Raw File
Tip revision: d2287a05527324f94677431caf518696c7dd5974 authored by Mark Hillebrand on 18 January 2016, 08:37:45 UTC
License change
Tip revision: d2287a0
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MatrixQuantizerGPU.h"
#include ""
#include "GPUMatrix.h"

#pragma comment (lib, "cudart.lib")     // instruct linker to reference these libs
#pragma comment (lib, "cublas.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "cusparse.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "curand.lib")

#pragma warning (disable: 4267) // conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int'; happens in CUDA <<<a,b>>> syntax if a and b are size_t
#pragma warning (disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant; "if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))" triggers this
#pragma warning (disable: 4702) // unreachable code; triggered for unknown reasons

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

    // CUDA failed
    // Since the outer code sometimes does not recover properly, as an option we log and die right away.
    // This is needed for our GCD farm which has intermittent CUDA errors that sometimes cause the DBN tool, when running with MPI, to hang instead of terminating.
    void cudafail(const char * msg)
        // TODO: get from an env variable
        bool dieoncudafailure = false;       
        if (!dieoncudafailure)
            RuntimeError("%s", msg);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
        fprintf(stderr, "cudafail: terminating\n"), fflush(stderr);
#ifdef WIN32
        TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), EXIT_FAILURE);   // fail the hard way to ensure it won't hang elsewhere

    // allows to write cudaFunction() || "error"   (CUDA runtime)
#ifdef WIN32
    void operator|| (cudaError_t rc, const char * msg)
        if (rc != cudaSuccess)
            char buf[1000];
            sprintf_s(buf, 1000, "%s: %s (cuda error %d)", msg, cudaGetErrorString(rc), rc);

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::Sync()
        cudaDeviceSynchronize() || "cudaDeviceSynchronize failed";

    // wait until stream has completed all scheduled operations
    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::SyncStream(cudaStream_t stream)
        cudaStreamSynchronize(stream) || "cudaStreamSynchronize failed";

    // same but for event
    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::SyncEvent(cudaEvent_t ev)
        auto rc = cudaEventQuery(ev);
        if (rc != cudaErrorNotReady)
            // if Event is ready then no need to wait
            rc || "cudaEventQuery failed";
        // we must wait
        cudaEventSynchronize(ev) || "cudaEventSynchronize failed";

    template<class ElemType>
    cudaStream_t MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::m_computeStream = NULL;

    template<class ElemType>
    cudaStream_t MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::m_fetchStream = NULL;
    template<class ElemType>
    cudaStream_t MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::m_assignStream = NULL;
    template<class ElemType>
    cudaStream_t MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::GetComputeStream()
        return m_computeStream;
    template<class ElemType>
    cudaStream_t MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::GetFetchStream() 
        return  m_fetchStream; 
    template<class ElemType>
    cudaStream_t MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::GetAssignStream()
        return  m_assignStream;

    // computestream: the stream the caller issued the quant op on
    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::RecordQuantizeCompleteEvent(cudaStream_t computestream) const
        // schedule to flag the quantize-complete event (on main stream)
        cudaEventRecord(m_quantizeCompleteEvent, computestream) || "cudaEventRecord failed";
        // when running synchronously (for time measurements), then we (CPU) wait right here
        if (m_forceSync)

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::SyncQuantizeCompleEventAndFetchAndRecordFetchCompleteEvent(char *cpuBuffer, char*gpuBuffer, size_t size) const
        // schedule fetch stream to wait until the last quantize op is complete, i.e. the data in the buffer is now valid
        // wait until commencement
        cudaStreamWaitEvent(GetFetchStream(), m_quantizeCompleteEvent, 0/*flags 'must be 0'*/) || "cudaStreamWaitEvent failed";    
        // schedule to fetch that quantized data into CPU buffer (on a separate transfer stream)
        cudaMemcpyAsync(cpuBuffer, gpuBuffer, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, GetFetchStream()) || "cudaMemcpyAsync failed";
        cudaEventRecord(m_fetchCompleteEvent, GetFetchStream()) || "cudaEventRecord failed";  // for next GPU operation
        // when running synchronously (for time measurements), then we (CPU) wait right here
        if (m_forceSync)

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::SyncAssignCompleteEvent(cudaStream_t computestream) const
            // schedule to wait for the assign-complete event (on main/compute stream)     --CPU buffer free once main stream does anything after this
            cudaStreamWaitEvent(computestream, m_assignCompleteEvent, 0/*flags 'must be 0'*/) || "cudaStreamWaitEvent failed";
            // Note that the NVidia doc says somewhat confusingly:
            //  * If \p stream is NULL, any future work submitted in any stream will wait for
            //  * \p event to complete before beginning execution. This effectively creates a
            //  * barrier for all future work submitted to the device on this thread.
            // -> it says that this may bring the whole machinery to stall. Or does cudaStreamWaitEvent() honor cudaStreamNonBlocking?
            // According to NVidia (Jiri Kraus), this works as expected.

