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Tip revision: b94fa1e9650374b026045eb4ff40cb853c64c8c3 authored by Chong Gu on 08 August 1977, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.8-4
Tip revision: b94fa1e
\title{Estimating Hazard Function Using Smoothing Splines}
    Estimate hazard function using smoothing spline ANOVA models
    with cubic spline, linear spline, or thin-plate spline marginals for
    numerical variables.  The symbolic model specification via
    \code{formula} follows the same rules as in \code{\link{lm}}, but
    with the response of a special form.
sshzd(formula, type="cubic", data=list(), alpha=1.4, weights=NULL,
      subset, na.action=na.omit, id.basis=NULL, nbasis=NULL, seed=NULL,
      ext=.05, order=2, prec=1e-7, maxiter=30)
    \item{formula}{Symbolic description of the model to be fit.  Details
        are given below.}
    \item{type}{Type of numerical marginals to be used.  Supported are
	\code{type="cubic"} for cubic spline marginals,
	\code{type="linear"} for linear spline marginals, and
	\code{type="tp"} for thin-plate spline marginals.}
    \item{data}{Optional data frame containing the variables in the
    \item{alpha}{Parameter defining cross-validation score for smoothing
        parameter selection.}
    \item{weights}{Optional vector of bin-counts for histogram data.}
    \item{subset}{Optional vector specifying a subset of observations
	to be used in the fitting process.}
    \item{na.action}{Function which indicates what should happen when
        the data contain NAs.}
    \item{id.basis}{Index of observations to be used as "knots."}
    \item{nbasis}{Number of "knots" to be used.  Ignored when
        \code{id.basis} is specified.}
    \item{seed}{Seed to be used for the random generation of "knots."
        Ignored when \code{id.basis} is specified.}
    \item{ext}{For cubic spline and linear spline marginals, this option
	specifies how far to extend the domain beyond the minimum and
	the maximum as a percentage of the range.  The default
	\code{ext=.05} specifies marginal domains of lengths 110 percent
	of their respective ranges.  Evaluation outside of the domain
	will result in an error.  Ignored if \code{type="tp"} or
	\code{domain} are specified.}
    \item{order}{For thin-plate spline marginals, this option specifies
	the order of the marginal penalties.  Ignored if
	\code{type="cubic"} or \code{type="linear"} are specified.}
    \item{prec}{Precision requirement for internal iterations.}
    \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations allowed for
	internal iterations.}
    The model specification via \code{formula} is for the log hazard.
    For example, \code{~x1*x2} prescribes a model of the form
	log f(x1,x2) = C + g_{1}(x1) + g_{2}(x2) + g_{12}(x1,x2)
    with the terms denoted by \code{"x1"}, \code{"x2"}, and

    \code{sshzd} takes standard right-censored lifetime data, with
    possible left-truncation and covariates.  The response in
    \code{formula} must be of the form
    \code{Surv(futime,status,start=0)}, where \code{futime} is the 
    follow-up time, \code{status} is the censoring indicator, and
    \code{start} is the optional left-truncation time.  The function
    \code{Surv} is defined and parsed inside \code{sshzd}, not quite the
    same as the one in the \code{survival} package.

    The main effect of \code{futime} must appear in the model terms.
    The absence of interactions between \code{futime} and covariates
    characterizes proportional hazard models.

    Parallel to those in a \code{\link{ssanova}} object, the model terms
    are sums of unpenalized \emph{fixed effects} and the penalized
    \emph{random effects}.  Attached to every random effect there is a
    smoothing parameter, and the model complexity is largely determined
    by the number of smoothing parameters.

    The selection of smoothing parameters is through a cross-validation
    mechanism described in the references, with a parameter
    \code{alpha}; \code{alpha=1} is "unbiased" for the minimization of
    Kullback-Leibler loss but may yield severe undersmoothing, whereas
    larger \code{alpha} yields smoother estimates.

    A subset of the observations are selected as "knots."  Unless
    specified via \code{id.basis} or \code{nbasis}, the subset size is
    determined by \eqn{max(30,10n^(2/9))}, which is appropriate for
    \code{type="cubic"} but not necessarily for \code{type="linear"} or
    Integration on the time axis is done by the 200-point Gauss-Legendre
    formula on [0,T], where T is the largest follow-up time.
    \code{sshzd} returns a list object of \code{\link{class} "sshzd"}.

    \code{\link{hzdrate.sshzd}} can be used to evaluate the estimated
    hazard function.  \code{\link{hzdcurve.sshzd}} can be used to
    evaluate hazard curves with fixed covariates.
    \code{\link{survexp.sshzd}} can be used to calculated estimated
    expected survival.
    \code{\link{hzdrate.sshzd}}, \code{\link{hzdcurve.sshzd}}, and
\author{Chong Gu, \email{}}
    Gu, C. and Wang, J. (2002), \emph{Penalized Likelihood Density
    Estimation: Direct Cross-Validation and Scalable Approximation}.
    Available at \url{}.
    Gu, C. (2002), \emph{Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models}.  New York:
## Proportional hazard model
data(stan) <- sshzd(Surv(futime,status)~futime+age,data=stan)
## Evaluate fitted hazard
## Plot lambda(t,age=20)
tt <- seq(0,60,leng=101)
hh <- hzdcurve.sshzd(,tt,data.frame(age=20))
## Clean up

## Model with interaction
data(gastric) <- sshzd(Surv(futime,status)~futime*trt,data=gastric)
## exp(-Lambda(600)), exp(-(Lambda(1200)-Lambda(600))), and exp(-Lambda(1200))
## Clean up
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