Raw File
Tip revision: aef91dbed5a6feb53ac1b96a5c05ed6cc9d0a1de authored by feliam on 23 February 2018, 23:57:42 UTC
Fix vm.gas access
Tip revision: aef91db
import string

from . import Manticore
from .core.smtlib import ConstraintSet, Operators, solver, issymbolic, Array, Expression, Constant
from .core.smtlib.visitors import arithmetic_simplifier
from .platforms import evm
from .core.state import State
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sha3
import json
import logging
import StringIO
import cPickle as pickle
from .core.plugin import Plugin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

################ Detectors ####################
class Detector(Plugin):
    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]

    def get_findings(self, state):
        return state.context.setdefault('seth.findings.%s',set())

    def add_finding(self, state, finding):
        address = state.platform.current.address
        pc = state.platform.current.pc
        self.get_findings(state).add((address, pc, finding))

        with self.manticore.locked_context('seth.global_findings', set) as global_findings:
            global_findings.add((address, pc, finding))

    def _get_src(self, address, pc):
        return self.manticore.get_metadata(address).get_source_for(pc)

    def report(self, state):
        output = ''
        for address, pc, finding in self.get_findings(state):
            output += 'Finding %s\n' % finding
            output += '\t Contract: %s\n' % address
            output += '\t Program counter: %s\n' % pc
            output += '\t Snippet:\n'
            output += '\n'.join(('\t\t'+x for x in self._get_src(address, pc).split('\n')))
            output += '\n'
        return output

class IntegerOverflow(Detector):
        Detects potential overflow and underflow conditions on ADD and SUB instructions.
    def did_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments, result):
        mnemonic = instruction.semantics
        if mnemonic in ('ADD', 'MUL'):
            if state.can_be_true(result < arguments[0]) or state.can_be_true(result < arguments[1]):
                self.add_finding(state, "Integer overflow at {} instruction".format(mnemonic))
        elif mnemonic == 'SUB':
            if state.can_be_true(arguments[1] > arguments[0]):
                self.add_finding(state, "Integer underflow at {} instruction".format(mnemonic))
class UnitializedMemory(Detector):
        Detects uses of uninitialized memory
    def did_evm_read_memory(self, state, offset, value):
        if not state.can_be_true(value != 0):
            #Not initialized memory should be zero
        #check if offset is known
        cbu = True #Can be unknown
        for known_address in state.context['seth.detectors.initialized_memory']:
            cbu = Operators.AND(cbu, offset!=known_address)

        if state.can_be_true(cbu):
            self.add_finding(state, "Potentially reading uninitialized memory at instruction")
    def did_evm_write_memory(self, state, offset, value):
        #concrete or symbolic write

class UnitializedStorage(Detector):
        Detects uses of uninitialized storage
    def did_evm_read_storage(self, state, offset, value):
        if not state.can_be_true(value != 0):
            #Not initialized memory should be zero
        #check if offset is known
        cbu = True #Can be unknown
        for known_address in state.context['seth.detectors.initialized_storage']:
            cbu = Operators.AND(cbu, offset!=known_address)

        if state.can_be_true(cbu):
            self.add_finding(state, "Potentially reading uninitialized storage")
    def did_evm_write_storage(self, state, offset, value):
        #concrete or symbolic write

def calculate_coverage(code, seen):
    ''' Calculates what percentage of code has been seen '''
    runtime_bytecode = code
    end = None
    if  ''.join(runtime_bytecode[-44: -34]) =='\x00\xa1\x65\x62\x7a\x7a\x72\x30\x58\x20' \
        and  ''.join(runtime_bytecode[-2:]) =='\x00\x29':
        end = -9-33-2  #Size of metadata at the end of most contracts

    count, total = 0, 0
    for i in evm.EVMAsm.disassemble_all(runtime_bytecode[:end]) :
        if i.offset in seen:
            count += 1            
        total += 1

    return count*100.0/total

class SolidityMetadata(object):
    def __init__(self, name, source_code, init_bytecode, runtime_bytecode, srcmap, srcmap_runtime, hashes, abi, warnings):
        ''' Contract metadata for Solidity-based contracts ''' = name
        self.source_code = source_code
        self._init_bytecode = init_bytecode
        self._runtime_bytecode = runtime_bytecode
        self.hashes = hashes
        self.abi = dict( [(item.get('name', '{fallback}'), item) for item in abi ])
        self.warnings = warnings
        self.srcmap_runtime = self.__build_source_map(self.runtime_bytecode, srcmap_runtime)
        self.srcmap = self.__build_source_map(self.init_bytecode, srcmap)

    def __build_source_map(self, bytecode, srcmap):
        new_srcmap = {}
        end = None
        if  ''.join(bytecode[-44: -34]) =='\x00\xa1\x65\x62\x7a\x7a\x72\x30\x58\x20' \
            and  ''.join(bytecode[-2:]) =='\x00\x29':
            end = -9-33-2  #Size of metadata at the end of most contracts

        asm_offset = 0
        asm_pos = 0
        md = dict(enumerate(srcmap[asm_pos].split(':')))
        s = int(md.get(0,0))
        l = int(md.get(1,0))
        f = int(md.get(2,0))
        j = md.get(3,None)

