Raw File
Tip revision: eeae2ae2d49163949e987206535ac2a7b3885ee4 authored by Dominik Theobald on 30 July 2019, 14:36:53 UTC
deleted Konstantins private scripts
Tip revision: eeae2ae
Input files

Parameters specified in the input file

In the following, the parameters which can be specified in the input file are listed:


Declare here the units in which you want to specify lengths and angles. The length unit has no influence on the
calculations and can be chosen arbitrarily. This field is mainly there to remind the user that all lengths have to be
specified in consistent units. In addition, it is used for the axis annotation of output plots.
The angle units can be 'degree', otherwise radians are assumed.

   length unit: nm

   angle unit: degree

Vacuum wavelength

The vacuum wavelength :math:`\lambda` of the electromagnetic field, in the specified length unit::

   vacuum wavelength: 550

Layer system

Define the background geometry of the layered medium. 
A layer system consists of :math:`N` layers, counted from bottom to top. 
Each layer is characterized by its thickness as well as its (real) refractive index :math:`n` and extinction coefficient :math:`k`
(the latter is equivalent to the imaginary part of the complex refractive index :math:`\tilde{n}=n+jk`). 
Provide the thickness information in the form of :math:`[d_0, d_1, ..., d_N]`, where :math:`d_i` is the thickness of the :math:`i`-th layer. 
As the outermost layers are infinitely thick, specify them with a thickness of :math:`0`. 
Analogously, provide the refractive indices and extinction coefficients in the form of :math:`[n_0, ..., n_N]` and :math:`[k_0, ..., k_N]`.

For example, the following entry::

   layer system:
   - thicknesses: [0, 500, 0]
     refractive indices: [1.5, 2.1, 1]
     extinction coefficients: [0, 0.01, 0]

would specify a single film of thickness :math:`500`, consisting of a material with complex refractive index :math:`n_1=2.1+0.01j`, located on top of a substrate with refractive index :math:`n_0=1.5`, and below air/vacuum (refractive index :math:`n_2=1`).

Scattering particles

The ensemble of scattering particles inside the layered medium.

For spherical particles, specify
:code:`shape: sphere`, the radius, refractive index, extinction coefficient 
and the :code:`[x, y, z]` coordinates of the particle position.

For spheroids, specify
:code:`shape: spheroid`, the half axes along (`half axis c`) and transverse (`half axis a`) to the axis of revolution,
refractive index, extinction coefficient and the :code:`[x, y, z]` coordinates of the particle position, as well as the
Euler angles defining the rotation of the axis of revolution relative to the `z` axis (currently rotations other than
`[0, 0, 0]` are not implemented).

For finite cylinders, specify
:code:`shape: finite cylinder`, the cylinder height, cylinder radius, refractive index, extinction coefficient and the
:code:`[x, y, z]` coordinates of the particle position, as well as the
Euler angles defining the rotation of the axis of revolution relative to the `z` axis (currently rotations other than
`[0, 0, 0]` are not implemented).

The coordinate system is such that the interface between the first two layers defines the plane :math:`z=0`.

In addition, specify :code:`l_max` and :code:`m_max`, which refer to the maximal multipole degree and order used for the
spherical wave expansion of that particle's scattered field. These parameters should be chosen with reference to the
desired accuracy and to the particle size parameter and refractive index contrast, see for example
A larger value leads to higher accuracy, but also to longer computation time. :code:`l_max` is a positive integer and
:code:`m_max` is a non-negative integer and not greater than :code:`l_max`.

In the case of non-spherical particles, you can also specify a structure :code:`NFM-DS settings` with the fields
:code:`use discrete sources` (default is :code:`True`),
:code:`nint` (default is :code:`200`) and :code:`nrank: 8` (default is :code:`l_max + 2`). These parameters specify the
calculation of the T-matrix using the NFM-DS module. For further information about the meaning of these parameters, see
the `NFM-DS documentation <>`_.

