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Tip revision: 8d0d441ee21976f09af0c5353faa35f0be77753e authored by Dylan Beaudette on 20 June 2010, 07:43:14 UTC
version 0.85
Tip revision: 8d0d441
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{Format Depth Slices of a Soil Profile}
This function constructions a list of spatial data frames from soil profile data that has
already been 'sliced' into regular depth intervals.
format_slices(data, crs, depths, variable = NULL)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{data}{a dataframe containing at least: x and y coordinates, and some soil data}
  \item{crs}{a CRS object that is to be assigned to each depth slice SPDF}
  \item{depths}{a vector of depth slices to return}
  \item{variable}{the name of a variable in 'data' that is used to filter out points in 
  space when this variable is NA (optional)}
If the resulting SPDF are to be used for geostatistical interpolation or simulation, it is necessary to supply an argument for 'variable', such that points in space where that variable is NA will be removed.
  A list of SPDF slices are returned, with elements representing each reqested slice in 'depths'.}
\author{Dylan E Beaudette}



% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
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