        for i in evm.EVMAsm.disassemble_all(bytecode[:end]):
            if asm_pos in srcmap and len(srcmap[asm_pos]):
                md = srcmap[asm_pos]
                if len(md):
                    d = {}
                    for p, k in enumerate(md.split(':')):
                        if len(k):
                    s = int(d.get(0,s))
                    l = int(d.get(1,l))
                    f = int(d.get(2,f))
                    j = d.get(3,j)

            new_srcmap[asm_offset] = (s,l,f,j)
            asm_pos += 1
            asm_offset += i.size

        return new_srcmap 

    def runtime_bytecode(self):
        # Removes metadata from the tail of bytecode
        end = None
        if  ''.join(self._runtime_bytecode[-44: -34]) =='\x00\xa1\x65\x62\x7a\x7a\x72\x30\x58\x20' \
            and  ''.join(self._runtime_bytecode[-2:]) =='\x00\x29':
            end = -9-33-2  #Size of metadata at the end of most contracts
        return self._runtime_bytecode[:end]

    def init_bytecode(self):
        # Removes metadata from the tail of bytecode
        end = None
        if  ''.join(self._init_bytecode[-44: -34]) =='\x00\xa1\x65\x62\x7a\x7a\x72\x30\x58\x20' \
            and  ''.join(self._init_bytecode[-2:]) =='\x00\x29':
            end = -9-33-2  #Size of metadata at the end of most contracts
        return self._init_bytecode[:end]

    def get_source_for(self, asm_offset, runtime=True):
        ''' Solidity source code snippet related to `asm_pos` evm bytecode offset.
            If runtime is False, initialization bytecode source map is used
        if runtime:
            srcmap = self.srcmap_runtime
            srcmap = self.srcmap
        beg, size, _, _ = srcmap[asm_offset]

        output = ''
        nl = self.source_code.count('\n')
        snippet = self.source_code[beg:beg+size]
        for l in snippet.split('\n'):
            output += '    %s  %s\n'%(nl, l)
        return output

    def signatures(self):
        return dict(( (b,a) for (a,b) in self.hashes.items() ))

    def get_abi(self, hsh):
        func_name = self.get_func_name(hsh)
        return self.abi[func_name]

    def get_func_argument_types(self, hsh):
        abi = self.get_abi(hsh)
        return '('+','.join(x['type'] for x in abi['inputs']) +')'

    def get_func_return_types(self, hsh):
        abi = self.get_abi(hsh)
        return '('+','.join(x['type'] for x in abi['outputs']) +')'

    def get_func_name(self, hsh):
        signature = self.signatures.get(hsh,'{fallback}()')
        return signature.split('(')[0]
    def get_func_signature(self, hsh):
        return self.signatures.get(hsh, '{fallback}()')

class ABI(object):
        This class contains methods to handle the ABI.
        The Application Binary Interface is the standard way to interact with
        contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem, both from outside the blockchain 
        and for contract-to-contract interaction. 

    class SByte():
        ''' Unconstrained symbolic byte, not associated with any ConstraintSet '''
        def __init__(self, size=1):
        def __mul__(self, reps):
            return Symbol(self.size*reps)

    SCHAR = SByte(1)
    SUINT = SByte(32)
    SValue = None

    def serialize(value):
        Translates a Python object to its EVM ABI serialization.
        if isinstance(value, (str,tuple)):
            return ABI.serialize_string(value)
        if isinstance(value, (list)):
            return ABI.serialize_array(value)
        if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
            return ABI.serialize_uint(value)
        if isinstance(value, ABI.SByte):
            return ABI.serialize_uint(value.size) + (None,)*value.size + (('\x00',)*(32-(value.size%32)))
        if value is None:
            return (None,)*32

    def serialize_uint(value, size=32):
        Translates a Python int into a 32 byte string, MSB first
        assert size >=1
        bytes = []
        for position in range(size):
            bytes.append( Operators.EXTRACT(value, position*8, 8) )
        chars = map(Operators.CHR, bytes)
        return tuple(reversed(chars))

    def serialize_string(value):
        Translates a string or a tuple of chars its EVM ABI serialization
        assert isinstance(value, (str,tuple))
        return ABI.serialize_uint(len(value)) + tuple(value) + tuple('\x00'*(32-(len(value)%32)))

    def serialize_array(value):
        assert isinstance(value, list)
        serialized = [ABI.serialize_uint(len(value))]
        for item in value:
            #TODO check all values are the same type
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, serialized)

    def make_function_id( method_name_and_signature):
        Makes a function hash id from a method signature
        s = sha3.keccak_256()
        return s.hexdigest()[:8].decode('hex')

    def make_function_arguments(*args):
        ''' Serializes a sequence of arguments '''
        if len(args) == 0:
            return () 
        args = list(args)
        for i in range(len(args)):
            if isinstance(args[i], EVMAccount):
                 args[i] = int(args[i])
        result = []
        dynamic_args = []
        dynamic_offset = 32*len(args)
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, str, ManticoreEVM.SByte)):
                serialized_arg = ABI.serialize(arg)
                assert len(serialized_arg)%32 ==0
                dynamic_offset += len(serialized_arg)

