Raw File
Tip revision: 628ab72336656a002e83ad9362daabbf0267612a authored by Dirk Eddelbuettel on 31 January 2010, 10:10:55 UTC
version 0.7.4
Tip revision: 628ab72

0.7.4	2010-01-30

    o	matrix matrix-like indexing using operator() for all vector 
    	types : IntegerVector, NumericVector, RawVector, CharacterVector
    	LogicalVector, GenericVector and ExpressionVector. 

    o	new class Rcpp::Dimension to support creation of vectors with 
    	dimensions. All vector classes gain a constructor taking a 
    	Dimension reference.

    o	an intermediate template class "SimpleVector" has been added. All
    	simple vector classes are now generated from the SimpleVector 
    	template : IntegerVector, NumericVector, RawVector, CharacterVector

    o	an intermediate template class "SEXP_Vector" has been added to 
    	generate GenericVector and ExpressionVector.

    o	the clone template function was introduced to explicitely
    	clone an RObject by duplicating the SEXP it encapsulates.

    o	even smarter wrap programming using traits and template
        meta-programming using a private header to be include only

    o 	the as template is now smarter. The template now attempts to 
    	build an object of the requested template parameter T by using the
    	constructor for the type taking a SEXP. This allows third party code
    	to create a class Foo with a constructor Foo(SEXP) to have 
    	as<Foo> for free.

    o	wrap becomes a template. For an object of type T, wrap<T> uses
    	implicit conversion to SEXP to first convert the object to a SEXP
    	and then uses the wrap(SEXP) function. This allows third party 
    	code creating a class Bar with an operator SEXP() to have 
    	wrap for free.

    o	all specializations of wrap :  wrap<double>, wrap< vector<double> >
    	use coercion to deal with missing values (NA) appropriately.

    o	configure has been withdrawn. C++0x features can now be activated
    	by setting the RCPP_CXX0X environment variable to "yes".

    o	new template r_cast<int> to facilitate conversion of one SEXP
    	type to another. This is mostly intended for internal use and 
    	is used on all vector classes

    o	Environment now takes advantage of the augmented smartness
    	of as and wrap templates. If as<Foo> makes sense, one can 
    	directly extract a Foo from the environment. If wrap<Bar> makes
    	sense then one can insert a Bar directly into the environment. 
    	Foo foo = env["x"] ;  /* as<Foo> is used */
	Bar bar ;
	env["y"] = bar ;      /* wrap<Foo> is used */    	

    o	Environment::assign becomes a template and also uses wrap to 
    	create a suitable SEXP

    o	Many more unit tests for the new features; also added unit tests
        for older API

0.7.3	2010-01-21

    o	New R function Rcpp.package.skeleton, modelled after 
    	utils::package.skeleton to help creating a package with support
    	for Rcpp use.

    o	indexing is now faster for simple vectors due to inlining of 
    	the operator[] and caching the array pointer

    o	The class Rcpp::VectorBase was introduced. All vector classes
    	derive from it. The class handles behaviour that is common 
    	to all vector types: length, names, etc ...

    o	exception forwarding is extended to compilers other than GCC
    	but default values are used for the exception class 
    	and the exception message, because we don't know how to do it.

    o	Improved detection of C++0x capabilities

    o	Rcpp::Pairlist gains a default constructor

    o	Rcpp::Environment gains a new_child method to create a new
    	environment whose parent is this
    o	Rcpp::Environment::Binding gains a templated implicit 
    	conversion operator
    o	Rcpp::ExpressionVector gains an eval method to evaluate itself
    o	Rcpp::ExpressionVector gains a constructor taking a std::string
    	representing some R code to parse. 
    o	Rcpp::GenericVector::Proxy gains an assignment operator to deal
    	with Environment::Proxy objects

    o	Rcpp::LdFlags() now defaults to static linking OS X, as it already
        did on Windows; this default can be overridden. 

