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Tip revision: f48cfa224e7234f4755908e8cc684b31f4a0b132 authored by Ben Bolker on 07 March 2008, 19:26:19 UTC
version 0.8.5
Tip revision: f48cfa2

R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

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> invisible(options(echo = TRUE))
> library(bbmle)
> funcresp <-
+ structure(list(Initial = as.integer(c(5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 
+ 20, 30, 30, 50, 50, 75, 75, 100, 100)), Killed = as.integer(c(1, 
+ 2, 5, 6, 10, 9, 7, 10, 11, 15, 5, 21, 32, 18, 25, 35))), .Names = c("Initial", 
+ "Killed"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", 
+ "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", 
+ "16"))
> attach(funcresp)
> binomNLL2 = function(p) {
+   a = p[1]
+   h = p[2]
+   ##  cat(a,h,"\n")
+   p = a/(1+a*h*N)
+   -sum(dbinom(k,prob=p,size=N,log=TRUE))
+ }
> N=0; k=0
> parnames(binomNLL2) = c("a","h")
> m2a = mle2(binomNLL2,start=c(a=0.5,h=0.0125),
+   data=list(N=Initial,k=Killed))
> p1a = profile(m2a); p1a
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
Likelihood profile:

            z   par.vals.a   par.vals.h
1  -4.1986714  0.295147615 -0.002889674
2  -3.1509952  0.341378731  0.002607598
3  -2.2323085  0.387609846  0.007024647
4  -1.4128689  0.433840962  0.010701993
5  -0.6718644  0.480072077  0.013862508
6   0.0000000  0.526303193  0.016643616
7   0.6315243  0.572534308  0.019110825
8   1.2143907  0.618765424  0.021394466
9   1.7613448  0.664996539  0.023488432
10  2.2783229  0.711227654  0.025466822
11  2.7703242  0.757458770  0.027346030
12  3.2417836  0.803689885  0.029159198
13  3.6967744  0.849921001  0.030931996

            z    par.vals.a    par.vals.h
1  -3.7508090  0.3274414241 -0.0023561362
2  -3.1636217  0.3548018002  0.0008104892
3  -2.5551771  0.3848461640  0.0039771145
4  -1.9288107  0.4174290358  0.0071437399
5  -1.2890406  0.4522236670  0.0103103652
6  -0.6413233  0.4887395904  0.0134769906
7   0.0000000  0.5263031926  0.0166436159
8   0.6539107  0.5645080828  0.0198102413
9   1.2903768  0.6025673699  0.0229768666
10  1.9132078  0.6400950914  0.0261434920
11  2.5191552  0.6767631680  0.0293101173
12  3.1060150  0.7123612724  0.0324767427
13  3.6724861  0.7467818281  0.0356433680

> c2a = confint(p1a); c2a
        2.5 %     97.5 %
a 0.402494943 0.68249515
h 0.006987242 0.02638530
> binomNLL2b = function(p,N,k) {
+   a = p[1]
+   h = p[2]
+   ##  cat(a,h,"\n")
+   p = a/(1+a*h*N)
+   -sum(dbinom(k,prob=p,size=N,log=TRUE))
+ }
> parnames(binomNLL2b) = c("a","h")
> m2b = mle2(binomNLL2,start=c(a=0.5,h=0.0125),
+   data=list(N=Initial,k=Killed))
> c2b = confint(m2b)
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> N=Initial; k=Killed
> m2c = mle2(binomNLL2,start=c(a=0.5,h=0.0125))
> c2c = confint(m2c); c2c
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
        2.5 %     97.5 %
a 0.402494943 0.68249515
h 0.006987242 0.02638530
> detach(funcresp)
> proc.time()
[1] 9.040 0.108 9.217 0.000 0.000
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