Raw File
Tip revision: 9dc5b67aa94a786d015baadc102d63197bc24c7b authored by Deepayan Sarkar on 15 May 2001, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.2-3
Tip revision: 9dc5b67

### Copyright 2001  Deepayan Sarkar <>
### This file is part of the lattice library for R.
### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
### License, version 2, or at your option, any later version,
### incorporated herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
### MA 02111-1307, USA

densityplot <-
             aspect = "fill",
             as.table = FALSE,
             between = list(x=0,y=0),
             groups = NULL,
             key = NULL,
             main = NULL,
             page = NULL,
             panel = panel.densityplot,
             skip = FALSE,
             strip = strip.default,
             sub = NULL,
             subscripts = !missing(groups),
             n = 50,

    if(all(skip)) stop("can't skip all panels !")

    if (is.logical(strip) && strip) strip <- strip.default

    if(missing(data)) data <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
    form <- latticeParseFormula(formula, data)
    cond <- form$condition
    number.of.cond <- length(cond)
    x <- form$right
    if(!missing(groups)) {
        groups <- eval(substitute(groups), data)
    if("subscripts" %in% names(formals(panel))) subscripts <- TRUE
    if(subscripts) subscr <- seq(along=x)

    if(!missing(subset)) {                          # not tested yet
        subset <- eval(substitute(subset), data)
        x <- x[subset]
        y <- y[subset]
        if (subscripts) subscr <- subscr[subset]
    if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- form$
    if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Density"
    if (is.shingle(x)) stop("x cannot be a shingle")

    if(!missing(between)) {
        if (!("x" %in% names(between))) between <- list(x=0, y=between$y)
        if (!("y" %in% names(between))) between <- list(y=0, x=between$x)
    } <-
    if (!any(! stop("nothing to draw")

    foo <- list(formula=formula,
                fname = "densityplot",
                aspect.fill = (aspect == "fill"),
                aspect.ratio = 1,
                as.table = as.table,
                cond = NULL,
                key = key,
                page = page,
                panel = panel,
                panel.args = NULL,
                panel.args.common = NULL,
                par.strip.text = trellis.par.get("add.text"),
                skip = skip,
                strip = strip,
                main = NULL,
                sub = NULL,
                xlab = NULL,
                ylab = NULL,
                x.draw = TRUE,
                y.draw = TRUE,
                x.scales = NULL,
                y.scales = NULL,
                x.between = between$x,
                y.between = between$y,
                x.relation.same = TRUE,  # Note: needed even when
                y.relation.same = TRUE,  # number.of.cond == 0
                x.alternating = c(1,2),
                y.alternating = c(1,2),
                fontsize.normal = 10,
                fontsize.small = 8)

        foo$par.strip.text[names(par.strip.text)] <- par.strip.text
    if (!missing(main)) {
        foo$main <- list(label = main[[1]], col = "black", cex = 1, font = "unimplemented")
        if (is.list(main)) foo$main[names(main)] <- main
    if (!missing(sub)) {
        foo$sub <- list(label = sub[[1]], col = "black", cex = 1, font = "unimplemented")
        if (is.list(sub)) foo$sub[names(sub)] <- sub
    if(!is.null(xlab)) {
        foo$xlab <- list(label = xlab[[1]], col = "black", cex = 1, font = "unimplemented")
        if (is.list(xlab)) foo$xlab[names(xlab)] <- xlab
        if (!is.character(foo$xlab$label)) foo$xlab$label <- form$
    if(!is.null(ylab)) {
        foo$ylab <- list(label = ylab[[1]], col = "black", cex = 1, font = "unimplemented")
        if (is.list(ylab)) foo$ylab[names(ylab)] <- ylab
        if (!is.character(foo$ylab$label)) foo$ylab$label <- form$

        cond.current.level <- rep(1,number.of.cond)
        cond.max.level <- integer(number.of.cond)
                                        # creating the vector now,
                                        # exact values assigned later.
        for(i in 1:number.of.cond) {
            ## Processing the conditioning variables
            ## There are some subtle issues involving the subset argument here.
            if (is.character(cond[[i]])) cond[[i]] <- factor(cond[[i]])
            else if (!is.factor(cond[[i]])) cond[[i]] <- as.shingle(cond[[i]])

            if(!missing(subset)) cond[[i]] <- ldrop.levels(cond[[i]], subset)
   <- |
                                   if (is.shingle(cond[[i]])) cond[[i]]$x
                                   else cond[[i]]
            cond.max.level[i] <-
                if (is.shingle(cond[[i]])) nrow(cond[[i]]$intervals)
                else length(levels(cond[[i]]))

        foo$cond <- cond

        nplots <- 1
        for(i in 1:number.of.cond) nplots <- nplots * cond.max.level[i]

