Raw File
Tip revision: 63e74aead93ec15ce34318133384e023c4d4ff74 authored by Doug and Martin on 16 March 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0-6
Tip revision: 63e74ae
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 2.16.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-06 17:05\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "not-yet-implemented method for %s(<%s>).\n ->>  Ask the package authors to implement the missing feature."
msgstr ""

msgid "not-yet-implemented method for %s(<%s>, <%s>).\n ->>  Ask the package authors to implement the missing feature."
msgstr ""

msgid "'x' is not positive definite -- chol() undefined."
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrices must have same dimensions in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "non-conformable matrix dimensions in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "dimnames [%d] mismatch in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrices must have same number of rows in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrices must have same number of columns in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "[[ suppressing %d column names %s%s ]]"
msgstr ""

msgid ","
msgstr ""

msgid "..."
msgstr ""

msgid "'x' must be sparseMatrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "not yet implemented for class"
msgstr ""

msgid "not a triangular matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "not yet implemented for matrix w/ typeof"
msgstr ""

msgid "not yet be implemented for"
msgstr ""

msgid "general Matrix class not yet implemented for"
msgstr ""

msgid "arguments in"
msgstr ""

msgid "are disregarded"
msgstr ""

msgid "not a symmetric matrix; consider forceSymmetric() or symmpart()"
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrix-internal error in <CsparseM>[i,,d]; please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "nothing to replace with"
msgstr ""

msgid "number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
msgstr ""

msgid "too many replacement values"
msgstr ""

msgid "i1[1] == 0 ==> C-level verbosity will not happen!"
msgstr ""

msgid "using\t \"old code\" part in  Csparse subassignment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cholesky(<nsparse...>) -> *symbolic* factorization -- not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "Not a valid format"
msgstr ""

msgid "'file' must be a character string or connection"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid storage type:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Only numeric sparse matrices allowed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid storage format:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid assembled indicator:"
msgstr ""

msgid "file is not a MatrixMarket file"
msgstr ""

msgid "type '"
msgstr ""

msgid "' not recognized"
msgstr ""

msgid "representation '"
msgstr ""

msgid "element type '"
msgstr ""

msgid "symmetry form '"
msgstr ""

msgid "readMM(): row\t values 'i' are not in 1:nr"
msgstr ""

msgid "readMM(): column values 'j' are not in 1:nc"
msgstr ""

msgid "symmetry form 'skew-symmetric' not yet implemented for reading"
msgstr ""

msgid "symmetry form 'hermitian' not yet implemented for reading"
msgstr ""

msgid "symmetry form '%s' is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "element type 'complex' not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "'%s()' is not yet implemented for element type '%s'"
msgstr ""

msgid "'%s()' is not yet implemented for  representation '%s'"
msgstr ""

msgid "trimmed mean of 'sparseVector' -- suboptimally using as.numeric(.)"
msgstr ""

msgid "'V' is not a square matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "diag(.) had 0 or NA entries; non-finite result is doubtful"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid dimnames given for '%s' object"
msgstr ""

msgid "dimnames(.) <- NULL:  translated to"
msgstr ""

msgid "dimnames(.) <- list(NULL,NULL)  <==>  unname(.)"
msgstr ""

msgid "'nrow', 'ncol', etc, are disregarded when 'data' is \"Matrix\" already"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid 'data'"
msgstr ""

msgid "'nrow', 'ncol', etc, are disregarded for matrix 'data'"
msgstr ""

msgid "complex matrices not yet implemented in Matrix package"
msgstr ""

msgid "using slow kronecker() method"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cholesky(A) called for 'A' of class \"%s\";\n\t it is currently defined for sparseMatrix only; consider using chol() instead"
msgstr ""

msgid "'lag' and 'differences' must be integers >= 1"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid or not-yet-implemented 'Matrix' subsetting"
msgstr ""

msgid "<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient"
msgstr ""

msgid "nargs() = %d.  Extraneous illegal arguments inside '[ .. ]' (i.logical)?"
msgstr ""

msgid "m[ <ij-matrix> ]: inefficiently indexing single elements"
msgstr ""

msgid ".M.sub.i.2col(): 'i' has no integer column number;"
msgstr ""

msgid "should never happen; please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "such indexing must be by logical or 2-column numeric matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "nargs() = %d.  Extraneous illegal arguments inside '[ .. ]' (i.2col)?"
msgstr ""

msgid ".M.repl.i.2col(): 'i' has no integer column number;"
msgstr ""