    template<class ElemType>
    QuantizedMatrix<ElemType>& MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::GetTempGPUQuantizedMatrix(size_t nBits, bool& newlyAllocated)
        newlyAllocated = false;

        // Check if the existing one is good for our needs
        if ((m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix != nullptr) && (m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix->GetNumBits() == nBits))
            return *m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix;
        if (m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix != nullptr)
            delete m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix;
            m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix = nullptr;
        m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix = new QuantizedMatrix<ElemType>(this->m_residual->GetNumRows(), this->m_residual->GetNumCols(), nBits, (short)this->GetDeviceId());
        newlyAllocated = true;

        return *m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix;
    ///cpubuffer should be page-locked memory allocated, otherwise CUDA will not be efficient (hence we don't use STL)
    template<class ElemType>
    MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::MatrixQuantizerGPU(size_t numRows, size_t numCols, int deviceId, bool useDedicatedComputeStream, bool forceSync /*= false*/)
    : MatrixQuantizer<ElemType>(numRows, numCols, deviceId), m_quantizeCompleteEvent(NULL), m_fetchCompleteEvent(NULL),
    m_tempMatrixZeroingCompleteEvent(NULL), m_assignCompleteEvent(NULL), m_forceSync(forceSync), m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix(nullptr),

        // events
        // Note: Do NOT use cudaEventBlockingSync (which supposedly yields the process)--it will totally break cudaEventSynchronize(), causing it to take 50 or 100 ms randomly.
        cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&m_tempMatrixZeroingCompleteEvent, cudaEventDisableTiming) || "cudaEventCreateWithFlags failed";
        cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&m_quantizeCompleteEvent, cudaEventDisableTiming) || "cudaEventCreateWithFlags failed";
        cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&m_fetchCompleteEvent, cudaEventDisableTiming) || "cudaEventCreateWithFlags failed";
        cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&m_assignCompleteEvent, cudaEventDisableTiming) || "cudaEventCreateWithFlags failed";

#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
        if (useDedicatedComputeStream && (m_computeStream == NULL))
            cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&m_computeStream, cudaStreamNonBlocking) || "cudaStreamCreateWithFlags failed";

        if (m_fetchStream == NULL)
            cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&m_fetchStream, cudaStreamNonBlocking) || "cudaStreamCreateWithFlags failed";
            cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&m_assignStream, cudaStreamNonBlocking) || "cudaStreamCreateWithFlags failed";

    template<class ElemType>
        if (nullptr != m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix)
            delete m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix;
            m_tempGPUQuantizedMatrix = nullptr;
        // BUGBUG: we don't destroy our streams (they are static variables); we need a static destructor, I am too lazy now

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::QuantizeAsync(const Matrix<ElemType>& inMatrix, QuantizedMatrix<ElemType>& outQMatrix, bool zeroThresholdFor1Bit)
        // Verify various input matrix parameter's dimensions
        assert((inMatrix.GetNumRows() == outQMatrix.GetNumRows()) && (inMatrix.GetNumCols() == outQMatrix.GetNumCols()));
        assert((inMatrix.GetNumRows() == this->m_residual->GetNumRows()) && (inMatrix.GetNumCols() == this->m_residual->GetNumCols()));

        size_t nBits = outQMatrix.GetNumBits();

        if (m_forceSync) 
        bool GPUMatrixNewlyAllocated = false;
        QuantizedMatrix<ElemType>& outQMatrixGPU = (outQMatrix.GetDeviceId() == CPUDEVICE) ? GetTempGPUQuantizedMatrix(nBits, GPUMatrixNewlyAllocated) : outQMatrix;

        // If we newly allocated the target GPU matrix then the aysnc zeroing of the matrix is still in procgress on
        // the main compute stream. We must synchroniz with the mail compute stream in case the quantization
        // compute stream is different from the main compute stream
        if (GPUMatrixNewlyAllocated && (GetComputeStream() != GetStream()))
            cudaEventRecord(m_tempMatrixZeroingCompleteEvent, GetStream()) || "cudaEventRecord failed";
            cudaStreamWaitEvent(GetComputeStream(), m_tempMatrixZeroingCompleteEvent, 0/*flags 'must be 0'*/) || "cudaStreamWaitEvent failed";

        // Do the quantization on compute sstream and insert event into stream
        _QuantizeMatrix<ElemType>(inMatrix.BufferPointer(), this->m_residual->BufferPointer(),
                                  inMatrix.GetNumRows(), inMatrix.GetNumCols(),
                                  outQMatrixGPU.GetArray(), nBits, GetComputeStream(),
                                  this->m_residual->BufferPointer(), zeroThresholdFor1Bit);

