Raw File
Tip revision: 322a0d9b5c7d79d4da4fc7ebd0c6bc60a7effe74 authored by Hallvord Reiar M. Steen on 21 June 2016, 13:44:08 UTC
Misc improvements to progress event tests
Tip revision: 322a0d9
Test submission is via the typical GitHub workflow.

* Fork the [GitHub repository][repo] (and make sure you're still relatively in
sync with it if you forked a while ago)

* Create a branch for your changes. Being a key of effective Git flow, it is
strongly recommended that the **topic branch** tradition be followed here,
i.e. the branch naming convention is based on the "topic" you will be working
on, e.g. `git checkout -b topic-name`

* Make your changes

* Run the `lint` script in the root of your checkout to detect common
  mistakes in test submissions. This will also be run after submission
  and any errors will prevent your PR being accepted. If it detects an
  error that forms an essential part of your test, edit the list of
  exceptions stored in `tools/lint/lint.whitelist`.

* Commit your changes.

* Push your local branch to your GitHub repository.

* Using the GitHub UI create a Pull Request for your branch.

* When you get review comments, make more commits to your branch to
  address the comments (**note**: Do *not* rewrite existing commits using
  e.g. `git commit --amend` or `git rebase -i`. The review system
  depends on the full branch history).

* Once everything is reviewed and all issues are addressed, your pull
  request will be automatically merged.

For detailed guidelines on setup and each of these steps, please refer to the
[Github Test Submission][github101] documentation.

Hop on to [irc or the mailing list][discuss] if you have an
issue. There is no need to announce your review request, as soon as
you make a Pull Request GitHub will inform interested parties.

[github101]: ./github-101.html
[discuss]: /discuss.html
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