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Tip revision: 10c14452f146bc608ecec1b2d2f07d074a864bf6 authored by Adelchi Azzalini on 06 January 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0-0
Tip revision: 10c1445
%  file sn/man/selm-class.Rd  
%  This file is a component of the package 'sn' for R
%  copyright (C) 2013 Adelchi Azzalini

\title{Classes \code{"selm"} and \code{"mselm"} of objects created by 
function \code{selm}}

\description{A successful call to function \code{selm} creates an object of
either of these classes, having a structure described in section
\sQuote{Slots}. A set of methods for these classes of objects exist, listed in
section \sQuote{Methods}.}

\section{Objects from the class}{
An object can be created by a successful call to function \code{selm}.}

    \item{\code{call}:}{the calling statement.}
    \item{\code{family}:}{the parametric family of skew-ellitically 
          contoured distributed (SEC) type.}
    \item{\code{logL}:}{log-likelihood or penalized log-likelihood value
         achieved at the end of the maximization process.}
    \item{\code{method}:}{estimation method (\code{"MLE"} or \code{"MPLE"}).}
    \item{\code{param}:}{estimated parameters, for various parameterizations.}
    \item{\code{param.var}:}{approximate variance matrices of the parameter 
         estimates, for various parameterizations.}
    \item{\code{size}:}{a numeric vector with size of various components.}
    \item{\code{fixed.param}:}{a vector of parameters which have been kept
        fixed in the fitting process, if any. Currently only \code{nu} of the
        \code{"ST"} family can be fixed.}
    \item{\code{residuals.dp}:}{residual values, for DP-type parameters.}
    \item{\code{fitted.values.dp}:}{fitted values, for DP-type parameters.}
    \item{\code{control}:}{a list with control parameters.}
    \item{\code{input}:}{a list of selected input values.}
    \item{\code{opt.method}:}{a list with details on the optimization method.}
    \code{coef} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \code{logLik} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    % \code{plot} \tab \code{signature(x = "selm", y = "ANY")}: ... \cr
    % \code{plot} \tab \code{signature(x = "selm", y = "missing")}: ... \cr
    \code{plot} \tab \code{signature(x = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \code{show} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \code{summary} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \code{residuals} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \code{fitted} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \code{vcov} \tab \code{signature(object = "selm")}: ... \cr
    \tab \cr
    \code{coef} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{logLik} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{plot} \tab \code{signature(x = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{show} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{summary} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{residuals} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{fitted} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr
    \code{vcov} \tab \code{signature(object = "mselm")}: ... \cr

%\references{%%  ~~put references to the literature/web site here~~}

\author{Adelchi Azzalini}

\note{See \code{\link{dp2cp}} for a description of possible parameter sets.}

%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~

\seealso{See also  
  \code{\link{selm}} function,  \code{\link{plot.selm}},
  \code{\linkS4class{summary.selm}},  \code{\link{dp2cp}}

m1 <- selm(log(Fe) ~ BMI + LBM, family="SN", data=ais)
res <- residuals(m1)
fv <- fitted(m1)
data(wines, package="sn")
m2 <- selm(alcohol ~ malic + phenols, data=wines)
m12 <- selm(cbind(acidity, alcohol) ~ phenols + wine, family="SN", data=wines)
cp <- coef(m12, vector=FALSE)
dp <- coef(m12, "DP", vector=FALSE)
plot(m12, which=2, col="gray60", pch=20)

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