Raw File
Tip revision: a3da1b02836537cf35564c914938c75d8ed1acec authored by Jerome Kelleher on 20 July 2016, 15:58:14 UTC
Changelog for 0.3.2.
Tip revision: a3da1b0
Simple client code for development purposes.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import time
import math
import glob
import subprocess
import sys
import itertools

import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib
import scipy.stats
import pandas as pd
# Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend.
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

import msprime

def mutations():
    n = 10
    # num_reps = 1000
    num_reps = 1
    num_loci = 10001
    # recomb_rates = [(1000, 0.005), (2000, 0.01), (3000, 0), (10001, 0.05)]
    recomb_rates = [(10001, 0.05)]
    last_pos = 0
    mean_rate = 0
    for pos, rate in recomb_rates:
        d = (pos - last_pos - 1) / (num_loci - 1)
        mean_rate += d * rate
        # print("mean_rate + ", d, rate)
        # print("rate = ", rate, rate / (4 * 10**4))
        last_pos = pos
    assert last_pos == num_loci
    print("mean_rate = ", mean_rate)
    num_trees = 0
    for j in range(num_reps):
        simulator = msprime.TreeSimulator(n)
        # simulator.set_random_seed(j)
        num_trees += simulator.get_num_breakpoints()
        ts = simulator.get_tree_sequence()
        for t in ts.trees():

    # Construct the scrm command line. Use the first value as the background
    # rate

    cmd = simulator.get_ms_command_line(
    for j in range(len(recomb_rates) - 1):
        pos = recomb_rates[j][0]
        # We still scale the recombination rate by the full locus length,
        # not the subset that we are working over.
        length = num_loci - 1
        rate = recomb_rates[j + 1][1]
        cmd += ["-sr", str(pos), str(rate * length)]
    # print(cmd)
    print(" ".join(cmd))
    result = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
    scrm_num_trees = 0
    for line in result.splitlines():
        # print(line)
        if line.startswith(b"["):
            scrm_num_trees += 1
    print(num_trees / num_reps, scrm_num_trees / num_reps)

    # tree_sequence = msprime.simulate(10, 100, mean_rate, random_seed=1)

    # for record in tree_sequence.records():
    #     print(record)
    # for tree in tree_sequence.trees():
    #     print(tree.get_interval())

def plot_distance_maps(recomb_rates):
    # Plot the piecewise map of physical distance to recombination rate
    x = np.zeros(2 * len(recomb_rates))
    y = np.copy(x)
    last_phys_x = 0
    j = 0
    for phys_x, recomb_rate in recomb_rates:
        x[j] = last_phys_x
        y[j] = recomb_rate
        j += 1
        x[j] = phys_x
        y[j] = recomb_rate
        last_phys_x = phys_x
        j += 1
    pyplot.plot(x, y)
    pyplot.ylim(-0.01, 1.01)


    x = np.zeros(1 + len(recomb_rates))
    y = np.copy(x)
    j = 1
    s = 0
    last_phys_x = 0
    for phys_x, recomb_rate in recomb_rates:
        s += (phys_x - last_phys_x) * recomb_rate
        y[j] = s
        x[j] = phys_x
        j += 1
        last_phys_x = phys_x
    pyplot.plot(x, y)
    # physical_dist = 21.6
    # genetic_dist = physical_to_genetic(physical_dist, recomb_rates)
    genetic_dist = 4
    physical_dist = genetic_to_physical(genetic_dist, recomb_rates)
    pyplot.axvline(x=physical_dist, color="green")
    pyplot.axhline(y=genetic_dist, color="green")

def plot_1kg_map():
    infile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/genetic_map_b36/genetic_map_chr1_b36.txt.gz"

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv(infile, delim_whitespace=True, compression="gzip",
            names=["pos", "rate", "distance"], header=0)
    # print(df.pos)
    physical_length = df.pos.iloc[-1]
    num_crossovers = df.distance.iloc[-1] / 100
    Ne = 10**4
    rate = 4 * Ne * num_crossovers / physical_length
    print("Overall rate = {:.2E}".format(rate))

    scaled_rate = np.array(4 * Ne * (df.rate / 100) / 10**6)[:-1]

    lengths = np.diff(df.pos)

    print(lengths * scaled_rate)

