const size_t packedInputRows = kernelWidth * kernelHeight * inputChannels;
    const size_t packedInputColsPerSample = outputWidth * outputHeight;  //output size per channel

    // IN_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, row, col) = (channel + (row + col * inputHeight) * inputChannels)
    // IN_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    const CUDA_LONG nXC = id % inputHeightTimesChannel; //channel + inputRow*inputChannels
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / inputChannels; //inputRow
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % inputChannels; //channel

    CUDA_LONG x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
    if (zeroPadding)
        const CUDA_LONG halfKernelWidth = kernelWidth/2; 
        const CUDA_LONG halfKernelHeight = kernelHeight/2; 

        x0 = max(0.0f, ceil((x-(ElemType)kernelHeight+1.0f+halfKernelHeight)/ (ElemType)verticalSubsample));  //row : first wrow in which x is in
        x1 = x+halfKernelHeight-x0*verticalSubsample;    //first posxInKernel
        y0 = max(0.0f, ceil((y-(ElemType)kernelWidth+1.0f+halfKernelWidth)/(ElemType)horizontalSubsample));  //col : first wcol in which y is in
        y1 = y+halfKernelWidth-y0*horizontalSubsample;  //first posyInKernel
        x0 = max(0.0f, ceil((x-(ElemType)kernelHeight+1)/ (ElemType)verticalSubsample));  //row : first wrow in which x is in
        x1 = x-x0*verticalSubsample;    //first posxInKernel
        y0 = max(0.0f, ceil((y-(ElemType)kernelWidth+1)/(ElemType)horizontalSubsample));  //col : first wcol in which y is in
        y1 = y-y0*horizontalSubsample;  //first posyInKernel

    // PACK_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, posxInKernel, posyInKernel) = (channel * kernelWidth * kernelHeight + posxInKernel + posyInKernel * kernelHeight)
    // PACK_ELEM_COLPOS(sample, wrow, wcol) = (sample*packedInputColsPerSample + outputHeight*wcol + wrow

    ElemType currentInputValue = inputSubBatch[id + sample*inputDim]; 
    CUDA_LONG packColBase = sample*packedInputColsPerSample + y0*outputHeight; 
    for (CUDA_LONG wcol = y0, posyInKernel = y1; wcol < outputWidth && posyInKernel>=0; wcol++, posyInKernel -= horizontalSubsample) 
        CUDA_LONG packRowBase = c * kernelWidth * kernelHeight + posyInKernel * kernelHeight;
        for (CUDA_LONG wrow = x0, posxInKernel = x1; wrow < outputHeight && posxInKernel>=0; wrow++, posxInKernel -= verticalSubsample) 
            const CUDA_LONG packRow = packRowBase + posxInKernel; 
            const CUDA_LONG packCol = packColBase + wrow; 
            currentInputValue += packedMatrix[packRow + packCol*packedInputRows]; 
        packColBase += outputHeight; 

    inputSubBatch[id + sample*inputDim] = currentInputValue; 

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignMaxPoolingResult(ElemType * outputBatch, const ElemType * inputBatch, const CUDA_LONG batchSize, const CUDA_LONG channels,
                                                const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight,  const CUDA_LONG inputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG windowWidth, const CUDA_LONG windowHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample)
    const CUDA_LONG outputIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = outputIndex / outputSizePerSample; 
    if (sample >= batchSize) 

    const CUDA_LONG outputIndexWithinSample = outputIndex % outputSizePerSample; 
    const CUDA_LONG inputHeightTimesChannel = inputHeight * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG outputHeightTimesChannel = outputHeight * channels; 

    // IN_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, row, col) = (channel + (row + col * inputHeight) * channels)
    // IN_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    // OUT_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, wrow, wcol) = (channel + (wrow + wcol * outputHeight) * channels)
    // OUT_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    const CUDA_LONG y = outputIndexWithinSample / outputHeightTimesChannel; //wcol
    const CUDA_LONG nXC = outputIndexWithinSample % outputHeightTimesChannel; //channel + wrow*channels
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / channels; //wrow
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % channels; //channel

    const ElemType *inputBatchBase4Sample = inputBatch + sample*inputSizePerSample;
    register ElemType maxVal = -FLT_MAX; 
    const CUDA_LONG rowInWindowBase = (x*verticalSubsample + y*horizontalSubsample*inputHeight)*channels+c;
    for (CUDA_LONG colInWindow=0; colInWindow<windowWidth; colInWindow++) 
        CUDA_LONG rowInInput = rowInWindowBase + colInWindow * inputHeightTimesChannel;
        for (CUDA_LONG rowInWindow=0; rowInWindow<windowHeight; rowInWindow++)
            const ElemType val = inputBatchBase4Sample[rowInInput]; 
            maxVal = max(maxVal, val); 
            rowInInput += channels;
    outputBatch[outputIndexWithinSample + sample*outputSizePerSample] = maxVal; 

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addMaxPoolingGradient(ElemType * inputGradientBatch, const ElemType * outputGradientBatch, const ElemType * inputBatch, const ElemType * outputBatch, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG batchSize, const CUDA_LONG channels, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight, const CUDA_LONG inputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG windowWidth, const CUDA_LONG windowHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample)
    const CUDA_LONG inputIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = inputIndex / inputSizePerSample; 
    if (sample >= batchSize) 
    const CUDA_LONG inputIndexWithinSample = inputIndex % inputSizePerSample; 

    const CUDA_LONG inputHeightTimesChannel = inputHeight * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG outputHeightTimesChannel = outputHeight * channels; 

    // IN_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, row, col) = (channel + (row + col * inputHeight) * channels)
    // IN_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    // OUT_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, wrow, wcol) = (channel + (wrow + wcol * outputHeight) * channels)
    // OUT_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    const CUDA_LONG y = inputIndexWithinSample / inputHeightTimesChannel; //col in input
    const CUDA_LONG nXC = inputIndexWithinSample % inputHeightTimesChannel; //channel + row*chanels
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / channels; //row in input
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % channels; //channel

    CUDA_LONG startOutX = max(0.0f, ceil((x-(ElemType)windowHeight+1)/ (ElemType)verticalSubsample));  //inclusive start
    CUDA_LONG endOutX = (x/verticalSubsample < outputHeight-1)? x/verticalSubsample : outputHeight-1; //inclusive end
    CUDA_LONG startOutY = max(0.0f, ceil((y-(ElemType)windowWidth+1)/(ElemType)horizontalSubsample));  //inclusive start
    CUDA_LONG endOutY = (y/horizontalSubsample < outputWidth-1)? y/horizontalSubsample : outputWidth-1; //inclusive end

    ElemType *inputGradientBatchBase4Sample = inputGradientBatch + sample*inputSizePerSample;
    const ElemType *outputGradientBatchBase4Sample = outputGradientBatch + sample*outputSizePerSample;
    const ElemType * outputBatchBase4Sample = outputBatch + sample*outputSizePerSample;

    ElemType inputValue = inputBatch[inputIndexWithinSample + sample*inputSizePerSample];
    for (CUDA_LONG outY=startOutY; outY<=endOutY; outY++)
        for (CUDA_LONG outX=startOutX; outX<=endOutX; outX++)
            CUDA_LONG outputIndex = outY * outputHeightTimesChannel + outX * channels + c; 
            if (inputValue == outputBatchBase4Sample[outputIndex])
                inputGradientBatchBase4Sample[inputIndexWithinSample] += outputGradientBatchBase4Sample[outputIndex];
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignAveragePoolingResult(ElemType * outputBatch, const ElemType * inputBatch, const CUDA_LONG batchSize, const CUDA_LONG channels,
                                                const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight,  const CUDA_LONG inputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG windowWidth, const CUDA_LONG windowHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample)
    const CUDA_LONG outputIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = outputIndex / outputSizePerSample; 
    if (sample >= batchSize) 

    const CUDA_LONG outputIndexWithinSample = outputIndex % outputSizePerSample; 
    const CUDA_LONG inputHeightTimesChannel = inputHeight * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG outputHeightTimesChannel = outputHeight * channels; 

    // IN_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, row, col) = (channel + (row + col * inputHeight) * channels)
    // IN_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    // OUT_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, wrow, wcol) = (channel + (wrow + wcol * outputHeight) * channels)
    // OUT_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    const CUDA_LONG y = outputIndexWithinSample / outputHeightTimesChannel; //wcol
    const CUDA_LONG nXC = outputIndexWithinSample % outputHeightTimesChannel; //channel + wrow*channels
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / channels; //wrow
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % channels; //channel

    const ElemType *inputBatchBase4Sample = inputBatch + sample*inputSizePerSample;

    register ElemType average = 0; 
    const CUDA_LONG rowInWindowBase = (x*verticalSubsample + y*horizontalSubsample*inputHeight)*channels+c;
    for (CUDA_LONG colInWindow=0; colInWindow<windowWidth; colInWindow++) 
        CUDA_LONG rowInInput = rowInWindowBase + colInWindow * inputHeightTimesChannel;
        for (CUDA_LONG rowInWindow=0; rowInWindow<windowHeight; rowInWindow++)
            average += inputBatchBase4Sample[rowInInput]; 
            rowInInput += channels;

    outputBatch[outputIndexWithinSample + sample*outputSizePerSample] = average/windowWidth/windowHeight; 