        for arg in dynamic_args:

        return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, result)
    def make_function_call(method_name, *args):
        function_id = ABI.make_function_id(method_name)
        def check_bitsize(value, size):
            if isinstance(value, BitVec):
                return value.size==size
            return (value & ~((1<<size)-1)) == 0
        assert len(function_id) == 4
        result = [tuple(function_id)]
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, result)

    def _consume_type(ty, data, offset):
        ''' INTERNAL parses a value of type from data '''
        def get_uint(size, offset):
            def simplify(x):
                value = arithmetic_simplifier(x)
                if isinstance(value, Constant) and not value.taint:
                    return value.value
                    return value

            size = simplify(size)
            offset = simplify(offset)
            byte_size = size/8
            padding = 32 - byte_size # for 160
            value = arithmetic_simplifier(Operators.CONCAT(size, *map(Operators.ORD, data[offset+padding:offset+padding+byte_size])))
            return simplify(value)
        if ty == u'uint256':
            return get_uint(256, offset), offset+32
        elif ty in (u'bool', u'uint8'):
            return get_uint(8, offset), offset+32
        elif ty == u'address':
            return get_uint(160, offset), offset+32
        elif ty == u'int256':
            value = get_uint(256, offset)
            mask = 2**(256 - 1)
            value = -(value & mask) + (value & ~mask)
            return value, offset+32
        elif ty == u'':
            return None, offset
        elif ty in (u'bytes', u'string'):
            dyn_offset = 4 + get_uint(256,offset)
            size = get_uint(256, dyn_offset)
            return data[dyn_offset+32:dyn_offset+32+size], offset+4
        elif ty.startswith('bytes') and 0 <= int(ty[5:]) <= 32:
            size = int(ty[5:])
            return data[offset:offset+size], offset+32
            raise NotImplementedError(ty)

    def parse(signature, data):
        ''' Deserialize function ID and arguments specified in `signature` from `data` '''

        is_multiple = '(' in signature
        if is_multiple:
            func_name = signature.split('(')[0]
            types = signature.split('(')[1][:-1].split(',')
            if len(func_name) > 0:
                off = 4
                func_name = None
                off = 0
            func_name = None
            types = (signature,)
            off = 0

        arguments = []
        for ty in types:
            val, off = ABI._consume_type(ty, data, off)
            if val is not None:

        if is_multiple:
            if func_name is not None:
                return func_name, tuple(arguments)
                return tuple(arguments)
            return arguments[0]

class EVMAccount(object):
    ''' An EVM account '''
    def __init__(self, address, seth=None, default_caller=None):
        ''' Encapsulates an account. 

            :param address: the address of this account
            :type address: 160 bit long integer
            :param seth: the controlling Manticore
            :param default_caller: the default caller address for any transaction

        self._default_caller = default_caller
        self._hashes = None

    def __int__(self):
        return self._address

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._address)

    def address(self):
        return self._address

    def _null_func(self):

    def _init_hashes(self):
        #initializes self._hashes lazy
        if self._hashes is None and self._seth is not None:
            self._hashes = {}
            md = self._seth.get_metadata(self._address)
            if md is not None:
                for signature, func_id in md.hashes.items():
                    func_name = str(signature.split('(')[0])
                    self._hashes[func_name] = signature, func_id
            #It was successful, no need to re-run. _init_hashes disabled
            self._init_hashes = self._null_func

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        ''' If this is a contract account of which we know the functions hashes,
            this will build the transaction for the function call.

            Example use::
                #call funtion `add` on contract_account with argument `1000`
        if not name.startswith('_'):
            if self._hashes is not None and name in self._hashes.keys() :
                def f(*args, **kwargs):
                    caller = kwargs.get('caller', None)
                    value = kwargs.get('value', 0)
                    tx_data = ABI.make_function_call(str(self._hashes[name][0]), *args)
                    if caller is not None:
                        caller = int(caller)
                        caller = self._default_caller
                    self._caller = None
                    self._value = 0
                return f

        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)            

class ManticoreEVM(Manticore):
    ''' Manticore EVM manager
        Usage Ex::

            from manticore.ethereum import ManticoreEVM, ABI
            seth = ManticoreEVM()
            #And now make the contract account to analyze
            source_code = """
                pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
                contract AnInt {
                    uint private i=0;                    
                    function set(uint value){
            #Initialize user and contracts
            user_account = seth.create_account(balance=1000)
            contract_account = seth.solidity_create_contract(source_code, owner=user_account, balance=0)
            contract_account.set(12345, value=100) 

            print seth.coverage(contract_account)

    def make_symbolic_buffer(self, size):
        ''' Creates a symbolic buffer of size bytes to be used in transactions.
            You can not operate on it. It is intended as a place holder for the 
            real expression.
            Example use::
                symbolic_data = seth.make_symbolic_buffer(320)
                                value=100000 )

        return ABI.SByte(size)

    def make_symbolic_value(self):
        ''' Creates a symbolic value, normally a uint256, to be used in transactions.
            You can not operate on it. It is intended as a place holder for the 
            real expression.
            Example use::
                symbolic_value = seth.make_symbolic_value()
                                value=symbolic_data )

