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Tip revision: 3fb4ceb39b4bcbf25a0cba9e9508584b74e2c133 authored by Arvid Jakobsson on 10 March 2020, 14:23:46 UTC
[generic_multisig] Add CHAIN_ID to signature
Tip revision: 3fb4ceb
Require Import ZArith List Nat String.
Require Import syntax semantics.
Require Import untyped_syntax error.
Import error.Notations.

Lemma andb_and a b : (a && b)%bool <-> a /\ b.
  - apply Bool.andb_prop_elim.
  - apply Bool.andb_prop_intro.

Module Typer(C : ContractContext).

  Module syntax := Syntax C.
  Import syntax. Import untyped_syntax.

  Definition instruction := syntax.instruction.

  Definition safe_instruction_cast {self_type tff} A A' B B' :
    instruction self_type tff A B -> A = A' -> B = B' -> instruction self_type tff A' B'.
    intros i [] [].
    exact i.

  Record cast_error :=
        input : Datatypes.list type;
        output :  Datatypes.list type;
        expected_input : Datatypes.list type;
        expected_output : Datatypes.list type;
        tff : Datatypes.bool;
        self_type_ : Datatypes.option type;
        i : instruction self_type_ tff input output;

  Definition instruction_cast {self_type tff} A A' B B' i : M (instruction self_type tff A' B') :=
    match stype_dec A A', stype_dec B B' with
    | left HA, left HB => Return (safe_instruction_cast A A' B B' i HA HB)
    | _, _ => Failed _ (Typing cast_error (Mk_cast_error A B A' B' tff _ i))

  Definition instruction_cast_range {self_type tff} A B B' (i : instruction self_type tff A B)
    : M (instruction self_type tff A B') := instruction_cast A A B B' i.

  Definition instruction_cast_domain {self_type tff} A A' B (i : instruction self_type tff A B)
    : M (instruction self_type tff A' B) := instruction_cast A A' B B i.

  Definition contract_cast (c : contract_constant) (a b : type)
             (H : C.get_contract_type c = Some b)
             (He : a = b)
    : syntax.concrete_data (contract a) :=
    syntax.Contract_constant c (eq_trans H (f_equal Some (eq_sym He))).

  Inductive typer_result {self_type} A : Set :=
  | Inferred_type B : instruction self_type false A B -> typer_result A
  | Any_type : (forall B, instruction self_type true A B) -> typer_result A.

  Definition type_check_instruction {self_type}
             (type_instruction :
                forall (i : untyped_syntax.instruction) A,
                  M (typer_result A))
             i A B : M {b : Datatypes.bool & instruction self_type b A B} :=
    let! r1 := type_instruction i A in
    match r1 with
    | Inferred_type _ B' i =>
      let! i := instruction_cast_range A B' B i in
      Return (existT _ false i)
    | Any_type _ i => Return (existT _ true (i B))

  Definition type_check_instruction_no_tail_fail {self_type}
             (type_instruction :
                forall (i : untyped_syntax.instruction) A,
                  M (typer_result A))
             i A B : M (instruction self_type Datatypes.false A B) :=
    let! r1 := type_instruction i A in
    match r1 with
    | Inferred_type _ B' i => instruction_cast_range A B' B i
    | Any_type _ i => Failed _ (Typing _ tt)

  Definition assert_not_tail_fail {self_type} A (r : typer_result A) :
    M {B & instruction self_type Datatypes.false A B} :=
    match r with
    | Inferred_type _ B i => Return (existT _ B i)
    | Any_type _ _ => Failed _ (Typing _ tt)

  Definition type_instruction_no_tail_fail {self_type}
             (type_instruction :
                forall (i : untyped_syntax.instruction) A,
                  M (typer_result A))
             i A : M {B & instruction self_type Datatypes.false A B} :=
    let! r := type_instruction i A in
    assert_not_tail_fail A r.

