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Tip revision: 3a4f961a4deec8af3cec9441868b666ba60d7764 authored by Mark van der Loo on 23 August 2019, 12:20:02 UTC
version 0.9.1
Tip revision: 3a4f961
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/rule.R, R/expressionset.R
\title{Get variable names}
variables(x, ...)

\S4method{variables}{rule}(x, ...)

\S4method{variables}{list}(x, ...)

\S4method{variables}{data.frame}(x, ...)

\S4method{variables}{environment}(x, ...)

\S4method{variables}{expressionset}(x, as = c("vector", "matrix",
  "list"), dummy = FALSE, ...)
\item{x}{An R object}

\item{...}{Arguments to be passed to other methods.}

\item{as}{how to return variables: 
  \item{\code{'vector'}} Return the uniqe vector of variables occurring in \code{x}.
  \item{\code{'matrix'}} Return a boolean matrix, each row representing a rule, each column representing a variable.
  \item{\code{'list'}} Return a named \code{list}, each entry containing a character vector with variable names.

\item{dummy}{Also retrieve transient variables set with the \code{:=} operator.}
Generic function that extracts names of variables ocurring
in R objects.
\section{Methods (by class)}{
\item \code{rule}: Retrieve unique variable names

\item \code{list}: Alias to \code{names.list}

\item \code{data.frame}: Alias to \code{}

\item \code{environment}: Alias to \code{ls}

\item \code{expressionset}: Variables occuring in \code{x} either as a single list, or per rule.


v <- validator(
  root = y := sqrt(x)
 , average = mean(x) > 3
 , sum = x + y == z

Other expressionset-methods: \code{\link{,expressionset-method}},
  \code{\link{}}, \code{\link{created}},
  \code{\link{description}}, \code{\link{label}},
  \code{\link{summary}}, \code{\link{voptions}}

Other expressionset-methods: \code{\link{,expressionset-method}},
  \code{\link{}}, \code{\link{created}},
  \code{\link{description}}, \code{\link{label}},
  \code{\link{summary}}, \code{\link{voptions}}
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