        return ABI.SValue

    def compile(source_code, contract_name = None):
        ''' Get initialization bytecode from a Solidity source code '''
        name, source_code, bytecode, runtime, srcmap, srcmap_runtime, hashes, abi, warnings = ManticoreEVM._compile(source_code, contract_name)
        return bytecode

    def _compile(source_code, contract_name):
        """ Compile a Solidity contract, used internally
            :param source_code: a solidity source code
            :param contract_name: a string with the name of the contract to analyze
            :return: name, source_code, bytecode, srcmap, srcmap_runtime, hashes
        solc = "solc"
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
            p = Popen([solc, '--combined-json', 'abi,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,bin,hashes,bin-runtime', '--allow-paths','.',], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

                output = json.loads(
            except ValueError:
                raise Exception('Solidity compilation error')

            contracts = output.get('contracts', [])
            if len(contracts) != 1 and contract_name is None:
                raise Exception('Solidity file must contain exactly one contract or you must use contract parameter to specify which one.')

            name, contract = None, None
            if contract_name is None:
                name, contract = contracts.items()[0]
                for n, c in contracts.items():
                    if n.split(":")[1] == contract_name:
                        name, contract = n, c

            assert(name is not None)
            name = name.split(':')[1]
            bytecode = contract['bin'].decode('hex')
            srcmap = contract['srcmap'].split(';')
            srcmap_runtime = contract['srcmap-runtime'].split(';')
            hashes = contract['hashes']
            abi = json.loads(contract['abi'])
            runtime = contract['bin-runtime'].decode('hex')
            warnings =
            return name, source_code, bytecode, runtime, srcmap, srcmap_runtime, hashes, abi, warnings

    def __init__(self, procs=1, **kwargs):
        ''' A Manticore EVM manager
            :param int procs: number of workers to use in the exploration
        self.normal_accounts = set()
        self.contract_accounts = set()
        #Make the constraint store
        constraints = ConstraintSet()
        #make the ethereum world state
        world = evm.EVMWorld(constraints)
        initial_state = State(constraints, world)
        initial_state.context['tx'] = []
        super(ManticoreEVM, self).__init__(initial_state, **kwargs)

        self.detectors = {}
        self.metadata = {}

        #The following should go to manticore.context so we can use multiprocessing
        self.context['seth'] = {}
        self.context['seth']['_pending_transaction'] = None
        self.context['seth']['_saved_states'] = []
        self.context['seth']['_final_states'] = []
        self.context['seth']['_completed_transactions'] = 0

        self._executor.subscribe('did_load_state', self._load_state_callback)
        self._executor.subscribe('will_terminate_state', self._terminate_state_callback)
        self._executor.subscribe('will_execute_instruction', self._will_execute_instruction_callback)
        self._executor.subscribe('did_execute_instruction', self._did_execute_instruction_callback)
        self._executor.subscribe('did_read_code', self._did_evm_read_code)
        self._executor.subscribe('on_symbolic_sha3', self._symbolic_sha3)
        self._executor.subscribe('on_concrete_sha3', self._concrete_sha3)

    def world(self):
        ''' The world instance or None if there is more than one state '''  
        return self.get_world(None)

    def completed_transactions(self):
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            return context['_completed_transactions']

    def running_state_ids(self):
        ''' IDs of the running states''' 
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            if self.initial_state is not None:
                return context['_saved_states'] + [-1]
                return context['_saved_states']

    def all_state_ids(self):
        ''' IDs of the all states ''' 
        return self.running_state_ids + self.terminated_state_ids

    def terminated_state_ids(self):
        ''' IDs of the terminated states ''' 
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            return context['_final_states']

    def running_states(self):
        ''' Iterates over the running states''' 
        for state_id in self.running_state_ids:
            state = self.load(state_id)
            yield state

    def terminated_states(self):
        ''' Iterates over the terminated states''' 
        for state_id in self.terminated_state_ids:
            state = self.load(state_id)
            yield state

    def all_states(self):
        ''' Iterates over the all states (terminated and alive)''' 
        for state_id in self.terminated_state_ids + self.running_state_ids:
            state = self.load(state_id)
            yield state

    def count_states(self):
        ''' Total states count '''
        return len(self.terminated_state_ids + self.running_state_ids)

    def count_running_states(self):
        ''' Running states count '''
        return len(self.running_state_ids)

    def count_terminated_states(self):
        ''' Terminated states count '''
        return len(self.terminated_state_ids)
    def terminate_state_id(self, state_id):
        ''' Manually  terminates a states by state_id.
            Moves the state from the running list into the terminated list and 
            generates a testcase for it
        if state_id != -1:
            with self.locked_context('seth') as seth_context:
                lst = seth_context['_saved_states']
                seth_context['_saved_states'] = lst

        state = self.load(state_id)
        last_exc = state.context['last_exception']
        self._generate_testcase_callback(state, 'test', last_exc.message)

        if state_id == -1:
            state_id =, final=True)
            with self.locked_context('seth') as seth_context:
                lst = seth_context['_final_states']
                seth_context['_final_states'] = lst

