Raw File
Tip revision: cc0e158f1e0ce7dce51ae4c6b8e63147c5df3986 authored by Edzer J. Pebesma on 19 October 2004, 03:25:34 UTC
version 0.9-16
Tip revision: cc0e158
"predict.gstat" <-
function (object, newdata, block = numeric(0), nsim = 0, indicators = FALSE,
	BLUE = FALSE, debug.level = 1, mask, na.action = na.pass, ...) 
	if (missing(object) || length(object$data) < 1) 
		stop("no data available")
	if (!inherits(object, "gstat"))
		stop("first argument should be of class gstat")
	if (extends(class(newdata), "SpatialDataFrame") && require(sp))
		use.sdf = TRUE
		use.sdf = FALSE
	.Call("gstat_init", as.integer(debug.level), PACKAGE = "gstat")
	if (!missing(mask)) {
		cat("argument mask is deprecated:")
		stop("use a missing value pattern in newdata instead")
	nvars = length(object$data)
	new.X = NULL
	for (i in 1:length(object$data)) {
		name = names(object$data)[i]
		d = object$data[[i]]
		if (d$nmax == Inf) 
			nmax = as.integer(-1)
		else nmax = as.integer(d$nmax)
		nmin = as.integer(max(0, d$nmin))
		if (d$maxdist == Inf)
			maxdist = as.numeric(-1)
		else maxdist = d$maxdist
		if (d$dummy) {
			tr = terms(d$locations)
			if (is.null(d$beta) || length(d$beta) == 0)
				stop("dummy data should have beta defined")
			if (d$degree != 0)
				stop("dummy data cannot have non-zero degree arg; use formula")
			loc.dim = length(attr(tr, "term.labels"))
			.Call("gstat_new_dummy_data", as.integer(loc.dim), 
				as.integer(d$has.intercept), as.double(d$beta), 
				nmax, nmin, maxdist, as.integer(d$vfn)
				, PACKAGE = "gstat"
		} else {
			if (is.null(d$weights))
				w = numeric(0)
				w = d$weights
			raw = gstat.formula(d$formula, d$locations, d$data)
			.Call("gstat_new_data", as.double(raw$y), as.double(raw$locations),
				as.double(raw$X), as.integer(raw$has.intercept),
				as.double(d$beta), nmax, nmin, maxdist, as.integer(d$vfn),
				as.numeric(w), double(0), as.integer(d$degree)
				, PACKAGE = "gstat"
		if (!is.null(object$model[[name]])) 
			load.variogram.model(object$model[[name]], c(i - 1, i - 1))
		raw = gstat.formula.predict(d$formula, d$locations, newdata, 
				na.action = na.action)
		if (is.null(new.X)) 
			new.X = raw$X
		else new.X = cbind(new.X, raw$X)
		if (i > 1) {
			for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
				cross =$data)[j], name)
				if (!is.null(object$model[[cross]])) 
						c(i - 1, j - 1))
	if (!is.null(object$set)) 
	if (!is.null(object$merge)) 
	if (!is.null(dim(block))) { # i.e., block is data.frame or matrix
		block = data.matrix(block) # converts to numeric
		block.cols = ncol(block)
	} else {
		block = as.numeric(block) # make sure it's not integer
		block.cols = numeric(0)
	# handle NA's in the parts of newdata used:
	valid.pattern = NULL
	if (any($locations)) || any( {
		valid.pattern = !(apply(cbind(raw$locations, new.X), 1, 
				function(x) any(
		raw$locations.all = raw$locations
		raw$locations = as.matrix(raw$locations[valid.pattern, ])
		new.X = as.matrix(new.X[valid.pattern, ])
	if (nsim) {
		if (indicators == TRUE)
			nsim = -abs(nsim)
	# random path: randomly permute row indices
		perm = sample(seq(along = new.X[, 1]))
		ret = .Call("gstat_predict", as.integer(nrow(as.matrix(new.X))),
			as.vector(raw$locations[perm, ]), as.vector(new.X[perm,]), 
		as.integer(block.cols), as.vector(block), 
		as.integer(nsim), as.integer(BLUE)
		, PACKAGE = "gstat"
		ret = data.frame(cbind(raw$locations, 
		matrix(ret[order(perm),], nrow(as.matrix(new.X)), 
		max(2, abs(nsim) * nvars))))
	else {
		ret = .Call("gstat_predict", as.integer(nrow(as.matrix(new.X))),
			as.vector(raw$locations), as.vector(new.X), as.integer(block.cols), 
			as.vector(block), as.integer(nsim), as.integer(BLUE)
			, PACKAGE = "gstat"
		ret = data.frame(cbind(raw$locations, ret))
	.Call("gstat_exit", NULL, PACKAGE = "gstat")
	if (!is.null(valid.pattern) && any(valid.pattern)) {
		ret.all = data.frame(matrix(NA, length(valid.pattern), ncol(ret)))
		ret.all[, 1:ncol(raw$locations.all)] = raw$locations.all
		ret.all[valid.pattern, ] = ret
		ret = ret.all
	if (abs(nsim) > 0) {
		names.vars = names(object$data)
		if (length(names.vars) > 1) 
			names.vars = paste(rep(names.vars, each = abs(nsim)), 
				paste("sim", 1:abs(nsim), sep = ""), sep = ".")
		else names.vars = paste("sim", 1:abs(nsim), sep = "")
		if (abs(nsim) == 1) 
			ret = ret[, 1:(ncol(ret) - 1)]
	} else
		names.vars = create.gstat.names(names(object$data))
	names(ret) = c(dimnames(raw$locations)[[2]], names.vars)
	if (use.sdf) {
		coordinates(ret) = dimnames(raw$locations)[[2]]
		gridded(ret) = gridded(newdata)

# call with: create.gstat.names(names(object$data))
# creates the names of the output columns in case of (multivariable) prediction
create.gstat.names <- function(ids, names.sep = ".") {
	nvars = length(ids)
	names.vars = character(nvars * 2 + nvars * (nvars - 1)/2)
	pos = 1
	for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
		name = ids[i]
		names.vars[1 + (i - 1) * 2] = paste(name, "pred", sep = names.sep)
		names.vars[2 + (i - 1) * 2] = paste(name, "var", sep = names.sep)
		if (i > 1) {
			for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
				cross = paste(ids[j], name, sep = names.sep)
				names.vars[nvars * 2 + pos] = paste("cov", cross, 
					sep = names.sep)
				pos = pos + 1
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