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Tip revision: 19475ebab339054918db8f526af68b46cbdbdd29 authored by Dan Brickley on 28 April 2016, 11:56:09 UTC
Fix a bug with Hospital, Dentist definitions.
Tip revision: 19475eb

0-a) Technical pre-conditions for release.


Code, schema, examples and supporting documentation should be in a stable state.

Pay particular attention to release-specific structures and docs/releases.html
(e.g. no stray '2.x', '2.*' etc. in hidden markup or tables)

In we declare the current version. This should match the number
chosen in /docs/releases.html (check markup assigns an HTML ID too).

The following steps assume a general healthy freeze (tested / QA as below).


    SCHEMA_VERSION=2.2 # or 2.x, as above.


  releaselog = { "2.0": "2015-05-13", "2.1": "2015-08-06" }


  releaselog = { "2.0": "2015-05-13", "2.1": "2015-08-06", "2.2": "2015-11-05" }

... this should have a release date for the current release and all
previous releases that are archived under data/releases/{version}/*

TODO: Add a unit test to ensure this.

TODO: Re-order this document to avoid forward references.

Under data/releases/{version}/ we need a versioned-snapshot structure:


Of these,

 * schema.rdfa is a frozen one-time copy of data/schema.rdfa
 * schema-all.html is generated from this via running the Web app and
   capturing via curl of /version/ (no numbers),
   e.g. http://localhost:8080/version/
   when served locally via "dev_appserver ."
 * the .nt and .nq files are n-triples and n-quads capturing the core
   and extensions. Use script/rdfa2nq for the latter.
   scripts/rdfa2nt for the former. TODO: fix the charset warning we're ignoring.
  * We consider schema.rdfa as immutable; the rest can be fixed and augmented
   as they are derrived and potentially improvable formats.
  * we don't preserve snapshots of per-extension RDFa here (or examples etc.)
  * should be copied/updated accordingly.  TODO: simplify this file.

Example usage:

# n-triples

First copy snapshot into place:

* cp data/schema.rdfa data/releases/2.2/schema.rdfa

Then generate N-Triples version:

* ./scripts/rdfa2nt data/releases/2.2/schema.rdfa  > data/releases/2.2/schema.nt
* We ignore a warning here, currently: NTSerializer does not use custom encoding. (TODO)

* Now we generate NQuad (.nq) files for each published extension, manually (some extensions may be multi-file):
 * ./scripts/rdfa2nq data/ext/bib/bsdo-1.0.rdfa | grep -v file: > data/releases/2.2/ext-bib.nq
 * ./scripts/rdfa2nq data/ext/bib/comics.rdfa | grep -v file: >> data/releases/2.2/ext-bib.nq
 * ./scripts/rdfa2nq data/ext/auto/auto.rdfa | grep -v file: >> data/releases/2.2/ext-auto.nq
* And for the core itself:
 * ./scripts/rdfa2nq data/releases/2.2/schema.rdfa | grep -v file: >> data/releases/2.2/core.nq
* Now concat the lot:
 * find data/releases/2.2/ -name \*.nq -exec cat {} \; > data/releases/2.2/all-layers.nq
* Now the HTML snapshot itself. Assuming a local server (e.g. from 'dev_appserver .') we can do:
 * curl http://localhost:8080/version/latest/> data/releases/2.2/schema-all.html
* Inspect snapshot, add to git and push to repo.
 * ls -l data/releases/2.2/
 * git add data/releases/2.2/*
 * git push
 * update sites: e.g.  ./scripts/  to update,
  * Inspect /version/{x.y}/ on those sites manually; check for newly added terms etc.
 * TODO: more QA and automation would be highly appropriate here.

# NQuads
Use of rdfa2nq with extensions:

TODO: list optional tasks post-launch (blog, email, refresh dydra sparql db etc.).

1) General preconditions / process and QA for release.

1-a) Steering Group have signed off on changes and release plan,
and no active and unresolved disputes in the Community Group.

