Raw File
Tip revision: 60be167c8e7a7d531452fde8e242c2eff674850c authored by Alexey Kamenev on 16 February 2016, 20:11:51 UTC
Added SM3.0 to Linux Debug build. Added serialization of new fields to BN node.
Tip revision: 60be167
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
// OtherActions.cpp -- more CNTK actions

#define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE // make VS accept POSIX functions without _

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Basics.h"
#include "Actions.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "ComputationNode.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "ScriptableObjects.h"
#include "BrainScriptEvaluator.h"

#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <memory>

#ifndef let
#define let const auto

using namespace std;
using namespace Microsoft::MSR;
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;

// ===========================================================================
// DoCreateLabelMap() - implements CNTK "createLabelMap" command
// ===========================================================================

template <typename ElemType>
void DoCreateLabelMap(const ConfigParameters& config)
    // this gets the section name we are interested in
    std::string section = config(L"section");
    // get that section (probably a peer config section, which works thanks to heirarchal symbol resolution)
    ConfigParameters configSection(config(section));
    ConfigParameters readerConfig(configSection("reader"));
    readerConfig.Insert("allowMapCreation", "true");
    size_t minibatchSize = config(L"minibatchSize", "2048");
    int traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", "0");
    std::vector<std::wstring> featureNames;
    std::vector<std::wstring> labelNames;
    GetFileConfigNames(readerConfig, featureNames, labelNames);

    // setup minibatch matrices
    Matrix<ElemType> featuresMatrix(deviceId);
    Matrix<ElemType> labelsMatrix(deviceId);
    std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*> matrices;
    matrices[featureNames[0]] = &featuresMatrix;
    if (labelNames.size() == 0)
        RuntimeError("CreateLabelMap: no labels found to process");

    // now create the reader and loop through the entire dataset to get all the labels
    auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    for (const std::wstring& labelsName : labelNames)
        // take the last label file defined (the other one might be input)
        matrices[labelsName] = &labelsMatrix;

        // get the label mapping file name
        ConfigParameters labelConfig(readerConfig(labelsName));
        std::string labelMappingFile;
        if (labelConfig.ExistsCurrent(L"labelMappingFile"))
            labelMappingFile = labelConfig(L"labelMappingFile");
        else if (readerConfig.ExistsCurrent(L"labelMappingFile"))
            labelMappingFile = labelConfig(L"labelMappingFile");
            RuntimeError("CreateLabelMap: No labelMappingFile defined");

        if (fexists(labelMappingFile))
            fprintf(stderr, "CreateLabelMap: the label mapping file '%s' already exists, no work to do.\n", labelMappingFile.c_str());
        fprintf(stderr, "CreateLabelMap: Creating the mapping file '%s' \n", labelMappingFile.c_str());

        DataReader<ElemType> dataReader(readerConfig);

        dataReader.StartMinibatchLoop(minibatchSize, 0, requestDataSize);
        int count = 0;
        while (dataReader.GetMinibatch(matrices))
            Matrix<ElemType>& features = *matrices[featureNames[0]];
            count += features.GetNumCols();
            if (traceLevel > 1)
                fprintf(stderr, "."); // progress meter
        dataReader.StartMinibatchLoop(minibatchSize, 1, requestDataSize);

        // print the results
        if (traceLevel > 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "\nread %d labels and produced %s\n", count, labelMappingFile.c_str());
    auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    auto elapsed = end - start;
    if (traceLevel > 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "%f seconds elapsed\n", (float) (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed).count()) / 1000);

template void DoCreateLabelMap<float>(const ConfigParameters& config);
template void DoCreateLabelMap<double>(const ConfigParameters& config);

// ===========================================================================
// DoParameterSVD() - implements CNTK "SVD" command
// ===========================================================================