    #deprecate this 5 in favor of for sta in seth.all_states: do stuff?
    def get_world(self, state_id=None):
        ''' Returns the evm world of `state_id` state. '''
        state = self.load(state_id)
        if state is None:
            return None
            return state.platform

    def get_balance(self, address, state_id=None):
        ''' Balance for account `address` on state `state_id` '''
        if isinstance(address, EVMAccount):
            address = int(address)
        return self.get_world(state_id).storage[address]['balance']

    def get_storage(self, address, offset, state_id=None):
        ''' Storage data for `offset` on account `address` on state `state_id` '''
        if isinstance(address, EVMAccount):
            address = int(address)
        return self.get_world(state_id).storage[address]['storage'].get(offset)

    def get_code(self, address, state_id=None):
        ''' Storage data for `offset` on account `address` on state `state_id` '''
        if isinstance(address, EVMAccount):
            address = int(address)
        return self.get_world(state_id).storage[address]['code']

    def last_return(self, state_id=None):
        ''' Last returned buffer for state `state_id` '''
        state = self.load(state_id)
        return state.platform.last_return

    def transactions(self, state_id=None):
        ''' Transactions list for state `state_id` '''
        state = self.load(state_id)
        return state.platform.transactions

    def solidity_create_contract(self, source_code, owner, contract_name=None, balance=0, address=None, args=()):
        ''' Creates a solidity contract 

            :param str source_code: solidity source code
            :param owner: owner account (will be default caller in any transactions)
            :type owner: int or EVMAccount
            :param contract_name: Name of the contract to analyze (optional if there is a single one in the source code)
            :type contract_name: str
            :param balance: balance to be transferred on creation
            :type balance: int or SValue
            :param address: the address for the new contract (optional)
            :type address: int or EVMAccount
            :param tuple args: constructor arguments
            :rtype: EVMAccount
        compile_results = self._compile(source_code, contract_name)
        init_bytecode = compile_results[2]

        if address is None:
            address =

        #FIXME different states "could"(VERY UNLIKELY) have different contracts 
        # asociated with the same address
        self.metadata[address] = SolidityMetadata(*compile_results)

        account = self.create_contract(owner=owner,

        return account

    def create_contract(self, owner, balance=0, address=None, init=None):
        ''' Creates a contract 

            :param owner: owner account (will be default caller in any transactions)
            :type owner: int or EVMAccount
            :param balance: balance to be transferred on creation
            :type balance: int or SValue
            :param int address: the address for the new contract (optional)
            :param str init: initializing evm bytecode and arguments
            :rtype: EVMAccount
        assert len(self.running_state_ids) == 1, "No forking yet"
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            assert context['_pending_transaction'] is None
        assert init is not None
        if address is None:
            address =
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            context['_pending_transaction'] = ('CREATE_CONTRACT', owner, address, balance, init)


        return EVMAccount(address, self, default_caller=owner)

    def create_account(self, balance=0, address=None, code=''):
        ''' Creates a normal account

            :param balance: balance to be transfered on creation
            :type balance: int or SValue
            :param address: the address for the new contract (optional)
            :type address: int
            :return: an EVMAccount
        assert len(self.running_state_ids) == 1, "No forking yet"
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
           assert context['_pending_transaction'] is None
        address = address, balance, code=code, storage=None)
        return address

    def transaction(self, caller, address, value, data):
        ''' Issue a transaction 

            :param caller: the address of the account sending the transaction
            :type caller: int or EVMAccount
            :param address: the address of the contract to call
            :type address: int or EVMAccount
            :param value: balance to be transfered on creation
            :type value: int or SValue
            :param data: initial data
            :return: an EVMAccount
        if isinstance(address, EVMAccount):
            address = int(address)
        if isinstance(caller, EVMAccount):
            caller = int(caller)
        if isinstance(data, self.SByte):
            data = (None,)*data.size
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            context['_pending_transaction'] = ('CALL', caller, address, value, data)"Starting symbolic transaction: %d", self.completed_transactions + 1)

        status =

        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            context['_completed_transactions'] = context['_completed_transactions'] + 1"Finished symbolic transaction: %d | Code Coverage: %d%% | Terminated States: %d | Alive States: %d", self.completed_transactions, self.global_coverage(address), len(self.terminated_state_ids), len(self.running_state_ids))

        return status

    def multi_tx_analysis(self, solidity_filename, contract_name=None, tx_limit=None):
        with open(solidity_filename) as f:
            source_code =

        user_account = self.create_account(balance=1000)
        contract_account = self.solidity_create_contract(source_code, contract_name=contract_name, owner=user_account)
        attacker_account = self.create_account(balance=1000)

        def run_symbolic_tx():
            symbolic_data = self.make_symbolic_buffer(320)
            symbolic_value = self.make_symbolic_value()
                             value=symbolic_value )

        prev_coverage = 0
        current_coverage = 0

        while current_coverage < 100:

            if tx_limit is not None:
                tx_limit -= 1
                if tx_limit == 0:

            prev_coverage = current_coverage
            current_coverage = self.global_coverage(contract_account)
            found_new_coverage = prev_coverage < current_coverage

            if not found_new_coverage:


    def run(self, **kwargs):
        ''' Run any pending transaction on any running state '''