        ## the foll strange logical essentially says whether xlim and ylim
        ## were specified somehow in the call. Needed later.

        xlim.specified <-
            (!missing(xlim) ||
             ( !missing(scales) &&
              ("limits" %in% names(scales) ||
               ("x" %in% names(scales) && "limits" %in% names(scales$x)))))

        ylim.specified <-
            (!missing(ylim) ||
             ( !missing(scales) &&
              ("limits" %in% names(scales) ||
               ("y" %in% names(scales) && "limits" %in% names(scales$y)))))

        if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(x[is.finite(x[!])])
        if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(0,0)

        ## will add 7% by extend.limits() after updating this
        ## if necessary using the prepanel function

        xlim.l <- xlim[1]
        xlim.u <- xlim[2]
        ##ylim.l <- ylim[1]
        ##ylim.u <- ylim[2]
        x.slice.length <- 0
        aspr <- rep(1,nplots)
        for(count in 1:nplots)
            if(!any(cond.max.level-cond.current.level<0)) # should be always TRUE, safety check
                id <- !
                for(i in 1:length(cond)) {
                    id <- id &
                    if (is.shingle(cond[[i]]))
                        ((cond[[i]]$x >=
                          cond[[i]]$intervals[cond.current.level[i], 1])
                         & (cond[[i]]$x <=
                            cond[[i]]$intervals[cond.current.level[i], 2]))
                    else (as.numeric(cond[[i]]) == cond.current.level[i])
                if(any(id)) {

                    h <- density(x[id], n=n, ...)

                        tem <- prepanel(x=x[id])
                    else tem <- list(xlim = range(h$x),
                                     ylim = range(h$y),
                                     dx = 1, dy = 1)
                    xlim.l <- min(xlim.l, tem$xlim[1])
                    xlim.u <- max(xlim.u, tem$xlim[2])

                    x.slice.length <- max(x.slice.length, diff(tem$xlim))

                    if (!ylim.specified) 
                        ylim[2] <- max(ylim[2], h$y)

                    if (!xlim.specified) 
                        xlim <- range(xlim, h$x)
                    ##    aspr[count] <- banking(tem$dx, tem$dy)
                cond.current.level <- cupdate(cond.current.level,
        if (!ylim.specified) ylim  <- extend.limits(ylim)
        if (!xlim.specified) xlim  <- extend.limits(xlim)
        scales.x <- list(relation = "same",
                         draw = TRUE,
                         alternating = c(1,2),
                         limits = xlim,
                         tck = 1, # factor affecting length of ticks 
                         cex = 1,
                         tick.number = 5,
                         rot = F,
                         at = F, labels = F, col = F, log = F)
        scales.y <- list(relation = "same",
                         draw = TRUE,
                         alternating = c(1,2),
                         limits = ylim,
                         tck = 1,
                         cex = 1,
                         tick.number = 5,
                         rot = F,  
                         at = F, labels = F, col = F, log = F) 
        if(!missing(scales)) {
            scales.x[names(scales)] <- scales
            scales.y[names(scales)] <- scales
            if ("x" %in% names(scales)) scales.x[names(scales$x)] <- scales$x
            if ("y" %in% names(scales)) scales.y[names(scales$y)] <- scales$y

        if (scales.y$relation == "sliced") scales.y$relation  <-  "free"

        ## Need to go through the panels before the actual plotting if
        ## (1) !missing(prepanel) OR
        ## (2) relation="sliced" OR
        ## (3) aspect="xy"  :


        ## check whether xlim / scales$limits was specified, don't change in that case,
        ## unless, of course,  relation="sliced" or "free"  (see xlim.specified etc above)
        if (scales.x$relation == "same" && !xlim.specified)
            scales.x$limits <- extend.limits(c(xlim.l,xlim.u))
        else x.slice.length <- x.slice.length * 1.14
        ## this is actually irrelevant for relation="free" 
        ##if (scales.y$relation == "same" && !ylim.specified)
        ##    scales.y$limits <- extend.limits(c(ylim.l,ylim.u))
        ##else y.slice.length <- y.slice.length * 1.14

        foo$x.relation.same <- (scales.x$relation == "same")
        foo$y.relation.same <- (scales.y$relation == "same")

            foo$x.scales <- list(limits = scales.x$limits,
                                 at = scales.x$at,
                                 labels = scales.x$labels,
                                 tck = scales.x$tck,
                                 col = scales.x$col,
                                 cex = scales.x$cex,
                                 rot = scales.x$rot,
                                 tick.number = scales.x$tick.number)

            foo$y.scales <- list(limits = scales.y$limits,
                                 at = scales.y$at,
                                 labels = scales.y$labels,
                                 tck = scales.y$tck,
                                 col = scales.y$col,
                                 cex = scales.y$cex,
                                 rot = scales.y$rot,
                                 tick.number = scales.y$tick.number)