  Definition type_branches {self_type}
             (type_instruction :
                forall (i : untyped_syntax.instruction) A,
                  M (typer_result A))
             i1 i2 A1 A2 A
             (IF_instr : forall B tffa tffb,
                 instruction self_type tffa A1 B ->
                 instruction self_type tffb A2 B ->
                 instruction self_type (tffa && tffb) A B)
    : M (typer_result A) :=
    let! r1 := type_instruction i1 A1 in
    let! r2 := type_instruction i2 A2 in
    match r1, r2 with
    | Inferred_type _ B1 i1, Inferred_type _ B2 i2 =>
      let! i2 := instruction_cast_range A2 B2 B1 i2 in
              (Inferred_type _ _
                            (IF_instr B1 false false i1 i2))
    | Inferred_type _ B i1, Any_type _ i2 =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (IF_instr B false true i1 (i2 B)))
    | Any_type _ i1, Inferred_type _ B i2 =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (IF_instr B true false (i1 B) i2))
    | Any_type _ i1, Any_type _ i2 =>
      Return (Any_type _ (fun B =>
                              IF_instr B true true (i1 B) (i2 B)))

  Definition take_one (S : stack_type) : M (type * stack_type) :=
    match S with
    | nil => Failed _ (Typing _ "take_one"%string)
    | cons a l => Return (a, l)

  Fixpoint take_n (A : stack_type) n : M ({B | List.length B = n} * stack_type) :=
    match n as n return M ({B | List.length B = n} * stack_type) with
    | 0 => Return (exist (fun B => List.length B = 0) nil eq_refl, A)
    | S n =>
      let! (a, A) := take_one A in
      let! (exist _ B H, C) := take_n A n in
      Return (exist _ (cons a B) (f_equal S H), C)

  Lemma take_n_length n S1 S2 H1 : take_n (S1 ++ S2) n = Return (exist _ S1 H1, S2).
    generalize dependent S1.
    induction n; destruct S1; simpl; intro H1.
    - repeat f_equal.
      apply Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec.
      repeat decide equality.
    - discriminate.
    - discriminate.
    - assert (List.length S1 = n) as H2.
      + apply (f_equal pred) in H1.
        exact H1.
      + rewrite (IHn S1 H2).
        repeat f_equal.
        apply Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec.
        repeat decide equality.

  Definition type_check_dig {self_type} n (S:stack_type) : M (typer_result (self_type := self_type) S) :=
    let! (exist _ S1 H1, tS2) := take_n S n in
    let! (t, S2) := take_one tS2 in
    let! i := instruction_cast_domain (S1 +++ t ::: S2) S _ (syntax.DIG n H1) in
    Return (Inferred_type S (t ::: S1 +++ S2) i).

  Definition type_check_dug {self_type} n (S:stack_type) : M (typer_result (self_type := self_type) S) :=
    let! (t, S12) := take_one S in
    let! (exist _ S1 H1, S2) := take_n S12 n in
    let! i := instruction_cast_domain (t ::: S1 +++ S2) S _ (syntax.DUG n H1) in
    Return (Inferred_type S (S1 +++ t ::: S2) i).

  Fixpoint as_comparable (a : type) : M comparable_type :=
    match a with
    | Comparable_type a => Return (Comparable_type_simple a)
    | pair (Comparable_type a) b =>
      let! b := as_comparable b in
      Return (Cpair a b)
    | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ ("not a comparable type"%string, a))

  Lemma as_comparable_comparable (a : comparable_type) :
    as_comparable a = Return a.
    induction a.
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl.
      rewrite IHa.

  Definition type_contract_data_aux c a tyopt :=
    match tyopt return C.get_contract_type c = tyopt -> error.M (syntax.concrete_data (contract a)) with
    | Some b =>
      match type_dec a b with
      | left He => fun H => Return (contract_cast c a b H He)
      | right _ => fun _ => Failed _ (Typing _ ("ill-typed contract"%string, c, a, b))
    | None => fun _ => Failed _ (Typing _ ("contract not found"%string, c))

  Definition type_contract_data c a := type_contract_data_aux c a _ eq_refl.