        #Check if there is a pending transaction
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            assert context['_pending_transaction'] is not None
            #there is at least one states in seth saved states
            assert context['_saved_states'] or self.initial_state is not None
            #there is no states added to the executor queue
            assert len(self._executor.list()) == 0

            for state_id in context['_saved_states']:
            context['_saved_states'] = []

        #A callback will use _pending_transaction and issue the transaction 
        #in each state (see load_state_callback)
        result = super(ManticoreEVM, self).run(**kwargs)

        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            if len(context['_saved_states'])==1:
                self._initial_state = self._executor._workspace.load_state(context['_saved_states'][0], delete=True)
                context['_saved_states'] = []
                assert self.running_state_ids == [-1]

            #clear pending transcations. We are done.
            context['_pending_transaction'] = None
        return result
    def save(self, state, final=False):
        ''' Save a state in secondary storage and add it to running or final lists

            :param state: A manticore State
            :param final: True if state is final
            :returns: a state id

        #save the state to secondary storage
        state_id = self._executor._workspace.save_state(state)

        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            if final:
                #Keep it on a private list
                #Keep it on a private list
        return state_id

    def load(self, state_id=None):
        ''' Load one of the running or final states.
            :param state_id: If None it assumes there is a single running state
            :type state_id: int or None
        state = None
        if state_id is None:
            #a single state was assumed
            if len(self.running_state_ids) == 1:  
                #Get the ID of the single running state              
                state_id = self.running_state_ids[0]
                raise Exception("More than one state running.")

        if state_id == -1:
            state = self.initial_state
            state = self._executor._workspace.load_state(state_id, delete=False)
        return state

    def _symbolic_sha3(self, state, data, known_hashes):
        ''' INTERNAL USE '''

        with self.locked_context('known_sha3', set) as known_sha3:

    def _concrete_sha3(self, state, buf, value):
        ''' INTERNAL USE '''
        with self.locked_context('known_sha3', set) as known_sha3:

    def _terminate_state_callback(self, state, state_id, e):
        ''' INTERNAL USE 
            Every time a state finishes executing last transaction we save it in
            our private list 
        state.context['last_exception'] = e
        # TODO(mark): This will break if we ever change the message text. Use a less
        # brittle check.
        if e.message not in {'REVERT', 'THROW', 'Not Enough Funds for transaction'}:
            # if not a revert we save the state for further transactioning
            state.context['processed'] = False
            if e.message == 'RETURN':
                with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
                    ty, caller, address, value, data = context['_pending_transaction']
                    if ty == 'CREATE_CONTRACT':
                        world = state.platform
              [address]['code'] = world.last_return_data

            e.testcase = False  #Do not generate a testcase file
  , final=True)

    def _load_state_callback(self, state, state_id):
        ''' INTERNAL USE 
            When a state was just loaded from stoage we do the pending transaction
        if state.context.get('processed', False):
        world = state.platform
        state.context['processed'] = True
        with self.locked_context('seth') as context:
            #take current global transaction we need to apply to all running states
            ty, caller, address, value, data = context['_pending_transaction']
            txnum = len(state.context['tx'])

        #Replace any none by symbolic values
        if value is None:
            value = state.new_symbolic_value(256, label='tx%d_value'%txnum)
        if isinstance (data, tuple):
            if any( x is None for x in data):
                symbolic_data = state.new_symbolic_buffer(label='tx%d_data'%txnum, nbytes=len(data))
                for i in range(len(data)):
                    if data[i] is not None:
                        symbolic_data[i] = data[i]
                data = symbolic_data
        if ty == 'CALL':
            world.transaction(address=address, caller=caller, data=data, value=value)
            assert ty == 'CREATE_CONTRACT'
            world.create_contract(caller=caller, address=address, balance=value, init=data)
        state.context['tx'].append((ty, caller, address, value, data))

    def _will_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, pc, instruction):
        ''' INTERNAL USE '''
        assert state.constraints == state.platform.constraints
        assert state.platform.constraints == state.platform.current.constraints
        logger.debug("%s", state.platform.current)

        if 'Call' in str(type(state.platform.current.last_exception)):
            coverage_context_name = 'runtime_coverage'
            coverage_context_name = 'init_coverage'

        with self.locked_context(coverage_context_name, set) as coverage:
            coverage.add((state.platform.current.address, state.platform.current.pc))
    def _did_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, prev_pc, pc, instruction):
        ''' INTERNAL USE '''
        state.context.setdefault('seth.trace',[]).append((state.platform.current.address, prev_pc))

    def _did_evm_read_code(self, state, offset, size):
        ''' INTERNAL USE '''
        with self.locked_context('code_data', set) as code_data:
            for i in range(offset, offset+size):
                code_data.add((state.platform.current.address, i))

    def get_metadata(self, address):
        ''' Gets the solidity metadata for address.
            This is available only if address is a contract created from solidity
        return self.metadata.get(address)

    def register_detector(self, d):
        if not isinstance(d, Detector):
            raise Exception("Not a Detector")
        self.detectors[] = d

    def global_findings(self):
        with self.locked_context('seth.global_findings', set) as global_findings:
            return global_findings