//  for action SVD
//      An action "SVD" performs the following process to transform an existing model:
//          1.  For a Learnable Parameter A whose name matches with the user specified regex,
//              A is approximated by two matrice multiplication B*C ;
//          2.  In order to keep the low-rank structure in training,
//              the original A node will be replaced by A' whose opertions is Times
//              with its left children being B and right chilren being
//      To use this command,
//          user need to specify:
//                  1)  modelPath           -- path to the existing model
//                  2)  outputmodelPath     -- where to write the transformed model
//                  3)  KeepRatio           -- how many percentage of energy we want to keep
//                  4)  AlignedSize         -- the resultant number of signular values is aligned to e.g., 32 or 64
//                  5)  ParameterName       -- name (regex) of the parameter node we want to perform a SVD decomposition
//  helper function for DoParameterSVD
bool ParseSVDConfigFile(wstring fn, map<wstring, float>& config)
    msra::files::textreader reader(fn);
    for (; reader;)
        wstring line = reader.wgetline();
        vector<wstring> tokens = msra::strfun::split(line, L"\t ");
        if (tokens.size() != 2)
            return false;
        config[tokens[0]] = (float) msra::strfun::todouble(tokens[1]);
    return true;
// a brief on the SVD config file usage
void SVDConfigFileUsage()
    fprintf(stderr, "usage of SVDConfigFile\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "A SVDConfigFile is referred in main config by \"SVDConfig\"\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Each line in this file specifies a group of Learnable Parameter nodes using regex and the KeepRatio associated with that group\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "An example: \n");
    fprintf(stderr, "W0         1.0\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "W[1-5]     0.4\n");
template <typename ElemType>
void DoParameterSVD(const ConfigParameters& config)
    DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID = -1; // use CPU for SVD
    wstring modelPath = config(L"modelPath");
    wstring outputmodelPath = config(L"outputmodelPath");
    map<wstring, float> svdconfig;

    float keepratio = config(L"KeepRatio", "0.4");
    size_t AlignedSize = config(L"AlignedSize", "8");
    wstring svdnodeRegex = config(L"NodeNameRegex", L"");
    if (!svdnodeRegex.empty())
        svdconfig[svdnodeRegex] = keepratio;
        // alternatively, user can also use a config to specify KeepRatios for different groups of nodes
        wstring svdnodeConfigFile = config(L"SVDConfig", L"");
        if (!ParseSVDConfigFile(svdnodeConfigFile, svdconfig))

    if (modelPath.empty())
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: in DoParameterSVD, modelPath is empty!\n");

    ComputationNetwork net(deviceID);

    net.PerformSVDecomposition<ElemType>(svdconfig, AlignedSize);
    if (!outputmodelPath.empty())

template void DoParameterSVD<float>(const ConfigParameters& config);
template void DoParameterSVD<double>(const ConfigParameters& config);

// ===========================================================================
// DoWriteWordAndClassInfo() - implements CNTK "writeWordAndClass" command
// ===========================================================================

template <typename T>
struct compare_second
    bool operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const
        return lhs.second < rhs.second;

/// for action writeWordAndClassInfo
/// read training text file
/// the outputs are the vocabulary, word2class and class2idx file with the information below
///     vocabulary format is as follows
///       0      42068  </s>    0
///       1      50770  the 0
///       2      45020  <unk>   1
///       the first column is word index
///       the last column is class index of the word
///       the second column and the third column are for information purpose and
///       are not really used in generating outputs for later process in the neural networks training
///    wrd2cls in dense matrix in[vocab_size X 1].it maps a word to its class id.
///    cls2idx in dense matrix in[nbr_cls X 1].it maps a class to its first word index.
/// to be used for class-based entropy, the outputs have the following assumptions
/// A1 : words are sorted so that words that are in the same class are together
///    i.e., wrds2cls[0] <= wrd2cls[1] <= ... <= wrd2cls[vocab_size - 1]
/// A2 : class ids are sorted so that cls2idx[0] < cls2idx[1] < cls2idx[2] < ... < cls2idx[nbr_cls - 1]
template <typename ElemType>
void DoWriteWordAndClassInfo(const ConfigParameters& config)
    string inputFile = config(L"inputFile"); // training text file without <unk>
    string outputWord2Cls = config(L"outputWord2Cls");
    string outputVocabFile = config(L"outputVocabFile");
    string outputCls2Index = config(L"outputCls2Index");
    size_t vocabSize = config(L"vocabSize");
    int nbrCls = config(L"nbrClass", "0");
    int cutoff = config(L"cutoff", "1");

