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Tip revision: a918a04e3fcec4de60536f4c78ff62b326fe8a80 authored by Deepayan Sarkar on 30 May 2002, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.5-3
Tip revision: a918a04
\title{Histograms and Kernel Density Plots}
histogram(formula, data = parent.frame(), aspect = "fill", layout = NULL, 
    panel = panel.histogram, prepanel = NULL, scales = list(), 
    strip = TRUE, groups = NULL, xlab, xlim, ylab, ylim, type = c("percent", 
    "count", "density"), nint, endpoints = range(x[!]), breaks,
    equal.widths = TRUE, ..., subscripts = !is.null(groups), 
    subset = TRUE)
densityplot(formula, data = parent.frame(), aspect = "fill", layout = NULL, 
    panel = panel.densityplot, prepanel = NULL, scales = list(), 
    strip = TRUE, groups = NULL, xlab, xlim, ylab, ylim, bw = NULL, 
    adjust = NULL, kernel = NULL, window = NULL, width = NULL, 
    give.Rkern = FALSE, n = 50, from = NULL, to = NULL, cut = NULL, 
    na.rm = NULL, ..., subscripts = !is.null(groups), subset = TRUE)
          type = c("percent", "count", "density"),
          nint = if(is.factor(x)) length(levels(x))
                 else round(log2(length(x))+1),
          endpoints = range(x[!na.x]),
          breaks = if(is.factor(x)) seq(0.5, length = length(levels(x))
          + 1) else do.breaks(endpoints, nint),
          equal.widths = FALSE, 

densityplot(formula, data, n = 50, plot.points = TRUE, ref = FALSE,
  Draw Histograms and Kernel Density Plots
  \item{formula}{A formula of the form \code{~ x | g1 * g2 * \dots}
    indicates that histograms of \code{x} should be produced conditioned
    on the levels of the (optional) variables \code{g1,g2,\dots}. When
    the conditioning variables \code{g1,g2,\dots} are missing, the
    leading \code{~} can be dropped.
    \code{x} can be numeric (or factor for \code{histogram}), and each
    of \code{g1,g2,\dots} must be either factors or shingles.
  \item{data}{ optional data frame in which variables are to be
  \item{type}{ Character string indicating type of histogram to be
    drawn. ``percent'' and ``count'' give relative frequency and
    frequency histograms, and can be misleading when breakpoints are not
    equally spaced. ``density'' produces a density scale histogram. (See
    second example below.) (This option is missing in Splus.)
    \code{type} defaults to ``percent'', except when the breakpoints
    are unequally spaced or \code{breaks = NULL}.
  \item{nint}{ Number of bins. Applies only when \code{breaks} is
    unspecified in the call.
  \item{endpoints}{ vector of length 2 indicating the range of x-values
    that is to be covered by the  histogram. Again, applies only when
    \code{breaks} is unspecified.
  \item{breaks}{ numeric vector of length = (number of bins + 1)
    defining the breakpoints of the bins. Note that when breakpoints are
    not equally spaced, the only value of \code{type} that makes sense
    is density.

    Usually all panels use the same breakpoints. This can be changed by
    specifying \code{breaks = NULL}. This has the effect of letting each
    panel choose its own breakpoints. The choice of these breakpoints
    are made as follows: The number of bins is calculated by the formula
    for \code{nint} above, and then breakpoints are chosen according to
    the value of \code{equal.widths}.
  \item{equal.widths}{ logical, relevant only when \code{breaks=NULL}.
    If \code{TRUE}, equally spaced bins will be selected, otherwise, 
    approximately equal area bins will be selected (this would mean that
    the breakpoints will \bold{not} be equally spaced).
  \item{n}{number of points at which density is to be evaluated}
  \item{plot.points}{ logical specifying whether the \code{x} values
    should be plotted.
  \item{ref}{logical specifying whether a reference x-axis should be
  \item{\dots}{ other arguments. In the case of \code{densityplot},
    if the default panel function is used, then arguments appropriate to
    \code{density} can be included. This can control the details of how
    the Kernel Density Estimates are calculated. See documentation for
    \code{density} for details.
  An object of class ``trellis'', plotted by default by
  \code{histogram} draws Conditional Histograms, while
  \code{densityplot} draws Conditional Kernel Density Plots.  The
  density estimate in \code{densityplot} is actually calculated using
  the function \code{density}, and all arguments accepted by it can be
  passed (as \code{\dots}) in the call to \code{densityplot} to control
  the output. See documentation of \code{density} for details. (Note: The
  default value of the argument \code{n} of \code{density} is changed to
  These and all other high level Trellis functions have several
  arguments in common. These are extensively documented only in the
  help page for \code{xyplot}, which should be consulted to learn more
  detailed usage. 
  The form of the arguments accepted by the default
  panel function \code{panel.histogram} is different from that in
  S-Plus. Whereas S-Plus calculates the heights inside \code{histogram}
  and passes only the breakpoints and the heights to the panel function,
  here the original variable \code{x} is passed along with the
  breakpoints. This allows plots as in the second example below.
\author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{}}
histogram( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, nint = 17,
          endpoints = c(59.5, 76.5), layout = c(2,4), aspect = 1,
          xlab = "Height (inches)")
## The following would not be possible in S-Plus
histogram( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer,
          xlab = "Height (inches)", type = "density",
          panel = function(x, ...) {
              panel.histogram(x, ...)
              panel.mathdensity(dmath = dnorm,
                                args = list(mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x)))
          } )
densityplot( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, layout = c(2, 4),  
            xlab = "Height (inches)", bw = 5)
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