Rotated spheroids or cylinders are defined by specifying the polar and azimuthal angle of the symmetry axis with respect
to the laboratory coordinate system. 

The parameters for the scattering particles can be listed directly in the input file, in the following format::

 scattering particles:
 - shape: sphere
   radius: 100                       
   refractive index: 2.4
   extinction coefficient: 0.05
   position: [0, 100, 150]           
   l_max: 3                          
   m_max: 3                          
 - shape: finite cylinder
   cylinder radius: 120              
   cylinder height: 150              
   refractive index: 2.7
   extinction coefficient: 0
   position: [350, -100, 250]
   polar angle: 60                    
   azimuthal angle: 30               
   l_max: 4
   m_max: 4
   NFM-DS settings:                  
     use discrete sources: true      
     nint: 200                       
     nrank: 8                        
 - shape: spheroid
   semi axis c: 80                   
   semi axis a: 140                  
   refractive index: 2.5
   extinction coefficient: 0.05
   position: [-350, 50, 350]
   polar angle: 45                    
   azimuthal angle: 45               
   l_max: 3
   m_max: 3
   NFM-DS settings:
     use discrete sources: true
     nint: 200
     nrank: 8  

Alternatively, the scattering particles can be specified in a separate file, which needs to be located in the SMUTHI
project folder.
This is more convenient for large particle numbers. 
In that case, specify the filename of the particles parameters file, for example::

   scattering particles: particle_specs.dat

The format of the particle specifications file is described below, see `The particle specifications file`_.

Initial field

Currently, plane waves and beams with Gaussian transverse cross-section are implemented, as well as single or multiple
electric point dipole sources.

For plane waves, specify the initial field in the following format::

  initial field:
    type: plane wave
    polar angle: 0
    azimuthal angle: 0
    polarization: TE
    amplitude: 1
    reference point: [0, 0, 0]

For polarization, select either :code:`TE` or :code:`TM`. 

The electric field of the plane wave in the layer from which it comes then reads

.. math:: \mathbf{E_\mathrm{init}}(\mathbf{r}) = A \exp(\mathrm{j} \mathbf{k}\cdot(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r_0})) \hat{\mathbf{e}}_j,

where :math:`A` is the amplitude, :math:`\mathrm{j}` is the imaginary unit,

.. math:: \mathbf{k}=\frac{2 \pi n_\mathrm{init}}{\lambda}  \left( \begin{array}{c} \sin(\beta)\cos(\alpha)\\ \sin(\beta)\sin(\alpha) \\ \cos(\beta) \end{array} \right)

is the wave vector in the layer from which the plane wave comes,
:math:`n_\mathrm{init}` is the refractive index in that layer (must be real), :math:`(\beta,\alpha)` are the polar and
azimuthal angle of the plane wave, :math:`\mathbf{r_0}` is the reference point and :math:`\hat{\mathbf{e}}_j` is the
unit vector pointing into the :math:`\alpha`-direction for :code:`TE` polarization and into the  in the
:math:`\beta`-direction for :code:`TM` polarization.

If the polar angle is in the range :math:`0\leq\beta\lt 90^\circ`, the k-vector has a positive :math:`z`-component and
consequently, the plane wave is incident from the bottom side.
If the polar angle is in the range :math:`90^\circ\lt\beta\leq 180^\circ`, then the plane wave is incident from the top. 

For Gaussian beams, specify the input in this format::

  initial field:
    type: Gaussian beam
    polar angle: 0
    azimuthal angle: 0
    polarization: TE
    amplitude: 1
    focus point: [0, 0, 0]
    beam waist: 1000

The Gaussian beam amplitude corresponds to the electric field value at the focus point. The beam waist parameter
describes the transverse width of the beam near the focus point.

