Raw File
Tip revision: 68c3344933b9ccf1498840676540108706d27136 authored by Mikael Cabot on 17 September 2016, 17:41:00 UTC
removed parallelization for now - too much complexity
Tip revision: 68c3344
// Copyright 2014 The Cayley Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package mongo

import (


type Iterator struct {
	uid        uint64
	tags       graph.Tagger
	qs         *QuadStore
	dir        quad.Direction
	iter       *mgo.Iter
	hash       NodeHash
	size       int64
	isAll      bool
	constraint bson.M
	collection string
	result     graph.Value
	err        error

func NewIterator(qs *QuadStore, collection string, d quad.Direction, val graph.Value) *Iterator {
	h := val.(NodeHash)

	constraint := bson.M{d.String(): string(h)}

	return &Iterator{
		uid:        iterator.NextUID(),
		constraint: constraint,
		collection: collection,
		qs:         qs,
		dir:        d,
		iter:       nil,
		size:       -1,
		hash:       h,
		isAll:      false,

func (it *Iterator) makeMongoIterator() *mgo.Iter {
	if it.isAll {
		return it.qs.db.C(it.collection).Find(nil).Iter()
	return it.qs.db.C(it.collection).Find(it.constraint).Iter()

func NewAllIterator(qs *QuadStore, collection string) *Iterator {
	return &Iterator{
		uid:        iterator.NextUID(),
		qs:         qs,
		dir:        quad.Any,
		constraint: nil,
		collection: collection,
		iter:       nil,
		size:       -1,
		hash:       "",
		isAll:      true,

func NewIteratorWithConstraints(qs *QuadStore, collection string, constraint bson.M) *Iterator {
	return &Iterator{
		uid:        iterator.NextUID(),
		qs:         qs,
		dir:        quad.Any,
		constraint: constraint,
		collection: collection,
		iter:       nil,
		size:       -1,
		hash:       "",
		isAll:      false,

func (it *Iterator) UID() uint64 {
	return it.uid

func (it *Iterator) Reset() {
	it.iter = it.qs.db.C(it.collection).Find(it.constraint).Iter()


func (it *Iterator) Close() error {
	if it.iter != nil {
		return it.iter.Close()
	return nil

func (it *Iterator) Tagger() *graph.Tagger {
	return &it.tags

func (it *Iterator) TagResults(dst map[string]graph.Value) {
	for _, tag := range it.tags.Tags() {
		dst[tag] = it.Result()

	for tag, value := range it.tags.Fixed() {
		dst[tag] = value

func (it *Iterator) Clone() graph.Iterator {
	var m *Iterator
	if it.isAll {
		m = NewAllIterator(it.qs, it.collection)
	} else {
		m = NewIterator(it.qs, it.collection, it.dir, NodeHash(it.hash))
	return m

func (it *Iterator) Next() bool {
	var result struct {
		ID      string  `bson:"_id"`
		Added   []int64 `bson:"Added"`
		Deleted []int64 `bson:"Deleted"`
	if it.iter == nil {
		it.iter = it.makeMongoIterator()
	found := it.iter.Next(&result)
	if !found {
		err := it.iter.Err()
		if err != nil {
			it.err = err
			clog.Errorf("Error Nexting Iterator: %v", err)
		return false
	if it.collection == "quads" && len(result.Added) <= len(result.Deleted) {
		return it.Next()
	if it.collection == "quads" {
		it.result = QuadHash(result.ID)
	} else {
		it.result = NodeHash(result.ID)
	return true

func (it *Iterator) Err() error {
	return it.err

func (it *Iterator) Result() graph.Value {
	return it.result

func (it *Iterator) NextPath() bool {
	return false

// SubIterators returns no subiterators for a Mongo iterator.
func (it *Iterator) SubIterators() []graph.Iterator {
	return nil

func (it *Iterator) Contains(v graph.Value) bool {
	graph.ContainsLogIn(it, v)
	if it.isAll {
		it.result = v
		return graph.ContainsLogOut(it, v, true)
	val := NodeHash(v.(QuadHash).Get(it.dir))
	if val == it.hash {
		it.result = v
		return graph.ContainsLogOut(it, v, true)
	return graph.ContainsLogOut(it, v, false)

func (it *Iterator) Size() (int64, bool) {
	if it.size == -1 {
		var err error
		it.size, err = it.qs.getSize(it.collection, it.constraint)
		if err != nil {
			it.err = err
	return it.size, true

var mongoType graph.Type

func init() {
	mongoType = graph.RegisterIterator("mongo")

func Type() graph.Type { return mongoType }

func (it *Iterator) Type() graph.Type {
	if it.isAll {
		return graph.All
	return mongoType

func (it *Iterator) Sorted() bool                     { return true }
func (it *Iterator) Optimize() (graph.Iterator, bool) { return it, false }

func (it *Iterator) Describe() graph.Description {
	size, _ := it.Size()
	return graph.Description{
		UID:  it.UID(),
		Name: string(it.hash),
		Type: it.Type(),
		Size: size,

func (it *Iterator) Stats() graph.IteratorStats {
	size, _ := it.Size()
	return graph.IteratorStats{
		ContainsCost: 1,
		NextCost:     5,
		Size:         size,

var _ graph.Iterator = &Iterator{}
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