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Tip revision: 188552ef4bc777ee8f96026948f346549761925c authored by maxv on 12 November 2015, 16:07:54 UTC
added missing for the profiling module
Tip revision: 188552e
""" This module contains algorithms for the calculation of centrality, i.e. ranking nodes by their structural importance
to the network """

__author__ = "Christian Staudt"
__credits__ = ["Christian Staudt", "Elisabetta Bergamini", "Henning Meyerhenke", "Marc Nemes", "Maximilian Vogel"]

# extension imports
# TODO: (+) ApproxCloseness
from _NetworKit import Betweenness, PageRank, EigenvectorCentrality, DegreeCentrality, ApproxBetweenness, ApproxBetweenness2,  DynApproxBetweenness, Closeness, KPathCentrality, CoreDecomposition, KatzCentrality, LocalClusteringCoefficient, ApproxCloseness, LocalPartitionCoverage

# local imports
from networkit.algebraic import adjacencyEigenvector, PageRankMatrix, symmetricEigenvectors

# external imports
import math

def ranking(G, algorithm=Betweenness, normalized=False):
	""" Return a ranking of nodes by the specified centrality type"""
	# FIXME: some centrality algorithms take more parameters
	centrality = algorithm(G, normalized)
	return centrality.ranking()

def scores(G, algorithm=Betweenness, normalized=False):
	""" Return the centrality scores of nodes using the specified centrality type"""
	centrality = algorithm(G, normalized)
	return centrality.scores()

def rankPerNode(ranking):
 	ranking: ordered list of tuples (node, score)

	for each node (sorted by node ID), the ranking of the node

	n_nodes = len(ranking)
	ranking_id = [0]*n_nodes
	for index, pair in enumerate(ranking):
		ranking_id[pair[0]] = index
	#we assign to all nodes the ranking of the first node with the same score
	for index, pair in enumerate(ranking):
			if index == 0:
			if pair[1] == ranking[index-1][1]:
				prev_node = ranking[index-1][0]
				ranking_id[pair[0]] = ranking_id[prev_node]
	return ranking_id

def relativeRankErrors(rx, ry):
	Let $r_x(u)$ be the rank of node $u$ in ranking $x$.
	The relative rank error of node $u$ is defined as
		$$r_x(u) / r_y(u)$$

	rx : list
		ranking - ordered list of tuples (node, score)

	ry:  list
		ranking - ordered list of tuples (node, score)

	list of rank errors ordered by node ID

	diff = []
	n = len(rx)
	if not(n == len(ry)):
		return diff
	rnode_x = rankPerNode(rx)
	rnode_y = rankPerNode(ry)
	for i in range(n):
	return diff

class SpectralCentrality:
	Abstract class to compute the spectral centrality of a graph. This class needs to be supplied with methods
	to generate the correct matrices and do the correct normalization.
	def __init__(self, G, normalized=False):

		G : graph
			The graph of which to compute the centrality
		normalized : boolean
					 Whether to normalize the results or not

		super(SpectralCentrality, self).__init__()

		self.graph = G
		self.normalized = normalized

		self.scoreList = None
		self.rankList = None
		self.evz = {}

	def prepareSpectrum(self):
		""" Method that must be implemented to set the following values:
		self.eigenvectors = list of eigenvectors desired for centrality measure
		self.eigenvalues = list of corresponding eigenvalues
		raise NotImplemented

	def normFactor(self):
		""" Method that must be implemented to return a correct normalization factor"""
		raise NotImplemented

	def run(self):

		self.scoreList = None
		self.rankList = None
		self.evz = {}

		if self.normalized:
			normFactor = self.normFactor()
			normFactor = 1

		for v in self.graph.nodes():
			self.evz[v] = self.eigenvector[v] * normFactor
		return self

	def scores(self):
		if self.scoreList is None:
			self.scoreList = [v for k,v in self.evz.items()]

		return self.scoreList

	def ranking(self):
		if self.rankList is None:
			self.rankList = sorted(self.evz.items(),key=lambda x: float(x[1]), reverse=True)
		return self.rankList

class SciPyEVZ(SpectralCentrality):
	Compute Eigenvector centrality using algebraic meh

	G : graph
		The graph of which to compute the centrality
	normalized : boolean
				 Whether to normalize the results or not

	def __init__(self, G, normalized=False):
		if G.isDirected():
			raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed graphs; use centrality.EigenvectorCentrality instead")
		super(SciPyEVZ, self).__init__(G, normalized=normalized)

	def _length(self, vector):
		square = sum([val * val for val in vector])
		return math.sqrt(square)

	def normFactor(self):
		return 1 / self._length(self.eigenvector)

	def prepareSpectrum(self):
		spectrum = adjacencyEigenvector(self.graph, order=0)
		self.eigenvector = spectrum[1]
		self.eigenvalue = spectrum[0]

class SciPyPageRank(SpectralCentrality):
	# TODO: docstring
	def __init__(self, G, damp=0.95, normalized=False):
		super(SciPyPageRank, self).__init__(G, normalized=normalized)

		self.damp = damp

	def _length(self, vector):
		return sum(vector)

	def normFactor(self):
		return 1 / self._length(self.eigenvector)

	def prepareSpectrum(self):
		prMatrix = PageRankMatrix(self.graph, self.damp)
		spectrum = symmetricEigenvectors(prMatrix, cutoff=0, reverse=False)

		self.eigenvector = spectrum[1][0]
		self.eigenvalue = spectrum[0][0]
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