Raw File
Tip revision: b6c93483104001d8db7362d3ad383c68d370deda authored by 3pCode on 07 January 2019, 21:04:28 UTC
Fix issue with label context not being respected, added new test file to avoid impacting baselines of existing tests. Noticed issue also existed with saveR, so added fix and test for that as well.
Tip revision: b6c9348
package quad

import (


func IsValidValue(v Value) bool {
	return v != nil

// Value is a type used by all quad directions.
type Value interface {
	String() string
	// Native converts Value to a closest native Go type.
	// If type has no analogs in Go, Native return an object itself.
	Native() interface{}

type TypedStringer interface {
	TypedString() TypedString

// Equaler interface is implemented by values, that needs a special equality check.
type Equaler interface {
	Equal(v Value) bool

// HashSize is a size of the slice, returned by HashOf.
const HashSize = sha1.Size

var hashPool = sync.Pool{
	New: func() interface{} { return sha1.New() },

// HashOf calculates a hash of value v.
func HashOf(v Value) []byte {
	key := make([]byte, HashSize)
	HashTo(v, key)
	return key

// HashTo calculates a hash of value v, storing it in a slice p.
func HashTo(v Value, p []byte) {
	h := hashPool.Get().(hash.Hash)
	defer hashPool.Put(h)
	if len(p) < HashSize {
		panic("buffer too small to fit the hash")
	if v != nil {
		// TODO(kortschak,dennwc) Remove dependence on String() method.

// StringOf safely call v.String, returning empty string in case of nil Value.
func StringOf(v Value) string {
	if v == nil {
		return ""
	return v.String()

// NativeOf safely call v.Native, returning nil in case of nil Value.
func NativeOf(v Value) interface{} {
	if v == nil {
		return nil
	return v.Native()

// AsValue converts native type into closest Value representation.
// It returns false if type was not recognized.
func AsValue(v interface{}) (out Value, ok bool) {
	if v == nil {
		return nil, true
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case Value:
		out = v
	case string:
		out = String(v)
	case int:
		out = Int(v)
	case int8:
		out = Int(v)
	case int16:
		out = Int(v)
	case int32:
		out = Int(v)
	case int64:
		out = Int(v)
	case uint:
		out = Int(v)
	case uint8:
		out = Int(v)
	case uint16:
		out = Int(v)
	case uint32:
		out = Int(v)
	case uint64:
		out = Int(v)
	case float64:
		out = Float(v)
	case float32:
		out = Float(v)
	case bool:
		out = Bool(v)
	case time.Time:
		out = Time(v)
		return nil, false
	return out, true

// StringToValue is a function to convert strings to typed
// quad values.
// Warning: should not be used directly - will be deprecated.
func StringToValue(v string) Value {
	if v == "" {
		return nil
	if len(v) > 2 {
		if v[0] == '<' && v[len(v)-1] == '>' {
			return IRI(v[1 : len(v)-1])
		} else if v[:2] == "_:" {
			return BNode(v[2:])
		} else if i := strings.Index(v, `"^^<`); i > 0 && v[0] == '"' && v[len(v)-1] == '>' {
			return TypedString{Value: String(v[1:i]), Type: IRI(v[i+4 : len(v)-1])}
		} else if i := strings.Index(v, `"@`); i > 0 && v[0] == '"' && v[len(v)-1] != '"' {
			return LangString{Value: String(v[1:i]), Lang: v[i+2:]}
	return String(v)

// ToString casts a values to String or falls back to StringOf.
func ToString(v Value) string {
	if s, ok := v.(String); ok {
		return string(s)
	return StringOf(v)

// Raw is a Turtle/NQuads-encoded value.
// Deprecated: use IRI or String instead.
func Raw(s string) Value {
	if len(s) >= 2 && s[0] == '"' && s[len(s)-1] == '"' {
		return String(s[1 : len(s)-1])
	return StringToValue(s)

// String is an RDF string value (ex: "name").
type String string

var escaper = strings.NewReplacer(
	"\\", "\\\\",
	"\"", "\\\"",
	"\n", "\\n",
	"\r", "\\r",
	"\t", "\\t",

func (s String) String() string {
	//TODO(barakmich): Proper escaping.
	return `"` + escaper.Replace(string(s)) + `"`
func (s String) GoString() string {
	return "quad.String(" + strconv.Quote(string(s)) + ")"
func (s String) Native() interface{} { return string(s) }

// TypedString is an RDF value with type (ex: "name"^^<type>).
type TypedString struct {
	Value String
	Type  IRI

func (s TypedString) String() string {
	return s.Value.String() + `^^` + s.Type.String()
func (s TypedString) Native() interface{} {
	if s.Type == "" {
		return s.Value.Native()
	if v, err := s.ParseValue(); err == nil && v != s {
		return v.Native()
	return s

// ParseValue will try to parse underlying string value using registered functions.
// It will return unchanged value if suitable function is not available.
// Error will be returned if the type was recognizes, but parsing failed.
func (s TypedString) ParseValue() (Value, error) {
	fnc := knownConversions[s.Type.Full()]
	if fnc == nil {
		return s, nil
	return fnc(string(s.Value))

// LangString is an RDF string with language (ex: "name"@lang).
type LangString struct {
	Value String
	Lang  string

func (s LangString) String() string {
	return s.Value.String() + `@` + s.Lang
func (s LangString) Native() interface{} { return s.Value.Native() }