  Fixpoint type_data (d : concrete_data) {struct d}
    : forall ty, M (syntax.concrete_data ty) :=
    match d with
    | Int_constant z =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | Comparable_type int => Return (syntax.Int_constant z)
        | Comparable_type nat =>
          if (z >=? 0)%Z then Return (syntax.Nat_constant (Z.to_N z))
          else Failed _ (Typing _ ("Negative value cannot be typed in nat"%string, d))
        | Comparable_type mutez =>
          let! m := tez.of_Z z in
          Return (syntax.Mutez_constant (Mk_mutez m))
        | Comparable_type timestamp => Return (syntax.Timestamp_constant z)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | String_constant s =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | Comparable_type string => Return (syntax.String_constant s)
        | signature => Return (syntax.Signature_constant s)
        | key => Return (syntax.Key_constant s)
        | Comparable_type key_hash => Return (syntax.Key_hash_constant s)
        | contract a =>
          let c := Mk_contract s in
          type_contract_data c a
        | Comparable_type address => Return (syntax.Address_constant (syntax.Mk_address s))
        | chain_id => Return (syntax.Chain_id_constant (syntax.Mk_chain_id s))
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Bytes_constant s =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | Comparable_type bytes => Return (syntax.Bytes_constant s)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Unit =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | unit => Return syntax.Unit
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | True_ =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | Comparable_type bool => Return syntax.True_
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | False_ =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | Comparable_type bool => Return syntax.False_
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Pair x y =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | pair a b =>
          let! x := type_data x a in
          let! y := type_data y b in
          Return (syntax.Pair x y)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Left x =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | or a b =>
          let! x := type_data x a in
          Return (syntax.Left x)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Right y =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | or a b =>
          let! y := type_data y b in
          Return (syntax.Right y)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Some_ x =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | option a =>
          let! x := type_data x a in
          Return (syntax.Some_ x)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | None_ =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | option a => Return syntax.None_
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Concrete_seq l =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | list a =>
          let! l :=
            (fix type_data_list l :=
              match l with
              | nil => Return nil
              | cons x l =>
                let! x := type_data x a in
                let! l := type_data_list l in
                Return (cons x l)
            ) l in
          Return (syntax.Concrete_list l)
        | set a =>
          let! l :=
            (fix type_data_list l :=
              match l with
              | nil => Return nil
              | cons x l =>
                let! x := type_data x a in
                let! l := type_data_list l in
                Return (cons x l)
            ) l in
          Return (syntax.Concrete_set l)
        | map a b =>
          let! l :=
            (fix type_data_list l :=
              match l with
              | nil => Return nil
              | cons (Elt x y) l =>
                let! x := type_data x a in
                let! y := type_data y b in
                let! l := type_data_list l in
                Return (cons (syntax.Elt _ _ x y) l)
              | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
            ) l in
          Return (syntax.Concrete_map l)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | Instruction i =>
      fun ty =>
        match ty with
        | lambda a b =>
          let! existT _ tff i := type_check_instruction type_instruction i (cons a nil) (cons b nil) in
          Return (syntax.Instruction _ i)
        | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))
    | d => fun ty => Failed _ (Typing _ (d, ty))

