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Tip revision: 1013a7086b7f63bbe84e1deef11fcb7d8cc713a8 authored by Andreas Alfons on 18 February 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.1.1
Tip revision: 1013a70
  Simulate categorical variables of population data
  Simulate categorical variables of population data using multinomial 
  log-linear models.  The household structure of the population data needs to 
  be simulated beforehand.
simCategorical(dataS, dataP, w = "rb050", strata = "db040", 
               basic = c("age", "rb090", "hsize"), 
               additional = c("pl030", "pb220a"), 
               maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 1500, seed)
  \item{dataS}{a \code{data.frame} containing household survey data.}
  \item{dataP}{a \code{data.frame} containing the simulated population 
    household structure.}
  \item{w}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the (personal) sample weights.}
  \item{strata}{a character string specifying the columns of \code{dataS} and 
    \code{dataP}, respectively, that define strata.  The values are simulated 
    for each stratum separately.  Note that this is currently a required 
    argument and only one stratification variable is supported.}
  \item{basic}{a character vector specifying the columns of \code{dataS} and 
    \code{dataP}, respectively, that define the household structure, typically 
    age, gender and household size.}
  \item{additional}{a character vector specifying additional categorical 
    variables of \code{dataS} that should be simulated for the population data.}
  \item{maxit, MaxNWts}{control parameters to be passed to 
    \code{\link[nnet]{multinom}} and \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}.  See the help 
    file for \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}.}
  \item{seed}{optional; an integer value to be used as the seed of the random 
    number generator, or an integer vector containing the state of the random 
    number generator to be restored.}
  A \code{data.frame} containing the simulated population data including the 
  categorical variables specified by \code{additional}.
\author{Stefan Kraft and Andreas Alfons}
  The basic household structure needs to be simulated beforehand with the 
  function \code{\link{simStructure}}.
  \code{\link{simStructure}}, \code{\link{simContinuous}}, 
  \code{\link{simComponents}}, \code{\link{simEUSILC}}

## these take some time and are not run automatically
## copy & paste to the R command line

set.seed(1234)  # for reproducibility
data(eusilcS)   # load sample data
eusilcP <- simStructure(eusilcS)
eusilcP <- simCategorical(eusilcS, eusilcP)
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