    Matrix<ElemType> wrd2cls(deviceId);
    Matrix<ElemType> cls2idx(deviceId);

    // FILE *fp = fopen(inputFile.c_str(), "rt");
    ifstream fp(inputFile.c_str());
    if (!fp)
        RuntimeError("inputFile cannot be read");

    if (nbrCls > 0)
        cls2idx.Resize(nbrCls, 1);
    std::unordered_map<string, double> v_count;

    // get line
    string str;
    vector<string> vstr;
    long long prevClsIdx = -1;
    string token;
    while (getline(fp, str))
        str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(' ')); // prefixing spaces
        str.erase(str.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1); // surfixing spaces
        int sposition = str.find("</s> ");
        int eposition = str.find(" </s>");
        if (sposition == str.npos)
            str = "</s> " + str;

        if (eposition == str.npos)
            str = str + " </s>";

        vstr = msra::strfun::split(str, "\t ");
        for (int i = 1; i < vstr.size(); i++)

    std::cerr << "no truncated vocabulary: " << v_count.size() << std::endl;

    std::vector<std::string> m_words;
    std::set<std::string> m_remained_words;
    std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> m_index;

    std::vector<double> m_count;
    std::vector<int> m_class; // class index of each word

    typedef std::pair<std::string, double> stringdouble;
    std::priority_queue<stringdouble, std::vector<stringdouble>, compare_second<stringdouble>>
        q(compare_second<stringdouble>(), std::vector<stringdouble>(v_count.begin(), v_count.end()));

    size_t wordCountLessCutoff = v_count.size();
    if (cutoff > 0)
        for (std::unordered_map<std::string, double>::iterator iter = v_count.begin(); iter != v_count.end(); iter++)
            if (iter->second <= cutoff)
    if (wordCountLessCutoff <= 0)
        RuntimeError("no word remained after cutoff");

    if (vocabSize > wordCountLessCutoff)
        std::cerr << "warning: actual vocabulary size is less than required." << endl;
        std::cerr << "\t\tRequired vocabulary size:" << vocabSize << endl;
        std::cerr << "\t\tActural vocabulary size:" << v_count.size() << endl;
        std::cerr << "\t\tActural vocabulary size after cutoff:" << wordCountLessCutoff << endl;
        std::cerr << "\t\tWe will change to actual vocabulary size: " << wordCountLessCutoff << endl;
        vocabSize = wordCountLessCutoff;
    wrd2cls.Resize(vocabSize, 1);

    std::unordered_map<std::string, double> removed;
    double unkCount = 0;
    size_t size = 0;
    size_t actual_vocab_size = vocabSize - 1;
    while (size < actual_vocab_size && !q.empty())
        std::string word =;
        double freq =;
        if (word == "<unk>")
            unkCount += freq;
        removed[] =;
    while (!q.empty())
        unkCount +=;
    removed["<unk>"] = unkCount;
    std::priority_queue<stringdouble, std::vector<stringdouble>, compare_second<stringdouble>>
        p(compare_second<stringdouble>(), std::vector<stringdouble>(removed.begin(), removed.end()));
    cerr << "p.size():" << p.size() << endl;
    double total = 0;
    double dd = 0;
    if (nbrCls > 0)
        for (std::unordered_map<std::string, double>::iterator iter = removed.begin(); iter != removed.end(); iter++)
            total += iter->second;

        for (std::unordered_map<std::string, double>::iterator iter = removed.begin(); iter != removed.end(); iter++)
            dd += sqrt(iter->second / total);

    double df = 0;
    size_t class_id = 0;