  type_instruction {self_type} i A {struct i} : M (typer_result (self_type := self_type) A) :=
    match i, A with
    | NOOP, A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.NOOP)
    | FAILWITH, a :: A => Return (Any_type _ (fun B => syntax.FAILWITH))
    | SEQ i1 i2, A =>
      let! existT _ B i1 := type_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i1 A in
      let! r2 := type_instruction i2 B in
      match r2 with
      | Inferred_type _ C i2 =>
        Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.SEQ i1 i2))
      | Any_type _ i2 =>
        Return (Any_type _ (fun C => syntax.SEQ i1 (i2 C)))
    | IF_ i1 i2, Comparable_type bool :: A =>
      type_branches type_instruction i1 i2 _ _ _ (fun B tffa tffb => syntax.IF_)
    | IF_NONE i1 i2, option a :: A =>
      type_branches type_instruction i1 i2 _ _ _ (fun B tffa tffb => syntax.IF_NONE)
    | IF_LEFT i1 i2, or a b :: A =>
      type_branches type_instruction i1 i2 _ _ _ (fun B tffa tffb => syntax.IF_LEFT)
    | IF_CONS i1 i2, list a :: A =>
      type_branches type_instruction i1 i2 _ _ _ (fun B tffa tffb => syntax.IF_CONS)
    | LOOP i, Comparable_type bool :: A =>
      let! i := type_check_instruction_no_tail_fail
        type_instruction i A (bool ::: A) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.LOOP i))
    | LOOP_LEFT i, or a b :: A =>
      let! i := type_check_instruction_no_tail_fail
        type_instruction i (a :: A) (or a b :: A) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.LOOP_LEFT i))
    | EXEC, a :: lambda a' b :: B =>
      let A := a :: lambda a' b :: B in
      let A' := a :: lambda a b :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain A' A _ syntax.EXEC in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | APPLY, a :: lambda (pair a' b) c :: B =>
      let A := a :: lambda (pair a' b) c :: B in
      let A' := a :: lambda (pair a b) c :: B in
      (if is_packable a as b return is_packable a = b -> _
       then fun i =>
        let! i := instruction_cast_domain A' A _ (@syntax.APPLY _ _ _ _ _ (IT_eq_rev _ i)) in
        Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
       else fun _ => Failed _ (Typing _ "APPLY"%string)) eq_refl
    | DUP, a :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.DUP)
    | SWAP, a :: b :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SWAP)
    | PUSH a v, A =>
      let! d := type_data v a in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.PUSH a d))
    | UNIT, A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.UNIT)
    | LAMBDA a b i, A =>
      let! existT _ tff i :=
        type_check_instruction type_instruction i (a :: nil) (b :: nil) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.LAMBDA a b i))
    | EQ, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.EQ)
    | NEQ, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.NEQ)
    | LT, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.LT)
    | GT, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.GT)
    | LE, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.LE)
    | GE, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.GE)
    | OR, Comparable_type bool :: Comparable_type bool :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.OR _ _ syntax.bitwise_bool _))
    | OR, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.OR _ _ syntax.bitwise_nat _))
    | AND, Comparable_type bool :: Comparable_type bool :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.AND _ _ syntax.bitwise_bool _))
    | AND, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.AND _ _ syntax.bitwise_nat _))
    | XOR, Comparable_type bool :: Comparable_type bool :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.XOR _ _ syntax.bitwise_bool _))
    | XOR, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.XOR _ _ syntax.bitwise_nat _))
    | NOT, Comparable_type bool :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.NOT _ _ syntax.not_bool _))
    | NOT, Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.NOT _ _ syntax.not_nat _))
    | NOT, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.NOT _ _ syntax.not_int _))
    | NEG, Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.NEG _ _ syntax.neg_nat _))
    | NEG, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.NEG _ _ syntax.neg_int _))
    | ABS, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.ABS)
    | INT, Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.INT)
    | ISNAT, Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.ISNAT)
    | ADD, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_nat_nat _))
    | ADD, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_nat_int _))
    | ADD, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_int_nat _))
    | ADD, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_int_int _))
    | ADD, Comparable_type timestamp :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_timestamp_int _))
    | ADD, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type timestamp :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_int_timestamp _))
    | ADD, Comparable_type mutez :: Comparable_type mutez :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.ADD _ _ _ syntax.add_tez_tez _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_nat_nat _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_nat_int _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_int_nat _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_int_int _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type timestamp :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_timestamp_int _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type timestamp :: Comparable_type timestamp :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_timestamp_timestamp _))