    # print("overall rate = ",
    # print(df["pos"])
    pyplot.plot(df.pos, df.rate)

def simulations():
    n = 10
    m = 1000
    recomb_map = msprime.RecombinationMap(
        m, [0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1], [0.1, 10, 0, 0.1, 0])
    sim = msprime.TreeSimulator(n)
    # sim.set_scaled_recombination_rate(
    #     recomb_map.get_total_recombination_rate())
    ts = sim.get_tree_sequence()
    size = 0
    for l, records_in, records_out in ts.diffs():
        # print(l, records_in, records_out)
        size += l
    print("size", size, ts.get_sequence_length())
    for t in ts.trees():
        l, r = t.get_interval()
        # print(l, r)
    for l, ns in ts.newick_trees():
        print(l, ns)
    # ts.generate_mutations(2, 1)
    # for t in ts.trees():
    #     l, r = t.get_interval()
    #     print("tree:", recomb_map.genetic_to_physical(l / m),
    #             recomb_map.genetic_to_physical(l / m))
    #     for pos, node in t.mutations():
    #         print("\t", node, pos, recomb_map.genetic_to_physical(pos / m),
    #                 sep="\t")

def convert_hdf5():
    in_filename = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/mutations.hdf5"
    out_filename = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/mutations_double_coords.hdf5"
    import h5py
    infile = h5py.File(in_filename, "r")
    outfile = h5py.File(out_filename, "w")
    # print(root)
    # g = root["trees"]
    # fields = [
    #     ("left", uint32, 1), ("right", uint32, 1),
    #     ("node", uint32, 1), ("children", uint32, 2),
    #     ("time", float64, 1)]
    #         self.assertEqual(g[name].shape[0], ts.get_num_records())

def read_1kg_map():
    infile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/genetic_map_b36/genetic_map_chr1_b36.txt.gz"
    # infile = "genetic_map_chr22_b36.txt"
    infile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/genetic_map_GRCh37_chr2.txt"
    pattern = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/genetic_map_GRCh37_chr*.txt"
    # pattern = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/genetic_map_GRCh37_chrX_par1.txt"
    for infile in glob.glob(pattern):
        name = infile.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]
        print(infile, name)
        recomb_map = msprime.RecombinationMap.read_hapmap(infile)
        positions = np.array(recomb_map.get_positions())
        rates = np.array(recomb_map.get_rates())

        # tree_seq = msprime.simulate(10, recombination_map=recomb_map)
        n = 10
        before = time.clock()
        ts = msprime.simulate(
            n, Ne=10**4, recombination_map=recomb_map)
        print("Simulation ran in ", time.clock() - before)
        # for t in ts.trees():
        #     breakpoints.append(t.get_interval()[0])
        # b = np.array(breakpoints)

        # N = 500
        # fig, ax1 = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(16, 6))
        # v, bin_edges, bin_number = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(
        #     positions, rates, bins=N)
        # x = bin_edges[:-1][np.logical_not(np.isnan(v))]
        # y = v[np.logical_not(np.isnan(v))]
        # ax1.plot(x, y, "-")

        # ax2 = ax1.twinx()
        # v, bin_edges = np.histogram(b, N)
        # ax2.plot(bin_edges[:-1], v, color="green")

        # fig.savefig("tmp__NOBACKUP__/hapmap_{}.png".format(name))

    #     print(t.get_interval())
    # print(ts.get_num_records())

def genetic_to_phys(genetic_x, num_loci, positions, rates):
    total_recomb_rate = 0
    size = len(positions)
    for j in range(1, size):
        phys_length = positions[j] - positions[j - 1]
        total_recomb_rate += phys_length * rates[j - 1]
    if total_recomb_rate == 0:
        ret = (genetic_x / num_loci) * phys_length
        x = (genetic_x / num_loci) * total_recomb_rate
        ret = 0
        if x > 0:
            s = 0
            k = 0
            while s < x:
                s += (positions[k + 1] - positions[k]) * rates[k]
                k += 1
            excess = (s - x) / rates[k - 1]
            ret = positions[k] - excess
    return ret

