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Tip revision: c70ecbc6eef5e383c6f18d3f740cf903402bd169 authored by Andreas Alfons on 06 June 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.3
Tip revision: c70ecbc
# ----------------------------------------
# Authors: Josef Holzer and Andreas Alfons
#          Vienna University of Technology
# ----------------------------------------

## nonlinear integer minimization is done by brute force
## it is strongly recommended to set bounds 'kmax' and 'mmax'

minAMSE <- function(x, weight = c("Bernoulli", "JASA"), 
        kmin, kmax, mmax, tol = 0, maxit = 100) {
    ## initializations
    if(!is.numeric(x) || length(x) == 0) stop("'x' must be a numeric vector")
    if(any(i <- x <- x[!i]
    x <- sort(x)
    n <- length(x)
    if(n == 0) stop("no observed values")
    weight <- match.arg(weight)
    kbounds <- c(trunc(n/100), n-2)
    mbound <- n-1
    if(missing(kmin)) kmin <- kbounds[1]
    if(missing(kmax)) kmax <- kbounds[2]
    if(missing(mmax)) mmax <- mbound
    if(!is.numeric(kmin) || length(kmin) == 0 || kmin[1] < 1) {
        stop("'kmin' must be a single positive integer")
    } else kmin <- kmin[1]
    if(!is.numeric(kmax) || length(kmax) == 0 || kmax[1] <= kmin) {
        stop("'kmax' must be a single positive integer larger than 'kmin'")
    } else kmax <- kmax[1]
    if(!is.numeric(mmax) || length(mmax) == 0 || mmax[1] <= kmax) {
        stop("'mmax' must be a single positive integer larger than 'kmax'")
    } else mmax <- mmax[1]
    if(!is.numeric(maxit) || length(maxit) == 0 || maxit[1] < 1) {
        stop("'maxit' must be a single positive integer")
    } else maxit <- maxit[1]
    ## check bounds for k
    if(kmin < kbounds[1]) {
        kmin <- kbounds[1]
        warning("'kmin' is set to ", kbounds[1], 
            ", as this is the suggested minumum")
    if(kmax > kbounds[2]) {
        kmax <- kbounds[2]
        warning("'kmax' is set to ", kbounds[2], 
            ", as this is the allowed maximum")
    ## check bound for m
    if(mmax > mbound) {
        mmax <- mbound
        warning("'mmax' is set to ", mbound, 
            ", as this is the allowed maximum")
    ## Hill estimates of theta for range of k 
    kl <- trunc(kmin/2)
    theta <-, kmax)
    theta[kl:mmax] <- sapply(kl:mmax, function(k) thetaHill(x, k))  # shape
    ## initial estimate of k
    k <- kmin:kmax  # range of k to search for minimum
    MSE <- mapply(function(k, theta) MSEinit(x, k, theta), 
        k, theta[(kmin:kmax)-kl+1])
    k0 <- k[which.min(MSE)]
    theta0 <- theta[k0]
    ## initial estimate of rho
    m <- (k0+1):mmax
    rho <- sapply(m, function(m) Rm(x, theta, m, k0))
    cr <- mapply(function(m, rho) critRm(x, rho, theta, m, k0), m, rho)
    rho0 <- rho[which.min(cr)]
    ## iterative procedure
    for(i in 1:maxit) {
        ## estimate k
        MSE <- sapply(k, function(k) MSEopt(x, k, theta0, rho0, weight))
        tmp <- which.min(MSE)
        MSEmin <- MSE[tmp]
        kn <- k[tmp]
        thetan <- theta[kn]
        ## estimate rho
        m <- (kn+1):mmax
        rho <- sapply(m, function(m) Rm(x, theta, m, kn))
        cr <- mapply(function(m, rho) critRm(x, rho, theta, m, k0), m, rho)
        rhon <- rho[which.min(cr)]
        if(abs(kn-k0) <= tol) break
        else {
            k0 <- kn
            theta0 <- thetan
            rho0 <- rhon
    ## return results
    res <- list(kopt=kn, x0=x[n-kn], theta=thetan, 
        MSEmin=MSEmin, rho=rhon, k=k, MSE=MSE)
    class(res) <- "minAMSE"

## internal functions for the evaluation of the MSEopt criterion
## x is not expected to contain missing values and is assumed to be sorted

MSEinit <- function(x, k, theta) {
    n <- length(x)
    x0 <- x[n-k]  # threshold (scale parameter)
    y <- log(x[(n-k+1):n]/x0)  # relative excesses
    nyhat <- log((k:1)/(k+1))/theta  # negative predicted values
    ## MSE
    1/k * sum((y + nyhat)^2)

MSEopt <- function(x, k, theta, rho, weight = c("Bernoulli", "JASA")) {
    n <- length(x)
    x0 <- x[n-k]  # threshold (scale parameter)
    y <- log(x[(n-k+1):n]/x0)  # relative excesses
    h <- k:1
    nyhat <- log(h/(k+1))/theta  # negative predicted values
    ## weight functions according to paper in Bernoulli or JASA
    i <- 1:k
    hv <- i/(k+1)
    if(weight == "Bernoulli") {
        wk1 <- hv
        wk2 <- -log(i/(k+1))
    } else {
        wk1 <-, k)
        wk2 <- h/(k+1)  # second weight function (first is identical to 1)
    ## define delta functions
    tmp1 <- hv^(-1)-1
    tmp2 <- (1-rho)^2
    tmp3 <- ((hv^(-rho)-1)/rho)^2
    ak1 <- mean(wk1*tmp1)
    ak2 <- mean(wk2*tmp1)
    bk1 <- tmp2 * mean(wk1*tmp3)
    bk2 <- tmp2 * mean(wk2*tmp3)
    den <- (ak1*bk2 - bk1*ak2)  # denomitator for delta functions
    delta1 <- (bk2 - ak2) / den
    delta2 <- (ak1 - bk1) / den
    ## define optimal weight function
    woptk <- delta1*wk1 + delta2*wk2
    ## WMSE
    mean(woptk * (y + nyhat)^2)

## internal functions for estimating rho
## requirements for m and k are assumed to be fulfilled

Rm <- function(x, theta, m, k) {
    mk <- m+k
    # denominators 2 and 4 do not cause problems with floating point arithmetic
    Hmk4 <- theta[trunc(mk/4)]
    Hmk2 <- theta[trunc(mk/2)]
    Hm2 <- theta[trunc(m/2)]
    Hm <- theta[m]
    log(abs((Hmk4-Hmk2)/(Hm2-Hm))) / (log(2*m/(m-k)))

## internal functions for the evaluation of the criterion for rho
## x is not expected to contain missing values and is assumed to be sorted

critRm <- function(x, rho, theta, m, k) {
    j <- k:(m-1)
    l <- log(abs((theta[trunc(j/2)] - theta[j])/(theta[trunc(m/2)] - theta[m])))
    mean((l - rho*log(m/j))^2)
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