    def workspace(self):
        return self._executor._workspace._store.uri

    def _generate_testcase_callback(self, state, name, message):
        Create a serialized description of a given state.
        :param state: The state to generate information about
        :param message: Accompanying message
        # workspace should not be responsible for formating the output
        # each object knows its secrets, each class should be able to report its
        # final state
        #super(ManticoreEVM, self)._generate_testcase_callback(state, name, message)
        # TODO(mark): Refactor ManticoreOutput to let the platform be more in control
        #  so this function can be fully ported to EVMWorld.generate_workspace_files.
        def flagged(flag):
            return '(*)' if flag else '' 
        testcase = self._output.testcase()"Generated testcase No. {} - {}".format(testcase.num, message))
        blockchain = state.platform
        with testcase.open_stream('summary') as summary:            
            summary.write("Last exception: %s\n" %state.context['last_exception'])

            address, offset = state.context['seth.trace'][-1]
            #Last instruction
            metadata = self.get_metadata(blockchain.transactions[-1].address)
            if metadata is not None:
                summary.write('Last instruction at contract %x offset %x\n' %(address, offset))
                at_runtime = blockchain.transactions[-1].sort != 'Create'
                summary.write(metadata.get_source_for(offset, at_runtime))

            #Accounts summary
            is_something_symbolic = False
            summary.write("%d accounts.\n" % len(blockchain.accounts))
            for account_address in blockchain.accounts:
                summary.write("Address: 0x%x\n" % account_address)
                balance = blockchain.get_balance(account_address)
                is_balance_symbolic = issymbolic(balance)
                is_something_symbolic = is_something_symbolic or is_balance_symbolic
                balance = state.solve_one(balance)
                summary.write("Balance: %d %s\n" % (balance, flagged(is_balance_symbolic)))

                if blockchain.has_storage(account_address):
                    for offset, value in blockchain.get_storage_items(account_address):
                        is_storage_symbolic = issymbolic(offset) or issymbolic(value) 
                        offset = state.solve_one(offset)
                        value = state.solve_one(value)
                        summary.write("\t%032x -> %032x %s\n" % (offset, value, flagged(is_storage_symbolic)))
                        is_something_symbolic = is_something_symbolic or is_storage_symbolic

                code = blockchain.get_code(account_address)
                if len(code):
                    fcode = StringIO.StringIO(code)
                    for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
                        summary.write('\t%s\n' % chunk.encode('hex'))
                    trace = set(( offset for address_i, offset in state.context['seth.trace'] if address == address_i))        
                    summary.write("Coverage %d%% (on this state)\n" %  calculate_coverage(code, trace)) #coverage % for address in this account/state

            if is_something_symbolic:
                summary.write('\n\n(*) Example solution given. Value is symbolic and may take other values\n')

        with testcase.open_stream('tx') as tx_summary:
            is_something_symbolic = False
            for tx in blockchain.transactions: #external transactions
                tx_summary.write("Transactions Nr. %d\n" % blockchain.transactions.index(tx))

                #The result if any RETURN or REVERT
                tx_summary.write("Type: %s\n" % tx.sort)
                tx_summary.write("From: 0x%x %s\n" % (state.solve_one(tx.caller), flagged(issymbolic(tx.caller))))
                tx_summary.write("To: 0x%x %s\n" % (state.solve_one(tx.address), flagged(issymbolic(tx.address))))
                tx_summary.write("Value: %d %s\n"% (state.solve_one(tx.value), flagged(issymbolic(tx.value))))
                tx_summary.write("Data: %s %s\n"% (state.solve_one('hex'), flagged(issymbolic(
                if tx.return_data is not None:
                    return_data = state.solve_one(tx.return_data)
                    tx_summary.write("Return_data: %s %s\n" % (''.join(return_data).encode('hex'), flagged(issymbolic(tx.return_data))))
                metadata = self.get_metadata(tx.address)
                if tx.sort == 'Call':
                    if metadata is not None:
                        function_id =[:4]  #hope there is enough data
                        function_id = state.solve_one(function_id).encode('hex')
                        signature = metadata.get_func_signature(function_id)
                        function_name, arguments = ABI.parse(signature,

                        if tx.result == 'RETURN':
                            ret_types = metadata.get_func_return_types(function_id)
                            return_data = ABI.parse(ret_types, tx.return_data) #function return

                        tx_summary.write( "Function call:\n")
                        tx_summary.write("%s(" % state.solve_one(function_name ))
                        tx_summary.write(','.join(map(repr, map(state.solve_one, arguments))))
                        is_argument_symbolic = any(map(issymbolic, arguments))
                        is_something_symbolic = is_something_symbolic or is_argument_symbolic
                        tx_summary.write(') -> %s %s\n' % ( tx.result, flagged(is_argument_symbolic)))
                        is_return_symbolic = any(map(issymbolic, return_data))
                        return_values = tuple(map(state.solve_one, return_data))
                        if len(return_values) == 1:
                            return_values = return_values[0]