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addAveragePoolingGradient(ElemType * inputGradientBatch, const ElemType * outputGradientBatch, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG batchSize, const CUDA_LONG channels, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight, const CUDA_LONG inputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG windowWidth, const CUDA_LONG windowHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample)
    const CUDA_LONG inputIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = inputIndex / inputSizePerSample; 
    if (sample >= batchSize) 
    const CUDA_LONG inputIndexWithinSample = inputIndex % inputSizePerSample; 

    const CUDA_LONG inputHeightTimesChannel = inputHeight * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG outputHeightTimesChannel = outputHeight * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG windowSize = windowWidth * windowHeight;

    // IN_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, row, col) = (channel + (row + col * inputHeight) * channels)
    // IN_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    // OUT_ELEM_ROWPOS(channel, wrow, wcol) = (channel + (wrow + wcol * outputHeight) * channels)
    // OUT_ELEM_COLPOS = sample

    const CUDA_LONG y = inputIndexWithinSample / inputHeightTimesChannel; //col in input
    const CUDA_LONG nXC = inputIndexWithinSample % inputHeightTimesChannel; //channel + row*chanels
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / channels; //row in input
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % channels; //channel

    CUDA_LONG startOutX = max(0.0f, ceil((x-(ElemType)windowHeight+1)/ (ElemType)verticalSubsample));  //inclusive start
    CUDA_LONG endOutX = (x/verticalSubsample < outputHeight-1)? x/verticalSubsample : outputHeight-1; //inclusive end
    CUDA_LONG startOutY = max(0.0f, ceil((y-(ElemType)windowWidth+1)/(ElemType)horizontalSubsample));  //inclusive start
    CUDA_LONG endOutY = (y/horizontalSubsample < outputWidth-1)? y/horizontalSubsample : outputWidth-1; //inclusive end

    ElemType *inputGradientBatchBase4Sample = inputGradientBatch + sample*inputSizePerSample;
    const ElemType *outputGradientBatchBase4Sample = outputGradientBatch + sample*outputSizePerSample;

    for (CUDA_LONG outY=startOutY; outY<=endOutY; outY++)
        for (CUDA_LONG outX=startOutX; outX<=endOutX; outX++)
            CUDA_LONG outputIndex = outY * outputHeightTimesChannel + outX * channels + c; 
            inputGradientBatchBase4Sample[inputIndexWithinSample] += outputGradientBatchBase4Sample[outputIndex]/windowSize;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addMaxPoolingGradientLoopOut(ElemType * inputGradientBatch, const ElemType * outputGradientBatch, const ElemType * inputBatch, const ElemType * outputBatch, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG batchSize, const CUDA_LONG channels, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG inputWidth, const CUDA_LONG inputHeight, const CUDA_LONG inputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG outputWidth, const CUDA_LONG outputHeight, const CUDA_LONG outputSizePerSample, 
                                                const CUDA_LONG windowWidth, const CUDA_LONG windowHeight, const CUDA_LONG horizontalSubsample, const CUDA_LONG verticalSubsample)
    const CUDA_LONG outputIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
    const CUDA_LONG sample = outputIndex / outputSizePerSample; 
    if (sample >= batchSize) 
    const CUDA_LONG outputIndexWithinSample = outputIndex % outputSizePerSample; 
    const CUDA_LONG inputWidthTimesChannel = inputWidth * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG outputWidthTimesChannel = outputWidth * channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG y = outputIndexWithinSample / outputWidthTimesChannel; 
    const CUDA_LONG nXC = outputIndexWithinSample % outputWidthTimesChannel; 
    const CUDA_LONG x = nXC / channels; 
    const CUDA_LONG c = nXC % channels; 

    const CUDA_LONG offset0 = sample*inputSizePerSample + y*verticalSubsample*inputWidthTimesChannel + x*horizontalSubsample*channels;
    const ElemType *pCurWindow4Input = inputBatch + offset0; // pooling to current window's first input pixel 
    ElemType *pCurWindow4InGradient = inputGradientBatch + offset0; 
    for (CUDA_LONG yy=0; yy<windowHeight; yy++) 
        const CUDA_LONG offset1 = yy*inputWidthTimesChannel + c; 
        const ElemType *pf0 = pCurWindow4Input + offset1; 
        ElemType *pf1 = pCurWindow4InGradient + offset1; 
        for (CUDA_LONG xx=0; xx<windowWidth; xx++)
            const CUDA_LONG offset2 = xx*channels; 
            if (pf0[offset2] == outputBatch[outputIndex]) 
                pf1[offset2] += outputGradientBatch[outputIndex]; //need to be atomic however atomicAdd on double is not supported.

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addElementProductOf(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _columnElementMultiplyWith(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N, //a.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M) //us.GetNumCols();
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    //__shared__ ElemType _a[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    ElemType mul=a[id];
    for (CUDA_LONG j=0;j<M;++j)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rowElementMultiplyWith(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N, //us.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M) //a.GetNumCols();
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=M)

    //__shared__ ElemType _a[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    ElemType mul=a[id];
    for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<N;++i)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rowElementDivideBy(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N, //us.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M) //a.GetNumCols();
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= M)

    //__shared__ ElemType _a[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    ElemType v = a[id];
    if (v >= 0 && v < EPS_IN_INVERSE)
        v = EPS_IN_INVERSE;
    else if (v < 0 && v > -EPS_IN_INVERSE)
        v = (-EPS_IN_INVERSE);

    for (CUDA_LONG i = 0; i<N; ++i)
        us[IDX2C(i, id, N)] = us[IDX2C(i, id, N)] / v;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _ColumnElementDivideBy(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const CUDA_LONG N, //a.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M) //us.GetNumCols();
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

    ElemType smallValue = EPS_IN_INVERSE;

    //__shared__ ElemType _a[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];
    ElemType v=a[id];
    for (CUDA_LONG j=0;j<M;++j)
        if (v <0 && v > -smallValue)
            us[IDX2C(id,j,N)] /= (-smallValue);
        else if (v >=0 && v < smallValue)
            us[IDX2C(id,j,N)] /= smallValue;
            us[IDX2C(id,j,N)] /= v;


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _innerProduct(
    ElemType* c,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N, //a.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M, //a.GetNumCols();
    const bool isColWise) 
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if ((isColWise && id>=M) || (!isColWise && id>=N))

    ElemType sum = 0;
    CUDA_LONG index;
    if (isColWise)
        for (CUDA_LONG i=0; i<N; ++i)
            index = IDX2C(i,id,N);
            sum += a[index]* b[index];
        for (CUDA_LONG j=0; j<M; ++j)
            index = IDX2C(id,j, N);
            sum += a[index]* b[index];

    c[id] = sum;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignSignOf(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    ElemType v = b[id];
    a[id] = (v == (ElemType)0? (ElemType)0 : (v > 0? (ElemType)1 : (ElemType)(-1)));

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addSignOf(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    ElemType v = b[id];
    a[id] += (v == (ElemType)0? (ElemType)0 : (v > 0? (ElemType)1 : (ElemType)(-1)));

// This function processes 1 column per block. this function needs 512 threads
template<class ElemType, bool IsMax>
__global__ void _vectorMaxMinReduce( 
    const ElemType* us,
    ElemType* Indexes,
    ElemType* Values,
    const CUDA_LONG numRows,
    const CUDA_LONG numCols)
    //we first find max per column    
    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];        
    __shared__ int partialsInd[512];
    if (IsMax)

    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < numRows; i += 512)
        if ((IsMax ? (us[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, numRows)] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (us[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, numRows)] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = us[IDX2C(i, blockIdx.x, numRows)];

    if (threadIdx.x < 256)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 256] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 256] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 256];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 256];

    if (threadIdx.x < 128)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 128] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 128] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 128];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 128];

    if (threadIdx.x < 64)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 64] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 64] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 64];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 64];

    if (threadIdx.x < 32)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 32] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 32] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 32];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 32];

    if (threadIdx.x < 16)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 16] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 16] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 16];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 16];

    if (threadIdx.x < 8)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 8] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 8] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 8];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 8];

    if (threadIdx.x < 4)
        if ((IsMax ? (partials[threadIdx.x + 4] > partials[threadIdx.x]) : (partials[threadIdx.x + 4] < partials[threadIdx.x])) || (partialsInd[threadIdx.x] == -1))
            partials[threadIdx.x] = partials[threadIdx.x + 4];
            partialsInd[threadIdx.x] = partialsInd[threadIdx.x + 4];

