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Tip revision: 0496a42973d7e1f97b2e6ce5c5518e28f7aeef06 authored by Edzer Pebesma on 12 March 2017, 08:02:30 UTC
version 1.1-5
Tip revision: 0496a42

R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) -- "Good Sport"
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> library(sp)
> library(gstat)
> data(meuse)
> variogram(log(zinc)~1, ~x+y, meuse)
    np       dist     gamma dir.hor dir.ver   id
1   57   79.29244 0.1234479       0       0 var1
2  299  163.97367 0.2162185       0       0 var1
3  419  267.36483 0.3027859       0       0 var1
4  457  372.73542 0.4121448       0       0 var1
5  547  478.47670 0.4634128       0       0 var1
6  533  585.34058 0.5646933       0       0 var1
7  574  693.14526 0.5689683       0       0 var1
8  564  796.18365 0.6186769       0       0 var1
9  589  903.14650 0.6471479       0       0 var1
10 543 1011.29177 0.6915705       0       0 var1
11 500 1117.86235 0.7033984       0       0 var1
12 477 1221.32810 0.6038770       0       0 var1
13 452 1329.16407 0.6517158       0       0 var1
14 457 1437.25620 0.5665318       0       0 var1
15 415 1543.20248 0.5748227       0       0 var1
> coordinates(meuse) <- ~ x + y                               
> variogram(log(zinc)~1, meuse)
    np       dist     gamma dir.hor dir.ver   id
1   57   79.29244 0.1234479       0       0 var1
2  299  163.97367 0.2162185       0       0 var1
3  419  267.36483 0.3027859       0       0 var1
4  457  372.73542 0.4121448       0       0 var1
5  547  478.47670 0.4634128       0       0 var1
6  533  585.34058 0.5646933       0       0 var1
7  574  693.14526 0.5689683       0       0 var1
8  564  796.18365 0.6186769       0       0 var1
9  589  903.14650 0.6471479       0       0 var1
10 543 1011.29177 0.6915705       0       0 var1
11 500 1117.86235 0.7033984       0       0 var1
12 477 1221.32810 0.6038770       0       0 var1
13 452 1329.16407 0.6517158       0       0 var1
14 457 1437.25620 0.5665318       0       0 var1
15 415 1543.20248 0.5748227       0       0 var1
> ind=seq(1,155,2)
> var1= meuse[ind,]
> var2= meuse[-ind,]
> g <- gstat(NULL, id = "lead", form = lead ~ 1, data=var1)
> g <- gstat(g, id = "zinc", form = zinc ~ 1, data=var2)
> v.cross <- variogram(g)
> plot(v.cross)
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  1.528   0.076   1.612 
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