0.7.2	2010-01-12

    o	a new benchmark was added to the examples directory
    	around the classic convolution example from
    	Writing R extensions to compare C and C++ implementations

    o 	Rcpp::CharacterVector::StringProxy gains a += operator
    o	Rcpp::Environment gains an operator[](string) to get/set
    	objects from the environment. operator[] returns an object
    	of class Rcpp::Environment::Binding which implements the proxy
    	pattern. Inspired from Item 30 of 'More Effective C++'
    o	Rcpp::Pairlist and Rcpp::Language gain an operator[](int) 
    	also using the proxy pattern

    o	Rcpp::RObject.attr can now be used on the rhs or the lhs, to get 
    	or set an attribute. This also uses the proxy pattern
    o	Rcpp::Pairlist and Rcpp::Language gain new methods push_back
    	replace, length, size, remove, insert
    o	wrap now returns an object of a suitable class, not just RObject
    	anymore. For example wrap( bool ) returns a LogicalVector
    o	Rcpp::RObject gains methods to deal with S4 objects : isS4, 
    	slot and hasSlot
    o	new class Rcpp::ComplexVector to manage complex vectors (CPLXSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::Promise to manage promises (PROMSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::ExpressionVector to manage expression vectors

    o	new class Rcpp::GenericVector to manage generic vectors, a.k.a
    	lists (VECSXP)

    o	new class Rcpp::IntegerVector to manage integer vectors (INTSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::NumericVector to manage numeric vectors (REALSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::RawVector to manage raw vectors (RAWSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::CharacterVector to manage character vectors (STRSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::Function to manage functions 
    o	new class Rcpp::Pairlist to manage pair lists (LISTSXP)
    o	new class Rcpp::Language to manage calls (LANGSXP)
    o	new specializations of wrap to deal with std::initializer lists
    	only available with GCC >= 4.4
    o	new R function Rcpp:::capabilities that can query if various
    	features are available : exception handling, variadic templates
    	initializer lists
    o	new set of functions wrap(T) converting from T to RObject
    o	new template function as<T> that can be used to convert a SEXP
    	to type T. Many specializations implemented to deal with 
    	C++ builtin and stl types. Factored out of RObject
    o	new class Rcpp::Named to deal with named with named objects 
	in a pairlist, or a call

    o	new class Rcpp::Symbol to manage symbols (SYMSXP)
    o	The garbage collection has been improved and is now automatic 
    	and hidden. The user needs not to worry about it at all.
    o	Rcpp::Environment(SEXP) uses the as.environment R function

    o	Doxygen-generated documentation is no longer included as it is both
        too large and too volatile. Zipfiles are provided on the website.

0.7.1	2010-01-02

    o	Romain is now a co-author of Rcpp

    o	New base class Rcpp::RObject replace RcppSexp (which is provided for
        backwards compatibility)

    o	RObject has simple wrappers for object creation and conversion to SEXP

    o	New classes Rcpp::Evaluator and Rcpp::Environment for expression
        evaluation and environment access, respectively

    o	New class Rcpp::XPtr for external pointers
    o	Enhanced exception handling allows for trapping of exceptions outside
        of try/catch blocks

    o	Namespace support with a new namespace 'Rcpp'

    o	Unit tests for most of the new classes, based on the RUnit package

    o	Inline support now provided by the update inline package, so a new
        Depends on 'inline (>= 0.3.4)' replaces the code in that was
        temporarily in Rcpp

0.7.0   2009-12-19

    o	Inline support via a modified version of 'cfunction' from Oleg
        Sklyar's 'inline' package: simple C++ programs can now be compiled,
        linked and loaded automagically from the R prompt, including support
        for external packages. Also works on Windows (with R-tools installed)

    o	New examples for the inline support based on 'Intro to HPC' tutorials

    o	New type RcppSexp for simple int, double, std::string scalars and vectors

    o	Every class is now in its own header and source file

    o	Fix to RcppParams.Rd thanks to Frank S. Thomas

    o	RcppVersion.R removed as redundant given DESCRIPTION and read.dcf()

    o	Switched to R_PreserveObject and R_ReleaseObject for RcppSexp with
        thanks to Romain

    o	Licensing changed from LGPL 2.1 (or later) to GPL 2 (or later), file
        COPYING updated