    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        ElemType mx = partials[0];
        int ind = partialsInd[0];
        if ((IsMax ? (mx < partials[1]) : (mx > partials[1])) || (ind == -1))
            mx = partials[1];
            ind = partialsInd[1];
        if ((IsMax ? (mx < partials[2]) : (mx > partials[2])) || (ind == -1))
            mx = partials[2];
            ind = partialsInd[2];
        if ((IsMax ? (mx < partials[3]) : (mx > partials[3])) || (ind == -1))
            mx = partials[3];
            ind = partialsInd[3];
        Values[blockIdx.x] = mx;
        Indexes[blockIdx.x] = ind;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _vectorMax(
    const ElemType* us,
    ElemType* maxIndexes,
    ElemType* maxValues,
    const CUDA_LONG m,  //number of rows
    const CUDA_LONG n,  //number of cols
    const bool isColWise) 
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG maxInd = -1;
    ElemType maxVal = -100000;

    if (isColWise)
        if (id>=n)

        for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<m;i++)
            if (maxInd==-1 || us[IDX2C(i,id,m)]>=maxVal)
                maxInd = i;
                maxVal = us[IDX2C(i,id,m)];
        if (id>=m)

        for (CUDA_LONG j=0;j<n;j++)
            if (maxInd==-1 || us[IDX2C(id,j,m)]>=maxVal)
                maxInd = j;
                maxVal = us[IDX2C(id,j,m)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _vectorMin(
    const ElemType* us,
    ElemType* minIndexes,
    ElemType* minValues,
    const CUDA_LONG m,  //number of rows
    const CUDA_LONG n,  //number of cols
    const bool isColWise) 
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG minInd = -1;
    ElemType minVal = -100000;

    if (isColWise)
        if (id>=n)

        for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<m;i++)
            if (minInd==-1 || us[IDX2C(i,id,m)]<=minVal)
                minInd = i;
                minVal = us[IDX2C(i,id,m)];
        if (id>=m)

        for (CUDA_LONG j=0;j<n;j++)
            if (minInd==-1 || us[IDX2C(id,j,m)]<=minVal)
                minInd = j;
                minVal = us[IDX2C(id,j,m)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _matrixMatrixAddOnCuda(
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType *a,
    const ElemType *b,
    ElemType *c,
    const CUDA_LONG N
    c[id] = alpha * a[id] + b[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _matrixVectorRowWiseAddWithThreadPerElem(
    const ElemType *a,
    const ElemType *b,
    ElemType* us,
    ElemType alpha,
    const CUDA_LONG m,  //number of rows
    const CUDA_LONG n)  //number of cols     

    CUDA_LONG col = id / m;

    us[id] = alpha*a[col] + b[id];

//this implementation uses more threads but also more memory access
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _matrixVectorColumnWiseAddWithThreadPerElem(
    const ElemType *a,
    const ElemType *b,
    ElemType* us,
    ElemType alpha,
    const CUDA_LONG m,  //number of rows
    const CUDA_LONG n)  //number of cols     

    CUDA_LONG col = id / m;
    CUDA_LONG row = id - col*m;

    us[id] = alpha*a[row] + b[id];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _matrixVectorColumnWiseAddWithThreadPerRow(
    const ElemType *a,
    ElemType* us,
    ElemType alpha,
    const CUDA_LONG m,  //number of rows
    const CUDA_LONG n)  //number of cols     
    if (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x == 0)
        printf("** _matrixVectorColumnWiseAdd on device:\na = %p, us = %p, alpha = %f, m = %ld, n = %ld\n", 
        printf("us[0] = %f\n", us[0]);
        printf("a[0] = %f\n", a[0]);
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=m)
    ElemType tmp = a[id];
    printf("  a[%d] = %f\n", id, tmp);
    for (CUDA_LONG j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        us[j*m+id] += alpha*tmp;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _matrixVectorColumnWiseAddBlockPerRow(
    const ElemType* a,
    ElemType* us,
    ElemType alpha,
    const CUDA_LONG m,  //number of rows
    const CUDA_LONG n)  //number of cols     
    ElemType tmp;

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        tmp = a[blockIdx.x];

    int loadPerThread = n/blockDim.x; 

    for (int i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? n : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)
        us[m*blockIdx.x + i] += alpha*tmp;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addScaledDifference( 
    ElemType alpha,
    ElemType *a,
    ElemType *b,
    ElemType *c,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    c[id] = c[id] + (a[id]-b[id]) * (alpha);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignScaledDifference( 
    ElemType alpha,
    ElemType *a,
    ElemType *b,
    ElemType *c,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    c[id] = (a[id]-b[id]) * (alpha);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addScaledDifference( 
    ElemType *alpha,
    ElemType *a,
    ElemType *b,
    ElemType *c,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    c[id] = c[id] + (a[id]-b[id]) * alpha[0];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignScaledDifference( 
    ElemType *alpha,
    ElemType *a,
    ElemType *b,
    ElemType *c,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)
    c[id] = (a[id]-b[id]) * alpha[0];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _addElementToElement( 
    const ElemType *a, CUDA_LONG indexA,
    ElemType *c, CUDA_LONG indexC)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>0)
    c[indexC] += a[indexA];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignNumOfDiff( 
    const ElemType *a,
    const ElemType *b,
    ElemType *c,
    __shared__ ElemType partialSums[1024];
    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x; 
    for (CUDA_LONG i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)
        partialSums[threadIdx.x]+=(a[i] != b[i]);

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        c[0] = partialSums[0]+partialSums[1]+partialSums[2]+partialSums[3];

/*template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignNumOfDiff( 
ElemType *a,
ElemType *b,
ElemType *c,
//TO DO: replace atomic operation with reduction

__shared__ int totalSum;
if (threadIdx.x == 0) totalSum = 0;

int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (id>=N)

int localVal = (a[id] != b[id]);
atomicAdd(&totalSum, localVal);

c[id] = totalSum;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _scaleArray(
    ElemType alpha,
    ElemType *us,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=N)

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _sparseCSRPlusDense(
    ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* m_dVal,
    const int* m_dRow,
    const int* m_dCol,
    ElemType* pArrayDev,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=M)
    int start = m_dRow[id];
    int end = m_dRow[id+1];
    for (int _i=start;_i<end;++_i)  //_i is index in m_dVal and m_dCol
        int j = m_dCol[_i];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _sparseCSRElemMulDense(    
    const ElemType* m_dVal,
    const int* m_dRow,
    const int* m_dCol,
    const ElemType* b,
    ElemType* c,
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id>=M)
    int start = m_dRow[id];
    int end = m_dRow[id+1];
    for (int _i=start;_i<end;++_i)  //_i is index in m_dVal and m_dCol
        int j = m_dCol[_i];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _isValid(
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rowIndex,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* colCSCIndex,
    const int rows,
    const int cols,
    const int nz,
    long* d_res
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= cols)

    int start = colCSCIndex[id];
    int end = colCSCIndex[id + 1];
    d_res[0] = 1;

    if (start > end)
        d_res[0] = -1;
        d_res[1] = start;
        d_res[2] = end;
    else if (end > nz)
        d_res[0] = -2;
        d_res[1] = end;
        d_res[2] = nz;
        for (int j = start; j < end; j++)  //j points to the value
            if (rowIndex[j] > rows)
                d_res[0] = -3;
                d_res[1] = rowIndex[j];
                d_res[2] = rows;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _shiftColCSCIndexFromSliceViewToAbsolute(
    const int cols
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= cols)

    colCSCIndex[id] = colCSCIndex[id] - colCSCIndex[0];

//c = alpha * op(a) * op(b) + beta*c
// TODO: This function can be further improved by loading the kernel in shared memory
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _dense1DConvMultSparseCSCAndWeightedAddToDense(
    const int m,                  // rowDense
    const int k,                  // colDense
    const int n,                  // colSparse
    const int numChannels,        // input num channels
    const int numSteps,           // convolution num steps
    const int horizontalSubsample,// convolution step size
    const bool channelwise,       // pixelwise for normal multiplication and channelwise for convolution operation
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* a,      //dense
    const bool transposeA,
    const ElemType* bnzValues,  //sparse nz values
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rowIndex,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* colCSCIndex,
    const ElemType beta,
    ElemType* c  //dense target
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= m*numSteps*n)

    int colInC = id / (m * numSteps);
    int rowInC = id % (m * numSteps);
    int stepIdx = rowInC / m;
    int start = colCSCIndex[colInC];
    int end = colCSCIndex[colInC + 1];

    ElemType s = 0;
    for (int j = start; j < end; j++)  //j points to the value
        int i = rowIndex[j] - (horizontalSubsample * numChannels * stepIdx); // offset row index by the convolution step

        if (i >= 0)
            if (i >= k)

            // Convert to channelwise index.
            // This is similar to rowwise to columnwise conversion
            if (channelwise)
                int pixel = i / numChannels;
                int channel = i % numChannels;
                int numPixels = k / numChannels;
                i = channel * numPixels + pixel;

            if (!transposeA)
                s += a[IDX2C(rowInC % m, i, m)] * bnzValues[j];
                s += a[IDX2C(i, rowInC % m, k)] * bnzValues[j];

    c[IDX2C(rowInC, colInC, m * numSteps)] = alpha * s + (beta == 0 ? 0 : beta * c[IDX2C(rowInC, colInC, m * numSteps)]); // If beta is zero then don't lookup c

