Raw File
Tip revision: 0bc15eda5d8b691cf422141e3a688648ec90dfb5 authored by Denys Smirnov on 17 July 2016, 16:48:10 UTC
gremlin: convert values to native types, not strings
Tip revision: 0bc15ed
package quad

import (

// Value is a type used by all quad directions.
type Value interface {
	String() string

// Equaler interface is implemented by values, that needs a special equality check.
type Equaler interface {
	Equal(v Value) bool

// HashSize is a size of the slice, returned by HashOf.
const HashSize = sha1.Size

var hashPool = sync.Pool{
	New: func() interface{} { return sha1.New() },

// HashOf calculates a hash of value v.
func HashOf(v Value) []byte {
	key := make([]byte, HashSize)
	HashTo(v, key)
	return key

// HashTo calculates a hash of value v, storing it in a slice p.
func HashTo(v Value, p []byte) {
	h := hashPool.Get().(hash.Hash)
	defer hashPool.Put(h)
	if len(p) < HashSize {
		panic("buffer too small to fit the hash")
	if v != nil {
		// TODO(kortschak,dennwc) Remove dependence on String() method.

// StringOf safely call v.String, returning empty string in case of nil Value.
func StringOf(v Value) string {
	if v == nil {
		return ""
	return v.String()

// AsValue converts native type into closest Value representation.
// It returns false if type was not recognized.
func AsValue(v interface{}) (out Value, ok bool) {
	if v == nil {
		return nil, true
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case Value:
		out = v
	case string:
		out = String(v)
	case int:
		out = Int(v)
	case int64:
		out = Int(v)
	case int32:
		out = Int(v)
	case float64:
		out = Float(v)
	case float32:
		out = Float(v)
	case bool:
		out = Bool(v)
	case time.Time:
		out = Time(v)
		return nil, false
	return out, true

// Raw is a Turtle/NQuads-encoded value.
type Raw string

func (s Raw) String() string { return string(s) }

// String is an RDF string value (ex: "name").
type String string

var escaper = strings.NewReplacer(
	"\\", "\\\\",
	"\"", "\\\"",
	"\n", "\\n",
	"\r", "\\r",
	"\t", "\\t",

func (s String) String() string {
	//TODO(barakmich): Proper escaping.
	return `"` + escaper.Replace(string(s)) + `"`

// TypedString is an RDF value with type (ex: "name"^^<type>).
type TypedString struct {
	Value String
	Type  IRI

func (s TypedString) String() string {
	return s.Value.String() + `^^` + s.Type.String()

// ToNative will try to convert string value to its native representation
// using registered conversion functions.
// It will return unchanged value if none conversion are available.
// Error will be returned if the type was recognizes, but conversion (parsing) was failed.
func (s TypedString) ToNative() (Value, error) {
	fnc := knownConversions[s.Type]
	if fnc == nil {
		return s, nil
	return fnc(string(s.Value))

// LangString is an RDF string with language (ex: "name"@lang).
type LangString struct {
	Value String
	Lang  string

func (s LangString) String() string {
	return s.Value.String() + `@` + s.Lang

// IRI is an RDF Internationalized Resource Identifier (ex: <name>).
type IRI string

func (s IRI) String() string { return `<` + string(s) + `>` }

// BNode is an RDF Blank Node (ex: _:name).
type BNode string

func (s BNode) String() string { return `_:` + string(s) }

// Native support for basic types

// StringConversion is a function to convert string values with a
// specific IRI type to their native equivalents.
type StringConversion func(string) (Value, error)

const (
	nsXSD    = ``
	nsSchema = ``

var knownConversions = map[IRI]StringConversion{
	defaultIntType:    stringToInt,
	nsXSD + `integer`: stringToInt,
	nsXSD + `long`:    stringToInt,

	defaultBoolType:   stringToBool,
	nsXSD + `boolean`: stringToBool,

	defaultFloatType: stringToFloat,
	nsXSD + `double`: stringToFloat,

	defaultTimeType:    stringToTime,
	nsXSD + `dateTime`: stringToTime,

// RegisterStringConversion will register an automatic conversion of
// TypedString values with provided type to a native equivalent such as Int, Time, etc.
// If fnc is nil, automatic conversion from selected type will be removed.
func RegisterStringConversion(dataType IRI, fnc StringConversion) {
	if fnc == nil {
		delete(knownConversions, dataType)
	} else {
		knownConversions[dataType] = fnc

func stringToInt(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Int(v), nil

func stringToBool(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := strconv.ParseBool(s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Bool(v), nil

func stringToFloat(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Float(v), nil

func stringToTime(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Time(v), nil

// TODO(dennwc): make these configurable
const (
	defaultNamespace     = nsSchema
	defaultIntType   IRI = defaultNamespace + `Integer`
	defaultFloatType IRI = defaultNamespace + `Float`
	defaultBoolType  IRI = defaultNamespace + `Boolean`
	defaultTimeType  IRI = defaultNamespace + `DateTime`

// Int is a native wrapper for int64 type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Int int64

func (s Int) String() string {
	return `"` + strconv.Itoa(int(s)) + `"^^<` + string(defaultIntType) + `>`

// Float is a native wrapper for float64 type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Float float64

func (s Float) String() string {
	return `"` + strconv.FormatFloat(float64(s), 'E', -1, 64) + `"^^<` + string(defaultFloatType) + `>`

// Bool is a native wrapper for bool type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Bool bool

func (s Bool) String() string {
	if bool(s) {
		return `"True"^^<` + string(defaultBoolType) + `>`
	return `"False"^^<` + string(defaultBoolType) + `>`

var _ Equaler = Time{}

// Time is a native wrapper for time.Time type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Time time.Time

func (s Time) String() string {
	// TODO(dennwc): this is used to compute hash, thus we might want to include nanos
	return `"` + time.Time(s).Format(time.RFC3339) + `"^^<` + string(defaultTimeType) + `>`
func (s Time) Equal(v Value) bool {
	t, ok := v.(Time)
	if !ok {
		return false
	return time.Time(s).Equal(time.Time(t))

type ByValueString []Value

func (o ByValueString) Len() int           { return len(o) }
func (o ByValueString) Less(i, j int) bool { return StringOf(o[i]) < StringOf(o[j]) }
func (o ByValueString) Swap(i, j int)      { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] }
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