        // copy from gpu to cpu if needed
        m_quantizeOpIncludedFetch = false;
        if (outQMatrix.GetDeviceId() == CPUDEVICE)
            SyncQuantizeCompleEventAndFetchAndRecordFetchCompleteEvent(outQMatrix.GetArray(), outQMatrixGPU.GetArray(), outQMatrixGPU.GetSize());
            m_quantizeOpIncludedFetch = true;

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::WaitQuantizeAsyncDone()
        if (m_quantizeOpIncludedFetch)

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::UnquantizeAsync(QuantizedMatrix<ElemType>& inQMatrix, Matrix<ElemType>& outMatrix, bool add /*= false*/)
        // The outMatrix should be on the same GPU as m_inMatrix
        assert(outMatrix.GetDeviceId() == this->GetDeviceId());
        size_t nBits = inQMatrix.GetNumBits();
        // Verify  input matrix parameter's dimensions
        assert((inQMatrix.GetNumRows() == outMatrix.GetNumRows()) && (inQMatrix.GetNumCols() == outMatrix.GetNumCols()));                
        bool GPUMatrixNewlyAllocated = false;
        QuantizedMatrix<ElemType>& inQMatrixGPU = (inQMatrix.GetDeviceId() == CPUDEVICE) ? GetTempGPUQuantizedMatrix(nBits, GPUMatrixNewlyAllocated) : inQMatrix;
        if (inQMatrix.GetDeviceId() == CPUDEVICE)
            // If the intermediate GPU Matrix was newly allocated, we need to wait for its zeroing to finish
            // before assigning the inQMatrix contents
            if (GPUMatrixNewlyAllocated)
                cudaEventRecord(m_tempMatrixZeroingCompleteEvent, GetStream()) || "cudaEventRecord failed";
                cudaStreamWaitEvent(GetAssignStream(), m_tempMatrixZeroingCompleteEvent, 0/*flags 'must be 0'*/) || "cudaStreamWaitEvent failed";

            // schedule assign to GPU (on transfer stream)
            cudaMemcpyAsync(inQMatrixGPU.GetArray(), inQMatrix.GetArray(), inQMatrix.GetSize(), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, GetAssignStream()) || "cudaMemcpyAsync failed";
            // schedule to flag the assign-complete event
            cudaEventRecord(m_assignCompleteEvent, GetAssignStream()) || "cudaEventRecord failed";    // for subsequent GPU operation to consume this buffer
            if (m_forceSync)
            // let the computing stream wait for the assign complete
        //do the actually unquantization 
        _UnquantizeMatrix(inQMatrixGPU.GetArray(), inQMatrixGPU.GetSize(),
            outMatrix.BufferPointer(), outMatrix.GetNumRows(), outMatrix.GetNumCols(),
            nBits, add, GetComputeStream());

        // Record the event of unquantization

    template<class ElemType>
    void MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::WaitUnquantizeAsyncDone()

    template class MatrixQuantizerGPU<float>;
    template class MatrixQuantizerGPU<double>;

    GPUMatrixComputeStreamEvent::GPUMatrixComputeStreamEvent(int deviceId)
        : MatrixComputeStreamEvent(deviceId)
        // Note: Do NOT use cudaEventBlockingSync (which supposedly yields the process)--it will totally break cudaEventSynchronize(), causing it to take 50 or 100 ms randomly.
        cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&m_mainGPUComputeStreamCUDAEvent, cudaEventDisableTiming) || "cudaEventCreateWithFlags failed";

        // Record an event on the main GPU compute stream
        cudaEventRecord(m_mainGPUComputeStreamCUDAEvent, GetStream()) || "cudaEventRecord failed";

        cudaEventDestroy(m_mainGPUComputeStreamCUDAEvent) || "cudaEventDestroy failed";;

    void GPUMatrixComputeStreamEvent::SynchronizeEvent()
        cudaEventSynchronize(m_mainGPUComputeStreamCUDAEvent) || "cudaEventSynchronize failed";

    template <typename ElemType>
    void GPUMatrixComputeStreamEvent::SynchronizeQuantizationComputeStreamWithEvent()
        cudaStreamWaitEvent(MatrixQuantizerGPU<ElemType>::GetComputeStream(), m_mainGPUComputeStreamCUDAEvent, 0/*flags 'must be 0'*/) || "cudaStreamWaitEvent failed";

    // Explicit template instantiations
    template void GPUMatrixComputeStreamEvent::SynchronizeQuantizationComputeStreamWithEvent<float>();
    template void GPUMatrixComputeStreamEvent::SynchronizeQuantizationComputeStreamWithEvent<double>();

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