More precisely, the beam is designed to fulfill

.. math:: \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{r}) = \exp \left[\frac{(x-x_G)^2+(y-y_G)^2}{w^2}\right] \mathbf{A}_G

for :math:`z=z_G`, where :math:`(x_G,y_G,z_G)` are the coordinates of the focus point, and :math:`w` is the beam waist
parameter and :math:`\mathbf{A}_G` is the amplitude vector given by the amplitude parameter and the polarization.

For a single electric point dipole source, use an input of the format::

   initial field:
     type: dipole source
     position: [100, 10, 350]
     dipole moment: [3e7, 3e7, 0]

The dipole moment vector :math:`\mathbf{\mu}` specifies the amplitude and the orientation of the dipole oscillation.
It corresponds to a current density of

.. math:: \mathbf{j}(\mathbf{r}) = -j \omega \mathbf{\mu} \delta(\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_D),

where :math:`\mathbf{r}_D` is the dipole position.

For multiple point dipole sources, specify the parameters in this format::

   initial field:
     type: dipole collection
     - position: [150, -100, 90]
       dipole moment: [1.5e7, 1.5e7, 0]
     - position: [-100, 100, 290]
       dipole moment: [0, 1.5e7, 1.5e7]

Numerical parameters

The radial wavevector component of a plane wave expansion is defined by a sequence :code:`n_effective` in the complex
plane, where :code:`n_effective = k_parallel / omega` refers to the effective refractive index of the partial wave::

   n_effective resolution: 1e-3

   max n_effective: 3

   n_effective imaginary deflection: 5e-2

'n_effective resolution' determines the sampling of the expansion/contour, where n_effective = k_parallel / omega
refers to the effective refractive index of the partial wave (default=1e-2). A smaller value leads to more precise
results and to a longer computation time.
'max n_effective' specifies where the expansion is truncated. It should be chosen somewhere above the maximal
refractive index of the layers (default=max(refractive indices)+1).
'n_effective imaginary deflection' determines how much the contour is deflected into the lower complex half plane to
avoid the vicinity of waveguide or branch point singularities (default=5e-2).

In addition, specify the resolution (in angle units) of the azimuthal angle coordinate of plane wave expansions, as well
as polar and azimuthal angle coordinates of far field evaluations::

   angular resolution: 1

Solution strategy

Choose a solver that is used for the solution of the linear system. Currently, :code:`LU` (default) for LU-factorization 
and :code:`gmres` for an interative GMRES solver are possible input. In general, the iterative solver is recommended for
large particle numbers::

  solver type: LU

If an iterative solver is chosen, the following setting determines at what relative accuracy the solver terminates::

  solver tolerance: 1e-4
If the following parameter is set to true (default), the coupling matrix is stored explicitly. This is recommended for
small particle numbers, whereas for large particle numbers, it leads to large memory consumption::  
  store coupling matrix: true

If the coupling matrix is not stored, matrix-vector producs are evaluated by recomputing the coupling coefficients 
on the fly during each step of the iterative solver. In that case, the computation time can be drastically reduced 
by computing the coupling coefficients through interpolation from a lookup table. For that purpose, set the following 
parameter to a posive value (that is the spatial resolution of the lookup table in length units)::

  coupling matrix lookup resolution: 0


- currently only applicable with GMRES solver and when coupling matrix NOT
- only applicable if all particles are in the same layer
- if NOT all particles share the same height (same position z-coordinate),
  and the particles are distributed over a large volume, the lookup can
  have very large memory footprint. In that case, consider a coarser
  resolution in combination with cubic interpolation (see below) to
  compensate the precision loss.

