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Tip revision: e25ff0c6310e3e7e6e55b39c1cda729fb396ebb8 authored by Olaf Mersmann on 17 January 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0-2
Tip revision: e25ff0c
\title{Convert / melt a microbenchmark object into a...}
\usage{\method{melt}{microbenchmark}(data, unit=c("ns", "ms", "eps", "slowdown", "speedup"), ...)
\method{}{microbenchmark}(x, ...)
\description{Convert / melt a \code{microbenchmark} object into a
\code{data.frame} ready to be \code{\link{cast}}.}
\value{\code{melt.microbenchmark}: A \code{data.frame} with columns \sQuote{run},
\sQuote{expr} and \sQuote{value}, containing the run number,
expression (as a string) and the time in nanoseconds.

\code{}: The same \code{data.frame} returned by \code{melt}.

\author{Olaf Mersmann \email{}}
\arguments{\item{data}{A \code{microbenchmark} object.}
\item{x}{A \code{microbenchmark} object.}
\item{unit}{Unit in which the results be plotted.}

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