    | SUB, Comparable_type mutez :: Comparable_type mutez :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SUB _ _ _ syntax.sub_tez_tez _))
    | MUL, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.MUL _ _ _ syntax.mul_nat_nat _))
    | MUL, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.MUL _ _ _ syntax.mul_nat_int _))
    | MUL, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.MUL _ _ _ syntax.mul_int_nat _))
    | MUL, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.MUL _ _ _ syntax.mul_int_int _))
    | MUL, Comparable_type mutez :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.MUL _ _ _ syntax.mul_tez_nat _))
    | MUL, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type mutez :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.MUL _ _ _ syntax.mul_nat_tez _))
    | EDIV, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.EDIV _ _ _ syntax.ediv_nat_nat _))
    | EDIV, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.EDIV _ _ _ syntax.ediv_nat_int _))
    | EDIV, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.EDIV _ _ _ syntax.ediv_int_nat _))
    | EDIV, Comparable_type int :: Comparable_type int :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.EDIV _ _ _ syntax.ediv_int_int _))
    | EDIV, Comparable_type mutez :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.EDIV _ _ _ syntax.ediv_tez_nat _))
    | EDIV, Comparable_type mutez :: Comparable_type mutez :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.EDIV _ _ _ syntax.ediv_tez_tez _))
    | LSL, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.LSL)
    | LSR, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.LSR)
    | COMPARE, a :: a' :: B =>
      let A := a ::: a' ::: B in
      let! a : comparable_type := as_comparable a in
      let! a' : comparable_type := as_comparable a' in
      let A' := a ::: a ::: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain A' A (int ::: B) (syntax.COMPARE (a := a)) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | CONCAT, Comparable_type string :: Comparable_type string :: B =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.CONCAT _ _ stringlike_string _))
    | CONCAT, Comparable_type bytes :: Comparable_type bytes :: B =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.CONCAT _ _ stringlike_bytes _))
    | CONCAT, list (Comparable_type string) :: B =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.CONCAT_list _ _ stringlike_string _))
    | CONCAT, list (Comparable_type bytes) :: B =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.CONCAT_list _ _ stringlike_bytes _))
    | SIZE, set a :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SIZE _ _ (size_set a) _))
    | SIZE, cons (list a) A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SIZE _ _ (size_list a) _))
    | SIZE, cons (map a b) A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SIZE _ _ (size_map a b) _))
    | SIZE, Comparable_type string :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SIZE _ _ size_string _))
    | SIZE, Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SIZE _ _ size_bytes _))
    | SLICE, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type string :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SLICE _ _ stringlike_string _))
    | SLICE, Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type nat :: Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (@syntax.SLICE _ _ stringlike_bytes _))
    | PAIR, a :: b :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.PAIR)
    | CAR, pair a b :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.CAR)
    | CDR, pair a b :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.CDR)
    | EMPTY_SET c, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.EMPTY_SET c))
    | MEM, elt' :: set elt :: B =>
      let A := elt' :: set elt :: B in
      let A' := elt ::: set elt :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.MEM _ _ _ (mem_set elt) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | MEM, kty' :: map kty vty :: B =>
      let A := kty' :: map kty vty :: B in
      let A' := kty ::: map kty vty :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.MEM _ _ _ (mem_map kty vty) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | MEM, kty' :: big_map kty vty :: B =>
      let A := kty' :: big_map kty vty :: B in
      let A' := kty ::: big_map kty vty :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.MEM _ _ _ (mem_bigmap kty vty) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | UPDATE, elt' :: Comparable_type bool :: set elt :: B =>
      let A := elt' ::: bool ::: set elt :: B in
      let A' := elt ::: bool ::: set elt :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.UPDATE _ _ _ _ (update_set elt) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | UPDATE, kty' :: option vty' :: map kty vty :: B =>
      let A := kty' ::: option vty' ::: map kty vty :: B in
      let A' := kty ::: option vty ::: map kty vty :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.UPDATE _ _ _ _ (update_map kty vty) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | UPDATE, kty' :: option vty' :: big_map kty vty :: B =>
      let A := kty' ::: option vty' ::: big_map kty vty :: B in
      let A' := kty ::: option vty ::: big_map kty vty :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.UPDATE _ _ _ _ (update_bigmap kty vty) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | ITER i, list a :: A =>
      let! i := type_check_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i (a :: A) A in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.ITER i))
    | ITER i, set a :: A =>
