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Tip revision: 4815836aab313681c91f235c8273b4d24592ecab authored by kaixinjxq on 08 April 2018, 03:26:12 UTC
Adapt web-nfc IDL tests to latest spec
Tip revision: 4815836
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Test for the classList element attribute</title>
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const SVG_NS = "";
const XHTML_NS = ""
const MATHML_NS = "";

function setClass(e, newVal) {
  if (newVal === null) {
  } else {
    e.setAttribute("class", newVal);

function checkModification(e, funcName, args, expectedRes, before, after,
                           expectedException, desc) {
  if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
    args = [args];

  test(function() {
    var shouldThrow = typeof(expectedException) === "string";
    if (shouldThrow) {
      // If an exception is thrown, the class attribute shouldn't change.
      after = before;
    setClass(e, before);

    var obs;
    // If we have MutationObservers available,  do some checks to make
    // sure attribute sets are happening at sane times.
    if (self.MutationObserver) {
      obs = new MutationObserver(() => {});
      obs.observe(e, { attributes: true });
    if (shouldThrow) {
      assert_throws(expectedException, function() {
        var list = e.classList;
        var res = list[funcName].apply(list, args);
    } else {
      var list = e.classList;
      var res = list[funcName].apply(list, args);
    if (obs) {
      var mutationRecords = obs.takeRecords();
      if (shouldThrow) {
        assert_equals(mutationRecords.length, 0,
                      "There should have been no mutation");
      } else if (funcName == "replace") {
        assert_equals(mutationRecords.length == 1,
                      "Should have a mutation exactly when replace() returns true");
      } else {
        // For other functions, would need to check when exactly
        // mutations are supposed to happen.
    if (!shouldThrow) {
      assert_equals(res, expectedRes, "wrong return value");

    var expectedAfter = after;

    assert_equals(e.getAttribute("class"), expectedAfter,
                  "wrong class after modification");
  }, "classList." + funcName + "(" +", ") +
  ") with attribute value " + format_value(before) + desc);

function assignToClassListStrict(e) {
  "use strict";
  e.classList = "foo";

function assignToClassList(e) {
  var expect = e.classList;
  e.classList = "foo";
  assert_equals(e.classList, expect,
                "classList should be unchanged after assignment");

function testClassList(e, desc) {

  // assignment

  test(function() {
  }, "Assigning to classList" + desc);

  // supports
  test(function() {
    assert_throws(TypeError(), function() {
  }, ".supports() must throw TypeError" + desc);

  // length attribute

  function checkLength(value, length) {
    test(function() {
      setClass(e, value);
      assert_equals(e.classList.length, length);
    }, "classList.length when " +
    (value === null ? "removed" : "set to " + format_value(value)) + desc);

  checkLength(null, 0);
  checkLength("", 0);
  checkLength("   \t  \f", 0);
  checkLength("a", 1);
  checkLength("a A", 2);
  checkLength("\r\na\t\f", 1);
  checkLength("a a", 1);
  checkLength("a a a a a a", 1);
  checkLength("a a b b", 2);
  checkLength("a A B b", 4);
  checkLength("a b c c b a a b c c", 3);
  checkLength("   a  a b", 2);
  checkLength("a\tb\nc\fd\re f", 6);

  // [Stringifies]

  function checkStringifier(value, expected) {
    test(function() {
      setClass(e, value);
      assert_equals(e.classList.toString(), expected);
    }, "classList.toString() when " +
    (value === null ? "removed" : "set to " + format_value(value)) + desc);

  checkStringifier(null, "");
  checkStringifier("foo", "foo");
  checkStringifier("   a  a b", "   a  a b");

  // item() method

  function checkItems(attributeValue, expectedValues) {
    function checkItemFunction(index, expected) {
      assert_equals(e.classList.item(index), expected,
                    "classList.item(" + index + ")");

    function checkItemArray(index, expected) {
      assert_equals(e.classList[index], expected, "classList[" + index + "]");

    test(function() {
      setClass(e, attributeValue);

      checkItemFunction(-1, null);
      checkItemArray(-1, undefined);

      var i = 0;
      while (i < expectedValues.length) {
        checkItemFunction(i, expectedValues[i]);
        checkItemArray(i, expectedValues[i]);

      checkItemFunction(i, null);
      checkItemArray(i, undefined);

      checkItemFunction(0xffffffff, null);
      checkItemArray(0xffffffff, undefined);

      checkItemFunction(0xfffffffe, null);
      checkItemArray(0xfffffffe, undefined);
    }, "classList.item() when set to " + format_value(attributeValue) + desc);

  checkItems(null, []);
  checkItems("a", ["a"]);
  checkItems("aa AA aa", ["aa", "AA"]);
  checkItems("a b", ["a", "b"]);
  checkItems("   a  a b", ["a", "b"]);
  checkItems("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", ["a", "b"]);