                        tx_summary.write('return: %r %s\n' % ( return_values, flagged(is_return_symbolic)))
                        is_something_symbolic = is_something_symbolic or is_return_symbolic


            if is_something_symbolic:
                tx_summary.write('\n\n(*) Example solution given. Value is symbolic and may take other values\n')
        with testcase.open_stream('logs') as logs_summary:
            is_something_symbolic = False
            for log_item in blockchain.logs:
                is_log_symbolic = issymbolic(log_item.memlog)
                is_something_symbolic = is_log_symbolic or is_something_symbolic
                solved_memlog = state.solve_one(log_item.memlog)
                printable_bytes = ''.join(filter(lambda c: c in string.printable, solved_memlog))

                logs_summary.write("Address: %x\n" % log_item.address)
                logs_summary.write("Memlog: %s (%s) %s\n" % (solved_memlog.encode('hex'), printable_bytes, flagged(is_log_symbolic)))
                for topic in log_item.topics:
                    logs_summary.write("\t%d) %x %s" %(log_item.topics.index(topic), state.solve_one(topic), flagged(issymbolic(topic))))

        with testcase.open_stream('constraints') as smt_summary:

        with testcase.open_stream('pkl') as statef:
                statef.write(pickle.dumps(state, 2))
            except RuntimeError:
                # recursion exceeded. try a slower, iterative solution
                from .utils import iterpickle
                logger.debug("Using iterpickle to dump state")
                statef.write(iterpickle.dumps(state, 2))

    def finalize(self):
        #move runnign states to final states list
        # and generate a testcase for each
        lst = tuple(self.running_state_ids)
        for state_id in lst:

        #delete actual streams from storage
        for state_id in self.all_state_ids:

        #clean up lists
        with self.locked_context('seth') as seth_context:
            seth_context['_saved_states'] = []
        with self.locked_context('seth') as seth_context:
            seth_context['_final_states'] = []
        #global summary
        with self._output.save_stream('global.summary') as global_summary :
            # (accounts created by contract code are not in this list )
            global_summary.write( "Global coverage:\n")
            for address in self.contract_accounts: 
                global_summary.write("%x: %d%%\n" % (address, self.global_coverage(address))) #coverage % for address in this state

            if len(self.global_findings):
                global_summary.write( "Global Findings:\n")

                for address, pc, finding in self.global_findings:
                    global_summary.write('- %s -\n' % finding )
                    global_summary.write( '\t Contract: %s\n' % address )
                    global_summary.write( '\t Program counter: %s\n' % pc )
                    md = self.get_metadata(address)
                    if md is not None:
                        src = md.get_source_for(pc)
                        global_summary.write( '\t Snippet:\n' )
                        global_summary.write( '\n'.join(('\t\t'+x for x in src.split('\n'))) )
                        global_summary.write( '\n\n' )

            md = self.get_metadata(address)
            if md is not None and len(md.warnings)>0:
                global_summary.write( '\n\nCompiler warnings for %s:\n' % )
                global_summary.write( md.warnings )

        for address, md in self.metadata.items():
            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s.sol' as global_src :
            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s_runtime.bytecode' as global_runtime_bytecode :
            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s_init.bytecode' as global_init_bytecode :

            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s.runtime_asm' as global_runtime_asm :
                runtime_bytecode = md.runtime_bytecode

                with self.locked_context('runtime_coverage') as seen:

                    count, total = 0, 0
                    for i in evm.EVMAsm.disassemble_all(runtime_bytecode) :
                        if (address, i.offset) in seen:
                            count += 1
                            global_runtime_asm.write( '*') 
                            global_runtime_asm.write( ' ') 

                        global_runtime_asm.write('%4x: %s\n'%(i.offset, i))
                        total += 1

            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s.init_asm' as global_init_asm :
                with self.locked_context('init_coverage') as seen:
                    count, total = 0, 0
                    for i in evm.EVMAsm.disassemble_all(md.init_bytecode) :
                        if (address, i.offset) in seen:
                            count += 1
                            global_init_asm.write( '*') 
                            global_init_asm.write( ' ') 

                        global_init_asm.write('%4x: %s\n'%(i.offset, i))
                        total += 1

            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s.init_visited' as f :
                with self.locked_context('init_coverage') as seen:
                    visited = set((o for (a,o) in seen if a == address))
                    for o in sorted(visited):

            with self._output.save_stream('global_%s.runtime_visited' as f :
                with self.locked_context('runtime_coverage') as seen:
                    visited = set()
                    for (a,o) in seen:
                        if a == address:
                    for o in sorted(visited):
"Results in %s", self.workspace )

    def global_coverage(self, account_address):
        ''' Returns code coverage for the contract on `account_address`.
            This sums up all the visited code lines from any of the explored 
        account_address = int(account_address)

        #Search one state in which the account_address exists
        for state_id in self.all_state_ids:
            world = self.get_world(state_id)
            if account_address in

        with self.locked_context('runtime_coverage') as coverage:
            seen = coverage
        #runtime_bytecode =[account_address]['code']
        runtime_bytecode = self.get_metadata(account_address).runtime_bytecode

        count, total = 0, 0
        for i in evm.EVMAsm.disassemble_all(runtime_bytecode) :
            if (account_address, i.offset) in seen:
                count += 1            
            total += 1

        return count*100.0/total

    # TODO: Find a better way to suppress execution of Manticore._did_finish_run_callback
    # We suppress because otherwise we log it many times and it looks weird.
    def _did_finish_run_callback(self):

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