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Tip revision: 7a7e996dc538846056b242a5d755053fb5562943 authored by Chong Gu on 26 April 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1-1
Tip revision: 7a7e996
\title{Estimating Probability Density Using Smoothing Splines}
    Estimate probability densities using smoothing spline ANOVA models.
    The symbolic model specification via \code{formula} follows the same
    rules as in \code{\link{lm}}, but with the response missing.
ssden(formula, type=NULL, data=list(), alpha=1.4, weights=NULL,
      subset, na.action=na.omit, id.basis=NULL, nbasis=NULL, seed=NULL,
      domain=as.list(NULL), quad=NULL, qdsz.depth=NULL,
      prec=1e-7, maxiter=30, skip.iter=FALSE)
    \item{formula}{Symbolic description of the model to be fit.}
    \item{type}{List specifying the type of spline for each variable.
        See \code{\link{mkterm}} for details.}
    \item{data}{Optional data frame containing the variables in the
    \item{alpha}{Parameter defining cross-validation score for smoothing
        parameter selection.}
    \item{weights}{Optional vector of bin-counts for histogram data.}
    \item{subset}{Optional vector specifying a subset of observations
	to be used in the fitting process.}
    \item{na.action}{Function which indicates what should happen when
        the data contain NAs.}
    \item{id.basis}{Index of observations to be used as "knots."}
    \item{nbasis}{Number of "knots" to be used.  Ignored when
        \code{id.basis} is specified.}
    \item{seed}{Seed to be used for the random generation of "knots."
        Ignored when \code{id.basis} is specified.}
    \item{domain}{Data frame specifying marginal support of density.}
    \item{quad}{Quadrature for calculating integral.  Mandatory if
      variables other than factors or numerical vectors are involved.}
    \item{qdsz.depth}{Depth to be used in \code{\link{smolyak.quad}} for
        the generation of quadrature.}
    \item{prec}{Precision requirement for internal iterations.}
    \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations allowed for
        internal iterations.}
    \item{skip.iter}{Flag indicating whether to use initial values of
        theta and skip theta iteration.  See \code{\link{ssanova}} for
	notes on skipping theta iteration.}
    The model specification via \code{formula} is for the log density.
    For example, \code{~x1*x2} prescribes a model of the form
	log f(x1,x2) = g_{1}(x1) + g_{2}(x2) + g_{12}(x1,x2) + C
    with the terms denoted by \code{"x1"}, \code{"x2"}, and
    \code{"x1:x2"}; the constant is determined by the fact that a
    density integrates to one.

    The selective term elimination may characterize (conditional)
    independence structures between variables.  For example,
    \code{~x1*x2+x1*x3} yields the conditional independence of x2 and x3
    given x1.

    Parallel to those in a \code{\link{ssanova}} object, the model terms
    are sums of unpenalized and penalized terms.  Attached to every
    penalized term there is a smoothing parameter, and the model
    complexity is largely determined by the number of smoothing

    The selection of smoothing parameters is through a cross-validation
    mechanism described in the references, with a parameter
    \code{alpha}; \code{alpha=1} is "unbiased" for the minimization of
    Kullback-Leibler loss but may yield severe undersmoothing, whereas
    larger \code{alpha} yields smoother estimates.

    A subset of the observations are selected as "knots."  Unless
    specified via \code{id.basis} or \code{nbasis}, the number of
    "knots" \eqn{q} is determined by \eqn{max(30,10n^{2/9})}, which is
    appropriate for the default cubic splines for numerical vectors.
    Default quadrature will be constructed for numerical vectors on a
    hyper cube, then outer product with factor levels will be taken
    if factors are involved.  The sides of the hyper cube are specified
    by \code{domain}; for \code{domain$x} missing, the default is

    On a 1-D interval, the quadrature is the 200-point Gauss-Legendre
    formula returned from \code{\link{gauss.quad}}.  For multiple
    numerical vectors, delayed Smolyak cubatures from
    \code{\link{smolyak.quad}} are used on cubes with the marginals
    properly transformed; see Gu and Wang (2003) for the marginal

    The results may vary from run to run.  For consistency, specify
    \code{id.basis} or set \code{seed}.

    For reasonable execution time in high dimensions, set
    \code{ssden} returns a list object of class \code{"ssden"}.

    \code{\link{dssden}} and \code{\link{cdssden}} can be used to
    evaluate the estimated joint density and conditional density;
    \code{\link{pssden}}, \code{\link{qssden}}, \code{\link{cpssden}},
    and \code{\link{cqssden}} can be used to evaluate (conditional) cdf
    and quantiles.  The method \code{\link{project.ssden}} can be used
    to calculate the Kullback-Leibler projection for model selection.
\author{Chong Gu, \email{}}
    Gu, C. (2002), \emph{Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models}.  New York:

    Gu, C. and Wang, J. (2003), Penalized likelihood density
    estimation: Direct cross-validation and scalable approximation.
    \emph{Statistica Sinica}, \bold{13}, 811--826.
## 1-D estimate: Buffalo snowfall
data(buffalo) <- ssden(~buffalo,domain=data.frame(buffalo=c(0,150)))
## Clean up

## 2-D with triangular domain: AIDS incubation
## rectangular quadrature <- expand.grid(incu=((1:40)-.5)/40*100,infe=((1:40)-.5)/40*100) <-[$incu<$infe,]
quad.wt <- rep(1,nrow(
quad.wt[$$infe] <- .5
quad.wt <- quad.wt/sum(quad.wt)*5e3
## additive model (pre-truncation independence) <- ssden(~incu+infe,data=aids,subset=age>=60,
## conditional (marginal) density of infe
jk <- cdssden(,xx<-seq(0,100,len=51),data.frame(incu=50))
## conditional (marginal) quantiles of infe (TIME-CONSUMING)
## Clean up

## One factor plus one vector
fit <- ssden(~futime*trt,data=gastric)
## conditional density
## conditional quantiles
## Clean up
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