def genetic_to_phys_bulk(values, num_loci, positions, rates):
    total_recomb_rate = 0
    size = len(positions)
    n = len(values)
    for j in range(1, size):
        phys_length = positions[j] - positions[j - 1]
        total_recomb_rate += phys_length * rates[j - 1]
    ret = list(values)
    if total_recomb_rate == 0:
        for j in range(n):
            ret[j] = genetic_to_phys(
                values[j], num_loci, positions, rates)
        # Get rid of zero values
        j = 0
        while values[j] == 0:
            j += 1
        s = 0
        k = 0
        while j < n:
            if j > 0 and values[j - 1] > values[j]:
                raise Exception("Input list not sorted")
            x = (values[j] / num_loci) * total_recomb_rate
            while s < x:
                s += (positions[k + 1] - positions[k]) * rates[k]
                k += 1
            excess = (s - x) / rates[k - 1]
            ret[j] = positions[k] - excess
            j += 1
    return ret

def map_stuff():
    num_loci = 1000
    positions = [0, 50, 80, 100]
    rates =     [0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0]

    values = [0, 10, 50, 100, 900, 1000]
    bulk = genetic_to_phys_bulk(values, num_loci, positions, rates)

    for x, y in zip(values, bulk):
        phys = genetic_to_phys(x, num_loci, positions, rates)
        print(x, "\t", phys, "\t", y)

def new_api():
    # ts = msprime.simulate(10)

    infile = "hapmap/genetic_map_GRCh37_chr22.txt"
    recomb_map = msprime.RecombinationMap.read_hapmap(infile)
    ts = msprime.simulate(
        100, Ne=10**4,

def replicate_example():
    theta = 5
    R = 1000
    replicates = msprime.simulate(
        sample_size=100, recombination_rate=2, mutation_rate=theta/4,
        num_replicates=R, random_seed=None)
    S = np.zeros(R)
    T = np.zeros(R)
    for j, tree_sequence in enumerate(replicates):
        S[j] = tree_sequence.get_num_mutations()
        T[j] = tree_sequence.get_num_trees()
    print("theta =", theta, "mean(S) = ", np.mean(S))

def migration_example():
    # M is the overall symmetric migration rate, and d is the number
    # of demes.
    M = 0.2
    d = 3
    # We rescale m into per-generation values for msprime.
    m = M / (4 * (d - 1))
    # Allocate the initial sample. Because we are interested in the
    # between deme coalescence times, we choose one sample each
    # from the first two demes.
    population_configurations = [
    # Now we set up the migration matrix. Since this is a symmetric
    # island model, we have the same rate of migration between all
    # pairs of demes. Diagonal elements must be zero.
    migration_matrix = [
        [0, m, m],
        [m, 0, m],
        [m, m, 0]]
    # We pass these values to the simulate function, and ask it
    # to run the required number of replicates.
    num_replicates = 10000
    replicates = msprime.simulate(
    # And then iterate over these replicates
    T = np.zeros(num_replicates)
    for i, tree_sequence in enumerate(replicates):
        tree = next(tree_sequence.trees())
        T[i] = tree.get_time(tree.get_root())
    # Finally, calculate the analytical expectation and print
    # out the results
    analytical = d / 2 + (d - 1) / (2 * M)
    print("Observed  =", np.mean(T))
    print("Predicted =", analytical)

def segregating_sites_example(n, theta, num_replicates):
    S = np.zeros(num_replicates)
    replicates = msprime.simulate(
        mutation_rate=theta / 4,
    for j, tree_sequence in enumerate(replicates):
        S[j] = tree_sequence.get_num_mutations()
    # Now, calculate the analytical predictions
    S_mean_a = np.sum(1 / np.arange(1, n)) * theta
    S_var_a = (
        theta * np.sum(1 / np.arange(1, n)) +
        theta**2 * np.sum(1 / np.arange(1, n)**2))
    print("              mean              variance")
    print("Observed      {}\t\t{}".format(np.mean(S), np.var(S)))
    print("Analytical    {:.5f}\t\t:.5f}".format(S_mean_a, S_var_a))
        # columns=["left", "right", "node", "children", "time", "population"])

def variable_recomb_example():
    infile = "hapmap/genetic_map_GRCh37_chr22.txt"
    # Read in the recombination map using the read_hapmap method,
    recomb_map = msprime.RecombinationMap.read_hapmap(infile)

    # Now we get the positions and rates from the recombination
    # map and plot these using 500 bins.
    positions = np.array(recomb_map.get_positions()[1:])
    rates = np.array(recomb_map.get_rates()[1:])
    num_bins = 500
    v, bin_edges, _ = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(
        positions, rates, bins=num_bins)
    x = bin_edges[:-1][np.logical_not(np.isnan(v))]
    y = v[np.logical_not(np.isnan(v))]
    fig, ax1 = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(16, 6))
    ax1.plot(x, y, color="blue")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Recombination rate")
    ax1.set_xlabel("Chromosome position")