/// c += alpha * a * b^T
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _dense1DConvMultSparseCSCTransposeAndAddToDense(
    int m,                      // rowDense
    int k,                      // colDense
    int n,                      // colSparse
    int numChannels,            // input num channels
    int numSteps,               // convolution num steps
    int horizontalSubsample,    // convolution step size
    bool channelwise,           // pixelwise for normal multiplication and channelwise for convolution operation
    int rowInB,                 // row index of the sparse matrix
    ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* a,          //dense
    bool transposeA,
    const ElemType* bnzValues,  //sparse nz values
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rowIndex,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* colCSCIndex,
    ElemType* c                 //dense target
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= m*numSteps)

    int rowInC = id;
    int stepIdx = rowInC / m;
    int i = rowInB - (horizontalSubsample * numChannels * stepIdx); // offset row index by the convolution step

    if (i < 0 || i >= k)

    // Convert to channelwise index.
    // This is similar to rowwise to columnwise conversion
    if (channelwise)
        int pixel = i / numChannels;
        int channel = i % numChannels;
        int numPixels = k / numChannels;
        i = channel * numPixels + pixel;

    int start = colCSCIndex[rowInB];
    int end = colCSCIndex[rowInB + 1];

    ElemType s = 0;
    for (int j = start; j<end; j++)  //j points to the value that are in the same row
        int colInC = rowIndex[j];  // the column index because of transpose
        // bnzValues[j] = the b[][j] value
        if (!transposeA)
            s = a[IDX2C(rowInC % m, i, m)] * bnzValues[j];
            s = a[IDX2C(i, rowInC % m, k)] * bnzValues[j];

        atomicAdd(&c[IDX2C(rowInC, colInC, m * numSteps)], alpha * s);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reshape(
    int oldNumRows,                             // old row count
    int oldNumCols,                             // old col count
    int newNumRows,                             // new row count
    int newNumCols,                             // new col count
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* oldRowIndex,    // old row index array
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* oldColumnIndex, // old column index array
    GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* newRowIndex,          // new row index array
    GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* newColumnIndex        // new column index array
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= newNumCols)

    int currentCol = id;
    int oldColLower = (newNumRows * currentCol) / oldNumRows;

    // initialize to the end and then scan in the right direction in the for-loop
    int currentColStart = oldColumnIndex[oldNumCols];

    for (int oldCol = oldColLower; oldCol <= oldNumCols; oldCol++)
        int start = oldColumnIndex[oldCol];
        int end = (oldCol < oldNumCols) ? oldColumnIndex[oldCol + 1] : oldColumnIndex[oldNumCols] + 1;
        bool done = false;

        for (int j = start; j < end; j++)  //j points to the value
            int oldRow = oldRowIndex[j];
            int index = (oldCol * oldNumRows + oldRow);
            int newCol = index / newNumRows;
            int newRow = index % newNumRows;

            if (newCol == currentCol)
                newRowIndex[j] = newRow;

            if (newCol >= currentCol && currentColStart > j)
                currentColStart = j;

            if (newCol > currentCol)
                done = true;

        if (done)

    newColumnIndex[currentCol] = currentColStart;

    if (currentCol == (newNumCols - 1))
        newColumnIndex[newNumCols] = oldColumnIndex[oldNumCols]; // set end pointer

//called before _determineBlockIds and _denseMulSparseCSCTransposeToSparseBlockCol to determine which columns have values and
//what's the mapping from the column id in the resulted SparseBlockCol format to the column id in the dense format
//input: rowIndexes: the row indexes of the CSC sparse matrix to be multiplied with
//blockIDs: the blockID mapping in the resulting matrix; 
//nnz: number of nonzero value or the size of rowIndexes;
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _findColsWithValues(
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rowIndexes, GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* blockIds, const size_t nnz)
    const size_t index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index >= nnz)

    blockIds[rowIndexes[index]] = 1; //this row has value.

//called before _denseMulSparseCSCTransposeToSparseBlockCol and after _findColsWithValuesto determine which columns have values and
//what's the mapping from the column id in the resulted SparseBlockCol format to the column id in the dense format
//input: rowIndexes: the row indexes of the CSC sparse matrix to be multiplied with
//blockId2Col: the blockID to colum id mapping in the resulting matrix; 
//col2BlockId: the col2BlockId to blockID mapping in the resulting matrix; 
//numCols: number of columns in the resulting matrix or the size of blockIDs
//blockSize: return the blockSize with values, *blockSize must be zero before passed in.
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _determineBlockIds(
    GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* blockId2Col, GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE*col2BlockId, const size_t numCols, size_t* blockSize)
    const size_t index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index >= numCols)

    size_t blockIndex = numCols;
    if (blockId2Col[index] > 0)
        blockIndex = atomicAdd((unsigned int *)blockSize, (unsigned int)1);
        col2BlockId[index] = blockIndex;


    if (blockIndex < numCols)
        blockId2Col[blockIndex] = index;

// backward pass from hidden layer to feature weight
//result (sparse BlockCol)= alpha * (lhs (dense) X rhs^T (sparse CSC)
//assume resultValues are 0-initialized
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _denseMulSparseCSCTransposeToSparseBlockCol2(
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* lhsValues,
    const size_t numRowsLhs,
    const size_t numColsRhs,
    const ElemType* rhsNZValues,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rhsRows,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rhsCols,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* col2blockIds,
    ElemType* resultValues)
    const CUDA_LONG index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const CUDA_LONG lhsCol = index / numRowsLhs; //rhsCol == lhsCol
    if (lhsCol >= numColsRhs)
    const CUDA_LONG lhsRow = index - numRowsLhs*lhsCol; //resultRow == lhsRow

    //each thread handles one [row, col] combination
    ElemType lhsValue = alpha*lhsValues[IDX2C(lhsRow, lhsCol, numRowsLhs)];

    CUDA_LONG start = rhsCols[lhsCol]; //rhsCol == lhsCol
    CUDA_LONG end = rhsCols[lhsCol + 1];

    for (CUDA_LONG p = start; p < end; p++)
        CUDA_LONG rhsRow = rhsRows[p];
        ElemType rhsVal = rhsNZValues[p];
        CUDA_LONG resultCol = col2blockIds[rhsRow]; //resultCol == rhsRow maps to columnid 

        //assume resultValues are 0-initialized
        atomicAdd(&resultValues[IDX2C(lhsRow, resultCol, numRowsLhs)], lhsValue * rhsVal);

// backward pass from hidden layer to feature weight
//result (sparse BlockCol)= alpha * (lhs (dense) X rhs^T (sparse CSC)
//assume resultValues are 0-initialized
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _denseMulSparseCSCTransposeToSparseBlockCol(
    const ElemType alpha,
    const ElemType* lhsValues,
    const size_t numRowsLhs,
    const size_t numColsRhs,
    const ElemType* rhsNZValues,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rhsRows,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rhsCols,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* rhsRowIdx,
    ElemType* resultValues,
    GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* resultBlockIds)
    const CUDA_LONG index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const CUDA_LONG lhsCol = index / numRowsLhs; //rhsCol == lhsCol
    if (lhsCol >= numColsRhs)
    const CUDA_LONG lhsRow = index - numRowsLhs*lhsCol; //resultRow == lhsRow

    //each thread handles one [row, col] combination
    ElemType lhsValue = alpha*lhsValues[IDX2C(lhsRow, lhsCol, numRowsLhs)];

    CUDA_LONG start = rhsCols[lhsCol]; //rhsCol == lhsCol
    CUDA_LONG end = rhsCols[lhsCol + 1];

    for (CUDA_LONG p = start; p < end; p++)
        CUDA_LONG rhsRow = rhsRows[p]; 
        ElemType rhsVal = rhsNZValues[p];
        CUDA_LONG resultCol = rhsRowIdx[p]; //resultCol == rhsRow maps to columnid 
        resultBlockIds[resultCol] = rhsRow;  //indicate which colmn it actually points to

        //assume resultValues are 0-initialized
        atomicAdd(&resultValues[IDX2C(lhsRow, resultCol, numRowsLhs)], lhsValue * rhsVal);

// gradients update
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _scaleSparseBlockAndAddToDense(    
    const ElemType alpha,
    const bool blockCol, //true if blockRow
    const size_t numRows,
    const size_t numCols,
    const size_t numBlocks,
    const ElemType* lhsValues,  //lhs is blockCol or blockRow
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* blockIds,
    ElemType* rhs)
    const CUDA_LONG index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG row, col;
    if (blockCol)
        const CUDA_LONG blockId = index / numRows;
        if (blockId >= numBlocks)
        row = index - numRows* blockId;
        col = blockIds[blockId];
        const CUDA_LONG blockId = index / numCols;
        if (blockId >= numBlocks)
        col = index - numCols* blockId;
        row = blockIds[blockId];
    rhs[IDX2C(row, col, numRows)] += alpha * lhsValues[index];