1-b) All code is commited to appropriate release branch at Github (usually
configured as the current default github branch for /schemaorg/ project).

1-c) All tests pass.
It is best to test against a fresh checkout to avoid depending on uncommitted
files. The unit tests depend upon a local installation of Google AppEngine, e.g.

PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/google_appengine ./scripts/

To run the full unit tests (graph test of schema integrity) the 'rdflib'
python library is also needed: 'sudo easy_install rdflib' should do it.

 Example transcript:

  git clone
  Cloning into 'schemaorg'...
  remote: Counting objects: 6375, done.
  remote: Compressing objects: 100% (80/80), done.
  remote: Total 6375 (delta 43), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 6295
  Receiving objects: 100% (6375/6375), 27.62 MiB | 1.01 MiB/s, done.
  Resolving deltas: 100% (4074/4074), done.
  Checking connectivity... done.
  danbri-macbookpro2:tmp danbri$ cd schemaorg/


  Ran 70 tests in 21.168s

  OK (expected failures=3)

1-d) Latest candidate release branch is pushed to per-branch appspot instance
(e.g. and the generic unstable upstream site

1-e) The manual QA page /docs/qa.html has been reviewed to ensure
representative pages of each type appear to be in a healthy state.

e.g. see

2.) Final checks

There is often some final tweaking, bugs, etc. When things settle down, a
final round of sanity-check tests is useful:

* Run again: PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/google_appengine ./scripts/
* Run again 'git status', confirm no uncommited files or changes.
* Run again: './scripts/' for development/upstream site sync.

3.) Merge release branch into master

3a.) Get changes into master branch on github

Use GitHub Web UI to create a pull request. For example to merge the
release branch sdo-phobos into master, we set the base branch 'master' and
compare 'sdo-phobos'. If you get this backwards you should see nothing to do,
because there ought to be no changes in master that we lack in the later
sdo-phobos branch.

Note also that if someone else has already (e.g. mistakenly) filed a pull request
between the same pair of branches, Github will try to recycle that one (including
their description) instead of give you a new one with proper name, description.
Workaround is to close that PR (keeping track of any open issue it raises).

Result should be "danbri  wants to merge 205 commits into master from sdo-phobos"
or similar. Check the Commits and Files changed tabs. If it looks plausible
(e.g. Showing  55 changed files  with 79,679 additions and 820 deletions.) we
can proceed with merging.

3b) Get merged changes back into your working colorOpacity

I do 'git checkout master'; 'git pull --all'. You may know of other
incantations. See also

4.) Publish from a clean checkout of 'master' branch to

Either by editing app.yaml to make sure 'application: schemaorgae' is active,
or by passing the name of the live appengine ID on the commandline. Currently
@rvguha (as Steering Group chair) and @danbri (as Community Group chair and
webmaster / dogsbody) have write access to the corresponding appengine account.

 * e.g. run: update . -A schemaorgae
 * inspect console output for something like:
  * 03:35 PM Completed update of app: schemaorgae, version: 1
 * Count to ten. Check and the 'releases' link.

5.) Related post-release tasks.

* Let the Community Group and Steering Group know.
* Blog post.
* There's a SPARQL database at DYDRA that can load NQuad dumps from
* Make a new per-release branch, reserve an account for it.
* Configure GitHub with the new default branch.
* Update issue tracker moving issues to new releases.
 * Close issues that were addressed in this release.
 * Make careful considered adjustment to expected release for the rest. Or
   just tag them all for the next release.
* Update git release tags (TODO: we have no history of handling this yet).

For example, if we are in 'master' and 'git status' shows it in a clean state,

* git checkout -b sdo-deimos
* This tells us we can do:
 *     git push --set-upstream origin sdo-deimos

> To
>  * [new branch]      sdo-deimos -> sdo-deimos
> Branch sdo-deimos set up to track remote branch sdo-deimos from origin.
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