    # Now we run the simulation for this map. We assume Ne=10^4
    # and have a sample of 100 individuals
    tree_sequence = msprime.simulate(
    # Now plot the density of breakpoints along the chromosome
    breakpoints = np.array(list(tree_sequence.breakpoints()))
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    v, bin_edges = np.histogram(breakpoints, num_bins, density=True)
    ax2.plot(bin_edges[:-1], v, color="green")
    ax2.set_ylabel("Breakpoint density")
    ax2.set_xlim(1.5e7, 5.3e7)

def pop_example():
    if False:
        t = 100
        ts = msprime.simulate(
                msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=1, destination=0),
                msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=2, destination=0),
                msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=3, destination=0),
                msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=4, destination=0)],
            length=100 * 1e6,
            ts.get_sample_size(), ts.get_num_trees(),
        ts = msprime.load("populations.hdf5")
        before = time.clock()
        R = 1
        for i in range(R):
            for j in range(5):
                samples = ts.get_samples(population_id=j)
                pi = ts.get_pairwise_diversity(samples)
                # pi2 = ts.get_pairwise_diversity2(samples)
                # print(j, pi, pi2, pi == pi2)
                # print(j, pi2)
        duration = time.clock() - before
        print("duration = ", duration, " per call = ", duration / (5 * R))

def vcf_example():

    # n = 6 # 3 diploid samples from each pop
    # t = 100
    # ts = msprime.simulate(
    #     Ne=10**4,
    #     population_configurations=[
    #         msprime.PopulationConfiguration(sample_size=n),
    #         msprime.PopulationConfiguration(sample_size=n),
    #         msprime.PopulationConfiguration(sample_size=n),
    #         msprime.PopulationConfiguration(sample_size=n),
    #         msprime.PopulationConfiguration(sample_size=n)],
    #     demographic_events=[
    #         msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=1, destination=0),
    #         msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=2, destination=0),
    #         msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=3, destination=0),
    #         msprime.MassMigration(time=t, source=4, destination=0)],
    #     length=1 * 1e6,
    #     recombination_rate=2e-8,
    #     mutation_rate=2e-8,
    #     random_seed=1)
    # with open("test.vcf", "w") as f:

    #     ts.write_vcf(f, ploidy=2)

    ts = msprime.load("tmp__NOBACKUP__/populations.hdf5")
    before = time.clock()
    num_genotypes = 0
    for variant in ts.variants():
        num_genotypes += len(variant.genotypes)
    print(num_genotypes, ts.get_sample_size() * ts.get_num_mutations())
    duration = time.clock() - before
    print("Done in ", duration, " gives ",
            num_genotypes * 1e-6 / duration, " MGenotypes decoded per second")

    before = time.clock()
    with open("tmp__NOBACKUP__/tmp_1.vcf", "w") as f:
        ts.write_vcf(f, ploidy=1)
        size = f.tell()
    duration = time.clock() - before
    print("wrote vcf in ", duration, "seconds", (size / 2**20) / duration, "MB/s")
    before = time.clock()
    with open("tmp__NOBACKUP__/tmp_2.vcf", "w") as f:
        ts.write_vcf(f, ploidy=2)
    duration = time.clock() - before
    print("wrote vcf in ", duration, "seconds", (size / 2**20) / duration, "MB/s")

def records_example():
    # filename = "records.txt"

    # ts = msprime.load("out.hdf5")
    # with open(filename, "w") as f:
    #     ts.write_records(f)

    # with open(filename, "r") as f:
    #     ts2 = msprime.TreeSequence.load_records(f)
    # for r1, r2 in zip(ts.records(), ts2.records()):
    #     print(r1.left, r2.left)

    ts = msprime.load_txt("example.txt")
    for t in ts.trees():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # mutations()

    # plot_distance_maps(
    #     [(10, 0.1), (11, 1), (20, 0.1), (21, 1), (30, 0.1)]
    # )
    # plot_1kg_map()

    # read_1kg_map()

    # simulations()
    # convert_hdf5()
    # map_stuff()
    # new_api()
    # replicate_example()
    # migration_example()
    # segregating_sites_example(2, 5, 10000)
    # variable_recomb_example()
    # pop_example()
    # vcf_example()
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