// compute predictions in cross entory node
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _computePrediction(
    int nv,
    const ElemType* a,
    int numrows,
    const ElemType* weight,   
    int nrs,
    int labelSize,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* labelRow,
    const size_t* block2Id,
    const ElemType* cls,
    const ElemType* idx2cls,    
    ElemType* val,
    // get label block id
    int id = -1;
    int offset = -1;
    for(int i = 1; i < labelSize; i++) 
        if (blockIdx.x < block2Id[i]) 
            id = i-1;
            offset = blockIdx.x - block2Id[i-1];
    if( id == -1) 
        id = labelSize-1;
        offset = blockIdx.x - block2Id[labelSize-1];

    int t = labelRow[id];
    int iStt;
    int iEnd;
    if(t < nv) 
        int clsid = idx2cls[t];
        iStt = cls[IDX2C(0, clsid, 2)];
        iEnd = cls[IDX2C(1, clsid, 2)];
        iStt = nv;
        iEnd = nrs;
    int i = iStt + offset;
    int j = id /2;
    int loadPerThread = (numrows+blockDim.x-1)/blockDim.x;
    int tStart = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
    int tEnd = min((int)numrows, loadPerThread + tStart);

    ElemType v = 0.0;
    for (int h = tStart; h < tEnd; h++)
        v += weight[IDX2C(i,h,nrs)] * a[IDX2C(h,j,numrows)]; 
    atomicAdd(&val[blockIdx.x], v);
    row[blockIdx.x] = i;

    if(blockIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.x == 0) 
        pb[0] = 0;
    if((threadIdx.x == 0) && (i == iEnd-1) && (i >= nv)) 
        pb[j+1] = blockIdx.x+1;

// normalize predictions in cross entropy node
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _normalizePrediction(
    const size_t labelSize,
    const size_t expandedLabelSize,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* labelRow,
    const size_t* block2Id,    
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* row,
    ElemType* val,
    ElemType* entropyScore)
    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    partials[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    int p = blockIdx.x;
    int t = labelRow[p];
    int start = block2Id[p];
    int end;
    if(p == labelSize -1) 
        end = expandedLabelSize;
        end = block2Id[p+1];
    int len = end - start;

    int loadPerThread = (len+blockDim.x-1)/blockDim.x;
    int tStart = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
    int tLen = min((int)len, loadPerThread + tStart);

    for(int i = start + tStart; i < start + tLen; i++) 
        partials[threadIdx.x] += exp(val[i]);


    // now sum up the objective function
    int nTotalThreads = blockDim.x;

    while (nTotalThreads >1)
        int halfPoint = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

        if (threadIdx.x < halfPoint)
            partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x+halfPoint];


        nTotalThreads = (nTotalThreads>>1);
    for(int i = start + tStart; i < start + tLen; i++) 
        val[i] = log(exp(val[i])/partials[0]);
        if(row[i] == t) 
            atomicAdd(entropyScore, -val[i]);
            val[i] *= -1;

// compute prediction error in cross entropy node
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _computePredictionError(
    ElemType* val,
    int N)
    int p = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (p>=N)

    if(val[p] < 0) 
        val[p] = exp(val[p]); //negative;
        val[p] = exp(-val[p])-1; //positive

// compute gradients of input in cross entropy node
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _computeGradientOfInput(
    const ElemType* val,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* row,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* pb,    
    ElemType* weight,
    size_t nrs,
    ElemType* grd,
    size_t numrows)
    int h = blockIdx.x%numrows;
    int j = blockIdx.x/numrows;

    int start = pb[j];
    int end = pb[j+1];
    int len = end - start;
    int load = (len+blockDim.x-1)/blockDim.x;
    int pStart = start + load * threadIdx.x;
    int pEnd = start + min(len, load * (threadIdx.x+1));

    ElemType sum = 0;
    for(int p = pStart; p < pEnd; p++) 
        int i = row[p];
        sum += val[p] * weight[IDX2C(i, h, nrs)]; 

    atomicAdd(&grd[IDX2C(h,j,numrows)], sum);

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void computeNCEForwardProp(
    const ElemType* val,
    const int* col,
    int numRows,
    int sampleCount,
    const ElemType* a,
    int numCols_a,
    const ElemType* b,
    ElemType* res)
    // val and col are in CSR format
    // val is an array contains log_Pn(w). To differentiate positive and negative samples, 
    // we store log_Pn(w) as it is for positive samples, and -log_Pn(w) for negative samples
    // col is an array contains index of the word samples
    // a is a matrix in column major format contains output from hidden layer
    // b is the weight matrix for output layer
    // res is the buffer to store computed output (sparse)

    // follow the convention, this kernel must be run on 512 threads per block
    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    partials[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    // determine the elements to be handled by this block
    int total = numRows * sampleCount;
    int loadPerBlock = (total + gridDim.x - 1) / gridDim.x;

    int start = loadPerBlock * blockIdx.x;
    int end = min(total, loadPerBlock * (blockIdx.x + 1));

    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        int colIndex = col[i];
        int rowIndex = i / sampleCount;

        int loadPerThread = (numCols_a + blockDim.x - 1) / blockDim.x;
        int tstart = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
        int tend = min(numCols_a, loadPerThread * (threadIdx.x + 1));

        for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
            partials[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(rowIndex, j, numRows)] * b[IDX2C(j, colIndex, numCols_a)];


        // sum up
        int nTotalThreads = blockDim.x;

        while (nTotalThreads >1)
            int halfPoint = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

            if (threadIdx.x < halfPoint)
                partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + halfPoint];


            nTotalThreads = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

        if (threadIdx.x == 0)
            res[i] = partials[0];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _computeNceOutput(
    const ElemType* col,
    int numRows,
    int sampleCount,
    const ElemType* a,
    int numCols_a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const ElemType* bias,
    ElemType* res)
    // val and col are in CSR format
    // val is an array contains log_Pn(w). To differentiate positive and negative samples, 
    // we store log_Pn(w) as it is for positive samples, and -log_Pn(w) for negative samples
    // col is an array contains index of the word samples
    // a is a matrix in column major format contains output from hidden layer
    // b is the weight matrix for output layer
    // res is the buffer to store computed output (sparse)

    // follow the convention, this kernel must be run on 512 threads per block
    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    partials[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    //threadIdx.x range from[0 ~ 512)
    //blockIdx.x range from[0 ~ nnz)
    //blockDim.x equal to 512
    //gridDim.x equal to nnz

    // determine the elements to be handled by this block
    int total = numRows * sampleCount;
    int loadPerBlock = (total + gridDim.x - 1) / gridDim.x;

    int start = loadPerBlock * blockIdx.x;
    int end = min(total, loadPerBlock * (blockIdx.x + 1));

    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        int wid = (int)col[2 * i];
        int batchid = i / sampleCount;

        int loadPerThread = (numCols_a + blockDim.x - 1) / blockDim.x;
        int tstart = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
        int tend = min(numCols_a, loadPerThread * (threadIdx.x + 1));

        for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
            partials[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(j, batchid, numCols_a)] * b[IDX2C(j, wid, numCols_a)];


        // sum up
        int nTotalThreads = blockDim.x;

        while (nTotalThreads >1)
            int halfPoint = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

            if (threadIdx.x < halfPoint)
                partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + halfPoint];


            nTotalThreads = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

        if (threadIdx.x == 0)
            res[i] = partials[0] + bias[wid];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignSoftmaxSum(
    const ElemType* softmax,    
    int sampleCount,
    const ElemType* a, 
    ElemType* c) // run on 512 threads per block
    // val and col are in CSR format
    // val is an array contains log_Pn(w). To differentiate positive and negative samples, 
    // we store log_Pn(w) as it is for positive samples, and -log_Pn(w) for negative samples
    // col is an array contains index of the word samples
    // a is a matrix in column major format contains output from hidden layer
    // b is the weight matrix for output layer
    // tmp is the buffer that stores NCE output calculated from _computeNceOutput
    // c is the matrix to store objective

    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    partials[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    int total = sampleCount;
    int loadPerThread = (total + blockDim.x - 1) / blockDim.x;

    // find out the items this thread is responsible for
    int start = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
    int end = min(total, loadPerThread * (threadIdx.x + 1));    
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        int wid = (int)a[i];
        partials[threadIdx.x] += softmax[IDX2C(i, wid, sampleCount)];


    // now sum up the objective function
    int nTotalThreads = blockDim.x;

    while (nTotalThreads >1)
        int halfPoint = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

        if (threadIdx.x < halfPoint)
            partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + halfPoint];


        nTotalThreads = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        c[0] = -partials[0];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignNoiseContrastiveEstimation(
    const ElemType* val,
    int numRows,
    int sampleCount,
    const ElemType* a,
    int width, // number of columns in a
    const ElemType* b,
    ElemType* tmp,
    ElemType* c) // run on 512 threads per block
    // val and col are in CSR format
    // val is an array contains log_Pn(w). To differentiate positive and negative samples, 
    // we store log_Pn(w) as it is for positive samples, and -log_Pn(w) for negative samples
    // col is an array contains index of the word samples
    // a is a matrix in column major format contains output from hidden layer
    // b is the weight matrix for output layer
    // tmp is the buffer that stores NCE output calculated from _computeNceOutput
    // c is the matrix to store objective