  // contains() method

  function checkContains(attributeValue, args, expectedRes) {
    if (!Array.isArray(expectedRes)) {
      expectedRes = Array(args.length).fill(expectedRes);
    setClass(e, attributeValue);
    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      test(function() {
        assert_equals(e.classList.contains(args[i]), expectedRes[i],
                      "classList.contains(\"" + args[i] + "\")");
      }, "classList.contains(" + format_value(args[i]) + ") when set to " +
      format_value(attributeValue) + desc);

  checkContains(null, ["a", "", "  "], false);
  checkContains("", ["a"], false);

  checkContains("a", ["a"], true);
  checkContains("a", ["aa", "b", "A", "a.", "a)",, "a'", 'a"', "a$", "a~",
                      "a?", "a\\"], false);

  // All "ASCII whitespace" per spec, before and after
  checkContains("a", ["a\t", "\ta", "a\n", "\na", "a\f", "\fa", "a\r", "\ra",
                      "a ", " a"], false);

  checkContains("aa AA", ["aa", "AA", "aA"], [true, true, false]);
  checkContains("a a a", ["a", "aa", "b"], [true, false, false]);
  checkContains("a b c", ["a", "b"], true);

  checkContains("null undefined", [null, undefined], true);
  checkContains("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", ["a", "b"], true);

  // add() method

  function checkAdd(before, argument, after, param) {
    var expectedException = undefined;
    var noop = false;
    if (param == "noop") {
      noop = true;
    } else {
      expectedException = param;
    checkModification(e, "add", argument, undefined, before, after,
                      expectedException, desc);
    // Also check force toggle.  The only difference is that it doesn't run the
    // update steps for a no-op.
    if (!Array.isArray(argument)) {
      checkModification(e, "toggle", [argument, true], true, before,
                        noop ? before : after, expectedException, desc);

  checkAdd(null, "", null, "SyntaxError");
  checkAdd(null, ["a", ""], null, "SyntaxError");
  checkAdd(null, " ", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "\ta", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "a\t", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "\na", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "a\n", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "\fa", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "a\f", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "\ra", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "a\r", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, " a", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, "a ", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, ["a", " "], null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkAdd(null, ["a", "aa "], null, "InvalidCharacterError");

  checkAdd("a", "a", "a");
  checkAdd("aa", "AA", "aa AA");
  checkAdd("a b c", "a", "a b c");
  checkAdd("a a a  b", "a", "a b", "noop");
  checkAdd(null, "a", "a");
  checkAdd("", "a", "a");
  checkAdd(" ", "a", "a");
  checkAdd("   \f", "a", "a");
  checkAdd("a", "b", "a b");
  checkAdd("a b c", "d", "a b c d");
  checkAdd("a b c ", "d", "a b c d");
  checkAdd("   a  a b", "c", "a b c");
  checkAdd("   a  a b", "a", "a b", "noop");
  checkAdd("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", "c", "a b c");

  // multiple add
  checkAdd("a b c ", ["d", "e"], "a b c d e");
  checkAdd("a b c ", ["a", "a"], "a b c");
  checkAdd("a b c ", ["d", "d"], "a b c d");
  checkAdd("a b c a ", [], "a b c");
  checkAdd(null, ["a", "b"], "a b");
  checkAdd("", ["a", "b"], "a b");

  checkAdd(null, null, "null");
  checkAdd(null, undefined, "undefined");

  // remove() method

  function checkRemove(before, argument, after, param) {
    var expectedException = undefined;
    var noop = false;
    if (param == "noop") {
      noop = true;
    } else {
      expectedException = param;
    checkModification(e, "remove", argument, undefined, before, after,
                      expectedException, desc);
    // Also check force toggle.  The only difference is that it doesn't run the
    // update steps for a no-op.
    if (!Array.isArray(argument)) {
      checkModification(e, "toggle", [argument, false], false, before,
                        noop ? before : after, expectedException, desc);

  checkRemove(null, "", null, "SyntaxError");
  checkRemove(null, " ", null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("\ta", "\ta", "\ta", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("a\t", "a\t", "a\t", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("\na", "\na", "\na", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("a\n", "a\n", "a\n", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("\fa", "\fa", "\fa", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("a\f", "a\f", "a\f", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("\ra", "\ra", "\ra", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("a\r", "a\r", "a\r", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove(" a", " a", " a", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("a ", "a ", "a ", "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkRemove("aa ", "aa ", null, "InvalidCharacterError");

  checkRemove(null, "a", null);
  checkRemove("", "a", "");
  checkRemove("a b  c", "d", "a b c", "noop");
  checkRemove("a b  c", "A", "a b c", "noop");
  checkRemove(" a a a ", "a", "");
  checkRemove("a  b", "a", "b");
  checkRemove("a  b  ", "a", "b");
  checkRemove("a a b", "a", "b");
  checkRemove("aa aa bb", "aa", "bb");
  checkRemove("a a b a a c a a", "a", "b c");

  checkRemove("a  b  c", "b", "a c");
  checkRemove("aaa  bbb  ccc", "bbb", "aaa ccc");
  checkRemove(" a  b  c ", "b", "a c");
  checkRemove("a b b b c", "b", "a c");

  checkRemove("a  b  c", "c", "a b");
  checkRemove(" a  b  c ", "c", "a b");
  checkRemove("a b c c c", "c", "a b");

  checkRemove("a b a c a d a", "a", "b c d");
  checkRemove("AA BB aa CC AA dd aa", "AA", "BB aa CC dd");

  checkRemove("\ra\na\ta\f", "a", "");
  checkRemove("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", "a", "b");

