Raw File
Tip revision: b6c93483104001d8db7362d3ad383c68d370deda authored by 3pCode on 07 January 2019, 21:04:28 UTC
Fix issue with label context not being respected, added new test file to avoid impacting baselines of existing tests. Noticed issue also existed with saveR, so added fix and test for that as well.
Tip revision: b6c9348
FROM golang:1.10 as builder

# Set up workdir
WORKDIR /go/src/

# Restore vendored dependencies
RUN curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dep && \
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep
COPY Gopkg.toml Gopkg.lock ./
RUN dep ensure --vendor-only

# This will be used to init cayley and as config file in the final image.
# Make sure you start every path with %PREFIX% to make it available in both 
# the builder image and the final image.
RUN echo '{"store":{"backend":"bolt","address":"%PREFIX%/data/cayley.db"}}' > config.json

# Create filesystem for minimal image
RUN mkdir -p /fs/assets
RUN mkdir -p /fs/bin
RUN mkdir -p /fs/data
RUN mkdir -p /fs/etc
RUN sed 's_%PREFIX%__g' config.json > /fs/etc/cayley.json

ENV PATH /fs/bin:$PATH

# Copy CA certs from builder image to the filesystem of the cayley image
RUN mkdir -p /fs/etc/ssl/certs
RUN cp /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /fs/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

RUN mkdir -p /fs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
RUN cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-* /fs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

# Add assets to target fs
COPY docs /fs/assets/docs
COPY static /fs/assets/static
COPY templates /fs/assets/templates

# Add and build static linked version of cayley
# This will show warnings that glibc is required at runtime which can be ignored
COPY . .
RUN go build \
  -ldflags="-linkmode external -extldflags -static -X$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c1-12)" \
  -a \
  -installsuffix cgo \
  -o /fs/bin/cayley \
  -v \

RUN sed 's_%PREFIX%_/fs_g' config.json > /etc/cayley.json
RUN cayley init --config /etc/cayley.json

FROM scratch
LABEL maintainer="Yannic Bonenberger" \

# Expose the port and volume for configuration and data persistence. If you're
# using a backend like bolt, make sure the file is saved to this directory.
COPY --from=builder /fs /
VOLUME ["/data"]

EXPOSE 64210

# Adding everything to entrypoint allows us to init+load+serve
# with default containers parameters:
#   i.e.: `docker run --init -i /data/my_data.nq`
ENTRYPOINT ["cayley", "http", "--assets", "/assets", "--host", ":64210"]
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