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Tip revision: 010edd2621f1e2fafa4af948c1c0f08558f84854 authored by Mark van der Loo on 01 August 2018, 14:20:02 UTC
version 0.2.6
Tip revision: 010edd2
version 0.2.6
- New methods 'all' and 'any' for 'validation' objects
- New 'plot' method for 'validator' objects.
- New 'plot' method for 'validation' objects.
- New '' methods for 'validatorComparison' and 'cellComparison' 
- New 'plot' method for 'validatorComparison' and 'cellComparison' objects.
- New 'barplot' method for 'validatorComparison' and 'cellComparison' objects.
- Improved 'plot'/'barplot' method for objects of class 'validator'.
- Bugfixes in 'cells' and 'compare'.
- The row order of output in 'cells' has changed to be more consistent with 
  row order in the output of 'compare'.
- The row 'new_missing' is renamed 'removed' in 'cellComparison' objects.
- Improved cross-references in reference manual

version 0.2.5
- Documentation updates (Thanks to Matthias Gomolka)
- Removed deprecated functions 'number_missing', 'fraction_missing', 
  'row_missing', 'number_unique', 'any_dunplicated', 'any_missing'.
- Bugfix: the 'call' object in a 'confrontation' object was created incorrectly.
  This only affects printing.

version 0.2.4
- New set membership operator "%vin%", behaving consistently with "=="
- Set membership operator %in% is now replaced with %vin% (#80).
- Added `[[<-` and `[<-` methods for validator objects.
- Validation rules can now be endowed with user-defined metadata, see ?meta (#59).
- fixed (harmless) compiler warning (thanks to Brian Ripley)
- bugfix: empty [] selection on expressionset crashed (thanks to Anne Petersen)
- bugfix: NA in validating expression would crash parser (thanks to Masafumi Okada)

version 0.2.0
- new object of class 'indicator'
- validation rules now support if-then-else syntax.
- validaton rules can now contain embedded if-statements, e.g. A | (if (B) C)
- expressionset objects (validator, indicator) can be combined using '+'
- results of getter functions (e.g. 'labels') are now named.
- less verbose printng of options for expressionset objects (validator, indicator)
- expressionset objects (validator, indicator) can now be coerced to
- confrontation objects (validation, indication) can now be coerced to data.frame.
- safer expression manipulation under the hood.
- breaking: 'rule' column now called 'name' in summary of 'confrontation' objects.
- bugfix: character indexing with multiple elements of expressionset objects would crash.
- bugfix: proper recycling for replace methods in expressionset.

version 0.1.8
- Added loggers for the 'lumberjack' package: lbj_cells and lbj_rules
- Tolerance for checking (non-strict) linear inequalities is now controlled by voptions(lin.ineq.opts).
- Macro assignments through `:=` are no longer put in brackets.

version 0.1.7
- The missingess counters are now only internally documented and will be deprecated (the
  introduction of the '.' made them more or less obsolete).
- Package now 'depends' on methods to allow dispatch on objects inhereting from data.frame
- bugfix: The assignment created(<validator>) <- <POSIXct> was broken. #65, thanks to Andrew R Gibson.
- bugfix: Simple equallity checks on character data behaved unexpectedly. #67, thanks to Kevin Kuo.
- Native routines now registered as required by updated CRAN policy.

version 0.1.5
- The '.' is now used to reference the validated data set as whole.
- Small change in output of 'compare' to match the table in van den Broek et al. (2013)
- registered native routines as now recommended by CRAN

version 0.1.4
- 'confront' now emits a warining when variable name conflicts with name of a reference data set
- Deprecated 'validate_reset', in favour of the shorter 'reset' (use 'validate::reset' in case of ambiguity)
- Deprecated 'validate_options' in favour of the shorter 'voptions'
- New option na.value with default value NA, controlling the output when a rule evaluates to NA.
- Added rules from the ESSnet on validation (deliverable 17) to automated tests.
- added 'grepl' to allowed validation syntax (suggested by Dusan Sovic)
- exported a few functions w/ keywords internal for extensibility
- Bugfix: blocks sometimes reported wrong nr of blocks (in case of a single connected block.)
- Bugfix: macro expansion failed when macros were reused in other macros.
- Bugfix: certain nonlinear relations were recognized as linear
- Bugfix: rules that use (anonymous) function definitions raised error when printed.

version 0.1.3
- initial release
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