        ## aspect.fill <- if (aspect=="fill") TRUE else FALSE (done above)
        foo$aspect.ratio <-
            if (aspect == "fill") 1
            else if (aspect == "xy") median(aspr) * 
                (if (scales.y$relation == "sliced") slice.y.length else diff(scales.y$limits)) / 
                (if (scales.x$relation == "sliced") slice.x.length else diff(scales.x$limits)) 
            else aspect[1]
        if(missing(layout)) {
            layout <- c(0,1,1)
            if (number.of.cond==1) layout[2] <- nplots
            else {
                layout[1] <- cond.max.level[1]
                layout[2] <- cond.max.level[2]
            skip <- rep(skip, length = max(layout[1] * layout[2], layout[2]))
   <- length(skip) - length(skip[skip])
            layout[3] <- 1 + ceiling(nplots/
        else if (length(layout)==1)
            stop("layout must have at least 2 elements")
        else if (length(layout)==2)
                stop("at least one element of layout must be positive")
            else if (layout[2]==0) stop("inadmissible value of layout")

            skip <- rep(skip, length = max(layout[1] * layout[2], layout[2]))
   <- length(skip) - length(skip[skip])
            layout[3] <- 1 + ceiling(nplots/
        else if (length(layout)==3) {
                stop("invalid value for layout")
            skip <- rep(skip, length = layout[1] * layout[2])
        } <- max(layout[1] * layout[2], layout[2])
        number.of.pages <- layout[3]
        foo$layout[1] <- layout[1]
        foo$layout[2] <- layout[2]
        foo$layout[3] <- layout[3]
        foo$x.alternating <- scales.x$alternating
        foo$y.alternating <- scales.y$alternating

        ##aspect.fill <- if (aspect=="fill") TRUE else FALSE
        id <- !
        if (any(id)) h <- density(x[id], n=n, ...)

        if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- extend.limits(range(h$x, x[is.finite(x[id])]))
        if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- extend.limits(c(0, max(h$y)))
        scales.x <- list(draw = TRUE,
                         alternating = 1,
                         limits = xlim,
                         tck = 1, # factor affecting length of ticks 
                         cex = 1,
                         rot = F,
                         tick.number = 5,
                         at = F, labels = F, col = F, log = F)
        scales.y <- list(draw = TRUE,
                         alternating = 1,
                         limits = ylim,
                         tck = 1, # factor affecting length of ticks 
                         cex = 1,
                         rot = F,
                         tick.number = 5,
                         at = F, labels = F, col = F, log = F)
        if(!missing(scales)) {
            scales.x[names(scales)] <- scales
            scales.y[names(scales)] <- scales
            if ("x" %in% names(scales)) scales.x[names(scales$x)] <- scales$x
            if ("y" %in% names(scales)) scales.y[names(scales$y)] <- scales$y

        if (!missing(prepanel) || aspect == "xy")
            id <- !
            if(any(id)) {
                    tem <- prepanel(x=x[id],y=y[id])
                else { # banking
                    tem <- list(xlim = range(x[id]),
                                dx = 1,
                                dy = 1)
                scales.x$limits <- range(scales.x$limits, tem$xlim)
                scales.y$limits <- range(scales.y$limits, tem$ylim)
                aspr <- banking(tem$dx, tem$dy)

        foo$aspect.ratio <-
            if (aspect == "fill") 1
            else if (aspect == "xy") aspr * diff(scales.y$limits) / diff(scales.x$limits)
            else aspect[1]
        foo$x.scales <- list(limits = scales.x$limits,
                             at = scales.x$at,
                             labels = scales.x$labels,
                             tck = scales.x$tck,
                             col = scales.x$col,
                             cex = scales.x$cex,
                             rot = scales.x$rot,
                             tick.number = scales.x$tick.number)

        foo$y.scales <- list(limits = scales.y$limits,
                             at = scales.y$at,
                             labels = scales.y$labels,
                             tck = scales.y$tck,
                             col = scales.y$col,
                             cex = scales.y$cex,
                             rot = scales.y$rot,
                             tick.number = scales.y$tick.number)


