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Tip revision: 3a7a52b97ad42b165cd321624756dfd366228785 authored by Adelchi Azzalini on 19 November 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.4-8
Tip revision: 3a7a52b
  Affine transformation of a multivariate skew-normal or
  skew-t variable
  Computes the parameters of an affine transformation \emph{a+ A Y}
  of a multivariate skew-normal or skew-t variable \emph{Y}
  msn.affine(dp, a=0, A, drop=TRUE)
  mst.affine(dp, a=0, A, drop=TRUE)
  \item{dp}{a list containg the pamaters of the variable being
    transformed; it must include components \code{xi}, \code{Omega},
    \code{alpha} as described for \code{dmsn}; for \code{mst.affine},
    also a component \code{df} is expected
  \item{A}{a matrix with \code{ncol(A)} equal to \code{nrow(dp$Omega)}
  \item{a}{a vector wiht \code{length(a)} equal to \code{nrow(dp$Omega)}
  \item{drop}{a logical flag (default value is \code{TRUE}) operating when 
    \code{nrow(A)} equals 1. If these conditions are met, the output
    is provided in the form of parameters of a scalar distribution,
    \code{dsn} or \code{dst}, depending in the case.
  A list containing the same components of the input parameter \code{dp}
  For background information about the skew-normal and skew-t
  distributions, their parameters and the properties of affine
  transformations, see the references below. The specific formulae
  implemented by this function are given in Appendix A.2 of
  Capitanio et al.(2003).
Azzalini, A. and Capitanio, A. (1999).
Statistical applications of the multivariate skew-normal distribution.
\emph{J.Roy.Statist.Soc. B} \bold{61}, 579--602.

Azzalini, A. and Capitanio, A. (2003).
Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry 
with emphasis on a multivariate skew-\emph{t} distribution.
\emph{J.Roy. Statist. Soc. B} \bold{65}, 367--389.

Capitanio, A. \emph{et al.} (2003).
Graphical models for skew-normal variates.
\emph{Scand.\ J.\ Statist.} \bold{30}, 129--144.

\code{\link{dsn}}, \code{\link{dst}}, \code{\link{dmsn}}, \code{\link{dmst}}
dp<- list(xi=c(1,1,2), Omega=toeplitz(1/1:3), alpha=c(3,-1,2))
A <- matrix(c(1,-1,1,3,0,-2), 2, 3, byrow=TRUE) 
dp1 <- msn.affine(dp, 1:2, A)
dp$df <- 5
dp2<-  mst.affine(dp,,A[1,,drop=FALSE])
dp3<-  mst.affine(dp,,A[1,,drop=FALSE], drop=FALSE)
if(zapsmall(dp2$scale^2 - dp3$Omega)) print("something wrong here!")
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