  // multiple remove
  checkRemove("a b c ", ["d", "e"], "a b c");
  checkRemove("a b c ", ["a", "b"], "c");
  checkRemove("a b c ", ["a", "c"], "b");
  checkRemove("a b c ", ["a", "a"], "b c");
  checkRemove("a b c ", ["d", "d"], "a b c");
  checkRemove("a b c ", [], "a b c");
  checkRemove(null, ["a", "b"], null);
  checkRemove("", ["a", "b"], "");
  checkRemove("a a", [], "a");

  checkRemove("null", null, "");
  checkRemove("undefined", undefined, "");

  // toggle() method

  function checkToggle(before, argument, expectedRes, after, expectedException) {
    checkModification(e, "toggle", argument, expectedRes, before, after,
                      expectedException, desc);

  checkToggle(null, "", null, null, "SyntaxError");
  checkToggle(null, "aa ", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");

  checkToggle(null, "a", true, "a");
  checkToggle("", "a", true, "a");
  checkToggle(" ", "a", true, "a");
  checkToggle("   \f", "a", true, "a");
  checkToggle("a", "b", true, "a b");
  checkToggle("a", "A", true, "a A");
  checkToggle("a b c", "d", true, "a b c d");
  checkToggle("   a  a b", "d", true, "a b d");

  checkToggle("a", "a", false, "");
  checkToggle(" a a a ", "a", false, "");
  checkToggle(" A A A ", "a", true, "A a");
  checkToggle(" a b c ", "b", false, "a c");
  checkToggle(" a b c b b", "b", false, "a c");
  checkToggle(" a b  c  ", "c", false, "a b");
  checkToggle(" a b c ", "a", false, "b c");
  checkToggle("   a  a b", "b", false, "a");
  checkToggle("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", "a", false, "b");
  checkToggle("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", "c", true, "a b c");

  checkToggle("null", null, false, "");
  checkToggle("", null, true, "null");
  checkToggle("undefined", undefined, false, "");
  checkToggle("", undefined, true, "undefined");

  // replace() method
  function checkReplace(before, token, newToken, expectedRes, after, expectedException) {
    checkModification(e, "replace", [token, newToken], expectedRes, before,
                      after, expectedException, desc);

  checkReplace(null, "", "a", null, null, "SyntaxError");
  checkReplace(null, "", " ", null, null, "SyntaxError");
  checkReplace(null, " ", "a", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "\ta", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "a\t", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "\na", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "a\n", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "\fa", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "a\f", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "\ra", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "a\r", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, " a", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "a ", "b", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");

  checkReplace(null, "a", "", null, null, "SyntaxError");
  checkReplace(null, " ", "", null, null, "SyntaxError");
  checkReplace(null, "a", " ", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "\ta", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "a\t", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "\na", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "a\n", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "\fa", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "a\f", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "\ra", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "a\r", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", " a", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");
  checkReplace(null, "b", "a ", null, null, "InvalidCharacterError");

  checkReplace("a", "a", "a", true, "a");
  checkReplace("a", "a", "b", true, "b");
  checkReplace("a", "A", "b", false, "a");
  checkReplace("a b", "b", "A", true, "a A");
  checkReplace("a b", "c", "a", false, "a b");
  checkReplace("a b c", "d", "e", false, "a b c");
  checkReplace("a a a  b", "a", "a", true, "a b");
  checkReplace("a a a  b", "c", "d", false, "a a a  b");
  checkReplace(null, "a", "b", false, null);
  checkReplace("", "a", "b", false, "");
  checkReplace(" ", "a", "b", false, " ");
  checkReplace(" a  \f", "a", "b", true, "b");
  checkReplace("a b c", "b", "d", true, "a d c");
  checkReplace("a b c", "c", "a", true, "a b");
  checkReplace("c b a", "c", "a", true, "a b");
  checkReplace("a b a", "a", "c", true, "c b");
  checkReplace("a b a", "b", "c", true, "a c");
  checkReplace("   a  a b", "a", "c", true, "c b");
  checkReplace("   a  a b", "b", "c", true, "a c");
  checkReplace("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", "a", "c", true, "c b");
  checkReplace("\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r ", "b", "c", true, "a c");

  checkReplace("a null", null, "b", true, "a b");
  checkReplace("a b", "a", null, true, "null b");
  checkReplace("a undefined", undefined, "b", true, "a b");
  checkReplace("a b", "a", undefined, true, "undefined b");

var content = document.getElementById("content");

var htmlNode = document.createElement("div");
testClassList(htmlNode, " (HTML node)");

var xhtmlNode = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div");
testClassList(xhtmlNode, " (XHTML node)");

var mathMLNode = document.createElementNS(MATHML_NS, "math");
testClassList(mathMLNode, " (MathML node)");

var xmlNode = document.createElementNS(null, "foo");
testClassList(xmlNode, " (XML node with null namespace)");

var fooNode = document.createElementNS("", "foo");
testClassList(fooNode, " (foo node)");
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