    if (is.logical(scales.x$alternating))
        scales.x$alternating <- if (scales.x$alternating) c(1,2) else 1
    if (is.logical(scales.y$alternating))
        scales.y$alternating <- if (scales.y$alternating) c(1,2) else 1
    foo$x.alternating <- scales.x$alternating
    foo$y.alternating <- scales.y$alternating
    foo$x.draw <- scales.x$draw
    foo$y.draw <- scales.y$draw
    ## Now, to construct the argument list for each panel

    foo$panel.args.common <-
        if(subscripts) list(groups = groups, n=n, ...)
        else list(n=n, ...)
    if(number.of.cond<1) {

        foo$panel.args <- 
            if(subscripts) list(x = x[id],
            else list(x = x[id])

    else {

        npanels <- * layout[3]
                                        # upper bound for number of panels
        foo$panel.args <- list(1:nplots)
        cond.current.level <- rep(1,number.of.cond)

        if (!foo$x.relation.same)           # this means that axes will be different for EACH panel
            foo$x.scales <- list(1:nplots)  # and consequently, foo$x.scales must be a list parallel to
        if (!foo$y.relation.same)           # foo$panel.args.
            foo$y.scales <- list(1:nplots)
        panel.number <- 1 # this is a counter for panel number
        for(page.number in 1:number.of.pages)
            if(!any(cond.max.level-cond.current.level<0)) {
                for(plot in {

                    if(skip[plot]) foo$panel.args[[panel.number]] <- FALSE
                    else if(!any(cond.max.level-cond.current.level<0)) {
                        id <- !
                        for(i in 1:length(cond)) {
                            id <- id &
                            if (is.shingle(cond[[i]]))
                                ((cond[[i]]$x >=
                                  cond[[i]]$intervals[cond.current.level[i], 1])
                                 & (cond[[i]]$x <=
                                    cond[[i]]$intervals[cond.current.level[i], 2]))
                            else (as.numeric(cond[[i]]) == cond.current.level[i])

                        h <- density(x[id], n=n, ...)

                        xscale <- 
                            if(scales.x$relation == "same") scales.x$limits
                            else if (scales.x$relation == "sliced")
                                                  if (any(id)) prepanel(x=x[id],y=y[id])$xlim
                                                  else scales.x$limits,
                                else extend.limits(
                                                   if (any(id)) range(h$x)
                                                   else scales.x$limits,
                            else #if relation=free
                                                  if (any(id)) prepanel(x=x[id],y=y[id])$xlim
                                                  else scales.x$limits)
                                else extend.limits(
                                                   if (any(id)) range(h$x)
                                                   else scales.x$limits)
                            foo$x.scales[[panel.number]] <-
                                list(limits = xscale,
                                     at = scales.x$at,
                                     labels = scales.x$labels,
                                     tck = scales.x$tck,
                                     col = scales.x$col,
                                     cex = scales.x$cex,
                                     rot = scales.x$rot,
                                     tick.number = scales.x$tick.number)
                        yscale <- 
                            if(scales.y$relation == "same") scales.y$limits
                            else if (scales.y$relation == "sliced") { # doesn't happen
                                                  if (any(id)) prepanel(x=x[id],y=y[id])$ylim
                                                  else scales.y$limits,
                                else extend.limits(
                                                   if (any(id)) range(y[id])
                                                   else scales.y$limits,
                            else  #if relation=free
                                    extend.limits(if (any(id)) prepanel(x=x[id],y=y[id])$ylim
                                    else scales.y$limits)
                                else if (!any(id)) extend.limits(scales.y$limits)
                                else extend.limits(c(0, max(h$y)))
                            foo$y.scales[[panel.number]] <-
                                list(limits = yscale,
                                     at = scales.y$at,
                                     labels = scales.y$labels,
                                     tck = scales.y$tck,
                                     col = scales.y$col,
                                     cex = scales.y$cex,
                                     rot = scales.y$rot,
                                     tick.number = scales.y$tick.number)

                        ## id <- id & (x>=xscale[1]) & (x<=xscale[2]) & (y>=yscale[1]) & (y<=yscale[2])
                        foo$panel.args[[panel.number]] <- 
                            if(subscripts) list(x = x[id],
                            else list(x = x[id])
                        cond.current.level <- cupdate(cond.current.level,
                    panel.number <- panel.number + 1
    class(foo) <- "trellis"

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