Raw File
Tip revision: 6d22e6555433c2c92d89ee4a406cf5166de6e1ed authored by Lorenzo Pattelli on 23 May 2020, 08:26:57 UTC
automatic_parameter_selection: fix bug when select_neff_max=False
Tip revision: 6d22e65
Running a simulation
We strongly recommend to run Smuthi from a Python script. This option is most flexible regarding how to run and evaluate the simulations.

For legacy reasons, there is also a second (deprecated) possibility, which is to 
:doc:`run Smuthi directly from the command line <call_from_command_line>`
with an input file. 
You can try that option if no Python installation is available. However, the input file parser is currently not maintained 
and running Smuthi with input files does thus not allow the full range of Smuthi functionality.

Python scripting (recommended)
In the :doc:`examples <examples>` section you can find a number of example 
scripts that illustrate the use of Smuthi. Edit and run these scripts to get a 
quick start.

For furhter details, the :doc:`API section <smuthi_api>` contains a description
of all of Smuthi's modules, classes and functions.

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