msgid ".M.repl.i.2col(): drop 'matrix' case ..."
msgstr ""

msgid "negative values are not allowed in a matrix subscript"
msgstr ""

msgid "NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments"
msgstr ""

msgid "m[ <ij-matrix> ] <- v: inefficiently treating single elements"
msgstr ""

msgid "nargs() = %d.  Extraneous illegal arguments inside '[ .. ]' ?"
msgstr ""

msgid "RHS 'value' (class %s) matches 'ANY', but must match matrix class %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "not-yet-implemented 'Matrix[<-' method"
msgstr ""

msgid "inefficient method used for \"- e1\""
msgstr ""

msgid "<Matrix>"
msgstr ""

msgid "(0) is undefined"
msgstr ""

msgid "internal bug in \"Compare\" method (Cmp.Mat.atomic); please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrices must have same number of rows for arithmetic"
msgstr ""

msgid "number of rows are not compatible for"
msgstr ""

msgid "length of 2nd arg does not match dimension of first"
msgstr ""

msgid "length of 1st arg does not match dimension of 2nd"
msgstr ""

msgid "internal bug in \"Logic\" method (.Logic.Mat.atomic); please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "(0)"
msgstr ""

msgid "<Matrix> is undefined"
msgstr ""

msgid "longer object length"
msgstr ""

msgid "is not a multiple of shorter object length"
msgstr ""

msgid "dim [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid class:"
msgstr ""

msgid "not-yet-implemented coercion to \"TsparseMatrix\""
msgstr ""

msgid "'NA' indices are not (yet?) supported for sparse Matrices"
msgstr ""

msgid "you cannot mix negative and positive indices"
msgstr ""

msgid "index larger than maximal"
msgstr ""

msgid "logical subscript too long (%d, should be %d)"
msgstr ""

msgid "no 'dimnames[[.]]': cannot use character indexing"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid character indexing"
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrix-internal error in <TsparseM>[i,,d]; please report"
msgstr ""

msgstr ""

msgid "internal bug: missing 'i' in replTmat(): please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "[ <character> ] indexing not allowed: forgot a \",\" ?"
msgstr ""

msgid "internal bug: matrix 'i' in replTmat(): please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "x[.] <- val: x is \"%s\", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced%s."
msgstr ""

msgid "x[.,.] <- val: x is \"%s\", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced%s."
msgstr ""

msgid "x[.,.] <- val : x being coerced from Tsparse* to CsparseMatrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "nargs() = %d should never happen; please report."
msgstr ""

msgid "row indices must be <= nrow(.) which is"
msgstr ""

msgid "column indices must be <= ncol(.) which is"
msgstr ""

msgid "duplicate ij-entries in 'Matrix[ ij ] <- value'; using last"
msgstr ""

msgid "'force' must be (coercable to) TRUE or FALSE"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid (to - from)/by in seq(.)"
msgstr ""

msgid "wrong sign in 'by' argument"
msgstr ""

msgid "'by' argument is much too small"
msgstr ""

msgid "length must be non-negative number"
msgstr ""

msgid "too many arguments"
msgstr ""

msgid "c(<abIndex>,..) of different kinds, coercing all to 'rleDiff'"
msgstr ""

msgid "<abIndex>[i]  is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "all(<abIndex>) is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "sum(<abIndex>) is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "prod(<abIndex>) is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "longer object length\n\tis not a multiple of shorter object length"
msgstr ""

msgid "x / 0 for an <abIndex> x with sign-change"
msgstr ""

msgid "no longer representable as 'rleDiff'"
msgstr ""

msgid "<abIndex>  -->  <seqMat>  is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "<seqMat>  -->  <abIndex>  is not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "'diagonals' matrix must have %d columns (= length(k) )"
msgstr ""

msgid "'diagonals' must have the same length (%d) as 'k'"
msgstr ""

msgid "for symmetric band matrix, only specify upper or lower triangle"
msgstr ""

msgid "hence, all k must have the same sign"
msgstr ""

msgid "the %d-th (sub)-diagonal (k = %d) is %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "too short; filling with NA's"
msgstr ""

msgid "'A' must be a square matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "must either specify 'A' or the functions 'A.x' and 'At.x'"
msgstr ""

msgid "when 'A' is specified, 'A.x' and 'At.x' are disregarded"
msgstr ""

msgid "not converged in"
msgstr ""

msgid "iterations"
msgstr ""

msgid "hit a cycle (1) -- stop iterations"
msgstr ""

msgid "hit a cycle (2) -- stop iterations"
msgstr ""