    __shared__ ElemType partials[512];
    partials[threadIdx.x] = 0;

    int total = numRows * sampleCount;
    int loadPerThread = (total + blockDim.x - 1) / blockDim.x;

    // find out the items this thread is responsible for
    int start = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
    int end = min(total, loadPerThread * (threadIdx.x + 1));

    ElemType log_num_noise_samples = log((ElemType)(sampleCount - 1));
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        ElemType prob = -val[2 * i + 1];
        bool positive = (prob > 0);
        if (positive)
            prob = -prob;
        ElemType score_noise = log_num_noise_samples + prob;
        ElemType z = logaddk(tmp[i], score_noise);
        ElemType logprob = tmp[i] - z;
        ElemType logprob_noise = score_noise - z;
        tmp[i] = -exp(logprob);
        if (positive)
            tmp[i] += 1;
        if (positive)
            partials[threadIdx.x] += logprob;
            partials[threadIdx.x] += logprob_noise;


    // now sum up the objective function
    int nTotalThreads = blockDim.x;

    while (nTotalThreads >1)
        int halfPoint = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

        if (threadIdx.x < halfPoint)
            partials[threadIdx.x] += partials[threadIdx.x + halfPoint];


        nTotalThreads = (nTotalThreads >> 1);

    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        c[0] = -partials[0];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignNceDerivative(
    const ElemType* val,
    int numRows,
    int sampleCount,
    const ElemType* a,
    int width, // number of columns in a
    const ElemType* b,
    const ElemType* tmp,
    ElemType* c,
    size_t inputIndex)
    // val and col are CSR format sparse matrix for label
    // val is an array contains log_Pn(w). To differentiate positive and negative samples
    // we store log_Pn(w) as it is for positive samples, and -log_Pn(w) for negative samples
    // col is an array contains index of the word samples
    // a is a matrix in column major format contains output from hidden layer
    // b is the weight matrix for output layer
    // tmp is a matrix of precalculated error
    // c is the output matrix to store calculated gradients

    int total = numRows * sampleCount;
    int loadPerBlock = (total + gridDim.x - 1) / gridDim.x;

    // find out the items this block is responsible for
    int start = loadPerBlock * blockIdx.x;
    int end = min(total, loadPerBlock * (blockIdx.x + 1));

    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        int wid = (int)val[2 * i];
        int batchId = i / sampleCount;

        ElemType er = tmp[i]; // precalculated error for this output node
        // calculate gradients
        int loadPerThread = (width + blockDim.x - 1) / blockDim.x;
        int tstart = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
        int tend = min(width, loadPerThread*(threadIdx.x + 1));

        if (inputIndex == 1) // hidden layer output
            for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
                ElemType val = -er * b[IDX2C(j, wid, width)];
                atomicAdd(&c[IDX2C(j, batchId, width)], val);
                //c[IDX2C(j, batchId, width)] += val;
                //c[IDX2C(batchId, j, numRows)] += val;
        else if (inputIndex == 2) // weight
            for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
                ElemType val = -er * a[IDX2C(j, batchId, width)];
                atomicAdd(&c[IDX2C(j, wid, width)], val);
                //c[IDX2C(j, wid, width)] += val;
        else //bias vector
            //ElemType val = -er;
            atomicAdd(&c[wid], -er);
            //c[wid] -= er;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignNceDerivativeNew(
    const ElemType* val,
    int numRows,
    int sampleCount,
    const ElemType* a,
    int width, // number of columns in a
    const ElemType* b,
    const ElemType* tmp,
    ElemType* c,
    size_t inputIndex)
    // val and col are CSR format sparse matrix for label
    // val is an array contains log_Pn(w). To differentiate positive and negative samples
    // we store log_Pn(w) as it is for positive samples, and -log_Pn(w) for negative samples
    // col is an array contains index of the word samples
    // a is a matrix in column major format contains output from hidden layer
    // b is the weight matrix for output layer
    // tmp is a matrix of precalculated error
    // c is the output matrix to store calculated gradients

    // logical single index for this thread
    int n = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x* blockIdx.x;

    int batchId = n / sampleCount;
    int total = numRows * sampleCount;
    // is thread in range for the addition
    if (n < total)
        int wid = (int)val[2 * n];
        ElemType er = tmp[n];
        if (inputIndex == 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                int j = (i + n) % width; //introduce randomization to avoid conflicts
                ElemType val = -er * b[IDX2C(j, wid, width)];
                atomicAdd(&c[IDX2C(j, batchId, width)], val);
        else if (inputIndex == 2)
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                int j = (i + n) % width; //introduce randomization to avoid conflicts
                ElemType val = -er * a[IDX2C(j, batchId, width)];
                atomicAdd(&c[IDX2C(j, wid, width)], val);
            atomicAdd(&c[wid], -er);
// compute gradients of weights in cross entropy node
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _computeGradientOfWeight(
    const ElemType* val,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* row,
    size_t mb,
    size_t nv,
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* labelRow,
    const size_t* labelBlock2UniqId,
    const ElemType* cls,
    const ElemType* idx2cls,
    ElemType* input,
    size_t nrs,
    ElemType* blockVal,
    int p = blockIdx.x;
    ElemType v = val[p];
    int i = row[p];
    int j = -1;
    for(int k = 1; k < mb; k++) 
        if( p < pb[k]) 
            j = k-1;
    if( j == -1) 
        j = mb-1;

    //figure out blocks
    int bId = i < nv ? 2*j : 2*j+1;
    int t = labelRow[bId];
    int iStt;
    if(t < nv) 
        int clsid = idx2cls[t];
        iStt = cls[IDX2C(0, clsid, 2)];
        iStt = nv;
    int offset = i - iStt;
    int ii = labelBlock2UniqId[bId] + offset;

    int load = (nrs+blockDim.x-1)/blockDim.x;
    int pStart = load * threadIdx.x;
    int pEnd = min((int)nrs, load + pStart);

    for(int h = pStart; h < pEnd; h++) 
        ElemType temp = v * input[IDX2C(h, j, nrs)];    
        atomicAdd(&blockVal[ii*nrs+h], temp);
        blockIds[ii] = i;

// used in clipping gradients
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _inplaceTruncate(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    ElemType locThresholdPos = abs(threshold);
    ElemType locTHresholdNeg = -locThresholdPos; 
    if (a[id] > locThresholdPos)
        a[id] = locThresholdPos;
    else if(a[id] < locTHresholdNeg)
        a[id] = locTHresholdNeg;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _inplaceSoftThreshold(
    ElemType* a,
    const ElemType threshold,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    if (a[id] > threshold)
        a[id] -= threshold;
    else if (a[id] < -threshold)
        a[id] += threshold;
        a[id] = 0;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _normalGradForSparseBlock(
    const ElemType momentum,
    const bool blockCol, //true if blockRow
    const size_t numRows,
    const size_t numCols,
    const size_t numBlocks,
    ElemType* lhsValues,  //lhs is blockCol or blockRow
    const GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* blockIds,
    ElemType* rhs)
    const CUDA_LONG index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG row, col;
    if (blockCol)
        const CUDA_LONG blockId = index / numRows;
        if (blockId >= numBlocks)
        row = index - numRows* blockId;
        col = blockIds[blockId];
        const CUDA_LONG blockId = index / numCols;
        if (blockId >= numBlocks)
        col = index - numCols* blockId;
        row = blockIds[blockId];
    rhs[IDX2C(row, col, numRows)] = (1 - momentum)*lhsValues[index] + momentum*rhs[IDX2C(row, col, numRows)];
    lhsValues[index] = rhs[IDX2C(row, col, numRows)];

//This function should be called with 1024 threads per block and 1 block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reductionSum(
    const ElemType* data,
    ElemType *sum,

    __shared__ ElemType partialSums[1024];
    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x; 
    for (CUDA_LONG i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        sum[0] = partialSums[0]+partialSums[1]+partialSums[2]+partialSums[3];

//This function should be called with 1024 threads per block and 1 block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reductionSumAndAssign(
    ElemType* toAssign,
    const ElemType* data,
    CUDA_LONG N, //length of data
    CUDA_LONG M) //length of toAssign
    __shared__ ElemType partialSums[1024];
    __shared__ ElemType res;
    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x; 
    for (CUDA_LONG i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        res = partialSums[0]+partialSums[1]+partialSums[2]+partialSums[3];
        for (CUDA_LONG i=0;i<M;++i)

//This function should be called with 1024 threads per block and 1 block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reductionSum2(
    const ElemType* data,
    ElemType *sum,
    bool takeSqrt=false)

    __shared__ ElemType partialSums[1024];
    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x; 
    for (CUDA_LONG i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)
        //for (int i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i<(threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread;++i)

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        sum[0] = partialSums[0]+partialSums[1]+partialSums[2]+partialSums[3];
        if (takeSqrt)
            if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
                sum[0] = sqrtf(sum[0]);
                sum[0] = sqrt(sum[0]); 

//This function should be called with 1024 threads per block and 1 block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reductionMatrixNormInf(
    const ElemType* data,
    ElemType *maxAbs,