// IRI is an RDF Internationalized Resource Identifier (ex: <name>).
type IRI string

func (s IRI) String() string { return `<` + string(s) + `>` }
func (s IRI) GoString() string {
	return "quad.IRI(" + strconv.Quote(string(s)) + ")"
func (s IRI) Short() IRI          { return IRI(voc.ShortIRI(string(s))) }
func (s IRI) Full() IRI           { return IRI(voc.FullIRI(string(s))) }
func (s IRI) Native() interface{} { return s }
func (s IRI) ShortWith(n *voc.Namespaces) IRI {
	return IRI(n.ShortIRI(string(s)))
func (s IRI) FullWith(n *voc.Namespaces) IRI {
	return IRI(n.FullIRI(string(s)))

// BNode is an RDF Blank Node (ex: _:name).
type BNode string

func (s BNode) String() string { return `_:` + string(s) }
func (s BNode) GoString() string {
	return "quad.BNode(" + strconv.Quote(string(s)) + ")"
func (s BNode) Native() interface{} { return s }

// Native support for basic types

// StringConversion is a function to convert string values with a
// specific IRI type to their native equivalents.
type StringConversion func(string) (Value, error)

const (
	nsXSD = ``

// TODO(dennwc): make these configurable
const (
	defaultIntType   IRI = schema.Integer
	defaultFloatType IRI = schema.Float
	defaultBoolType  IRI = schema.Boolean
	defaultTimeType  IRI = schema.DateTime

func init() {
	// int types
	RegisterStringConversion(defaultIntType, stringToInt)
	RegisterStringConversion(nsXSD+`integer`, stringToInt)
	RegisterStringConversion(nsXSD+`long`, stringToInt)
	// bool types
	RegisterStringConversion(defaultBoolType, stringToBool)
	RegisterStringConversion(nsXSD+`boolean`, stringToBool)
	// float types
	RegisterStringConversion(defaultFloatType, stringToFloat)
	RegisterStringConversion(nsXSD+`double`, stringToFloat)
	// time types
	RegisterStringConversion(defaultTimeType, stringToTime)
	RegisterStringConversion(nsXSD+`dateTime`, stringToTime)

var knownConversions = make(map[IRI]StringConversion)

// RegisterStringConversion will register an automatic conversion of
// TypedString values with provided type to a native equivalent such as Int, Time, etc.
// If fnc is nil, automatic conversion from selected type will be removed.
func RegisterStringConversion(dataType IRI, fnc StringConversion) {
	if fnc == nil {
		delete(knownConversions, dataType)
	} else {
		knownConversions[dataType] = fnc
		if short := dataType.Short(); short != dataType {
			knownConversions[short] = fnc
		if full := dataType.Full(); full != dataType {
			knownConversions[full] = fnc

func stringToInt(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Int(v), nil

func stringToBool(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := strconv.ParseBool(s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Bool(v), nil

func stringToFloat(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Float(v), nil

func stringToTime(s string) (Value, error) {
	v, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return Time(v), nil

// Int is a native wrapper for int64 type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Int int64

func (s Int) String() string {
	return s.TypedString().String()
func (s Int) Native() interface{} { return int(s) }
func (s Int) TypedString() TypedString {
	return TypedString{
		Value: String(strconv.Itoa(int(s))),
		Type:  defaultIntType,

// Float is a native wrapper for float64 type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Float float64

func (s Float) String() string {
	return s.TypedString().String()
func (s Float) Native() interface{} { return float64(s) }
func (s Float) TypedString() TypedString {
	return TypedString{
		Value: String(strconv.FormatFloat(float64(s), 'E', -1, 64)),
		Type:  defaultFloatType,

// Bool is a native wrapper for bool type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Bool bool

func (s Bool) String() string {
	if bool(s) {
		return `"True"^^<` + string(defaultBoolType) + `>`
	return `"False"^^<` + string(defaultBoolType) + `>`
func (s Bool) Native() interface{} { return bool(s) }
func (s Bool) TypedString() TypedString {
	v := "False"
	if bool(s) {
		v = "True"
	return TypedString{
		Value: String(v),
		Type:  defaultBoolType,

var _ Equaler = Time{}

// Time is a native wrapper for time.Time type.
// It uses NQuad notation similar to TypedString.
type Time time.Time

func (s Time) String() string {
	return s.TypedString().String()
func (s Time) Native() interface{} { return time.Time(s) }
func (s Time) Equal(v Value) bool {
	t, ok := v.(Time)
	if !ok {
		return false
	return time.Time(s).Equal(time.Time(t))
func (s Time) TypedString() TypedString {
	return TypedString{
		// TODO(dennwc): this is used to compute hash, thus we might want to include nanos
		Value: String(time.Time(s).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)),
		Type:  defaultTimeType,

type ByValueString []Value

func (o ByValueString) Len() int           { return len(o) }
func (o ByValueString) Less(i, j int) bool { return StringOf(o[i]) < StringOf(o[j]) }
func (o ByValueString) Swap(i, j int)      { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] }

// Sequence is an object to generate a sequence of Blank Nodes.
type Sequence struct {
	last uint64

// Next returns a new blank node. It's safe for concurrent use.
func (s *Sequence) Next() BNode {
	n := atomic.AddUint64(&s.last, 1)
	return BNode(fmt.Sprintf("n%d", n))

var randSource = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))

// RandomBlankNode returns a randomly generated Blank Node.
func RandomBlankNode() BNode {
	return BNode(fmt.Sprintf("n%d", randSource.Int()))
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