msgid "not enough new vecs -- stop iterations"
msgstr ""

msgid "\"dMatrix\" object with NAs cannot be coerced to \"nMatrix\""
msgstr ""

msgid "diagonalMatrix in .dense2C() -- should never happen, please report!"
msgstr ""

msgid "undefined method for class"
msgstr ""

msgid "dim(.) value must be numeric of length 2"
msgstr ""

msgid "dimensions don't match the number of cells"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid nargs()="
msgstr ""

msgid "cannot coerce non-symmetric dgTMatrix to dsCMatrix class"
msgstr ""

msgid "the matrix is not triangular"
msgstr ""

msgid "'lwd' must be NULL or non-negative numeric"
msgstr ""

msgid "'x' has invalid data type"
msgstr ""

msgid "length(x) must be either 1 or #{cols}"
msgstr ""

msgid "some arguments are not matrices"
msgstr ""

msgid "'"
msgstr ""

msgid "' kind not yet implemented"
msgstr ""

msgid "non-square matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "matrix with non-zero off-diagonals cannot be coerced to diagonalMatrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "matrix is not diagonal"
msgstr ""

msgid "Internal bug: nargs()="
msgstr ""

msgid "; please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "chol() is undefined for diagonal matrix with negative entries"
msgstr ""

msgid "non-matching dimensions"
msgstr ""

msgid "incompatible matrix dimensions"
msgstr ""

msgid "intermediate 'r' is of type"
msgstr ""

msgid "not yet implemented .. please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "not a positive definite matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "as(.,\"dsCMatrix\") is deprecated; do use as(., \"symmetricMatrix\")"
msgstr ""

msgid "inefficient coercion (lost triangularity); please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "kronecker method must use default 'FUN'"
msgstr ""

msgid "\"lMatrix\" object with NAs cannot be coerced to \"nMatrix\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrix seems negative semi-definite"
msgstr ""

msgid "nearPD() did not converge in"
msgstr ""

msgid "cannot coerce 'NA's to \"nsparseMatrix\""
msgstr ""

msgid "temporarily disabled"
msgstr ""

msgid "coercion to 'pMatrix' only works from integer numeric"
msgstr ""

msgid "not a square matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "the number of non-zero entries differs from nrow(.)"
msgstr ""

msgid "must have exactly one non-zero entry per row"
msgstr ""

msgid "replacing \"pMatrix\" entries is not allowed, as rarely sensible"
msgstr ""

msgid "not-yet-implemented method for <%s> %%*%% <%s>"
msgstr ""

msgid "method '%s' not applicable for qr() result class '%s'"
msgstr ""

msgid "model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()"
msgstr ""

msgid "variable '%s' converted to a factor"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid 'contrasts.arg' argument"
msgstr ""

msgid "variable '%s' is absent, its contrast will be ignored"
msgstr ""

msgid "only 2-dimensional tables can be directly coerced to sparse matrices"
msgstr ""

msgid "exactly one of 'i', 'j', or 'p' must be missing from call"
msgstr ""

msgid "'p' must be a non-decreasing vector (0, ...)"
msgstr ""

msgid "NA's in (i,j) are not allowed"
msgstr ""

msgid "symmetric matrix must be square"
msgstr ""

msgid "length(i) is not a multiple of length(x)"
msgstr ""

msgid "only square matrices can be used as incidence matrices for graphs"
msgstr ""

msgid "Matrix-internal error in <sparseM>[i,,d]; please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid 'col.names' string:"
msgstr ""

msgid "logic programming error in printSpMatrix2(), please report"
msgstr ""

msgid "invalid 'type'"
msgstr ""

msgid "rcond(.) via sparse -> dense coercion"
msgstr ""

msgid "'V' is not a *square* matrix"
msgstr ""

msgid "qr.R(<sparse>) may differ from qr.R(<dense>) because of permutations"
msgstr ""

msgid "cannot coerce 'NA's to \"nsparseVector\""
msgstr ""

msgid "'x' must inherit from \"sparseVector\""
msgstr ""

msgid "'ncol' must be >= 0"
msgstr ""

msgid "'nrow' must be >= 0"
msgstr ""

msgid "'ncol' is not a factor of length(x)"
msgstr ""

msgid "'nrow' is not a factor of length(x)"
msgstr ""

msgid "too large index i > n ="
msgstr ""

msgid "index must be numeric, logical or sparseVector for indexing sparseVectors"
msgstr ""

msgid "'times >= 0' is required"
msgstr ""
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