Raw File
Tip revision: 4c30eb2a55c265160f7e0868cccada60129ffc3c authored by Jim Ramsay on 14 December 2003, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0
Tip revision: 4c30eb2
smooth.pos <- function(x, y, wt=rep(1,nobs), Wfdobj, Lfdobj=2, lambda=0, 
                       conv=1e-4, iterlim=20, dbglev=1) {
# SMOOTH.POS estimates a positive function fitting a sample of scalar observations.

#  Arguments are:
#  X  array of function values
#  Y        array of argument values
#  WT      ...  a vector of weights
#  WFDOBJ   functional data basis object defining initial density
#  LFDOBJ   linear differential operator defining roughness penalty
#  LAMBDA   smoothing parameter
#  CONV     convergence criterion
#  ITERLIM  iteration limit for scoring iterations
#  DBGLEV   level of output of computation history

#  Returns:
#  WFDOBJ    functional data basis object defining final smooth function.
#  FLIST     List containing
#               FLIST$f     final log likelihood
#               FLIST$norm  final norm of gradient
#  ITERNUM   Number of iterations
#  ITERHIST  History of iterations

#  last modified 1 April 2003

   if (!(inherits(Wfdobj, "fd")))
		stop("Argument WFD not a functional data object.")

	basis  <- Wfdobj$basis
	nbasis <- basis$nbasis
	rangex <- basis$rangeval

#  check some arguments

   if (any(wt < 0))  stop("One or more weights are negative.")
   if (all(wt == 0)) stop("All weights are zero.")

	N  <- length(x)
	if (length(y) != N) stop("x and Y are not of the same length.")
	#  check for argument values out of range
	inrng <- (1:N)[x >= rangex[1] & x <= rangex[2]]
	if (length(inrng) != N)
    	warning("Some values in x out of range and not used.")

	x <- x[inrng]
	y       <- y[inrng]
	nobs    <- length(x)

	#  set up some arrays

	climit  <- c(rep(-50,nbasis),rep(400,nbasis))
	cvec0   <- getcoef(Wfdobj)
	hmat    <- matrix(0,nbasis,nbasis)
	active  <- 1:nbasis
	dbgwrd  <- dbglev > 1

	#  initialize matrix Kmat defining penalty term

	if (lambda > 0)
	  	Kmat <- lambda*getbasispenalty(basis, Lfdobj)

	#  evaluate log likelihood
	#    and its derivatives with respect to these coefficients

	result <- loglfnpos(x, y, wt, basis, cvec0)
	logl   <- result[[1]]
	Dlogl  <- result[[2]]

	#  compute initial badness of fit measures

	f0    <- -logl
	gvec0 <- -Dlogl
	if (lambda > 0) {
   		gvec0 <- gvec0 + 2*(Kmat %*% cvec0)
   		f0 <- f0 + t(cvec0) %*% Kmat %*% cvec0
	Foldstr <- list(f = f0, norm = sqrt(mean(gvec0^2)))

	#  compute the initial expected Hessian

	hmat0 <- Varfnpos(x, wt, basis, cvec0)
	if (lambda > 0) hmat0 <- hmat0 + 2*Kmat

	#  evaluate the initial update vector for correcting the initial bmat

	deltac   <- -solve(hmat0,gvec0)
	cosangle <- -sum(gvec0*deltac)/sqrt(sum(gvec0^2)*sum(deltac^2))

	#  initialize iteration status arrays

	iternum <- 0
	status <- c(iternum, Foldstr$f, -logl, Foldstr$norm)
	cat("Iteration  Criterion  Neg. Log L  Grad. Norm\n")
	cat("      ")
	cat("    ")
	iterhist <- matrix(0,iterlim+1,length(status))
	iterhist[1,]  <- status
	if (iterlim == 0) {
    	Flist     <- Foldstr
    	iterhist <- iterhist[1,]
		return( list("Wfdobj"=Wfdobj, "Flist"=Flist, 
			          "iternum"=iternum, "iterhist"=iterhist) )
	} else {
		gvec <- gvec0
		hmat <- hmat0

	#  -------  Begin iterations  -----------

	MAXSTEP <- 400
	trial   <- 1
	cvec    <- cvec0
	linemat <- matrix(0,3,5)