For the interpoloation from the lookup table, you can choose between :code:`linear` (default, faster) and :code:`cubic` 
(more preicse)::

  interpolation order: linear   

Set the following parameter to 'true' to benefint from greatly accelerated calculations using the graphics processing 
unit. Requires a CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU, a suitable version of the CUDA toolkit and the PyCuda package installed::
  enable GPU: false                           

Post processing

Define here, what output you want to generate. Currently, the following tasks can be defined for the post processing

  - Evaluation of the far field. If the initial field is a plane wave, the far field is interpreted in terms of
    the differential scattering cross section and the extinction cross section. For the case of an initial Gaussian
    beam, the far field denotes the radiative intensity, and relative reflectivity as well as transmittivity figures
    are displayed in the terminal. You can export images and raw data in ascii format.
  - Evaluation of the electrical near field. You can export images, animations and raw data regarding field components
    or the field modulus.

Write for example::

  post processing:
  - task: evaluate far field
    show plots: true
    save plots: true
    save data: false
  - task: evaluate near field
    show plots: true
    save plots: true
    save animations: true
    save data: false
    quantities to plot: [E_y, norm(E), E_scat_y, norm(E_scat), E_init_y, norm(E_init)]
    xmin: -800
    xmax: 800
    zmin: -400
    zmax: 900
    spatial resolution: 50
    interpolation spatial resolution: 5
    maximal field strength: 1.2

The :code:`show plots`, :code:`save plots` and :code:`save data` flags deterimine, if the respective output
is plotted, if the plots are saved and if the raw data is exported to ascii files.

In the :code:`evaluate near field` task, the :code:`save animations` flags deterimines, if the near field figures are
exported as gif animations.

The :code:`quantities to plot` are a list of strings that can be: :code:`E_x`, :code:`E_y`, :code:`E_z` or
:code:`norm(E)` for the x-, y- and z-component or the norm of the total electric field, :code:`E_scat_x`,
:code:`E_scat_y`, :code:`E_scat_z` or :code:`norm(E_scat)` for the x-, y- and z-component or the norm of the scattered
electric field, or :code:`E_init_x`, :code:`E_init_y`, :code:`E_init_z` or :code:`norm(E_init)` for the x-, y- and
z-component or the norm of the initial electric field.

To specify the plane where the near field is computed, provide :code:`xmin`, :code:`xmax`, :code:`ymin`, :code:`ymax`,
:code:`zmin` and :code:`zmax`. If any of these is not given, it is assumed to be 0.
For exactly one of the coordinates x, y or z the min and max value should be identical, e.g. :code:`ymin` = :code:`ymax`
as in the above example. In that case, the field would be plotted in the xz-plane.

:code:`spatial resolution` determines, how fine the grid of points is, where the near field is computed.
As :code:`xmin` etc., this parameter is specified in length units. If :code:`interpolation spatial resolution` is
specified, the near field will be interpolated to that finer value to allow for smoother looking field plots without the
long computing time of a fine grained actual field evaluation.

With :code:`maximal field strength`, you can set the color scale of the field plots to a fixed maximum.

Further settings for the generation of output data

The path to the output folder can be specified as::

   output folder: smuthi_output

This folder will be created and in it a subfolder with a timestamp that contains all file output of the simulation.

Finally, if::

   save simulation: true

is specified, the simulation object will be saved as a binary data file from which it can be reimported at a later time.

The particle specifications file

The file containing the particle specifications needs to be written in the following format::

   # spheres
   # x, y, z, radius, refractive index, exctinction coefficient, l_max, m_max
   0        100     150     100     2.4     0.05    3       3
   ...      ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...

   # cylinders
   # x, y, z, cylinder radius, cylinder height, polar angle, azimuthal angle, refractive index, exctinction coefficient, l_max, m_max
   250      -100    250	    120     150     60		30		2.7     0       4       4
   ...      ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...		...		...

   # spheroids
   # x, y, z, semi-axis c, semi-axis a, polar angle, azimuthal angle, refractive index, exctinction coefficient, l_max, m_max
   -250     0       350     80      140     45		45		2.5     0.05    3       3
   ...      ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...		...		...

An examplary particle specifiacations can be downloaded from
:download:`here <../smuthi/data/example_particle_specs.dat>`.

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