    __shared__ ElemType partialSums[1024];
    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    int loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x; 
    for (int i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)    
        if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        maxAbs[0] = max(max(partialSums[0],partialSums[1]),max(partialSums[2],partialSums[3]));

//This function should be called with 1024 threads per block and 1 block
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reductionMatrixNorm0(
    const ElemType* data,
    ElemType *nz,

    __shared__ ElemType partialSums[1024];
    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x; 
    for (CUDA_LONG i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)    
        if (data[i]!=0)

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        nz[0] = partialSums[0]+partialSums[1]+partialSums[2]+partialSums[3];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _getSparseVectorRepresntationForCSCMatrix(
    const int* m_dRow,
    const int* m_dCol,    
    int* vectArray,    
    const CUDA_LONG M,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i>=M)
    int start = m_dRow[i];
    int end = m_dRow[i+1];
    for (int _i=start;_i<end;++_i)  //_i is index in m_dVal and m_dCol
        int j = m_dCol[_i];
        vectArray[_i] = i*N + j;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _lrHelper(
    const ElemType* data1,    
    const ElemType* data2,    
    const CUDA_LONG N,
    ElemType* d_res)
    __shared__ ElemType partialSums1[512];
    __shared__ ElemType partialSums2[512];

    //int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    int loadPerThread = N/blockDim.x;     
    for (int i= threadIdx.x*loadPerThread; i< (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1 ? N : (threadIdx.x+1)*loadPerThread);++i)        

    if (threadIdx.x<512)

    if (threadIdx.x<256)

    if (threadIdx.x<128)

    if (threadIdx.x<64)

    if (threadIdx.x<32)

    if (threadIdx.x<16)

    if (threadIdx.x<8)

    if (threadIdx.x<4)

    if (threadIdx.x==0)
        ElemType fns1 = partialSums1[0]+partialSums1[1]+partialSums1[2]+partialSums1[3];
        ElemType fns2 = partialSums2[0]+partialSums2[1]+partialSums2[2]+partialSums2[3];
        if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
            d_res[0] = max((ElemType)0, d_res[0]/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrtf(fns1))/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrtf(fns2)));            
            d_res[0] = max((ElemType)0, d_res[0]/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrt(fns1))/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrt(fns2)));              

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _lrHelper(
ElemType* d_tmp)
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
d_tmp[0] = max((ElemType)0, d_tmp[0]/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrtf(d_tmp[1]))/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrtf(d_tmp[2])));            
d_tmp[0] = max((ElemType)0, d_tmp[0]/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrt(d_tmp[1]))/max((ElemType)1.0e-10,sqrt(d_tmp[2])));            

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const int shift,
    const int NTPlusOne,
    const int BS)
    CUDA_LONG idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;

    if (idx >= NTPlusOne || idy >= BS)

    if (idx == 0)
        // this is row-0. No need to shift
        us[IDX2C(idx, idy, NTPlusOne)] = a[idy] * b[idy];
        int cs = shift + idx - 1;
        int tmpidy = (idy + cs) % BS;
        us[IDX2C(idx, idy, NTPlusOne)] = a[idy] * b[tmpidy];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _innerProductWithShiftNeg(
    ElemType* c,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const CUDA_LONG N, //a.GetNumRows();
    const CUDA_LONG M, //a.GetNumCols();
    const CUDA_LONG shift,
    const CUDA_LONG NTPlusOne
    CUDA_LONG idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;

    if (idx >= NTPlusOne || idy >= M)

    ElemType sum = 0;
    CUDA_LONG index_a = 0;
    CUDA_LONG index_b = 0;
    CUDA_LONG col_a = 0;
    CUDA_LONG col_b = 0;
    if (idx == 0)
        // this is row 0. No need to shift
        // the product of a(:,idy) dot b(:,idy)
        col_a = idy;
        for (CUDA_LONG i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            index_a = IDX2C(i, col_a, N);
            sum += a[index_a] * b[index_a];
        int cs = shift + idx - 1;
        col_a = idy;
        col_b = (idy + cs) % M;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            index_a = IDX2C(i, col_a, N);
            index_b = IDX2C(i, col_b, N);
            sum += a[index_a] * b[index_b];
    c[IDX2C(idx, idy, NTPlusOne)] = sum;


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _getARowByIndex(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const int O, // a's rows
    const int P, // a's cols
    const int m // the m-th row of a
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= P)
    //    us[id] = a[id] * b[id];
    us[id] = a[IDX2C(m, id, O)];

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _conductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const int O, // b's rows
    const int P, // b's cols
    const int shift,
    const bool isafixed)
    CUDA_LONG idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    CUDA_LONG idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;

    if (idx >= O || idy >= P)

    int tmpidy = (idy + shift) % P;
    if (isafixed)
        // we fix a, and shift b
        us[IDX2C(idx, idy, O)] = a[idy] * b[IDX2C(idx, tmpidy, O)];
        // we fix b, but shift a
        us[IDX2C(idx, idy, O)] = a[tmpidy] * b[IDX2C(idx, idy, O)];


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignElementProductOfWithShift(
    ElemType* us,
    const ElemType* a,
    const ElemType* b,
    const int shift,
    const CUDA_LONG N)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)

    int tmpidb = (id + shift) % N;
    us[id] = a[id] * b[tmpidb];

/// minus 1 at a specific position
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _minusOneAt(
    ElemType *c,
    CUDA_LONG position, 
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)
    if (id == position)
        c[id] = c[id] - 1.0; 

/// the kernel function for RCRF  backward computation
/// assume a column slice of input and output
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rcrfBackwardCompute(
    const size_t iNumPos,
    const ElemType* galpha,   /// column slice at current time t
    ElemType* gbeta,          /// column slices with [row, 2] at current time t for [
    const ElemType* gpair_scores,
    const size_t iNumLab, const int shift)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    extern __shared__ double sh_alpha_and_beta[]; /// intersting, has to use [], instead of *
    /// need bye size = (iNumPos * iNumLab * 2 + iNumLab * iNumLab) * sizeof(ElemType)

    ElemType * alpha = (ElemType*)(sh_alpha_and_beta);
    ElemType * pair_scores = alpha + iNumPos * iNumLab;
    ElemType * beta = alpha + iNumPos * iNumLab + iNumLab * iNumLab;

    if (id < 0 || id >= iNumLab)

    /// copy global memory to shared memory to save time
    for (int t = iNumPos - 1; t >= 0; t--)
        alpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)] = galpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)];

    for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
        pair_scores[IDX2C(id, j, iNumLab)] = gpair_scores[IDX2C(id, j, iNumLab)];


    for (int t = iNumPos - 1; t >= 0; t--)
        ElemType fSum;
        ElemType fTmp = LZERO;
        if (t == iNumPos - 1)
            fSum = LZERO;
            for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
                fSum = logaddk(fSum, alpha[IDX2C(j, t, iNumLab)]);

            fTmp = alpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)] - fSum;
            for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
                fSum = LZERO;
                for (int m = 0; m < iNumLab; m++)
                    fSum = logaddk(fSum, alpha[IDX2C(m, t, iNumLab)] + pair_scores[IDX2C(j, m, iNumLab)]);

                fTmp = logaddk(fTmp, beta[IDX2C(j, t + 1, iNumLab)] + alpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)] + pair_scores[IDX2C(j, id, iNumLab)] - fSum);

        beta[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)] = fTmp;

    /// copy from shared memory to global memory to pass values
    for (int t = iNumPos - 1; t >= 0; t--)
        gbeta[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)] = beta[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)];
    //    __syncthreads();

/// the kernel function for RCRF  backward computation
/// assume a column slice of input and output
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rcrfBackwardCompute(
    const size_t t, /// time position 
    const size_t iNumPos,
    const ElemType* galpha,   /// column slice at current time t
    ElemType* gbeta,          /// column slices with [row, 2] at current time t for [
    const ElemType* gzeta,          /// column slices with [row, 2] at current time t for [
    const ElemType* gpair_scores,   /// column slice at current time t
    const size_t iNumLab, const int shift)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    extern __shared__ double sh_alpha_and_beta[]; /// intersting, has to use [], instead of *
    /// need bye size = (iNumPos * iNumLab * 2 + iNumLab * iNumLab) * sizeof(ElemType)

    ElemType * alpha = (ElemType*)(sh_alpha_and_beta);
    ElemType * beta_t1 = (ElemType*)(alpha + iNumLab);
    ElemType * zeta = (ElemType*)(beta_t1 + iNumLab);
    ElemType pair_scores[1024];

    if (id < 0 || id >= iNumLab)

    /// copy global memory to shared memory to save time
    alpha[id] = galpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)];
    if (t < iNumPos - 1)
        beta_t1[id] = gbeta[IDX2C(id, t + 1, iNumLab)];
    zeta[id] = gzeta[id];


    for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
        pair_scores[j] = gpair_scores[IDX2C(j, id, iNumLab)];

    ElemType fTmp = LZERO;
    if (t == iNumPos - 1)
        fTmp = alpha[id] - zeta[id];
        for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
            fTmp = logaddk(fTmp, beta_t1[j] + alpha[id] + pair_scores[j] - zeta[j]);

    gbeta[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)] = fTmp;