0.6.8   2009-11-19

    o	Several classes now split off into their own header and source files

    o	New header file RcppCommon.h regrouping common defines and includes

    o	Makevars{,.win} updated to reflect src/ reorg

0.6.7   2009-11-08

    o	New class RcppList for simple lists and data structures of different
        types and dimensions, useful for RProtoBuf project on R-Forge

    o	Started to split classes into their own header and source files

    o	Added short README file about history and status

    o	Small documentation markup fix thanks to Kurt; updated doxygen docs

    o	New examples directory functionCallback/ for R function passed to C++ 
        and being called

0.6.6   2009-08-03

    o	Updated Doxygen documentation

    o	RcppParams class gains a new exists() member function

0.6.5   2009-04-01

    o	Small OS X build correction using R_ARCH variable

    o	Include LGPL license as file COPYING

0.6.4   2009-03-01

    o	Use std:: namespace throughout instead of 'using namespace std'

    o	Define R_NO_REMAP so that R provides Rf_length() etc in lieu of length()
        to minimise clashes with other projects having similar functions

    o	Include Doxygen documentation, and Doxygen configuration file 

    o	Minor Windows build fix (with thanks to Uwe and Simon)

0.6.3   2009-01-09

    o	OS X build fix with thanks to Simon

    o	Added 'view-only' classes for int and double vector and matrix clases
        as well as string vector classses, kindly suggsted / provided by
        David Reiss

    o	Add two shorter helper functions Rcpp:::CxxFlags() and
        Rcpp:::LdFlags() for compilation and linker flags 

0.6.2   2008-12-02

    o	Small but important fix for Linux builds in Rcpp:::RcppLdFlags()

0.6.1   2008-11-30

    o	Now src/Makevars replaces src/Makefile, this brings proper OS X
        multi-arch support with thanks to Simon

    o	Old #ifdef statements related to QuantLib removed; Rcpp is now
        decoupled from QuantLib headers yet be used by RQuantLib

    o   Added RcppLdPath() to return the lib. directory patch and on Linux
        the rpath settings

    o	Added new RcppVectorExample()

    o	Augmented documentation on usage in Rcpp-package.Rd

0.6.0.  2008-11-05

    o	New maintainer, taking over RcppTemplate (which has been without an
        update since Nov 2006) under its initial name Rcpp

    o	New files src/Makefile{,.win} including functionality from both
        configure and RcppSrc/Makefile; we now build two libraries, one for
        use by the package which also runs the example, and one for users to
        link against, and removed src/

    o	Files src/Rcpp.{cpp,h} moved in from ../RcppSrc

    o	Added new class RcppDatetime corresponding to POSIXct in with full 
        support for microsecond time resolution between R and C++

    o	Several new manual pages added

    o	Removed  configure{,.in,.win} as src/Makefile* can handle this more

    o	Minor cleanup and reformatting for DESCRIPTION, Date: now uses
        svn:keyword Date property

    o	Renamed RcppTemplateVersion to RcppVersion, deleted RcppDemo

    o	Directory demo/ removed as vignette("RcppAPI") is easier and more
        reliable to show vignette documentation

    o	RcppTemplateDemo() removed from R/zzz.R, vignette("RcppAPI") is easier;
        man/RcppTemplateDemo.Rd removed as well

    o	Some more code reindentation and formatting to R default arguments,
        some renamed from RcppTemplate* to Rcpp*
    o	Added footnote onto titlepage of inst/doc/RcppAPI.{Rnw,pdf} about how
        this document has not (yet) been updated along with the channges made

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