	for (iter in 1:iterlim) {
   		iternum <- iternum + 1
	   	#  take optimal stepsize
   		dblwrd <- c(0,0)
		limwrd <- c(0,0)
		stpwrd <- 0
		ind    <- 0
	   	#  compute slope
      	Flist <- Foldstr
      	linemat[2,1] <- sum(deltac*gvec)
      	#  normalize search direction vector
      	sdg     <- sqrt(sum(deltac^2))
      	deltac  <- deltac/sdg
      	dgsum   <- sum(deltac)
      	linemat[2,1] <- linemat[2,1]/sdg
      	#  return with stop condition if (initial slope is nonnegative
      	if (linemat[2,1] >= 0) {
        	print("Initial slope nonnegative.")
        	ind <- 3
        	iterhist <- iterhist[1:(iternum+1),]
      	#  return successfully if (initial slope is very small
      	if (linemat[2,1] >= -1e-5) {
        	if (dbglev>1) print("Initial slope too small")
        	iterhist <- iterhist[1:(iternum+1),]
      	linemat[1,1:4] <- 0
      	linemat[2,1:4] <- linemat[2,1]
      	linemat[3,1:4] <- Foldstr$f
      	stepiter  <- 0
      	if (dbglev > 1) {
			cat("              ")
      	ips <- 0
      	#  first step set to trial
      	linemat[1,5]  <- trial
      	#  Main iteration loop for linesrch
      	for (stepiter in 1:STEPMAX) {
        	#  ensure that step does not go beyond limits on parameters
        	limflg  <- 0
        	#  check the step size
        	result <- stepchk(linemat[1,5], cvec, deltac, limwrd, ind,
                            climit, active, dbgwrd)
			linemat[1,5] <- result[[1]]
			ind          <- result[[2]]
			limwrd       <- result[[3]]
       	if (linemat[1,5] <= 1e-9) {
          		#  Current step size too small  terminate
          		Flist    <- Foldstr
          		cvecnew <- cvec
          		gvecnew <- gvec
          		if (dbglev > 1) print(paste("Stepsize too small:", linemat[1,5]))
          		if (limflg) ind <- 1 else ind <- 4
        	cvecnew <- cvec + linemat[1,5]*deltac
        	#  compute new function value and gradient
			result <- loglfnpos(x, y, wt, basis, cvecnew)
			logl  <- result[[1]]
			Dlogl <- result[[2]]
        	Flist$f  <- -logl
        	gvecnew <- -Dlogl
        	if (lambda > 0) {
            	gvecnew <- gvecnew + 2*Kmat %*% cvecnew
            	Flist$f <- Flist$f + t(cvecnew) %*% Kmat %*% cvecnew
        	Flist$norm <- sqrt(mean(gvecnew^2))
        	linemat[3,5] <- Flist$f
        	#  compute new directional derivative
        	linemat[2,5] <- sum(deltac*gvecnew)
      		if (dbglev > 1) {
				cat("              ")
        	#  compute next step
			result <- stepit(linemat, ips, ind, dblwrd, MAXSTEP, dbgwrd)
			linemat <- result[[1]]
			ips     <- result[[2]]
			ind     <- result[[3]]
			dblwrd  <- result[[4]]
        	trial   <- linemat[1,5]
        	#  ind == 0 implies convergence
        	if (ind == 0 | ind == 5) break
        	#  end of line search loop

     	cvec <- cvecnew
     	gvec <- gvecnew
	  	Wfdobj <- putcoef(cvec, Wfdobj)
     	status <- c(iternum, Flist$f, -logl, Flist$norm)
     	iterhist[iter+1,] <- status
		cat("      ")
		cat("    ")
     	#  test for convergence
     	if (abs(Flist$f-Foldstr$f) < conv) {
       	iterhist <- iterhist[1:(iternum+1),]
			return( list("Wfdobj"=Wfdobj, "Flist"=Flist, 
			             "iternum"=iternum, "iterhist"=iterhist) )
     	if (Flist$f >= Foldstr$f) break
     	#  compute the Hessian
     	hmat <- Varfnpos(x, wt, basis, cvec)
     	if (lambda > 0) hmat <- hmat + 2*Kmat
     	#  evaluate the update vector
     	deltac <- -solve(hmat,gvec)
     	cosangle  <- -sum(gvec*deltac)/sqrt(sum(gvec^2)*sum(deltac^2))
     	if (cosangle < 0) {
       	if (dbglev > 1) print("cos(angle) negative")
       	deltac <- -gvec
     	Foldstr <- Flist
		#  end of iterations
	#  compute final normalizing constant
	return( list("Wfdobj"=Wfdobj, "Flist"=Flist, 
			      "iternum"=iternum, "iterhist"=iterhist) )

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------

loglfnpos <- function(x, y, wt, basis, cvec) {
	#  Computes the log likelihood and its derivative with
	#    respect to the coefficients in CVEC
   	N       <- length(x)
   	nbasis  <- basis$nbasis
   	phimat  <- getbasismatrix(x, basis)
	Wvec    <- phimat %*% cvec
	EWvec   <- exp(Wvec)
	res     <- y - EWvec
   	logl    <- -mean(wt.*res^2)
  	Dlogl   <- 2*crossprod(phimat,wt*res*EWvec)/N
	return( list(logl, Dlogl) )

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------

Varfnpos <- function(x, wt, basis, cvec) {
	#  Computes the expected Hessian
   	N       <- length(x)
   	nbasis  <- basis$nbasis
   	phimat  <- getbasismatrix(x, basis)
	Wvec    <- phimat %*% cvec
	EWvec   <- exp(Wvec)
	res     <- y - EWvec
	Dres    <- ((res*EWvec) %*% matrix(1,1,nbasis)) * phimat
	D2logl  <- 2*t(Dres) %*% Dres/N

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