/// $\zeta_t(j) = {\sum_k exp(\delta_{t-1}(k) + a_{kj}(t))}$.
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rcrfBackwardComputeZeta(
    const size_t t, /// time position 
    const size_t iNumPos,
    const ElemType* galpha,   /// column slice at current time t
    ElemType* gzeta,          /// column slices with [row, 2] at current time t for [
    const ElemType* gpair_scores,
    const size_t iNumLab, const int shift)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    extern __shared__ double sh_alpha_and_beta[]; /// intersting, has to use [], instead of *
    /// need bye size = (iNumPos * iNumLab * 2 + iNumLab * iNumLab) * sizeof(ElemType)

    ElemType * alpha = (ElemType*)(sh_alpha_and_beta);
    ElemType pair_scores[1024];

    if (id < 0 || id >= iNumLab)

    /// copy global memory to shared memory to save time
    alpha[id] = galpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)];


    for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
        pair_scores[j] = gpair_scores[IDX2C(id, j, iNumLab)];

    ElemType fSum = LZERO;
    for (int m = 0; m < iNumLab; m++)
        if (t == iNumPos - 1)
            fSum = logaddk(fSum, alpha[IDX2C(m, 0, iNumLab)]);
            fSum = logaddk(fSum, alpha[IDX2C(m, 0, iNumLab)] + pair_scores[m]);

    gzeta[id] = fSum;


/// $\zeta_t(j) = {\sum_k exp(\delta_{t-1}(k) + a_{kj}(t))}$.
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rcrfTransGrdComputeZeta(
    const int t, /// time position 
    const size_t iNumPos,
    const ElemType* galpha,   /// column slice at current time t
    ElemType* gzeta,          /// column slices with [row, 2] at current time t for [
    const ElemType* gpair_scores,
    const size_t iNumLab,
    const size_t start_lbl,
    const int shift)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    extern __shared__ double sh_alpha_and_beta[]; /// intersting, has to use [], instead of *
    /// need bye size = (iNumPos * iNumLab * 2 + iNumLab * iNumLab) * sizeof(ElemType)

    ElemType * alpha = (ElemType*)(sh_alpha_and_beta);
    ElemType pair_scores[1024];

    if (id < 0 || id >= iNumLab)

    /// copy global memory to shared memory to save time
    if (t >= 0)
        alpha[id] = galpha[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)];


    for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
        pair_scores[j] = gpair_scores[IDX2C(id, j, iNumLab)];

    ElemType fSum = LZERO;
    ElemType fTmp;
    for (int m = 0; m < iNumLab; m++)
        if (t < 0)
            if (m == start_lbl)
                fTmp = 0;
            else fTmp = LZERO;
            fTmp = alpha[m];

        fSum = logaddk(fSum, pair_scores[m] + fTmp);

    gzeta[id] = fSum;


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _rcrfTransGrdCompute(
    int t,
    const size_t start_lbl,
    const ElemType*   galpha,
    const ElemType* gbeta,
    const ElemType* gzeta,
    const ElemType* gpair_scores,
    const ElemType * lbls,
    ElemType* grd,
    const size_t iNumPos,
    const size_t iNumLab,
    const int shift)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

    extern __shared__ double sh_alpha_and_beta[]; /// intersting, has to use [], instead of *
    /// need bye size = (iNumPos * iNumLab * 2 + iNumLab * iNumLab) * sizeof(ElemType)

    ElemType * alpha = (ElemType*)(sh_alpha_and_beta);
    ElemType * beta = (ElemType*)(alpha + iNumLab);
    ElemType * zeta = (ElemType*)(beta + iNumLab);
    ElemType pair_scores[1024];

    if (id < 0 || id >= iNumLab)

    /// copy global memory to shared memory to save time
    if (t > 0)
        alpha[id] = galpha[IDX2C(id, t - 1, iNumLab)];
    beta[id] = gbeta[IDX2C(id, t, iNumLab)];
    zeta[id] = gzeta[id];


    for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++)
        pair_scores[j] = gpair_scores[IDX2C(j, id, iNumLab)];

    ElemType fTmp;
    ElemType fTmp2;
    for (int j = 0; j < iNumLab; j++){
        if (t == 0)
            if (id == start_lbl)
                fTmp = 0;
                fTmp = LZERO;
            fTmp = alpha[id];

        fTmp2 = fTmp + pair_scores[j] - zeta[j];
        assert(fTmp2 <= 0.0);
        fTmp2 += beta[j];

        fTmp = exp(fTmp2);
        grd[IDX2C(j, id, iNumLab)] += fTmp;

    if ((t == 0 && id == start_lbl) || (t > 0 && t < iNumPos && lbls[IDX2C(id, t - 1, iNumLab)] != 0))
        for (int ik = 0; ik < iNumLab; ik++)
            if (lbls[IDX2C(ik, t, iNumLab)] != 0)
                grd[IDX2C(ik, id, iNumLab)] -= 1.0;


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _reductionLogAddSum(
    const ElemType* data,
    ElemType *sum,
    const size_t sum_size,

    __shared__ ElemType partialLogAddSum[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock];

    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    int tid = threadIdx.x;

    if (id < N)
        partialLogAddSum[tid] = data[id];
        partialLogAddSum[tid] = LZERO;


    /// do reduction on the shared memory
    size_t start_width = ceil((N + 0.0) / 2.0);
    for (size_t s = start_width; s > 0; s >>= 1)
        ElemType lSum = LZERO;
        if (tid < s){
            lSum = logaddk(partialLogAddSum[tid], partialLogAddSum[tid + s]);
            partialLogAddSum[tid] = lSum;

    if (tid == 0)
        sum[0] = partialLogAddSum[0];

// set the value of certain columns to be zero
// the column is decided by threshhold value
// TODO: This kernel has very poor performace and needs to
// be optimized
template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _DropFrame(
    ElemType *a,
    const ElemType *label,
    const ElemType *gamma,
    const ElemType framedropthreshhold,
    const long m_numCols,
    const long m_numRows) //ld
    int col_id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (col_id >= m_numCols)
    bool dropframe = false;
    // find the 1 in the one-hot representation of the labels
    // This is a linear scan--bad perf!
    for (long i = 0; i<m_numRows; ++i)
        int idx = IDX2C(i, col_id, m_numRows);
        //printf("%u ", idx);
        if (fabs(label[idx] - 1.0) < 0.1)       // we found the 1 in the vector
            if (gamma[idx] < framedropthreshhold)
                dropframe = true;

    if (dropframe)
        //printf("frame dropped %u ", col_id);
        for (long i = 0; i < m_numRows; ++i)
            a[IDX2C(i, col_id, m_numRows)] = 0.0;


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _AssignSequenceError(const ElemType hsmoothingWeight, ElemType *error, const ElemType *label,
    const ElemType *dnnoutput, const ElemType *gamma, ElemType alpha, const long N)
    int id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= N)
    error[id] -= alpha * (label[id] - (1.0 - hsmoothingWeight)*dnnoutput[id] - hsmoothingWeight * gamma[id]);
    //change to ce
    //error[id] -= alpha * (label[id] - dnnoutput[id] );


template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _copyTopKResults(const uint64_t* indexes, const ElemType* values, ElemType* maxIndexes, ElemType* maxValues,
    CUDA_LONG crow, CUDA_LONG ccol, int topK)
    CUDA_LONG id = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (id >= topK * ccol)
    CUDA_LONG irow = id % topK;
    CUDA_LONG icol = id / topK;
    maxIndexes[id] = static_cast<CUDA_LONG>(indexes[icol * crow + irow] >> 32);
    maxValues[id] = values[icol * crow + irow];

template<int BlockSize, class ElemType>
__global__ void _assignNumOfDiffCol(const ElemType *a, const ElemType *b, ElemType *c, CUDA_LONG crowB, CUDA_LONG ccol)
    assert(gridDim.x == 1 && gridDim.y == 1 && gridDim.z == 1);

    int cur = 0;
    CUDA_LONG icol = threadIdx.x;
    for (; icol < ccol; icol += blockDim.x)
        ElemType key = a[icol];
        CUDA_LONG idxB = icol * crowB;
        CUDA_LONG irow = 0;
        for (; irow < crowB; irow++, idxB++)
            if (b[idxB] == key)

        cur += (irow == crowB);

    using BlockReduceT = cub::BlockReduce<int, BlockSize>;
    __shared__ typename BlockReduceT::TempStorage tmp;

    int res = BlockReduceT(tmp).Sum(cur);
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        *c = res;

template<class ElemType>
__global__ void _maskColumnsValue(ElemType *a, const char *columnsMask, CUDA_LONG numCols, CUDA_LONG numRows, ElemType val)
    CUDA_LONG colIdx = blockIdx.x;
    if (colIdx > numCols)

    if (columnsMask[IDX2C(0, colIdx, 1)] == 1)

    CUDA_LONG rowIdx = threadIdx.x;
    for (; rowIdx < numRows; rowIdx += blockDim.x)
        a[IDX2C(rowIdx, colIdx, numRows)] = val;


#endif // !CPUONLY
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