    while (!p.empty())
        std::string word =;
        double freq =;
        if (nbrCls > 0)
            df += sqrt(freq / total) / dd;
            if (df > 1)
                df = 1;

            if (df > 1.0 * (class_id + 1) / nbrCls && class_id < nbrCls)

        size_t wid = m_words.size();
        bool inserted = m_index.insert(make_pair(word, wid)).second;
        if (inserted)

        m_count[wid] = freq;
        if (nbrCls > 0)
            m_class[wid] = class_id;

    std::ofstream ofvocab;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_index.size(); i++)
        if (nbrCls > 0)
            wrd2cls(i, 0) = (ElemType) m_class[i];
        long long clsIdx = nbrCls > 0 ? m_class[i] : 0;
        if (nbrCls > 0 && clsIdx != prevClsIdx)
            cls2idx(clsIdx, 0) = (ElemType) i; // the left boundary of clsIdx
            prevClsIdx = m_class[i];
        ofvocab << "     " << i << "\t     " << m_count[i] << "\t" << m_words[i] << "\t" << clsIdx << std::endl;

    if (nbrCls > 0)
        // write the outputs
        ofstream ofp(outputWord2Cls.c_str());
        if (!ofp)
            RuntimeError("cannot write to %s", outputWord2Cls.c_str());
        for (size_t r = 0; r < wrd2cls.GetNumRows(); r++)
            ofp << (int) wrd2cls(r, 0) << endl;

        if (!ofp)
            RuntimeError("cannot write to %s", outputCls2Index.c_str());

        for (size_t r = 0; r < cls2idx.GetNumRows(); r++)
            ofp << (int) cls2idx(r, 0) << endl;
template void DoWriteWordAndClassInfo<float>(const ConfigParameters& config);
template void DoWriteWordAndClassInfo<double>(const ConfigParameters& config);

// ===========================================================================
// DoTopologyPlot() - implements CNTK "plot" command
// ===========================================================================

// do topological plot of computation network
template <typename ElemType>
void DoTopologyPlot(const ConfigParameters& config)
    wstring modelPath = config(L"modelPath");
    wstring outdot = config(L"outputDotFile");  // filename for the dot language output, if not specified, will be used
    wstring outRending = config(L"outputFile"); // filename for the rendered topology plot
    // this can be empty, in that case no rendering will be done
    // or if this is set, renderCmd must be set, so CNTK will call re
    wstring RenderCmd = config(L"RenderCmd"); // if this option is set, then CNTK will call the render to convert the outdotFile to a graph
    // e.g. "d:\Tools\graphviz\bin\dot.exe -Tpng -x <IN> -o<OUT>"
    //              where <IN> and <OUT> are two special placeholders

    // ========================================
    // Sec. 1 option check
    // ========================================
    if (outdot.empty())
        outdot = modelPath + L".dot";

    wstring rescmd;
    if (!outRending.empty()) // we need to render the plot
        std::wregex inputPlaceHolder(L"(.+)(<IN>)(.*)");
        std::wregex outputPlaceHolder(L"(.+)(<OUT>)(.*)");

        rescmd = regex_replace(RenderCmd, inputPlaceHolder, L"$1" + outdot + L"$3");
        rescmd = regex_replace(rescmd, outputPlaceHolder, L"$1" + outRending + L"$3");

    ComputationNetwork net(-1);
    fprintf(stderr, "Output network description in dot language to %S\n", outdot.c_str());

    if (!outRending.empty())
        fprintf(stderr, "Executing a third-part tool for rendering dot:\n%S\n", rescmd.c_str());
#ifdef __unix__
        const auto rc = system(msra::strfun::utf8(rescmd).c_str());
        rc /*ignoring the result--this gets flagged by gcc if we don't save the return value*/;
        fprintf(stderr, "Done\n");

template void DoTopologyPlot<float>(const ConfigParameters& config);
template void DoTopologyPlot<double>(const ConfigParameters& config);
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