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Tip revision: 3a7a52b97ad42b165cd321624756dfd366228785 authored by Adelchi Azzalini on 19 November 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.4-8
Tip revision: 3a7a52b
Cumulants of the skew-t distribution
Cumulants of the skew-t distribution and inverse matching
st.cumulants(location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, df = Inf, dp = NULL,  n = 4) 
st.cumulants.inversion(cum, abstol = 1e-08) 
st.cumulants(location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, df = Inf, n = 4)
st.cumulants(dp=, n = 4)
st.cumulants.inversion(cum, abstol = 1e-08)
 location parameter (vector)
 scale parameter (vector)
 shape parameter (vector)
 degrees of freedom (scalar); default is \code{df=Inf} which corresponds 
 to the skew-normal distribution.
  a vector of four elements, whose elements are \code{(location, scale,
  shape, df)} respectively. If \code{dp} is specified,  then
  the individual parameters must not be.
  a scalar integer of the maximal order or cumulants required;
  it must be from 1 to 4 and smaller than \code{df}
  a vector of 4 elements which are taken to represent the first
  4 cumulants of a skew-t distribution (hence the second term  must
  be positive)
 a scalar which regulates the accuracy of the cumulants matching (default
 value 1e-08)
\code{st.cumulants} computes the cumulants up to order \code{n} of 
the skew-t distribution with the selected parameters. The returned object
is a vector of length \code{n} if the parameters are all scalar, 
otherwise a matrix with \code{n} columns.

\code{st.cumulants.inversion} returns a vector with the \code{dp} parameters 
of the  matching skew-t distribution
Expressions of the moments and other details on the skew-t distribution are 
given in the reference below. These formulae are used by \code{st.cumulants}
to compute the cumulants.

\code{st.cumulants.inversion} searches the set of \code{shape} and \code{df}
parameters of the skew-t family, attempting to match  the third and fourth 
cumulants with those of the supplied vector \code{cum}. 
This search is done numerically twice,
once using \code{optim} and a second time using \code{nlminb}, 
to the accuracy \code{abstol}; the best matching solution is retained.
If the required accuracy of the matching is not achieved by any of the
two methods, a warning message is issued.
After this step, the other two parameters (\code{location} and
\code{scale}) are computed via simple algebra.
  The joint use \code{st.cumulants.inversion} and
  \code{sample.centralmoments} allows to fit a skew-t distribution by
  the methods of moments; see the example below. Note however, that for
  stability reasons, this is \emph{not} adopted as the standard method
  for producing initial values of MLE search.
Azzalini, A. and Capitanio, A. (2003).
Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry 
with emphasis on a multivariate skew-\emph{t} distribution.
\emph{J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B }
\bold{65}, 367--389.
  \code{\link{sample.centralmoments}}, \code{\link{optim}},
st.cumulants(shape=c(0,3,9), df=5)
cum <- st.cumulants(dp=c(10, 2, -8, 5.2))
data(ais, package='sn')
mom <- sample.centralmoments(ais[,"bmi"])
# parameters of the ST distribution fitted by method of moments

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