      let! i := type_check_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i (a ::: A) A in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.ITER i))
    | ITER i, map kty vty :: A =>
      let! i := type_check_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i (pair kty vty :: A) A in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.ITER i))
    | EMPTY_MAP kty vty, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.EMPTY_MAP kty vty))
    | EMPTY_BIG_MAP kty vty, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.EMPTY_BIG_MAP kty vty))
    | GET, kty' :: map kty vty :: B =>
      let A := kty' :: map kty vty :: B in
      let A' := kty ::: map kty vty :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.GET _ _ _ (get_map kty vty) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | GET, kty' :: big_map kty vty :: B =>
      let A := kty' :: big_map kty vty :: B in
      let A' := kty ::: big_map kty vty :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain
        A' A _ (@syntax.GET _ _ _ (get_bigmap kty vty) _) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | MAP i, list a :: A =>
      let! r := type_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i (a :: A) in
      match r with
      | existT _ (b :: A') i =>
        let! i := instruction_cast_range (a :: A) (b :: A') (b :: A) i in
        Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.MAP i))
      | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ tt)
    | MAP i, map kty vty :: A =>
      let! r := type_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i (pair kty vty ::: A) in
      match r with
      | existT _ (b :: A') i =>
        let! i := instruction_cast_range (pair kty vty :: A) (b :: A') (b :: A) i in
        Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.MAP i))
      | _ => Failed _ (Typing _ tt)
    | SOME, a :: A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SOME)
    | NONE a, A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.NONE a))
    | LEFT b, a :: A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.LEFT b))
    | RIGHT a, b :: A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.RIGHT a))
    | CONS, a' :: list a :: B =>
      let A := a' :: list a :: B in
      let A' := a :: list a :: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain A' A _ (syntax.CONS) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | NIL a, A => Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.NIL a))
    | CREATE_CONTRACT g p i,
      option (Comparable_type key_hash) :: Comparable_type mutez :: g2 :: B =>
      let A :=
          option key_hash ::: mutez ::: g2 :: B in
      let A' :=
          option key_hash ::: mutez ::: g ::: B in
      let! existT _ tff i :=
        type_check_instruction (self_type := Some p) type_instruction i (pair p g :: nil) (pair (list operation) g :: nil) in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain A' A _ (syntax.CREATE_CONTRACT g p i) in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | TRANSFER_TOKENS, p1 :: Comparable_type mutez :: contract p2 :: B =>
      let A := p1 ::: mutez ::: contract p2 ::: B in
      let A' := p1 ::: mutez ::: contract p1 ::: B in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain A' A _ syntax.TRANSFER_TOKENS in
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ i)
    | SET_DELEGATE, option (Comparable_type key_hash) :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SET_DELEGATE)
    | BALANCE, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.BALANCE)
    | ADDRESS, contract _ :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.ADDRESS)
    | CONTRACT ty, Comparable_type address :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.CONTRACT ty))
    | SOURCE, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SOURCE)
    | SENDER, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SENDER)
    | SELF, A =>
      match self_type with
      | Some sty => Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SELF)
      | None => Failed _ (Typing _ "SELF is not allowed inside lambdas"%string)
    | AMOUNT, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.AMOUNT)
    | IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT, Comparable_type key_hash :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT)
    | NOW, A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.NOW)
    | PACK, a :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.PACK)
    | UNPACK ty, Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ (syntax.UNPACK ty))
    | HASH_KEY, key :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.HASH_KEY)
    | BLAKE2B, Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.BLAKE2B)
    | SHA256, Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SHA256)
    | SHA512, Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.SHA512)
    | CHECK_SIGNATURE, key :: signature :: Comparable_type bytes :: A =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.CHECK_SIGNATURE)
    | DIG n, A => type_check_dig n _
    | DUG n, A => type_check_dug n _
    | DIP n i, S12 =>
      let! (exist _ S1 H1, S2) := take_n S12 n in
      let! existT _ B i := type_instruction_no_tail_fail type_instruction i S2 in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain (S1 +++ S2) S12 _ (syntax.DIP n H1 i) in
      Return (Inferred_type S12 (S1 +++ B) i)
    | DROP n, S12 =>
      let! (exist _ S1 H1, S2) := take_n S12 n in
      let! i := instruction_cast_domain (S1 +++ S2) S12 _ (syntax.DROP n H1) in
      Return (Inferred_type S12 S2 i)
    | CHAIN_ID, _ =>
      Return (Inferred_type _ _ syntax.CHAIN_ID)
    | _, _ => Failed _ (Typing _ (i, A))
End Typer.
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